
How will clanless vampires be handled? I know we have one lurking around, but I was thinking about making Temp be one.. though she does want to jump Ellis' bones, she just loves strong fiery women.. But how would they be welcomed in the city and by clans? And how do you choose their powers?

Mai 19 years ago
Well you can do things one of two ways. You can either take general traits and abilities all the clans have access to... or you can take a certain clan's. Perhaps your creator was Anantya but you didn't know it or no longer associate with them. What ever the reason.

The various clans would handle them differently, officially. Anantya sees them almost as enemies. Evenhet would perhaps treat them the most like friends and Tacharan might see them as opportunities. Each individual in the various clans has their own personal opinion, of course.

Mai, for instance, calls vampires outside of Anantya "the others" and seems to feel that they will one day return to their rightful clan. She thinks of them as misguided children.
Ellis Duban 19 years ago
Tacharan wouldnt immediately make new clanless vampires a target. There probably would be a chance encounter with Ellis or Simon to feel them out, so to speak.
Mai 19 years ago
Kinda makes you paranoid, no? They really ARE out to get you!