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The first day of classes

Wren has flat out exhausted. The party had gone perfectly. The dancers were able to dance just fine on the protective plastic and so she had not had to come up with a way to make her guests comfortably barefoot. The guests came from all walks of life, a good portion of them were already enrolled and by the end of the evening she'd doubled her enrollment.

The dancers had taken the floor one couple at a time as the songs changed so that there was always dancing happening on the portion of the floor set aside for that purpose. She and Drev had joined the couples every sixth song, of course they stuck to the waltz, swing and foxtrot as that was what she had assigned to them. The other couples had danced ballet, tap, jazz, exotic, and salsa. The exotic dancers were a female couple and had garnered raised eyebrows during each dance. It was quite comical every time it happened.

The food had been perfect, the wine flowed freely and she had surprisingly made it home by three AM, after the place was cleaned up of course. Joey had been an incredible help and a selling point she hadn't counted on, but he worked the crowed like a pro. Sunday she'd spent on her computer entering new clients, and making out a deposit slip. She had enough enrollees to pay the first month's expenditures and was quite happy with that. She and Joey had prepared the Studio for the next day's classes so that all she had to do this morning was arrive and do some last minute things.

5:30 had come incredibly early for her, in fact Drev was still awake and she got to enjoy breakfast with him before dressing in a lavender leotard, skin colored tights under her jeans and sweater. Into her gym bag she'd thrown a pair of panties, and a black wrap skirt. She'd left by 6:15 and arrived at the Studio at 6:30 because of traffic.

She let herself into the back door and walked through the place turning on lights, stopping to adjust the thermostat for the dance floor making it a few degrees cooler than the rest of the building. In the lobby she filled the electric kettle up at the water cooler and plugged it in so that anyone arriving early could have a spot of coffee or tea before class. She unlocked the front door and headed into the women's dressing room.

The buzzer in her office sounded as she was taking off her jeans. She folded them neatly and pulled the sweater off before pulling the skirt out of her bag. She greeting the young woman that entered the room, trying desperately to remember her name. She tied her skirt, slipped on her jazz shoes and left the blonde with no name to dress.

((feel free to join this thread if you are taking classes at The Studio.))

Nyra 17 years ago
Nyra hung back and watched the class from the doorway when it started. She really was not yet comfortable trying to actually do the steps the others did in the class. Plus the teacher's shape was intimidating to her. Chewing on her lip she wondered if this was the right thing to do. Maybe a personal trainer would be better? Though the thought of going to an entire gym with hordes of energetic people bouncing about frightened her even more. When she had become so unsociable she did not know. Perhaps she always had been but hiding in art masked it.

Stepping out of the hallway shadows some she waited to speak to the instructor.
Montana 17 years ago
Ana had finally talked herself into changing out of her sweats. She felt a lot lighter on her feet and was ready to exercise.

And exercise she did, for every song Wren had played. She stretched, moved, twisted, bounced bonked and bowed... Her heart was pounding in her chest and she felt like a swimming pool was hiding under her arms and hairband, but she'd kept moving through the whole workout. Wiping her lip and smiling at Wren as the teacher dismissed them, she headed back to the dressing room.

She saw a woman standing off to the side of the hallway and approached her, dabbing behind her ears with one of the provided towels.
"Hi! I'm sorry I didn't see you come in or I'd have said hello. I'm Ana. Are you planning on joining the exercise class?"
Amberelle DeEspionne 17 years ago
Amberelle had hung back durning the class, just inside the doorway but off out of the way. She spent the time watching Wren and how she interacted with everyone. Fluid, easy and professional. There was none of the aloofness or condescending attitude the vampire had run across in several of her teachers over the years. Wren's movements were graceful and confident, and the Creole was impressed with her talent. As they moved around through the steps, the Anantya found her feet longing to follow.

By the time the class wrapped, Amby had her decision made. She would wait until all of the current students were attended to, then get with Wren and prepay a few months of lessons.

((OOC Opinions of Wren just Amby's and not by approval - lemme know if it's a prob! ))
Nyra 17 years ago
"Hi Ana, nice to meet you. I am Nyra. The fitness class is why I am here, though its somewhat intimidating. Everyone seems much more graceful than my accident prone self."

Nyra did not mention that almost all the other students did not weigh nearly what she did which was as intimidating as the instructor's skill. The other woman in front of her looked like it had been quite a workout.

