It's good to be home. (private)
Wren woke slowly and moaned as she gave a lazy stretch. She still had three days before classes began again, but she was more than happy to be spending them at home. Her skin was a lovely light bronze from the nearly endless days in the Jamaican sun. She had stayed up until four or five each morning with Drev to wake around noon, then she spent the afternoons stretched out on a lounge chair in what barely passed for a bikini, sipping cranberry juice or water with limes brought to her by a hot waiter in white shorts, until the sun went down. Then she and Drev danced and played the nights away.
It seemed Jamaica never shut down and so they never found themselves with out something to do until they fell into be exhausted, of course there were the nights that they didn't leave their suite. Not once did Wren get sick or did she and Drev argue. It had been the most relaxing Christmas she had ever spent. Drev had given her so many wonderful and heart warming gifts and she had, well she hoped she had, done the same for him. It was fun to have someone you truly loved to shop for and give presents to. Not to mention the hours they spent in bed to celebrate the day had been some of the most amazing sex Wren had ever experienced in her life.
With another soft moan, she rolled over and snuggled against Drev, catching a glance at the clock along the way. It was just after eleven. She needed to pee, but it could wait a few minutes. She wriggled closer and placed little kisses on the hard muscle of his peck.

What a vacation it had been. Absolutely relaxing; apparently something he'd badly needed. Laying on the beach, drinking fruity drinks, running through the ocean tides, making love on a blanket in the sand, and on the deck overlooking the setting sun, and in their king-size bed, on the couch, the kitchen counter, in the back seat of their rented car, in the bathroom of the private jet on the way down and the way back -twice.... Gods, he had been insatiable - even more so than usual. If he'd had his way, they would have spent the entire vacation having sex. But Wren didn't have the stamina he did. Which is probably a good thing, since he did enjoy the sightseeing they managed to do.
Drev felt Wren shifting next to him. He turned to embrace her more fully, his manhood brushing the silky skin of her bare thigh. A dim wave of arousal swept through him but it wasn't strong enough to pull him out of the comfortable lethargy they basked in.

She gave a smile to the sleepy woman in the mirror and headed back to the bedroom. Drev hadn't moved, so she crawled back into the warm haven of his bed and regained her previous position, only she put more of her chest on his so she could nibble his jaw and neck.
"I've gained some weight. It's nice to look normal again."
On the table beside the bed her phone rang. "Shoot." She rolled on top of Drev and picked up the little annoyance. The ID said it was her mom. "Oh this can't be good." She flipped it open and pressed the call button.
"Wren, honey? It's mom."
"Hi mom, what's up?" Wren shifted her body so that her hips rested on Drev's and she had contact with him from shoulders to toes.
"It's your brother." Wren stiffened and looked into Drev's eyes. She didn't know what was coming, and she didn't know how to react if it was bad.
"What's wrong mom?"
"He was arrested. I don't know what to do." Wren relaxed. She could handle this.
"Why are you calling me? I can't help him." Wren's mom gasped. "I'm sorry that was cold. What happened? Tell me everything then I can see how I can help."
"Well alright. The police went to his job and arrested him, right there in front of everybody. They said he was charged with three counts of indecency with a child and rape...Rape Wren! So now we have to find him a lawyer. We can't afford a lawyer."
And there it was. Her mother wanted money to help save the worthless ass of her brother.
"Who was arrested mom?"
"Oh, Danny." Her mother sounded flustered. Wren sighed. She would not be helping that sorry sack of shit for any reason.
"I'm sorry Mom, I can't help you."
"Oh Wren! Why do you have to be that way? He's not done anything wrong, and he needs you now."
Ice entered her voice as she cut off her mother's guilting. "How do you know that? He's done it before."
"But that was just children playing."
"It was children playing when I was five, it was a crime then and it was a crime when I was six and twelve and thirteen. He needs help mom, and I'm not going to give it to him. He made his bed let him lie in it. I'm sorry, but I just can't help him."
She took the phone from her ear and thumbed the call to an end, then on second thought she turned the phone all the way off. Tears made everything into prisms and her lip trembled. With a deep breath she pushed the tears back down and threw the phone across the room. It was the only temper she was going to show. Her eyes met Drev's and she had to smile. He loved her and nothing could ever hurt her again. With that thought in mind, she lifted her hips to let his member, still mostly flaccid run across her folds. She felt herself grow moist and sat up, using his chest as a lever.
"I will not let them in. They have no place here."
There was finality in her voice and it pleased her. She broke into a smile and crawled up Drev's body and very carefully turned her back to him and laid down, hips to chests, and planted a soft kiss on his penis.

