Warming up (Private)
They had said goodbye to Addison at the skating lake and hurried back to the towers, holding hands and smiling at each other like teenagers. Livia was sure that it was probably rude of them to rush off but she no longer cared what anyone else thought. Right now she only cared what Nic thought and how she felt for him. Those feelings for him had started out as a tiny seed of friendship for a clan mate but soon grew out of joy and affection not to mention attraction.
As they entered Nic's suite, Livia smiled up at him. "Do you think we could have another glass of that lovely wine? I would greatly enjoy a glass."
Her own conscious raised a metaphorical brow at that, wondering if she was looking for liquid courage to enjoy this feeling welling up in her. Happily she denied the charges and instead insisted that such a momentous occasion needed a toast. That niggling voice in her head was silenced at that so she could finally enjoy the moment fully. Removing her coat and various outdoor apparel she made her way to the couch, full of excitement and joy.

"Of course you can have more wine, let me get that for you...you can put your things anywhere." If he hadn't also been thinking about what a really nice night it had just been, in addition to how he wanted it to end, he might have missed her request totally. But there was something different about Livia that kept Nic somewhat grounded, even when most of his head was in the clouds.
Pouring the wine, he only poured one glass, but it was a large glass, and he poured it full. Once he handed it to her, he divested himself of his jacket, and boots, and then turned on the gas fireplace, before joining her on the couch.
"Did you have fun tonight? I'm glad you were able to meet a couple of my friends..." Nic chuckled as he carefully pulled Livia into his arms, not wanting to spill the wine she held. "A more diametric pair you'll probably never find." For there really seemed to be nothing between Kem and Addison that Nic could see in common. They were both males, and that was probably the ONLY thing they shared. "Well...they're both good chaps."
He chuckled again, and wondered why in the hell he was talking about two male friends, when he had such a delectable female one in his arms. To put an end to that line of thinking, Nic looked deep into Livia's eyes, and kissed her.
Slowly he felt their lips touch, and his tongue entered her in the same sweet way. His restraint was evident, but he wouldn't have it any other way. If tonight was to be their first night, it would be slow, and tender, and hopefully a prelude to many more to come. Tonight, if she agreed, Nic wanted to cherish her, and her body.

Watching Nic's handsome form was just as fascinating as the fire. Livia was quite happy to snuggle into his embrace when he joined her on the couch. The sip of wine revealed the vintage had not suffered for their delay in drinking it. Offering a sip to Nic before carefully placing the glass on the table so she could rest comfortably in his embrace.
His description of Kem and Addison made her giggle. It still shocked her that he could be so friendly and carefree, claiming both as friends despite their earlier part in his troubles. He was such a kind and forgiving person, it made her melt inside.
"I had a lovely time tonight. Thank you."
Her hand gently pet his chest through the sweater in light touches of her fingertips. The kiss was not unexpected just more evoking than she had expected. His touch sent tingles down her arms and legs that returned to pool low in her belly making her feel like she had just swallowed electricity. Their mouths played slow sweet games together in an erotic dance that left her sighing in surrender to the feeling.
Livia did not know how long they stayed like that kissing and exploring each other but she did finally pull back to look into his beautiful green eyes. Seriously she studied him though passion clouded eyes with a faint smile gracing her moist full lips. She wished for a moment that she could move things with only a thought but leaned to the table herself and picked up the glass of wine. Holding it between them she met his eyes again, this time more serious.
"To us and a beautiful, and hopefully long and pleasurable, evening."
Why she said evening instead of relationship was purely in hopes of this night never truly ending. She offered the glass to him to sip from once she took a drink. Her tongue darted out the claim a drop that lay on her lower lip and she wondered briefly just how Nic tasted before blushing.

