Nic got his second wind on the drive from Babylon back to Liefde, and was having one hell of a time being 'good'. Though the drive in the limo had been short, he found he must have stopped himself from jumping Livia at least three times, if not more. That the woman was gorgeous was just a small part of the problem. That she was smart, and funny, added to the list of reasons why he found her so tough to stay back from. But one of the things that made it most difficult not to just grab her up into his arms there in the back of the car, was the way she seemed to look at him. It was almost as if she wanted him nearly as much as he wanted her, and to push that aside was what he felt had nearly killed him.
When the limo pulled up in front of the Tower doors, Nic let the driver open the door, and he slid out, not releasing Livia's hand in the process. Somethings that seemed too good to be true, usually were, but he wasn't giving this one the chance to escape. Bending into the car he smiled as he waited to assist her in departing the vehicle.
"Your place...or mine?"
While he waited for her answer, he not only hope she would offer her own place, but that she wouldn't have changed her mind and want to retire alone now.

As they emerged from the car she grew warm as he did not let go of her hand. Instead he used it to assist her from the vehicle and kept it even as they entered the towers. At his question she considered the proper thing to do before throwing caution to the wind.
"Why dont we head to my rooms, I would really prefer to be able to slip into something a bit more casual if you dont mind."
She also needed to wash some of the makeup off, the glitter was begining to itch her face. They entered the building and into the elevator they went. Her mask dangled from her fingertips and her heels clicked loudly on the floor. Shortly they were on her floor in front of her door. With a murmured "please excuse me" Livia fished the key from its hiding spot between the corset and her skin. Clevage was such a wonderful thing in a corset.
Letting them into the warm suite she waved at the area in welcome.
"Please make yourself at home. Drinks are either in the fridge or on the counter if you want something alcoholic. I wont be but a minute."
Regretfully she let go of his hand and adjourned to her bedroom, shutting the door between them. Slipping out of her party garb she pulled on an easy broomstick skirt in a rich gray color with delicate silver embroidery along the bottom which hit just below her knees. Her top was a simple black babydoll tee shirt with a scoop neck. Leaving her stockings on, she slipped simple ballet flats in black satin on her feet before venturing to the bathroom. Scrubbing the makeup from her face and brushing her hair so that both shone with perpetual youth and (dare she say) beauty, she felt ready to emerge.
Hopefully Nic either found something to drink or was comfortable enough to remove his coat if he wished. Opening the door she shyly emerged.

Watching her back, rather lustfully, as she retreated to her room, Nic shed his jacket, mask, tie, and unbuttoned the top three buttons of his shirt. He even considered pulling the tails of his shirt from his pants, but discarded the idea as being just a tad too presumptuous, and sloppy. He knew he could look seductive without looking lecherous, or overtly predatory. He didn't want to blow all the work his restraint had done in one felled swoop.
Draping the jacket, mask and tie over the back of the chair closest to the door, Nic sat down on the couch, and spread his arms along the top of the back. Crossing his ankle at his knee, he leaned his head back and stared at the ceiling. Or it appeared he was staring at the ceiling, when he was really staring at nothing. His mind was playing back the evening, and he was taking the time to recall things Livia had said...the way she had looked, and looked a things. It was important to him that he not screw up this evening, as he had been want to do lately on dates.
Getting to know each other was what she wanted to do, so he would do likewise. It made sense that the better acquainted they became, the more they learned about each other, the better their chances would be in finding those common threads that would draw them closer. And finding their differences would be fun to explore as well. The things Nic wouldn't have normally concerned himself with, now seemed more vital than almost anything else.
As she returned to the living room, Nic grinned. Her demure smile nearly took his breath away, especially because it was on the face of an angel, and the body that came along looked totally squeezable, in all the places that counted. Out of habit he stood, and held out a hand to her.
"You look lovely Livia. Just how many different women do you have inside there anyway?" He teased, but in his words was an honest question. The strikingly gorgeous woman he had taken to the club had been one woman...confident, statuesque, strong. The slightly disheveled one he had met originally...cute, a bit off center, and shy had been another. And now this one...looking fresh as a spring breeze across a meadow of flowers, with a spark of something magical in her smile. He felt close to honored that she had felt comfortable enough with him to show him so many of her sides. And his appetite had only been whetted.

