Ornament exchange..
I'm sure it's too much trouble for the admins to post, but I'm super curious to see what everyone made for the exchange. I assume it's OK to share them! (If not I can edit mine out) Here was mine..

18 years ago

Ellis Duban
18 years ago
Has Aishe left for her road trip yet? It was her thing, so I assumed she was gonna post them. =x

18 years ago
I received my gift in the form of a Private Message.
But the one I made is this:
I received my gift in the form of a Private Message.
But the one I made is this:

18 years ago
I made this one!

Amberelle DeEspionne
18 years ago
oh so pretty! y'all all did some cute ones!! I'm not used to making anything nearly so teeny.. I have to get my new Amby sig loaded up so I can fit in the one I received.

18 years ago
I'm sorry.
I've never hosted an exchange or any sort of thingy like this before, so I didn't realize about the whole posting all the ornaments thing! I just sorta assumed they'd turn up in people's sigs. However, I should have thought of it beforehand... so here they all are:

By Pak

By Nikhila

By Connie

By Amberelle

By Ambrose

By Joey

By Ana

By Ysabel

By Aishe

By Kem

By Nyra
I think that's all of them! Thanks to all the donators who participated... I don't have my little list of whose button went to who right in front of me... it's back at home and I am currently in Tennessee. :P

By Pak

By Nikhila

By Connie

By Amberelle

By Ambrose

By Joey

By Ana

By Ysabel

By Aishe

By Kem

By Nyra
I think that's all of them! Thanks to all the donators who participated... I don't have my little list of whose button went to who right in front of me... it's back at home and I am currently in Tennessee. :P