Livia pulled back just in time, and gave Nic the chance to gather his wits about him. Grinning he appreciated her words, and sentiment, and doubted he could have been as honest, and eloquent. But then it was unusual for Nic's mind to be on talking at a time like this, and while he did indeed feel differently about Livia, he was still Nic, and a man, and had one main focus now.
"To us, now, and later. Bringing together our pasts, and hopefully creating a future...pleasurable, and fulfilling."
He couldn't help but think beyond tonight, it was just the way he thought of her, and him together. And in voicing his own toast, though mirroring her's to a degree, extended beyond the immediate present. He wanted more, and wasn't afraid to tell her now...now that he knew she wanted him as well.
Concerned that she might find him lacking as a lover, Nic again reminded himself that tonight was going to be a feast of their bodies, and that they would slowly dine upon each other. Nothing was going to be rushed, or hurried, at least until they both reach the point where they could no longer hold on to themselves, and gave over to their passions.
As her tongue captured the wine on her lips, Nic sipped from the glass, but his eyes remained on hers. Every nuance of her face was studied, and nothing was found lacking. To Nic, Livia was the most beautiful woman he thought he had ever seen, the sudden pinking of her cheeks giving him pause.
"What are you thinking, that has made your face glow?"
Unable to wait for an answer, Nic reclaimed her mouth and plundered it a bit more forceful now, but never losing his hold on his resolve.
When it became evident he needed more than her lips, and it was time to move to the next course of their desires, Nic sat up a little straighter.
"Would you like to go into the bedroom, or may I undress you here?"
His eyes, lips, tongue, and fingers ached to explore every inch of her, yet he wanted to make sure she was comfortable. The couch was large enough to remain on, and the room warm from the fire, but if she found it at all immodest, he would gladly scoop her up and carry her into the next room.

When he questioned her blushing it simply deepened as she bit her lip. While she was feeling bold enough to accomplish the questioned tasting, she was not able to actually say so, out loud. Thankfully the moment passed and grew into another beautiful meeting of mouths.
Tension was building inside Livia. Her legs were taunt with the tingling racing up and down them. Stomach quivered unceasingly as well which made it very hard to sit still, snuggled in Nic's embrace. The suggestion to retire to the bedroom was welcomed but something bothered her.
Standing she held her hand to him but instead of letting him lead her to his room she went to the fireplace.
"It's silly, but would you mind turning this off before we retire?"

Her request was a little unusual, and Nic wondered what it was about the fire that concerned her. Without a seconds hesitation, he reached down and flipped the gas off, waited till the flames were gone, and then stood and pulled her into his arms.
"Anything you want, although I see nothing silly in turning the fire off. I am curious though...you'll need to tell me later, what it is about it that concerns you."
And before another word was spoken, Nic dropped one arm from her waist, scooped it under her knees, and had her in his arms in seconds. Grinning he kissed her, and carried her into his room, all in one felled swoop.
It was easy to continue kissing her until his knees hit the edge of the bed. Debating quickly he placed her on her feet, instead of laying her down, and resumed the kiss. As the intensity of their passion increased, Nic's hands slid beneath Livia's sweater, and he moaned into her mouth when his fingers touched her silken skin. Finding the button to her skirt, he had the zipper down and the skirt pooled at her feet in just a few seconds more. Pressing her closer, Nic let his hands roam up and down her back, and settled beneath the soft, firm, roundness of her backside. Only then did he pause and move his mouth down her neck, to rest upon the swells of luscious skin that pressed above her sweater's neckline.
"God in heaven, but you taste, and smell, and feel so incredibly good. It's a good thing we turned off the fire out there, because with the one that's starting up in here...I don't think the Tower walls could have contained it."
Still grinning, Nic of course was teasing her, but that didn't mean there wasn't truth to his words. He was really getting quite warm, and hurried to get their clothes off as rapidly as possible.
Moving his hands up her sides, and caressing her there with fingers outstretched, Nic skimmed the sides of her breasts, his thumbs barely brushing her nipples. Groaning again when he thought he felt her buds stiffen, Nic's own anatomy followed right along. He wondered if she could feel him through his own clothes, as they stood pressed so closely.

