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The Advantages of Avoidance (private)

Christmas had been and gone, and the new year was just around the corner. Snuggled onto Kem's comfy blue couch Aishe dug into dinner... or breakfast, whichever it was at nine in the evening. Let no one say Kem wasn't a quick learner. He'd picked up on her dietary needs with alacrity, and now his fridge was stocked with what Aishe considered the primary four food groups: ice cream, hot fudge, sprinkles, and whipped cream. There was some blood in there... for when hot fudge sundaes didn't cut it... but for the most part she'd made good on her vow to eat sundaes every day. After all, her girlish figure was going to stay relatively girlish, right?

All right... so girlish had never been really appropriate for her. She was definitely far too muscular for girlishness. But all the same... it wasn't going to her ass.

In the dining room, on the table, sat their current project... a huge mosaic puzzle Kem had given her for Christmas, a picture of Eeyore made up of teeny tiny other pictures of Eeyore. Aishe loved it, and although it was amazingly tough to assemble she was having fun with it. They'd spent hours on it already, filling the small house with laughter as Aishe mock-chastised Kem for "cheating." Here at home, away from prying human eyes, Kem was far more used to using his telekinesis than she'd thought; he used both hands and mind to maneuver puzzle pieces around, quickly determining three at a time if they would fit in a slot.

They'd worked on it a bit earlier; Aishe often came over to spend time with Kem when neither of them was working, sometimes taking the bus, and sometimes calling him for a ride. She didn't see the need for a car in Nachton, not yet.

Now though, was movie-time. They were working on watching Firefly, which Aishe had given Kem as one of his Christmas presents. Neither of them had seen it, and all reviews said it was excellent, so here they were, engrossed in it.

Kem`Raaisu 18 years ago
Kem had to admit the couch had never been more comfy. He sat in one corner, Aishe resting up against him as she devoured the world's biggest hot fudge sundae. Two scoops of ice cream, extra whipped cream, tons of sprinkles, hot fudge on the ice cream and on the top... yes, Kem had, in a very short time, become the leading expert on how to make the perfect Aishe-sundae.

Every now and then she turned and offered him a bite, which was sufficient for him... Kem wasn't a particularly big eater by any stretch of the imagination. Making a sundae for himself would have been wasteful and Aishe didn't seem to mind sharing hers one bit.

They were both enjoying their show. Kem was fairly certain, though, that the appeal of watching anything with his arms wrapped around Aishe was never going to wear off. As one episode ended and another began, she once more held out her spoon to him. Before he could eat the whipped cream off the end (that was by far his favorite part), Aishe flicked her wrist and mischievously left a dollop on the end of his nose.


Locking his arms around Aishe's waist even more securely, Kem dipped his nose and burrowed into her neck, leaving a line of whipped cream on her skin as she tried to wriggle away with a very surprising squeal.
Aishe 18 years ago
She was even surprised at herself for letting out such a particularly girly noise, but Aishe wasn't about to reflect on that. Kem's arms were stronger, much stronger, than hers. So she wriggled in vain while her mischievous splash of whipped cream was applied to her neck.

Of course, the whipped cream had to come off... Kem apparently had plans for that as well. His lips lightly touched her neck and she stilled, sundae and squirming both forgotten. Lowering her hand, she rested her bowl on the floor and then brought her arms up behind her to pull his head closer, encouraging.

Impromptu wrestling led to several minutes of long, luxurious kisses, something they'd spent the last few weeks perfecting the art of. Aishe hadn't quite had enough playing, however, and before too long she pulled away and flipped around so she was pressed up, chest-to-chest with Kem, a little grin on her face.

"There's plenty of whipped cream in the fridge you know."

She wiggled her eyebrows suggestively; her offer was only half-jest, but she knew from experience that Kem wouldn't take her up on it. While they were amazingly comfortable with each other, the topic of sex had never been brought up between them. Not openly, at any rate. Aishe certainly wasn't going to push him; they had a very long time to get to that point. Taking it slow took on a whole new dimension when one considered a span of years ahead that was almost incomprehensible.
Kem`Raaisu 18 years ago
For once, Aishe's laughing jest failed to bring a smile to his lips. Nerves, maybe. That had to be it. The topic was too close to... well... other stuff. But if he didn't get that all off his chest, he never would. Maybe he should just say what he had to say. If he sounded stupid, it wouldn't be the first time.


How had he planned to start this again? Kem blinked down at her, momentarily entranced by the glint of the moonlight off her small fangs. He shook his head, feeling the involuntary furrowing of his brow as he tried to figure out how to pose his question.

"Have I shown you the entire house?"

Yup, that wasn't it.
Aishe 18 years ago
It never ceased to amuse her when Kem panicked over something and tried to jam himself into full reverse. She had no idea what, in this case, was making him squirm so, but the expression on his face was priceless.