"I think people are much more complex than just what the surface shows. So I am all this and more all while being a simple Italian spinner. We have the unique opportunity to grow beyond the normal human span simply by the length of time we have to acquire quirks and knowledge and skill. But really, I am just me."
Livia took a moment to push the falling curls back over her shoulder. They still gleamed purple sparkles and would until she washed the mass but that was a time consuming chore and she would not ask Nic to wait while she procrastinated by playing with her hair.
"Can I get you anything to drink? I have coffee, wine, spirits or even a few packages of blood if you are hungry. Unfortunately I do not cook, so I dont even have so much as a cracker in the place, but luckily we can call up a plate of anything you want."
Fussing for a moment with her skirt before she pulled a wicker box out from beside the couch. A large ball of carded and dyed wool was sitting next to a simple drop spindle. Her hands worked deftly as she pulled a portion off and easily loosened the fibers slightly and worked it onto the tuft on the spindle. With an easy flick of the wrist it spun while her hands pushed at the fibers. Once the lead was long enough she wrapped it around the long base and continued spinning more.
"When I first went to Paris, I stayed with a Countess. Unknowing the woman considered herself an artist, I tore apart the workmanship on a tapestry hanging in her sitting room on my first visit. She vowed I would not find work in her country for the insult. I was mortified and left for London the next day. I didn't work in France, simply due to my own embarassment."
That was the biggest issue she had ever had when moving to a new location, and random though it was to just blurt it out, she felt better for sharing the story with Nic.
"I know in this day and age, it means nothing. But then, insulting a person of title was almost asking to be run out of town or put in prison. Please let me know if my spinning bothers you, I can stop but it gives my fingers something to do with little actual attention on it."

Shaking his head he refused her offer for something to drink, wanting instead to just watch her as she worked, and listen as she spoke.
"I'm more than content at the moment, but thank you."
The small coincidence he found in the story she told about her 'countess', and his own encounter with the Tacharan 'queen', did not go unnoticed. How odd it was that a small misunderstanding they had both experienced, had been blown so completely out of proportion. Fortunately for her, she managed to live her life in spite of the irrational Countess.
"I wouldn't say it means nothing, in this day and age. I guess it just depends on who the Countess is. I, myself, ran in to a bit of trouble when I came to Nachton. Being new to town, and having flown in from Europe, I arrived quite hungry. Not knowing the ins and outs of the city, I did what came natural and found a willing donor. It was in the museum funny enough, though I did mention I really enjoy the place. Anyway, the man I met...his name was Addison...was a funny little guy, but quite friendly and accommodating. I treated him to drinks, and he treated me to...well, lets just say the need I had was filled. The problem arose when I found out good old Addison was familiar to the then head of the Tacharan clan."
Nic winced at Livia, emphasizing his distress at the idea. "Not that it's an excuse, but it wasn't like the man told me he was anyone's familiar, much less the clan leader's." Shrugging, Nic turned a little and in doing so moved even closer to Livia.
"Apparently Ellis...the Tacharan elder...wasn't at all happy with my toying with her property. And because of that our own elder, Alfarinn, was made aware of the incident, and had to worry about repercussions to the Evenhets. That's when he more or less assigned Kem to take me under his wing, and make sure I didn't get into any more trouble." Though the story came out relatively easily, Nic still felt like a naughty teen when he spoke of it. Yes, he knew what he had done was ill conceived, but under the circumstances he couldn't think of how he might have handled the same situation today, differently.
"Fortunately for me, this Ellis person wasn't highly regarded...at least not by anyone I spoke with, and shortly after that she perished in an explosion. I got off that hook, but I just wish the matter had been resolved a lot more quietly, and discreetly. Needless to say I've been doing my best lately to try and turn my life around, and prove to the Evenhets that I really am an okay guy."
He didn't see the need to go into how he had continued to run over a few bumps in the road, because he now truly believed he had again come into his own. Aside from a few random incidents in his life, Nic really was a productive member of the vampire society. It was just unfortunate that he hadn't been able to show that side of him upon arriving in Nachton.
Leaning forward Nic ran a finger along the woolen threads as they moved, and smiled at Livia at the same time.
"I certainly doesn't bother me, in fact I find it quite relaxing to watch, but if you tire of that I guarantee I can find something else for those pretty fingers to do...and it won't require any more concentration either."
Imagining those fingers on his skin was nice, but he really wanted to experience it, rather than just imagine it. Squeezing his own hands into fists, which he then released, he almost laughed as he felt the way they ached with want of her skin beneath them. Sometimes hormones could be such a delightful nuisance.