Nic's kisses made the world shift. Livia was sure this was a natural phenomena simply because when she opened her eyes they were in his bedroom and the trip had been magical. Her hands were busy in his hair as he kissed down her neck while his caressed her body. While she was expecting something her skirt pooling at her feet had her gasping in shy excitement.
All she could do was laugh shakily at his fire comment. It felt like she was on fire as she stood before him without her skirt on. Sensation tingled along her limbs, a throbbing need had set itself up in her loins and she could feel that the gusset of her panties was moist. Rather than wait demurely she reached out and divested both of them of their sweaters. As they stood pressed against each other she rubbed her body against his in need.
Finally his bare chest was exposed to her wandering fingers and she stroked his skin lightly, almost as if she was afraid he would disappear if pushed too hard. Biting her lower lip she undid the back clasp of her dainty bra and let it fall to the ground. She stood before him in only her panties and thigh high stockings, uncaring that she was being so forward.
At his touch she could not contain the sound of pleasure the slight brush of his thumbs wrung from her. Of course, feeling the evidence of his own ardor fired her own.
"I think you have set me afire Nicholae. Lets see if your bed can contain the blaze."
Tugging on his waistband she moved towards the edge of the coverlet and pulled back the bedding with one hand. Her leg muscles quivered in anticipation but she was loathe to be parted from him for even the moment it took for them to rearrange themselves on the bed. A quiet noise, a small whine, escaped her throat as she sat down upon the bed. When she realized her hands were still on Nic's waistband she blushed but set her fingers to undoing the fastener.

He made a murmuring sound of desire when she removed her bra, and stood before him, her breasts proud and firm. His hands ached, and his mouth watered to touch, and suckle her, but still he proceeded slowly.
"You are a true vision of beauty, Livia." His words were husky, but his resolve only lasted until they were spoken, and then he let his actions take over.
Caressing her breasts, Nic held them together as his mouth descended, and his lips captured first one taught peak, then the other. Nibbling and teasing them with the pointed tip of his tongue, once they were straining against his lips he laved them lovingly, as if feasting on something truly delectable.
So wrapped up in her body, and the sensations she was evoking in his own, Nic really didn't realize they were in bed until he felt her begin to undo his pants. But knowing she probably wouldn't be able to accomplish that task without his assistance, he reluctantly leaned away from her breasts, and shifted until he was nude before her. His raging passion stood erect from his groin, and quivered in anticipation...quite ready to seek a home within her.
First he needed to divest Livia of the rest of her garments, and his hands slid into the silk that covered her soft, but firm, and silky buttocks. Pulling the tiny cloth away from her skin, his hands roamed down the smooth, roundness, to her hips, and then across her stomach. Moving the panties downward, he let one finger move between her moist netherlips and found her ready for him as he slid over the node, and into the opening below. She was on fire...liquid fire...and Nic was sure he was building up the same within himself.
Shifting on the bed, he managed to extract his finger, and move her panties off totally, letting his hands massage along her legs as they moved to her feet, and the panties were tossed aside. Thinking things had progressed a little to far now, to be worried about taking the time to remove her stockings, Nic's hands moved back upwards, lovingly, until they again found the center of her pleasure.
"Do you have a preference...for how you want me to come inside you?" He hoped she didn't think it too odd, that he was asking so many questions. It was different for him as well, as he normally just 'did it' in whatever manner was easiest. But he was more concerned with giving her the utmost pleasure, that he really wanted to do things right this first time especially.
As he waited for her answer, Nic could feel his own body straining forward, as if a strong magnet was pulling on his cock...and the magnet was between Livia's gorgeous legs. He even felt the tip of his penis graze her labia, and sucked in his middle section afraid that continued contact would take away his ability to go slowly.

By now she was so close to her peak that she almost did not understand what Nic was asking. Expelling a shaky breath she looked at him through passion filled eyes.
"Now, that's my preference. We can review the Kama Sutra later, but right now, I need you."
She almost did not even recognize her own voice at the end, especially when his hard shaft grazed her throbbing flesh. Boldly she reached out to touch his hardness but did no more than grasp him firmly in her hand. Groaning she gently guided him to her as her legs encircled his hips, the silky stockings causing an intriguing feeling against both of them. When his member finally touched her flesh she tried not do twitch overmuch, though his caresses made her feel like she was being so lovingly tortured. Finally she had the very tip of him nudging apart her folds and removed her hand from his manly flesh to caress his lean hip.
"Please Nic."

