Decorating Date
Friday arrived with agonizing slowness despite the fact that Livia was busy almost the entire time. The large loom was now taking up most of her dining room while her smaller loom and wheel crouched unhappily in her sitting room. There was a paint palette in her bag along with the basis for the new tapestry, rolled up carefully. The other choice Nic had made now hung in an appropriate frame for it. Of course if he did not like the dark brown wood she would have it redone, but with the colors he had spoken of, she felt this might be best.
Livia picked her outfit with care, choosing a slim knee length skirt in a creamy white silk, brown cashmere sweater with a modest scoop neckline and pretty bronze heels. She had opted to wear sheer thigh highs instead of going bare, it was burgoning into winter. Letting her hair lay neatly down her back, pulled back with a clip at the base of her neck. Subtle makeup completed her look, she hoped it was not too much for a simple dinner and decorating discussion, but she had looked at this more as a date then business.
Scooping up her bag full of ideas and items she slung it across her shoulder before gathering up the framed tapestry and Nic's forgotten coat. With confidence she made her way down to the seventh floor and knocked on his door.

Confirming with his general manager that he would indeed see him later, Nic ended the conversation and went to the door.
"Hello beautiful!" The words escaped his lips before he had a chance to censure them. He hoped she didn't mind, but the woman before him had managed to take his breath away, without apparently even trying.
One thing Nic had noticed about Livia, on the day of their first meeting, was how sweet and fresh she looked. This was not to say she couldn't look seductive and sexy as well. The night of the masquerade she had looked hotter than any other woman he could remember setting eyes on. The fact that he had been turned on by her that night wasn't at all surprising to him. That he could be turned on by her now, as she was dressed simply in a soft, clingy sweater, and plain snug skirt, was what had convinced him her beauty was more of a softer, understated nature.
He longed to see what she looked like waking up in his arms, the evening after a long session of lovemaking...eyes dewy from sleep, hair mussed...lips moist and....
"Come in, please." He grinned sheepishly, hoping she hadn't seen just how lascivious his thoughts had become, somehow plastered all over his face. The pants he wore weren't terribly form fitting, so he had no fear of his aroused state giving him away at least.
The suite was spotless, having just been cleaned by a crew he had used in the past every month or so. But amidst the cleanliness, the sparseness of the rooms shown through even more. Seeing the things she carried, Nic relieved her of the framed tapestry, and held it up to admire.
"Perfect! The frame really sets it off. If you'll help me put it up, we can do that in a while. It will be a lot easier having your hand to assist in getting it up straight."
Coughing briefly, Nic hoped Livia didn't pick up on the way he had turned that phrase. Another reason he saw her differently from any other woman he'd met recently, was the way he seemed to become eighteen again in her presence. He couldn't remember the last time he'd been so smitten with a woman that his hormones had virtually taken over his mind, body, and soul. And even with hundreds of years of practice, he was finding it difficult to maintain his suave exterior facade.
He set the tapestry against a wall, off to the side, until he could hang it in the bedroom, and then returned to her side.
"Can I get you something to drink? Wine, beer, coffee, tea? I've got liquor as well, and a few mixers...margarita, daiquiri, cosmopolitan?"
Livia had been invited to Nic's to help him start a decorating process, but most of that had been just a pretense. Sure he wanted to make changes to the place where he lived, and make it more inviting, and homey...but at the time the invitation was extended, Nic had been more concerned with just finding another reason to be with her.

"Good evening, Nic."
Walking past him with that barest almost brush of her side against him had her thinking the spark from their last date was still smoldering. She was pleased he found the frame pleasing, it had been a difficult choice between a cherry stain or light pine wood. This she felt would flow easily with a vineyard shaded suite.
His comment sent her into furious blushing and blinking. Perhaps he had not ment that comment quite the way it sounded. Still she felt a little response was in order.
"I would be pleased to."
Slightly risque but could be construed as innocent as his comment had been, she thought with a smile. Finally she dragged her gaze away from him and inspected the rooms he lived in. Plain was one word, basic another. It was sparkling clean but that simply gave it an almost sterile hotel room feeling. Livia felt they needed to correct this as quickly as possible. Even just a coat of paint on the white walls would be good.
Setting the bag down she pulled his coat from her arm just as he asked if she wished refreshments. Her face was probably reflecting her tentativeness but she gazed up at him anyways as she handed him the jacket.
"Wine sounds lovely. I brought your coat from the masqarade party. You left it on my chair but I hung it up so it wouldn't wrinkle."