Nic's easy acceptance and similar tale comforted her while she became angry on his behalf. "You mean he never mentioned his ties to his clan or master in any way? I would lay the blame on his doorstep then. One's familiar is usually responsible for making their position known, so I have heard."
While Livia knew of Ellis she had never met her personally, just by reputation, and it had not been a good one. "Well I am very glad you are safe with her gone. Though I feel its obvious you are an 'okay guy' and perhaps they asked Kem to assist you simply to give you a contact in town."
Her spindle filled quickly as she continually spun, wound, and readied more wool. His finger tracing the rows of wound wool on the spindle made her smile. Not many people found it interesting, let alone soothing. His bold offer pleased her, she had spent too many years without a handsome man paying her such outragous compliments or desiring her so openly.
"I would hate to not give my full attention to something so interesting. This simply keeps my fingers occupied until I need to turn my attention to what they are doing."
Her flirtatious comment slipped out, almost shocking herself with the boldness of the statement. Still she kept her eyes on his with a sligh blush creeping across her cheeks. This was a dance she had not done in more years than she could remember, but like the waltz she was sure she remembered the steps quite well. Flirting never seemed to fade out of style, she just had not found anyone to join her in it in so long.
Taking a moment to fiddle with the wool in her lap she asked a question of him, trying to get to know him better. There was time enough to explore the physical attraction between them, so she wished to nurture the mental attraction first.
"Tell me Nic, what makes you happy? If you could change one thing, big or small, in the entire world to make you or more people happy what would it be?"

"I did leave out a small bit of the story, that might have a little bearing on the man's responsibility. While I rarely have need of it, I do have a pretty useful skill...I can send thoughts to some people, and then they often do as I wish." And before she could think the unthinkable, Nic hurried on. "But I've never done that to you, nor would I ever think to. I can also make myself appear...well...near to perfect in the eyes of someone, if I put my mind to it. Being as hungry as I was that night, I did suggest to Addison that I was the best thing he'd met since sliced bread...not that he still couldn't have mentioned the 'familiar' thing, but...well...he's a bit of a mouse, and maybe he just didn't have it in him at the time?" For whatever Nic's role had been that night, and Addison's too, he truly believed the man hadn't purposely omitted his position in Tacharan. "I prefer to think of the whole night as a series of unfortunate events. And the most unfortunate one being Ellis' attitude about it."
So much time had now passed since that fateful night, and Nic had really come so far, that it no longer bothered him to think about it. Yet it still wasn't anything he was proud of, and had he not felt compelled to tell Livia, he wouldn't have. But because he wanted to see just how far they had to go together, he couldn't risk her finding out later, and then being disgusted or ashamed of him. Whatever she felt he wanted it known now, and seeing her acceptance made him feel grand.
He also felt wonderful as she flirted back with him. Yes he could have easily gone into seduction mode, and turned on the charm like he had with no other. Not only did he wish to satisfy the growing hunger inside him, but he yearned to make her feel more incredible than she ever had. He knew he was a good lover, and with her the experience would go beyond just the mechanics of sex. With Livia, and the emotions that seemed to be stirring between them already, he could imagine the most exquisite sex. And yet he seemed to get a sense that she just wasn't quite ready yet, so regretfully he made no further overtures. Besides...if things could be mind blowing now...well, waiting could only make them better.
However, her next question made him frown.
"What makes me happy? Uh...if I could change anything?" Nic swallowed as his mind raced. She was looking deeply inside him now, or trying to, and he didn't want her to see there wasn't much there. He didn't want to disappoint her, and yet...well...he just wasn't a profound guy.
"I don't know that there is anything I would change. I truly am happy with my life now, and have been most of it. I guess ideally, at least I seem to be discovering lately, I would like to have someone around to share it with...on a more consistent...regular basis. Things do seem a little hollow these days, as I'm finding myself turning to talk to someone and there's no one there.
But beyond that, I'm afraid my needs and desires are really pretty simple. I like the rush of adrenalin I get when I ride my bike fast, I like the attentions of a beautiful woman, good food, working when I want to..." He shrugged a little sadly when there was nothing more he could really add. It seemed rather inadequate when he said it out loud, even if it was the truth.
Focusing his attentions on her face, he reached over towards her and caressed the side of her cheek with the side of his finger, and smiled.
"I'm sorry there's nothing deeper there, but just sitting here with you like this now, makes me happy. I don't really need much more than this."
He stopped himself from going on, as all he might have said now would have just been reiteration. He wanted to know her response to the question too, but needed to see what she felt about him, now that she knew a lot about him was a facade. Acting had been a great career for Nic, because playing a role was so easy for him. He didn't think he had been doing that now, but after having done it for so long, sometimes the lines blurred.
At least the way he felt about her was genuine. That was not made up.