A sound much like a hiss came from Nic then, as he felt her fingers close around him, and he just gave up the pretense of being in charge. He admitted it to himself then...Livia had taken his will from him nearly the moment he laid eyes on her. How or why didn't matter, since it didn't change the truth of the matter.
Chuckling at her seeming impatience, which Nic surmised matched his own, he thrust his pelvis forwards, and felt himself slide into her tight heat, almost dissolving right then and there. His hands gripped her hips firmly, as he slowly, and rather painfully, pulled back out until just the tip of his cock remained inside her. Kissing first her lips, and then her neck, Nic thrust forward again, and still stopped himself from coming. He didn't know how he was going to do it, but he swore to himself that she would find her pleasure first, or he would die trying. It mattered a great deal that she find her first time with him to be exquisite, as he planned to spend a lot more time with her in the future, and wanted many, many more times like these to occur.
Grinding against her, Nic listened through the fog that filled his brain, and waited for the tell tale sounds that accompanied a woman in the throes of passion. His hand still held her hips, and his strokes were still firm, if a little faster, but he had stopped breathing to be able to hear Livia better.
"I'm here Livia...let me take you with me...come along baby...give over..." Surely he would explode at any second...he had all but exhausted his strength.

Their movements were not the synchronized steps of long familiar lovers but the tentative touches of new partners, just getting familiar with each other's bodies. Her hands roamed his back and paid special attention to his hips, urging him on. Her stocking clad legs alternated between tangling with his legs and bracing against the bed for leverage to meet him thrust for thrust.
As his pace increased so did the pleasure. Somehow he rubbed inside her perfectly, causing the pleasure to begin to peak quickly. Livia's head was thrown back with her hair strewn across Nic's pillow. Even just smelling his scent made tingles course through her body. She breathed quickly in an effort to continue to enjoy that sensation and small sounds emerged with each exhale.
At his words she trembled and tried to open her eyes. She so wanted to watch passion overtake his features. Their gazes locked and he thrust again, as she met him they ground together at their centers. A rush of swift sensation travelled up her limbs to her core culminating in deep contractions of her muscles and a scream of completion as her body shook. Unwillingly her eyes closed and her head flung back against the pillow as her body arched and pulled him to her tightly. Even her toes curled at the sensation.

Watching her let go, and experience the passion she seemed created for, Nic's seed shot into her, and he moaned her name. But still he continued slowly bucking his body against her. Until he was sure she had felt everything she could possibly feel, he would find a way to make his own body press on. Just before it became painful, he embraced her, stopped his lunging, and held her to him. His own body was still heaving, but he didn't have it in him to pull away, even as the feel of her continued to softly squeeze around him. It was the most exquisite torture he could imagine, and if he could stay like that forever, he might be tempted.
"I'm sorry..." He wanted to give her words of love, and affection, but was too overwhelmed by what had just happened to come up with anything coherent, much less inspiring. He kissed her temple, her brow, her cheeks, nose, then lips. "...I'm suddenly without words."
Running his hands lightly down her back, her wonderful ass, her hips...Nic still marveled at just how silken her skin was. Not that he had never felt a woman's soft skin before, but Livia seemed more. More everything.
"Thank you...for sharing that with me." It seemed so inadequate, but he had to say something, and though he felt a huge amount of affection for her, Nic wouldn't say those other words. Not yet. Not until he truly felt them, and they came from within him without instigation. He cared about her too much to profess something he just wasn't utterly certain of yet.
But he did care for her, more than any other woman he'd met in at least a hundred years, if not more.

The kisses and words coaxed her to finally open her lids and gaze at Nic through satiated eyes. He was so gallant, wanting to give her words to describe such an indescribable act. A warm satisfied smile emerged and she pet his smooth skin with a lethargic hand.
"Words are very unnecessary, I think we communicated quite well there."
She wanted to curl up like a house cat in his warm embrace and nap. It was doubtful the completed feeling would wear off for several days and she revelled in it. His thanks though made her smile and snuggle closer to him to murmur.
"And thank you. Though I must say, it was my pleasure."
The brief laughter that comment generated caused their still joined bodies to part slightly. Livia hissed at the contact, or lack there of, on her very sensitive tissues. She had no desire to even contemplate moving let alone leaving at this time. For now she simply basked in the aftermath of scented air and satiated flesh.

