Your all jinxes!
So we go out last night to see a band at a bar. Cool aside from the obnoxious 40+ year old singles scene. *shudders* Gah those guys were creepy.
So I hop off my barstool to walk to a table, doing the nice thing and handing a guy some napkins as the bartender had given him a glass of beer that was slimey with foam overflow and only one napkin.
I take two steps, put the right leg on the dance floor wood, slide about an inch, put the left (aka surgery knee) leg down and feel it slip, grind and generally feel like I came millimeters from dislocating it. Frell.
I get my ass back to the stool and realize that it only took 23 weeks for me to fuck up massive surgery. Two weeks after Physical Therapy ended.
All I can do is hope like hell this didnt ruin the surgery totally. Maybe it was just a little grindy action. But you people jinxed me with your twisting joints and ouchiness! :(

Five months and the scar is still lurid pink/pruple. Only one inch, out of 9, is faded to white. And then this happens. Should I give up and just get a pegleg?

Take care, and don't let the scar bother you. I can scratch myself with my own fingernail and wind up with a scar that won't go away. As long as you can walk, that's the main thing

The moral of the story is BAD THINGS HAPPEN if you're nice to guys in BARS! Ladies, BEWARE!

truly sorry friend

Some scars take forever to fade, some never do it's all having to do with the energy lines in your body, if one is on top of one of those it will always stay a bit sensitive to the touch and slightly more redish then other scars, I have one like that on my ankle it sucks (had surgery on it when i was 18 and am 33 now).
Hope you feel better soon