All the while she spoke to her mom, Drev was aware of the way Wren was pressing her body against him. She was summoning strength from him, from the solidity of his body. When the call ended, he was surprised at the desire he felt in her. He'd been able to stifle his erection, until she stroked him with her velvety flower. He wanted to talk with her, make sure she was alright, but before he could, she spun and kissed his growing member.
Drev had to ease her hips back in order to place soft kisses carefully on her mound. The smell of her desire made his head swim as he delicately slid the tip of his tongue along her cleft. Her legs to either side of his head, he pushed them apart as far as he could, before covering her pussy with his mouth. Her heat was intoxicating. His tongue worked slowly, savoring her moisture while demanding more.

All to soon her body could take no more and a scream ripped from her throat as orgasm crashed through her body. She bucked and convulsed, but the firm hands on her hips kept her close to the source of her exquisite torture. Until with a great splashing wave, she lay spent against her lover, her lips nibbling the penis in her hands, as her breath pushed raggedly from her lungs.

"Are you alright?" His voice was soft, almost crooning as he combed her raven locks back with his fingers.

"I am."
She wrapped her thigh around his and sighed softly once more. "I just don't understand those people. My mother more than any of them. My brother, Danny, was arrested for indecency with a child and rape. I assume statutory rape, since an adult would be too much for him." She gave a disgusted grunt. "And they expect me to pay for a lawyer. I don't make that much money, and if I did I wouldn't spend it on his worthless hide. This is going to sound harsh, but he needs to be in prison, if for no other reason that to learn what it's like to be helpless and terrified."
She snuggled closer letting his strength buoy her. "I've watched enough television to know that child molesters aren't tolerated. Oh Drev, I should be happy he's finally getting what he deserves, but why do I feel so...frightened and small?"
She sighed again, and hated herself for it. "Don't answer that. I don't want him to steel another moment from me."
She pushed herself up and swiped impatiently at the tears on her cheeks. "Are you hungry? I think I'd like an omelet. Then will you dance with me?"
She was just going to put this out of her mind and when his sentence came down she would rejoice. She slid from the bed and wrapped her nudity in yards of black silk.

"Omelets and dancing sounds great," he said with a smile. He was slower getting out of bed. He stretched his arms and back, then put on a pair of black kung fu pants from his dresser.
On his way to the kitchen, he tried to think of some ways to get Wren's mind of her family. Maybe they could go to the museum or to see a movie. 'Or maybe I could teach her shinkendo,' he thought with a smirk. 'It might be therapeutic for her to beat me with a bokken.'
Drev considered for a moment making the omelets and letting Wren sit and relax, but he discarded the idea. They'd just gotten out of bed, and she needed to let her mind focus on something else. He hugged her from behind and nuzzled her neck. "Want any help?"