She raised an eyebrow at him curiously. Had he shown her the house? The entire house?

"Uh... I'm pretty sure you showed me the entire house, Kem. Unless there's a secret tunnel or something you neglected on my first visit here."

Secret tunnels could be fun. It would make sense. Wouldn't every vampire need a hidey-hole, just in case? Maybe? All right. Not necessarily.

This was Kem, though, she reminded herself as he gave a little huff, probably at himself. Expressing deep emotion wasn't really his forte. Sometimes he needed a helping hand with that. Their bond, the little tie that she could always feel, was alive and vibrant with something like nervousness. Not a bad kind... perhaps, then, just anticipation.

When he spoke, she saw triangles of pale yellow with a muddy sort of edging to them. The edging, that was something she had come to associate with Kem, although not usually when he spoke to her. It meant insecurity, uncertainty. That she knew. The yellow though... something else that she'd seen before, but not always with him. Hope? Excitement? It was something new. Both in meaning and in appearance.

She leaned in, gave him a quick kiss on his lips, and then stood, brushing a stray sprinkle from her sweater. Grabbing him by the hand and tugging, she smiled hopefully. "Just show me what you want to show me, Kiamhaat."
Kem`Raaisu 18 years ago
Aishe never ceased to intrigue, and in this case her curiosity, catlike in its barest suppression, was more than sufficient. It didn't seem to matter what topic he put to her; she was interested and attentive regardless. It was gratifying.

Kem shook his head slightly at her guess. "No secret tunnels. If you'd like one I can arrange to put one in."

He huffed at himself, having almost, but not quite, said what he wanted to. It was frustrating, but he figured it would take time before he learned how to really say what was on his mind.

At least that was something only one of them had problems with, he thought as he unfolded himself from the couch at Aishe's insistent tugging. Not that he was reluctant to follow her anywhere at all, but when she used that tone of voice, with that particular name, he was absolutely powerless to resist.

Taking the lead, he brought Aishe down the hallway toward the back of the house. There was really no need to show her anything else for the moment; most of the changes had been made already by means of invitation.

As they entered the bedroom, which didn't look too different in his opinion, he turned to Aishe and let her go first. Standing in the doorway he said, "It's not much to show. More... asking for your help, really."

Aishe was standing there with an expression of dawning understanding on her face, so he figured he might as well just keep going.

"It's just been... sort of empty, without you here. So I thought you might be able to help me out with that."

It was all well and good that he was leaning against the door frame, because she hit him with nearly enough force to put him through it and then proceeded to cut off his air supply... another thing it was fortunate to be able to do without.
Aishe 18 years ago
Aishe followed Kem to the bedroom, surprised that he headed there immediately. It was the room in his house most likely to make him blush.

What he'd wanted to show her wasn't immediately apparent until she heard his deep, soft voice behind her, and then she took a better look at the room. The changes were slight, but now that she was attentive to them, very obvious.

The bed had been pushed away from the wall and a second nightstand matching the first slid into place on that side. There were two pillows instead of one. The large closet on the right hand wall hung open, and as she stood there on the plushy blue-grey carpet, she realized that within, everything had been moved to one side and half the closet sat empty, waiting to be used.

It took a few moments for it to hit her, before Aishe realized Kem had just asked her to move in with him. With just two steps she closed the space between them once more and threw her arms around his neck, tackling and bearhugging at once.

Making sure her vampire was soundly kissed and hugged, Aishe bounced away once more, only to return in short order for another kiss. "I can help with that," she confirmed, just in case it hadn't been apparent. Then she narrowed her eyes. "This isn't just an elaborate scheme to get out of a 31-story elevator ride, is it?"
Kem`Raaisu 18 years ago
Kem didn't really see the need to disentangle himself from Aishe immediately. Normally, being tackled by a small feisty vampire wouldn't have been high on his list of priorities, but that list seemed to have been undergoing some massive overhauling as of late.

Aishe hadn't needed to see the rest of the changes... she'd see them later, at any rate. Everything in this room and the bathroom, as well as most other areas of the house, had been altered to accomodate two people. It was most obvious here, but there were two sets of towels in the bathroom now as well, extra utensils, glasses, and plates in the kitchen, and several clear spaces in the study for someone else's belongings.

Her excitement was contagious; Kem wasn't big on such displays, but he felt it as Aishe bounded away and then back once more. When she asked him with mock suspicion if he was just trying to avoid an elevator ride, he laughed, long and hard, for the first time in ages.

When he could manage it without laughing again, he gave Aishe his best sheepish grin. "You caught me. Although I admit there could be some distinct perks to having you here."

Her answering punch to his shoulder was well worth it.

"So... when should we start moving your things?"

Aishe was halfway to the front door before he finished asking.

((ooc: Kem and Aishe out))