Won't be around for a while

Hiya boys and girls,

Some of you might have been wondering where I have poofed off to, I just want to explain why i haven't been around much, now this isn't a cry for attention or me feeling sorry for myself it's just an explination why I haven't felt like posting and I'm not sure when it will return.

My husband has the disease of Bechterew, it's a rheumatic desease to the lower spine (chronic) that causes a great deal of pain, he is in pain 24/7 and this can cause alot of stress on all of us, he's currently being examinded in the hospital and has to have a CT scan today (monday) to find out more, the doctors found an enzyeme in his blood that only people with Bechterew have so they want to find out more so they can give him the right treatment.

This has been putting alot of stress on me lately, I just don't have the motivation to post here, everytime i come here and think "gonna reply" I stare at the screen and nothing happens, I hope you guys understand.

Anyone who is in a thread with me and wants to move on, I can understand if you leave the thread to do something else, don't let me hold you back.

If anyone wants to talk to me you can im me on AIM.

Happy holidays to you all.


Fallon 18 years ago
Best thoughts and wishes for your hubby, your daughter, and you. Hang in there hon, and try to enjoy the holidays.
Joey 18 years ago
I hope everything goes alright and they find the right treatments for him.

Big hugs to you and your family.
Amberelle DeEspionne 18 years ago
I'll keep y'all in my thoughts.. I know how hard it can be when your hubby is sick, so please try to take care of yourself too! *hugs*
Ellis Duban 18 years ago
Try and have a great holiday, dear. Good luck to you and yours /hug
Panos Mehalitsenos 18 years ago
good luck and take care, most of us if not all have had real life experiences that take over!

<3 much hugs to you!
Cyrus 18 years ago
Take care of you and your family first! Posts here can certainly wait.
Alec Devereaux 18 years ago
I'll hop on the Spartacus wagon here - take care and best of luck. Hang in there. We're here when you're ready for playtime again!
Ezekiel 18 years ago
All the best for your husband, daughter and yourself during this family crisis.

Here's hoping for a happy resolution and a hopeful outcome for the Holiday Season.