Despite that she knew nothing of the situation, she would think that someone responsible for a familiar actually took the responsibility to teach or protect the human so that in that situation they would know how to handle it. One of the reasons she had never had a familiar was the pressing responsibility of it all. It was like having a child but one with special needs, you had to protect, support and encourage them for the length of their life all while taking responsibility for their actions. Suggestion and glamour aside, the mouse should have been able to drop hints as to who he was protected by.
His declairation that he had never used his skills on her made a happy smile cross her face. While she was quite sure she would have noticed either, she doubted it was in his nature to deceive except perhaps for a meal. Didn't most do that for food. She was probably one of the few vampires subsisting on bloodbank purchases or animal blood. Even acquiring the bagged blood required deception.
While he did not flirt back with her outragous comment, he did not reproof her advances either. It almost seemed like he was restraining himself to the benefit of a longer lasting relationship in her eyes. This made her doubly interested in him. Especially when he listed such simple pleasures. The touch along her cheek was very nice as well.
"I myself find simplicity the most condusive to my happiness. Wool, time to weave, good company and security. I dont consider this a bad thing, quite the oposite in fact. You are comfortable and happy the way you are. That is a rare and wonderful thing Nic. Depth can sometimes be a cover for deliberately staying unhappy."
Fussing for just one moment with her spindle she thought about the bigger picture of the world. Even though her eyes were on the bundle of fiber in her lap, they were quite unseeing.
"I guess in the larger scope of the world, I would simply want there to be more happiness in the world instead of such violence and hate. People should be content to live and let live while being sublimely happy with simple pleasures, honest work and strong relationships."
Blushing slightly she raised her eyes to Nic's.
"Sounds quite silly, I am sure. But I just would like people to be more like us. Happy, content with our lives and comfortable in who we are."

And maybe that was the key to why Nic now found it so much more attractive to think of spending his time with someone else on a more regular basis.
"I do need to say that one reason I'm as happy as I am is that I do have the where-with-all to do the things I want to do, and not worry about anything financially. I'm not terribly materialistic, but I do enjoy an easy life. I've never been one to relish working in the fields, which is why I didn't pursue the winery business my family lived off. I'm not the kind of guy you'd find camping out in a tent, unless that tent housed a very comfortable bed." He chuckled at the picture that painted, and went on.
"But even back when money wasn't as plentiful, I never seemed to find it difficult to locate..." And he stopped himself before he finished with 'someone who had a comfy bed to share.'
"You know Livia, in keeping with this candid atmosphere I have to tell you...I've not lead a chaste life. I'm not totally indiscriminate, and I hate to be cliche, but I am a healthy, red blooded man. So in other words, even if I've never been married, I've not led a monk's life."
Inwardly he cringed at the way that statement sounded. It was meant as an honest declaration, but now sounded cheesy as hell. If it didn't matter so much to him how she felt, he wouldn't have said anything at all. And while he really wanted to be totally above board with her, he wondered if there might have been a classier way of explaining.

"I have always believed that to be true and never found it to be corny in the least."
His view on wealth was interesting. Somewhat like her own but different. She nodded and fussed with more fiber while she listened.
"I too enjoy an easier life than field work. Though I have never found it a requirement to build up a fortune. I simply make enough to pay for the things I want throughout the year. If that means selling an older tapestry or making a commission of a new piece that works for me. It gives me time to enjoy the rest of the year. My trip was actually funded by one of my best pieces that had been carefully saved for 300 years. So long as I can live my life comfortably, that is all I need."
How the conversation ended up on past relationships, Livia was unsure but she listened with compassion and understanding. Honesty was an important feature and Nic seemed to have an abundance. Once he wound down she smiled, feeling much more confident and less shy somehow.
"Nic dear, just how old did you say you were? As the mature older woman I need to make sure you are above the age of consent." She winked boldly at him.
"We are products of our eras and ages. My late husband was not my first lover, nor my last. It just had been quite a bit since I had found someone who interested me. Should a handsome man like yourself find himself without a companion, I am sure you need only turn around to find several. Or simply look in front of you."
She knew that last comment was quite daringly flirtatious but she could not resist. He was just amazing, inside and out.