"Was it really difficult to follow along? I don't think I have much musical rhythm."

Had she not been wearing her backpack she would have been backed against the hallway wall the entire class, as it was she had been quite close to it anyways. Despite having several long internal conversations about how silly this was for her to be scared of a simple exercise class she still worried. Of course having a mother and grandmother with the exact same size and shape she had did nothing to bolster her confidence either. The entire wall of mirrors did not help her in the least.

Vaguely she hoped that her face did not quite look as scared as she felt but that probably was too little too late.
Wren 17 years ago
Wren put the stereo on the local classical station, and placed the remote on the stand then picked up the water bottle she'd left there earlier. She took a good long drink, capped it and put it back. She turned to go speak with Amby, but saw Ana with another new face.

She crossed quickly to the two women and heard the last question the woman said.
"I don't either, I just fake it." She gave a wink of conspiracy to the woman and stuck out her hand. "I'm Wren. Welcome to the Studio. Are you interested in a class or two?"

She gave Amby a wave and the single finger, give me a minute, signal.

((ooc fine by me. =D))
Amberelle DeEspionne 17 years ago
The blonde returned Wren's smile with a nod of understanding. Amby would be patient, this was a service business. And, from the tone of the nervous woman the dancer had just addressed, someone needed encouragement. Glancing around the mostly empty dance floor the vampire set down her bag and stepped out closer to the center, sliding along a little in her socks.

All of the mirrors around the room, the bar, the classical music softly playing, it had her nostalgic. Watching her reflection Amberelle rose up to point, balancing on her toe tips. She was wearing jeans so there wasn't too much she could do but she managed to keep her form as she slowly raised and extended one leg behind her, her arms stretching out to each side. The movement felt rusty and out of practice, but the reflections looked fairly good. Of course, she giggled to herself, unnatural vampiric agility could certainly be helping there.

Keeping an eye and an ear on the conversation behind her, she began to go through a few simple steps.
Nyra 17 years ago
"Hi Wren. Nyra" She said as she offered a hand to shake. While she was slightly embarassed for being caught interrogating a student it was nothing compared to her nerves at speaking to the teacher. Smiling as best as possible and hoping it didn't make her look ill she expounded on what classes she wished to take.

"Fitness classes were my main goal for coming but maybe I could look at your list again? I think I am just destined to be a round irish woman like my mother and grandmother honestly."

Her rambling comment came to an end as she stood there feeling like a fool.
Wren 17 years ago
Wren slipped her hand into Nyra's and smiled. "What a great name. It's a pleasure to meet you."

Wren held onto Nyra's hand as the woman spoke. She seemed incredibly nervous and unsure of herself. 'Perhaps she feels intimidated. Oh gosh I hope not.'

"There's nothing wrong with that, so long as you're a healthy round Irish woman."

Wren offered another smile and gave Nyra's hand a squeeze. "If you'll give me a moment to finish up with another new student. I have about twenty minutes until my next class and you and I can talk in my office." She turned to Ana. "Ana, would you mind getting her a bottle of water and showing her my office. I'd really appreciate it."

With that settled, she moved over to Amby. She didn't want to seem aloof, but she didn't want Amby to feel neglected either. She watched the blonde for a moment. Her form was amazing even in jeans, Wren looked forward to working with her.

"So, what did you think?"
Amberelle DeEspionne 17 years ago
Turning when Wren came up, Amby lowered down to stand normally and smiled. I think that it's going to be a blast.. especially when I can get over the whole embarassment and mortification thing when we get umm.. gyrating. The vampire giggled. Shaking her head at her own sillyness, she got down to business. So, how about you give me some rates and I can get you prepaid.. how does six months sound? The Anantya had the feeling she was going to enjoy her time here, and was already thinking of other classes that might be fun to join. Oh and are you needing any more women in your ballroom dancing class? Some of those sound fun too..
Montana 17 years ago
"Sure thing." Ana nodded at Wren's suggestion. Reaching to take Nyra's hand gently, she steered the woman across the hall towards the ladies' dressing room. "Wren hides her office behind the ladies' dressing room. There's a fridge in there - the dressing room I mean - that holds bottled water and you're free to partake of it. We - she - the Studio - gets a new shipment every week. Or is supposed to, so Wren tells me, what with today being the first day of classes and all."

