I just wanted to say hello. Not that I'm new, Wren's used me a lot... *puppy whine* I feel so used!
Anyway just want to take the time to say
Hi, I'm Joey, and I'm a werewolf.
This should be fun. :pimp

Amberelle DeEspionne
18 years ago
your avatar has to be the most hilariously cuite thing i have seen in ages! that puppy is a DOLL...! oh and umm yeah.. hi =)

18 years ago
LOL that is awesome!

18 years ago
Too cute
and welcome, btw Alfarinn love the new av

18 years ago
Thank you =) I'll put it up on DA when I decide I'm done messing with it.

18 years ago
Awesome job on the av Sarah!!! Too cute. And kudos to Ana for the creation of said av!
Your's too Alfie...

Your's too Alfie...

18 years ago
Can't wait to see it hun, note me when you do i'd love to see the whole picture

Ellis Duban
18 years ago
hahahahah CUTE! Love alfie's new av too!!!!