Hearing her refer to 'making a fortune', Nic wondered if she thought he was some Howard Hughes type, who had an actual need to be wealthy. He recalled a conversation he'd had with the mogul back in the early forties, and how he'd found the man interesting, but much too obsessive.
"The thing is, I don't even work at making money...it just comes naturally. I read up on a business, check their profit records, and invest. I've lost a little through the years, but my wins have always been much greater. And now that my firm provides that service to the public..." Nic shrugged. He did well, and his clients did also, and the money just kept coming in. But it wasn't really a topic he relished talking about. He didn't mind tooting his own horn when trying to get clients, but outside work it just wasn't the gentlemanly thing to do.
But enough about money. He was glad she hadn't lived a hard life either, and considered that was just another thing they had in common.
"I am well beyond the age of consent, even if my actions often bely that. And I've always enjoyed more mature women...especially when they look like you do, my dear. I've always said 'you're never too old to learn'...and I always enjoy learning new things."
He grinned in a devilish manner, and winked. After living as long as he had, he had come to realize that age was pretty much in a person's mind. At least when it came to people of their ilk. Humans still had to deal with the normal aging process, but when that no longer became a concern, age really couldn't be determined by anything but experience.
But he had no desire to get too introspective now. From the way Livia was talking, Nic was beginning to think she was as attracted to him, as he was to her. The night might still hold unplanned pleasures for the both of them.
"So as I gaze in front of me, at the beautiful woman sitting there, might I assume she might consider me to be...'interesting'?"

Flirting continued unabated which pleased her in a very basic feminine way.
"Since you are as you said 'well beyond' the age of consent no woman should ever expect you to have lived like a monk. In fact, in impressive set of skills should be considered an asset if they are at your disposal for a woman's enjoyment."
Referencing his earlier comment she felt quite bold with that but had not used any direct comments that would cause more than blush to cover her cheeks. Interestingly enough, his comments had caused her hands to still on the wool in her lap, rather than rip off a section she was petting the soft fibers lightly with her fingers. At his direct question regarding her interest she smiled coyly and resumed spinning.
"I think the more I get to know you Nic, the more interesting you are."
Looking at him thoughtfully she dropped some of the coyness and shyness to meet his gaze boldly with a question in her eyes.
"We have a good basis of things in common and perhaps it could grow into a wonderful relationship."
Livia had hopes that the evening would end with a kiss, something to ignite the chemistry that she felt was laying dormant between them just waiting for that spark to set them both smoldering lightly for more. Putting her spinning back in its basket she pondered offering to show him her work but did not want to be boastful about it.

The conversation had gotten decidedly bawdy, and Nic was loving it. Whether or not the evening ended the way he hoped, he would still want to see Livia again. She was like a tiny ball of sweetness wrapped up in a coating of tart spices, and he was savoring the connection they seemed to be building up between them.
He also could tell she was as interested in him, as he was in her, but it was always nice to hear those kinds of things confirmed. It didn't bother him in the least that a few things she said referred to developing a deeper understanding and knowledge of each other, and what he took as the implication that anything more physical would need to wait. Though he yearned for a release, that was one thing his many years of experience had taught him to deal with. It would be a little more difficult walking back to his suite tonight, but he would certainly have things to look forward to the next time they met.
"I'd like that...seeing you again...and seeing about maybe showing you some of those skills we were talking about...getting your opinion on how well I use them. Learning those things about each other...would be a good way to see how well we suit..."
He was pushing the envelope now, and though he had a teasing demeanor about him, he was still a little apprehensive as he waited to see her reaction. And because he had managed to move even closer to her, while he talked, he was now close enough to reach over and play with a soft curl that lingered along her neck.