Ana glanced sidelong at Nyra as she leaned into the fridge for a bottle of water for herself and the new student. 'Such a pleasant face.' Cracking the seal on her bottle, she handed the second to Nyra and closed the door. "It wasn't so difficult to follow along, if you don't mind me answering your question a few minutes late. I just took my time and if I missed a couple steps I started over when the pattern began again. But it felt good to be active, you know? I'm hoping to pick up a little flexibility and endurance... I do a lot of running. At the Library. I'm one of the librarians there and do a lot of moving and carrying and lifting stretching and such." Ana took the moment to breathe, and sipped from her water.

"What is it you do?" she queried as she pointed Nyra through the dressing room towards Wren's office.
Wren 17 years ago
Wren smiled with pleasure as Amby spoke. "I'm sure you'll have a great time."

She did some quick mental calculations as she spoke. "There's a twenty-five dollar registration fee, and one class per week is sixty-five so for six months that's...four fifteen."

Wren went over her enrollment in her head, she'd have to double check to be absolutely certain, but "I need a couple more women in my Friday night beginners class at eight-thirty and my advanced class on Saturdays at seven-thirty. If you wanted to, you could alternate classes. Like on the first and third weeks take exotic dance and on the second and fourth take ballroom and if there's a fifth week you can just pick one."
Amberelle DeEspionne 17 years ago
Nodding as Wren did the math, the blonde thought about what would work best for her. This time of year it wasn't a big deal, but come summer... that was another story. Some of the earlier classes would be unreachable for her, when the sun began to set later. Amberelle frowned slightly, looking thoughtful.

That sounds good, for now. My schedule is going to be changing some closer to summer so I may have to adjust which classes and all then. It seems like I'm never out and about before the sun's down, ya know? Giving the other woman a
"but what can you do" look and shrug, the vampire scooted back to where she'd left her bag and began rummaging through it for her checkbook. Pulling it out she slung the backpack over her shoulder and began filling one out. The image of kittens playing on the checks always made her smile. Carefully removing it, she handed it to her new instructor with a huge grin. I'm so happy! I've really missed dancing since I moved to Nachton. The blonde bounced slightly with excitement and giggled. Ok so go tend to your other students, Amby said and gave her a shoo-ing motion. I'll see you for the exotic class later this week.

Giving Wren a little wave she picked up her boots and started towards the exit. Stopping after about three steps, she snapped her fingers and spun back to Wren. OH! Would you give Ana something for me...? Twisting her bag around she pulled one of her calling cards out and held it towards the raven haired woman. I'd appreciate it.

((OOC Amby out pending responses!))
Wren 17 years ago
Wren took the check from Amby with a smile. "The one you wanted is tomorrow, so i'll see you then."

Wren turned toward the dressing room, but spun back around on her toes when Amby spoke. "I'd be happy to!"

She took the card from her newest student and with a wave dashed into the dressing room and then into her office.
Nyra 17 years ago
Nyra followed Ana deeper into the studio. While it was all very pretty and nice the sense of impending doom shadowed her. The other woman certainly made up for it with her enthusiasm. Listening intently she tried to follow along and shake the scared rabbit feeling. It didn't sound too bad, just being able to catch up should help if no one was berating at her to work harder. Negativity never helped the artist and she hoped that tonights class was an indicator of the attitude at the Studio.

Withholding her comments about the class, Nyra smiled at the enthusiastic librarian before answering her.

"I paint, so I am not quite that active."

Offering the woman her hand before heading to the office was only polite, she did not want to hold Ana up in her changing. No use standing around in damp clothes if you didn't have to.

"Thank you for your time Ana, I really appreciated your insight and it was a pleasure to meet you."
Montana 17 years ago
"Surely you must be! Moving canvases, carrying paint, cleaning up, moving to view from different angles, hanging upside down from the rafters if something doesn't look quite right - okay maybe that last one is more something Batman might do, but I'll bet you're more active than you think." Ana smiled and shook the hand firmly twice that was offered to her.

"A pleasure to meet you too, Nyra, and I do so hope to see you around here." With another smile, she returned to the dressing room to change and freshen up.
Nyra 17 years ago
Nyra shook her head and laughed at Ana's descriptions of painting. The girl sure had an active imagination. Most of the time it was standing around or sitting down waiting for paint to dry
which was nothing like hanging from the rafters. Giving the other woman a smile and wave she settled into the office more at ease.