Her consideration of his place was only a little difficult to stand by and wonder about. He had known for months now that something had to be done about the place, but was too overwhelmed to know where to begin on his own. Now, having the tapestries to work around, he at least had a small sense of somewhere to begin from. Painting the walls was a given, that could be done rather quickly, and bring about the biggest change in ambiance. And with Livia's willing assistance, Nic was growing more confident in his preferences for what he wanted to see change.
"Thank you. I had forgotten I left it at your place, until I got home, and appreciate the care you took with it. Knowing how you feel about your cloths, I never doubted it was in good hands." And though it was just a jacket, because Livia had taken such good care of it, Nic felt the need to be thankful as well. While he could have easily replaced it, the jacket now took on a special significance, and he carefully hung it up in his own closet now.
Taking out one of his extra special bottles of wine, Nic pulled out the cork, sniffed it, then set it aside. Pouring two glasses, he returned to the living room and handed one to Livia.
"It's a nice, rather woodsy cabernet sauvignon, but if you'd like something lighter, I have an excellent Johanesberg Riesling in the refrigerator..?" Nic liked all kinds of wines, and never held much to drinking only certain kinds with certain foods. When he drank wine, he drank whatever his pallet thought sounded best at the time.
Before he would sit down on the couch, he wanted Livia seated, so he motioned to the corner of the sofa, and held out his hand for her bag. He would place it on the coffee table in front of the couch, so it would be handy for her, and by having her sit in the corner, he could sit down beside her and be as close as he'd like.

"Thank you, this is lovely. I am sure it tastes as wonderful as it smells."
Taking a deep breath of the bouquet she then sipped delicately. The rich flavor was dark but flavorful, she could detect the oak used to barrel it. Very nice wine indeed. A quiet mmmm sound escaped as she swallowed.
"Excellent wine. I much prefer the reds over the sweet whites. Usually Pinot Noir or Merlot, but this could fill my glass anytime."
Gently placing the glass on the table she looked at Nic. With a small smile she arched a brow.
"So, do you want to hear my decorating ideas or was that just a ploy to convince me to visit your rooms?"
Livia was not so sheltered and innocent that she had not known it was possible, in fact she was very flattered by it either way. And impressed with his ability to think on his feet, especially after that kiss they shared last time.

Nic took a generous sip of his wine, and then set the goblet down on the coffee table, suddenly struck with an idea.
"You know what? This isn't what we had planned, but I just heard today that the city has got some special goings on, over at the nature ice rink, sleigh rides...I guess it's like a winter carnival. I was wondering if maybe we could put off the decorating ideas for a few hours, and maybe go check out the festivities?"
Curious to see how the city had converted the park to a winter wonderland, and dying to have a legitimate excuse to cuddle up with Livia, as well as show her off some, Nic thought the idea had merit. He wondered if it was something she might find fun as well, or if he would need to do some convincing.
"I know we didn't plan it, and I'm taking advantage of your kind nature by putting you on the spot...but...what do you think?"

At his inquiry regarding the winter festival she was immediately excited but the light that came so quickly to her eyes faded.
"I would need to change; I am not quite dressed for being outside in the weather this time of year. Would you mind waiting?"Â?
She bit her lower lip slightly at the corner, hoping this did not put him off. Already her mind was racing as to what was easy and swiftly found in her closet. The prospect of playing in the park sounded lovely even if she was unprepared. At least she knew her closet contained a full wool skirt, sweater and boots.
"It sounds like a lovely way to spend an evening. I would love to go."Â?

"I should also put on something a bit more rugged. If you want to leave these things here, we can get back to them later tonight, or the next night you're free? But who knows when we might get another chance to build a snowman, or make snow angels, right?"
He had seen Livia as a very sexy mystery woman, in her masquerade outfit, and now longed to see her in a different venue and light. He knew from what he'd seen of her so far, that she was a multi-faceted woman, and the idea of discovering each facet really turned him on.
"Shall I come get you in...ten minutes?" If all she had to do was a little clothing adjustments, he didn't think it would take any longer. There was certainly nothing she else she should need to do, being ravishing as she was now.

She laughed at his silly comment. How sweet was he to not want her to 'change'? Still the 'allow' comment earned him the title of cheeky. But he did so make her laugh.
Trying to picture him in something rugged was interesting. Those rough jeans everyone seemed to wear now would look quite flattering on him, perhaps paired with a snug sweater. Definitely interesting.
"Snow angels? That sounds like fun Nic. Thank you for suggesting this. And it is fine left here; I can promise you that I will be back."Â?
Standing easily and smoothing her silk skirt down she knew she definitely needed to change it. There was nothing like silk to stain at the first drop of water, and white at that.
"Ten minutes sounds good. See you then."Â?
Livia restrained herself from touching him as she made her way to the door but it was difficult. Playing in the snow together could be just as challenging for her. Still this sounded wonderful and she did not really want to resist too much.

"See you then." He repeated, and then watched her briefly, as she walked back towards her suite.
Once he could no longer see her, Nic shut the door, and retreated to his bedroom. Changing his slacks for a pair of heavy, but tight jeans, and his shirt for an undershirt, and soft wool and cashmere blend polo styled sweater of a soft forest green color, he added his new boots, and was ready to go.
Grabbing his jacket on the way out, Nic laughed. He was really rather excited about this little outing, and pleased Livia agreed to go, given such short notice.
Whistling some random Christmas carol, jacket flung over one shoulder, Nic went to pick up his lady friend.
(Nic out and on to Winter Wonderland event!)

Since her hair was neatly pulled back she didnt fuss with it. Instead she went to the front closet and removed her wool coat in a lovely tan color. Livia knew her belongings were almost never name brand, she did not budget enough to shop at the luxury stores, still they were good quality and material.
Dropping her tiny clutch bag into the pocket she felt ready to go out and enjoy a lovely winter night with Nic.
((Livia out and to the festival))