The finger caressing her neck caused sensation to race first down her spine, making her fingers and toes tingle before travelling back up. When it finally reached her brain she decided there was no time like the present to test his 'skills'.
Her voice was husky and her eyes mostly hidden by her lashes. "That sounds perfect."
Leaning forward with her hands firmly on the cushion of the couch, she brought her lips to his. The touch was light at first, tentative even, but it caused more shivers of sensation throughout her body. Excitement pricked her scalp and pooled in her belly at the feel of her lips against his. Having made the first contact she enjoyed the simple kiss while allowing him to take it deeper if he wished.

Her lips were incredibly soft, yet firm, and he liked the way she seemed to hold back a little. He wasn't sure if she was trying not to be too brazen, or if she really felt a little timid, but the effect it had on him was instantaneous, and he likened it to being hit by one of those big wrecking balls...straight to the gut. What didn't surprise him was the pace at which that gut shot seemed to spread out to his 'other' regions, turning them to fire.
Moaning slightly, Nic pulled Livia against him, not wanting her to retreat now that she started their little mouth dance. Unthinking, but acting on instinct, his tongue teased along the crease of her mouth, seeking entrance, and then sliding forward with delicious relish. Exploring her sweet tongue and mouth elicited further moans, while making him heady with passion.
Sliding his hands to her sides, Nic moved his thumbs inward, along the soft swell of her breasts, aching to touch, but still taking it all slowly. The tightening in his groin was becoming almost unbearable, but he kept repeating that it would all be for the best in the end...and he didn't rush.
He casually pulled her over so that she was now sitting on his lap, a feat not without a little difficult maneuvering, but one he still managed to accomplish without either of them ending up on the floor. Wrapping his arms around her warmly, Nic inhaled sharply at the feel of her soft ass moving across his throbbing heat. He shifted slightly, to remove a little of the pressure, and returned to plundering her sweet, sweet lips.

Caught up in the moment she realized vaguely she was now on his lap with her skirt tangled around their legs and proof of his desire obvious. That vague thought caused her to squirm slightly while their mouths moved together. Such desire filled her as she felt his strong arms wrapped around her she felt like she may melt into a puddle any moment.
Livia enjoyed every moment, every touch and sensation before reluctantly ending the kiss with a small groan. Rather than shyly hiding against his shoulder she sat back and looked at him with his effect upon her clearly visible; flushed face, slightly swollen lips and heaving breasts.
Not quite a brilliant statement but better than blurting out something silly like noting how those skills of his made her consider more than a kiss. But she was quite firm on wanting to get to know him better before rushing into a physical relationship. Both pulled at her firmly, causing her to feel a bit like the rope in a tug of war game.
Belatedly she noticed her hands had been on his shoulders and were toying with the soft skin of his neck. With a sigh she stopped her fingers and let them come to rest on his broad shoulders before offering him a small smile.
"No wonder you dont get complaints."

The freshness of her response made him chuckle, and smiling into her eyes, he rubbed a crooked finger beneath her jaw.
"I can't take ALL the credit...I'm only as good as my partner gives and takes."
The tingle her finger generated, while touching his neck, shot down to his groin again. Seeing how every touch, and sound seemed to head to that spot, he wasn't shocked. Instead he just enjoyed it, and forced himself to keep calm. Nic was sure Livia was well aware of his state, but with their silently implied agreement to not jump into anything, he hoped she wouldn't hold that against him.
"And Livia...you give so very nicely...how could I respond with less desire or passion?"
Realizing he had to put a little distance between them, and refocus his mind on something less appetizing, Nic moved out from under her, settling Livia back onto the couch. His arm remained around the top of the couch, where he could still touch her shoulders, or neck, once there was less threat of it developing further.
"Would you show me some of the things you've created...I'd still like to commission a piece for my home."
The use of the word 'home' surprised Nic more than his desire to fix it up now. He wondered if having Livia in his life was the catalyst in his need to decorate, and really have an enjoyable place to live in.