Looking at the surroundings she felt more comfortable here than the main dance floor, though the best part of this space was the entrance area with the murals, in her opinion. Looking at Wren, Nyra felt some of the intimidation return but not quite as much as before. Perhaps it was all those mirrors.

"Thank you for taking the time to speak to me, Wren. I am interested in the fitness classes and my schedule is pretty flexible but I need an easy to remember time so I don't forget"

Since she would have to set an alarm to remind her of the class she did not want the time jumping around from day to day. This was something she knew she should do and she did want to as well so she vowed to take whatever steps needed to make it happen.
Wren 17 years ago
"It's my pleasure Nyra."

Wren perched on her desk again, much as she'd done with Amby. "Well the classes are three times a day at the same time each day. I have a seven o'clock morning class a twelve o'clock lunch class and a seven-thirty evening class. Each class is forty-five minutes and goes just like you saw this evening."

She smiled gently at Nyra, she didn't want the woman to feel over-whelmed in the least, and she hoped she could put her at her ease. "I want each of my students to feel confident and comfortable and I want to do that for you. I offer private lessons Tuesday Wednesday and Thursday, from three to four. If you'd like we can get you started there for a couple of weeks and then move you to the fitness class once you're comfortable in the movements and in front of the mirrors."

She really hoped Nyra would take the class, she hated for anyone to feel intimidated or fearful of her classroom.
Nyra 17 years ago
Nyra listened to Wren intently. The class times were not ideal for her but she could make anything work with enough effort. At first she wondered if she was being offered private classes due to her size but discounted the idea almost immediately as Wren continued. This instructor seemed to know her stuff and was more than polite about adressing Nyra's nervousness. Deciding to go for it she nodded her agreement.

"I think the individual lesson would be great to start with and perhaps moving into the evening class after a while? I like to catch the sun while I can and the morning class would disrupt my work."

Fussing for a moment with her backpack that rested on her lap, Nyra wondered if this would cut too much into her time with Connie but figured it would be worth it, especialy as the nights got shorter in a few months. Settling this within her mind as the correct course of action she smiled at Wren.

"Sign me up, please."
Wren 17 years ago
"Awesome! Let me get you the paper work."

She pushed away from the desk and went around to sit in her chair. She opened one drawer and pulled out a purple folder, like the kind kids take to school, with a Studio logo sticker on the front. She passed it over the desk to Nyra. "You can fill it out now or you can take it home and bring it back."

Wren looked down at the little price sheet on her desk and pulled the calculator to her. "The registration is twenty, and private lessons are usually fifty dollars an hour, but since you're going to be taking the fitness class I'll make it.."She scrunched her lips up and cocked her head to one side. "I tell you what if you pay for three full months at once I'll give you the private lessons at the same cost as the fitness class so it would be a hundred and fifty plus the registration so a total of one seventy-five. Does that sound alright to you?"

In the beginning of all on this Wren had hated talking about the cost of her classes, but after listening to Joey bitch at her to stop apologizing for running her business she had sucked it up and put a smile on the financial side of things.
Montana 17 years ago
Ana had finished her quick change and was waiting outside Wren's office for either of the two women to appear... She was hopeful the painter-woman nice lady type person would join the class. It wasn't often, she admitted to herself, that she felt a bout of self-esteem, but participating in the class with quite a few much-thinner women - not even including the instructor - gave Ana a brief pause when she started dancing and cavorting.

Perhaps if Nyra were in the class, they could be partners, watching out for each other, encouraging one another.

Then she had a rather unexpected thought: why should she want the other woman in the class with her, when likely Nyra was having similar esteem-based reluctance? Would she - Nyra, that is - think 'Oh, Ana only wants me in the class because I'm bigger than her?' Ana sat looking at herself in the dressing mirror, agape at the possibly heartless thoughts that she was thinking. For all she knew, Nyra was an expert gymnast (who also painted) who was just shy around lots of mirrors or people.

Thudding her head gently with the Hello Kitty face on her backpack, she simply decided she would just say 'Hope to see you here soon, Nyra' if she caught the artist when she exited. And maybe she could get some better wardrobe tips from Wren, she thought ruefully, rubbing a chafed spot under her left arm.