With deliberateness, Nic did finally pull away, as slowly and carefully as he could manage, to lessen any soreness. Yet he did not release her from his arms, as she just felt and smelled to marvelous to let go of.
"Would it take a great deal of persuasion to get you to stay the night? Any prior engagements that might stop that from happening...you can tell me...I'll have them taken care of." Nic chuckled talking tough, as he had in one of his B gangster movies from the forties. "Rub em right out!" Nuzzling her neck, kissing down to the swell of her breasts, inhaling her scent the entire trip, and finding as it filled his brain, all other rational thought fled.
Concerned that she might be hungry, or that she would possibly be if she stayed and woke up in his bed later, Nic would call and have something delivered. MARI was a wiz at coming up with the right things at the right time, and though he tried not to rely on her, occasionally she couldn't be beat for her assistance.
"I can see to it that we'll have a nice meal later...we can shower, if you want...whatever...I'll do it...just...stay."
His voice was more seductive that pleading...more demanding than requesting...but his tone was one of tenderness, so he didn't think Livia would take it the wrong way. Their positions were just to perfect, at the moment, to mess with...simple as that.

His request, silly speech and all, made her giggle and try to put on as much of an act as he just did. Wavering damsel voice and big wide eyes looking scared was about all she could do.
"Oh please don't knock off my spinning wheel. It did nothing wrong! Honest."
A giggle escaped her lips and she tried to bury her head in his pillow. Those kisses he bestowed upon her skin though had the giggles dissolve into a happy purr. She was more than content to lay in his arms until the towers evicted them. The list of things to fill the rest of their evening with was wonderful, Nic thought of everything. Her hand danced over his strong shoulder, moving in an upward caress of his skin before tangling into his hair.
"Thank you, I will happily stay. For dinner, shower or even just snuggling, until you are ready for your own space back."
The mention that even if he had been snoring she would stay was withheld. She had no wish to push too much on their growing relationship. Enjoying his arms around her, Livia snuggled against him happily.
"I have no wish to leave this very comfortable spot just yet."

"Space...funny thing that. I've never been one to need a lot of it, but there have been times when I needed it to myself. With you...it's different though. You're so incredibly easy to be with, and around..." Feeling a bit sappy, Nic shrugged and let the thought fade. He didn't think it would do to get too serious. At least not yet. He was positive he could see a strong possibility of that becoming an issue later though. That was, if Livia was also inclined.
For now he didn't feel like analyzing things any further. They probably had a couple hours before the sun would rise, and he didn't feel much like wasting them.
"Times like these I wish I had more useful talents..." He said somewhat distractedly. Not that he really wanted for anything. He was very content to remain as they were. In fact, he could have probably fallen asleep then and there, and stayed that way till the sun set again. And for Nic, who rarely slept through an entire day, that would be something.
But should Livia want a snack, or something, he wished he could just bring it to her, without leaving the bed. Maybe she was as content to stay in his arms till the daylight passed again, as well.

Livia almost wanted to sleep, wrapped in Nic's strong arms but the press of his body against hers was distracting, in a good way. Useful talents? That made her arch a brow and trace her finger from his ear down his neck and chest before whispering huskily.
"I think you have very very useful talents."
Maybe it was wrong of her but being so intimately entangled kept her desire for him simmering just under the surface. It wasn't until her hand traveled over his muscled stomach that she realized he could have been speaking about his vampiric talents. Even so, her thought held and she was feeling too bold to retract it.
"Just what sort of talents would you prefer to possess?"

Nic's chest rumbled softly against Livia's touch.
"I wasn't referring to 'those' talents...though I will accept the compliment gladly. I meant...I've heard there are those of 'us' who have the ability to move things with their thoughts. That is the specific talent I was thinking of just then. That way we could both stay tucked in here for quite some time, and I could just 'will' us another glass of wine from the kitchen, or anything else we might desire."
Shifting his body on the bed, Nic moved to enable his view of Livia to be less awkward, then pressed a kiss to her mouth. He wasn't quite ready to move beyond the peaceful contentment, back into the throes of passion yet, so the kiss was more a continuing show of affection, rather than heat.
"My own talents have merit, but nothing like telekinesis. Then again, I'm lucky I'm rarely quite this lazy."
His own fingers traced random circles across the silky skin of Livia's hip, and lower back, as she moved her hand down his body. He wasn't ready to start up again so soon, but with the way she was touching him, he knew it was only a matter of time before he'd be rock hard again.
"What about you...if you could have any ability, what would you choose?"