Before she could move, he complimented her so beautifully and moved her from his lap and to the couch. Livia felt almost bereft at the loss of his heat and strength against her body. Still they both had plenty of time to explore this further and more than enough desire to do so as well. She was no unworldly maid who did not know the reasons and reactions of a man's obvious arousal. And Nic had certainly had that. Enough to impress her quite a bit in fact. Still her curiosity could wait to be appeased.
Her hand went to her chest, pressing against the breastbone in an effort to calm herself as she settled into her own seat. Smiling up at his request to see her work she nodded. Gracefully she rose from the sofa and with a hand smoothing her skirt ventured into the bedroom. It took only a moment to rummage around in the closet for the large plastic container and just a moment more to pull the flat one from beneith her bed. Vampire strength was not needed to lift and carry these two into the other room but it helped.
Placing each next to the couch she resumed her seat before unlatching the first large tub. The lid stood beside the couch easily and allowed her to remove the first tapestry. It looked a bit like a square of fabric, though finer and decorative. This particular one depicted a landscape with a crumbling ruin surrounded by greenery of a garden surrounding it. Several small animals were noticable in the scene. It was a scene that had been standard in England when everyone was facinated by Rome and Greece. The age of this was roughly two hundred years old, one of the more common older versions she had on hand.
Carefully laying it on the coffee table before them she admired it for a moment before shaking her head. "I dont think this one is you."
Removing the next one it was a beautiful Tuscan landscape. Warm rich golds, browns and vibrant greens and colors of an villa set against fields. it would not have been out of place hanging on her walls. This one was placed over the prior and she gently ran her hand over it.
Smiling at Nic she continued to pull out tapestries from the container. Some were smallish in size but intricate while others were two feet by three feet, the size of the container's biggest capacity. All were between fifty and three hundred years old and depicted scenes in lush detail and color. From gardens to heavens to castles with flowers, animals or people contained within. From airy heavens with cherubs to everyday farms to gothic castles. Like paintings only not quite as intricate with minute details. The stack was a foot high when she laughed at herself.
"Ok not so much showing you my work but showing off. Did you see any that may suit or something you may use as a basis for a new work? I have larger ones in the other container too."

Yes he was horny, and yes he had been turned on by Livia since that day they'd met in the lobby, but there was more.
"Ah but were I a glove upon thine hand..." He smiled as he bastardized Shakespeare, while watching her fingers touch that sweet spot on her chest. Then she was leaving his side, and even though it was at his instigation, Nic wished he had some way to call her back to the couch. The inspection of her work could wait...
But he settled back and waited for her return, and when she had he was relieved that he didn't need to feign interest. Watching as she began removing the cloths, noting how lovingly her hands moved across the fabrics, Nic became almost instantly intrigued. At first he imagined those fingers touching him with such reverence, but that quickly escalated into a more feverish picture of intwined legs, and pressing mouths. Literally shaking those thoughts away, Nic brought himself back to the moment, and considered each piece she presented.
To say the pieces were beautiful seemed inadequate, and after he had made such a comment three times in a row, he stopped. Yet he couldn't stop himself from grinning, as he admired not only the finished product, which in each case was a work of art, but the skill and dedication he knew Livia had put into each tapestry.
Pulling two from the stack, Nic looked over each with appreciative eyes. One was a landscape with a lot of trees, and a lake in the middle. There appeared to be a young woman standing to the side, contemplating the world around her, and something about the scene reminded Nic of Livia.
"I would like this one...for my bedroom. I can hang it behind my bed, and think of you when I close my eyes." He grinned devilishly, then gave her a quick wink before addressing the second piece.
The second one looked to be of vineyards, though made up more of greens, and purples, than the golden brown Tuscan one. There was only one problem with that piece though...it was too small for where he wanted it.
"I would like to commission you to make one similar to this, only I'd like it larger...maybe four feet by five feet? That one I'd like to put in my living room, and then pull the deep greens and wine colors in through furniture, and drapes, and carpet...how do you think that would look...maybe with a muted green shade on the walls?"
Funny how Nic had really never been one interested on the need to decorate, and now it seemed very important.
"Maybe...aside from creating a tapestry...you wouldn't mind giving me your opinion on a few other things around the place as well?"
The wheels in Nic's mind whirred as he speculated on long evenings spent delving into interior design books...glasses of wine...and perhaps culminating in other more physical things.