"The mushrooms need washing and slicing. Do you want ham in yours?"
She never put meat in her own omelets, but knew he liked it. "Or there is some bacon left from dinner last night." She'd made waffles in the waffle iron her former boss had sent as a Christmas gift. She knew he had done it as a jibe. A sort of leave me for the domestic life and I'll give you something practical and almost useless. She adored it. Drev had cooked bacon and scrambled eggs and she'd gone Susie homemaker all over that iron. Those had been some of the best waffles, ever.
She added a touch of milk to the eggs to make them shiny, then went to the sink and washed the rest of the vegetables. She pulled out a second cutting board and knife, and made quick work of a quarter of an onion, a small portion of bell pepper and a roma tomato, deseeding it as she went.
"The paper's on the table. Do you want coffee or tea?"
This felt so incredibly right to her and she wondered if Drev would ask her to marry him one day. That stopped her short for a moment, coffee mugs frozen in mid-air. Did she really want that, and why was she thinking such thoughts now? With a small shrug she finished pulling the mugs down and pulled out two juice glasses.

"What's wrong?" he asked as he took the mugs from Wren and went about making tea for them both.

She tapped a small bit of butter into the pan and added a dash of olive oil. While they heated she put two slices of wheatberry bread into the toaster. When the butter bubbled she tossed onions, peppers, and mushrooms into the pan and stirred them as they sauteed.

"Can I teach you Shinkendo?" he asked abruptly. 'Yeah, like she's got time to learn a martial art,' he chided himself.

The toast popped so she pulled it out and began to spread a thin layer of butter on each piece. His question startled her and she turned to look at him. "What's a shin-ken-doh?"
The eggs made a sputtering sound and she went to turn the omelet out onto a plate and began the precess all over again.

"Shinkendo is samurai swordfighting using a katana. I think with your dancing abilities and your natural agility, you'd learn it quickly." He got up again to hug her from behind. This time his hands drifted a little higher than her flat belly, one slipping inside her robe to find that intoxicatingly soft skin. "Besides," he whispered into her ear, "there's nothing sexier than a woman wielding a katana." His lips found the base of her neck where they drew a line of kisses up to her ear, then back down.

She poured eggs into the pan and sprinkled the rest of the tomato and the last two slices of avocado left over from a salad the day before, that she had chopped into little pieces over it, when Drev's arms encircled her again. She moaned softly when his hand found her skin.
"Nothing? Hmm."
She let her head drop forward to give him better access to her skin when the toast popped. "Stop, I have to finish this."
But she didn't move, couldn't really he effectively had her trapped, with just his lips on her skin.

"Well, I should be more specific; there's nothing sexier than you wielding a katana."

"Oh, well that makes all the difference."She took the plates to the table and returned to the counter for the juice, morello cherry jam, knives, forks and spoons, Drev had already put the honey on the table. She set those on the table and took her place.
She studied him for a moment, pretending to contemplate his strange request. "Yes, and we can start today. I wanted to dance with you for the exercise that will work jsut as well. Um you do have like a practice sword or something right. I don't think I should use a sharp death dealer my first go'round."

"I'm not sure if that will work for me." She gestured with her fork as though talking sports or politics. "I'll just wear your clothes and you can go naked."
She cut off another bit of omelet and slid it into her mouth. She knew that neither of them could go naked, or the only exercise they would be getting would happen from the flat of her back. Still it was fun to tease.

"But if you're worried about distractions, you could just wear your yoga outfit." Though was that any better than her being naked?

"I have a new set I'll wear, I haven't tried them out yet so this should be a good breaking in for them."
She had absolutely no intention of wearing more than was necessary, but she thought he might like the little set she'd bought in jamaica.
With out much more talk they finished their breakfast and she headed to her bedroom to change while Drev washed the dishes.
From her drawer she pulled a brightly colored bikini-like top, that was made of sports bra material, and held her firmly, along with a pair of aqua yoga pants. They were just a trifle long for her so when she stood on her toes the hem touched the floor, flat footed, they draped over her foot leaving just her toes bare. They had a stirrup at the bottom that held them in place. She tossed the robe to the bed and pulled out a pair of sports panties in the same color. She only wore the panties under yoga pants because the pants didn't get to all the places she sweated.
She dressed quickly, and joined drev in the dojo.