Talk turned to talents which was somewhat safer ground. After her turning and subsequent discovery of what she was, talents were the least of her concern. Surviving and not killing people was. She felt each day was a blessing that passed with her holding strong to her beliefs and happiness. Smiling at her lover, even the thought made her happy, she tried to express that.
"Talents were like an added bonus for me. I mean, we already have an almost immortal existence, strength, slightly better senses. Finding I could speak to another's mind was unexpected. A perk. Though telekinesis does seem to be quite handy. Something to aspire to perhaps but I promise you that I am completely content to lie here until sunset."
Laying in bed with Nic was decadent. Like chocolate cake bathed in hot fudge and real cream. It made her feel satisfied but always ready to lick the bowl, so to speak. Shifting around slightly she rested her head on her hand and propped up on her elbow. With her free hand she traced his skin, outlining bones and plundering muscles all while reveling in the silky smooth flesh.
"To me, the most attractive part of a man is right here. This sexy jut of a hip bone. Followed closely by the clavicle. So strong. So beautiful."
Her hands followed her words closely. Almost sighing in ecstasy at touching each part as she spoke. Men's bodies were so magnificently put together and Nic's especially. The muscles he had under his skin were not bulging but substantial. It was unbelievably sexy.
For a brief moment she remembered her long dead husband's body as it was when they first met, slightly portly in defference to his wealth. Skinny or muscular then meant low class, either you had no food or you had to work very hard for it. That was one style that she had been happy to see fade. Nic's form more closely resembled her very first lover, a weaver guildman who transported her cloth, with whom she enjoyed only one night with. She hoped to enjoy her clanmate for a much longer time. Putting those brief thought from her mind she continued to run her hands over Nic's skin happily.

"My talents, for a very long time, insured my survival, and I think because of that they became pretty ingrained into my whole self. You know...once you do something for so long, and often enough, it becomes second nature. But since I've come to Nachton, I've been making a conscious effort to break myself of those habits. I am still thankful for them, and use them, but with a lot more discretion."
Giving Livia's bottom a playful squeeze, Nic chuckled. "But with your talents so handy, there really isn't any need for me to worry, now is there?" He thought it would be pretty easy to finagle her into bringing whatever they needed to the bed.
His eyes stayed on her's when she moved apart, and regarded him. His own fingers mimicked her's and traveled across her breastbone, between her breasts, then circling both her beautiful breasts themselves, ending with a soft swirl around each areola. The way they puckered made his mouth salivate, and he had to clear his throat before speaking again.
"I'm afraid I've too many favorite parts to pick just one or two. Of course a woman's breasts make my mouth water...plump, firm...mmmmmmmmmmm..." Bending forward Nic pulled one of Livia's taut peaks between his lips, savoring it for a few seconds. His hand moving down the curve of her waist, and hip, back to where he had just squeezed. Relinquishing her nipple, Nic leaned back again grinning. His fingers now repeating the circles on her lower plump, firm, mounds.
"And this...god gave men wonderful views of women, coming or going." Nic winked, and let his fingers move up Livia's back, right along her spine. "Not to be overlooked, but a woman's back can also be extremely sensual...not too bony, but mesmerizing in the way the ridges lightly press through the silkiness of the skin...and the way they shift, and move as you do..." Again he made a deep, throaty murmur of appreciation.
His fingers moved to Livia's shoulder, and up her neck, and quickly this time he bent towards her and nipped at the juncture of both, sucking, and lapping at the skin with his tongue, moving upwards to her ear.
"This part...this part, is tasty, and a huge favorite probably because it is so much more accessible than other parts, and it is also so close to this part..." Pressing his lips to hers, he hoped he made that point successfully.
"And I still have more to add to the list...shall I go on?"
He hadn't even gotten below the waist yet...but looked forward to showing her just how many more places he found attractive.

"If I had the ability to move objects with my mind I would. Unfortunately the only thing to make this evening more comfortable would be to start sending, so the discussion could continue should mouths be occupied. Though I am quite sure I wish to concentrate on that feeling foremost."
Her exploring fingers shook slightly as he returned the favor. Though she did not pull her hands from his chest they had not moved an inch since he started his own exploration. She was now breathing heavier with excitement and her legs moved restlessly against his.
At his silly comment of having a list of places to visit had her whining out his name and clutching him to her. They kissed hotly, deeply and when it finally came to an end she was whimpering for more. The feelings he evoked within her were strong and vibrant, like a thunderstorm inside her, battering to get out. One leg had wrapped itself around his body, trying to hold him against her. She was powerless to stop the desire that he had created within her as her body urged him on.