"I am so glad you found two you like. If one reminds you of me, all the better."
Still she hoped it would be with fondness or erotic thoughts if he was thinking of her while lying in bed. That naughty wink of his confirmed her ideas. This dance was fun. Both of them interested, aroused and intrigued as they flirted back and forth. Such buildup would make their coming together that much better. Livia was now sure they would find themselves together sometime in the future, she just wanted it to be making love with a partner rather than just a release of energy with a stranger.
Listening to his request had her nodding her head. Using a smaller tapestry as a guide for a larger one was easy enough. The one he picked out was beautiful if she was allowed to admire her own work. As he talked of using it as a basis for decorating his home she flushed with honor and smiled at him happily.
"That sounds lovely. We can either make the tapestry suit the room or the room suit the tapestry. By choosing colors for one first then using the same shade or family for the other it would work well, and give the room a cohesive look. I would love to help."
She left the two he had liked on her lap while putting the rest away neatly. Soon she was finished with the small task and ran her fingers over the vineyard scene. Placing the other one on the coffee table she stood and offered him her hand. With the quite swish of her skirts she made her way into the kitchen and carefully placed the tapestry on the counter. Blushing slightly she smiled apologeticly to Nic.
"This is my rather poorly kept secret. I dont cook. At all. So I decided to use the kitchen for other things."
Opening a cupboard she pulled out spools of finely spun thread. These were older fibers on wooden spools that bore no resemblance to the modern version. They were at least six inches tall and almost that wide around. It took her a few minutes to pull out colors she thought would go. The kitchen light was a natural bulb, it showed the shade much truer than anything else so the task was easy. Soon several shades of green, wine red, wine purple and a few browns sat near the tapestry. Looking at the array she hummed quietly and tapped her finger to her lips. Opening a drawer she pulled out a creamy colored thread and added it to the pile.
"I will have to have the large loom either moved from the sheep farm or go there to work on it but thats no trouble at all. You simply need to pick what calls to you, what colors you like. Or we can go view a paint sample palete and decide that way. From that I can dye the natural fiber to the proper color specifically."
Looking around she had to laugh. It was late in the night and neither one of the were probably thinking pefectly. Blushing at her own impetuous assumptions she quickly back pedaled.
"This can, of course, wait until you wish to begin such a project."

I thought about hiring someone to come in and put things together, but honestly, I'd rather live like I do now, than think of strangers having free reign. However, if you ever feel like I'm imposing, or taking advantage of your good nature, I probably am, but please feel free to knock me up alongside the head."
There, Nic had revealed his true motive in asking her to help...which was to more or less have her give him the direction, which he would gladly follow. He was sure they could iron out the details later.
"Maybe you wouldn't mind getting together for dinner, and with the aid of the internet, or possibly MARI we could make some decisions on where to start, and how we could go?"
And now, hopefully, their next date would be confirmed, and Nic could relax a little.
He chuckled when Livia revealed her secret, but had to nod his head as well.
"I'm afraid I've never developed much of that ability either. I do like to eat, but I don't make it out to be as socially important as some. Plus, I've been spoiled over the years by having my own cooks on staff, or by relying on room service, and good restaurants.
My own kitchen is basically just bare though, for the moment. Maybe once I get it decorated I can find as equally good uses for those cabinets."
Looking over the threads, Nic's eyes strayed more often to the beautiful woman moving about, than the colorful materials. He found himself grinning again, as the simplest images slowly changed to those of a more lustful nature. As he now knew tonight was not going to be 'the' night, he began thinking it might be a good idea to make his goodbyes. It wasn't that he only wanted her company for one thing...quite the contrary. Nic enjoyed just being around Livia, talking, listening, and being in her presence. However, the night was growing old, and he knew he'd never sleep in his current state. Therefore he would need to take care of a few things before he could close his eyes against the coming day.
"I have utter trust in whatever you think will work, so if you want to throw some ideas together, I'll be happy to go over them again later."
Picking up her hand, Nic brought it to his lips, and pressed a gentle kiss upon her knuckles. But then, looking up into her eyes, pulled her close enough that his lips could then press against hers, and without further discussion he tenderly plundered her soft, moist, sweetness.
"I think now though, I should take my leave. The day is approaching, and I imagine you have things to do before then." His voice was quite husky as he, indeed did imagine the things she might do once he had left.
"Thank you again for accompanying me tonight. I had one of the best evenings I've had in ages, and it was due in the largest part, to you."
Backing slowly away from her, releasing her from his embrace, Nic turned towards the door. While a part of him wanted her to come rushing to stop him, he knew it was going to be better this way, and his respect for her became more solid. She was a special lady, who deserved to be treated in a special way, and Nic wasn't against that at all.