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You have a message for me?(New, please join!)

After the intitial survey of her room and quick scan of the highlights of the towers, she deside she should head down to the front desk to pick up the message from The Countess. She left the her new room and headed toward the elevator.

Nastalia Nujun 18 years ago
She arrived at the elevator, and had to wait only about 2 minute before it opened. She entered and punched up the ground floor.
Nastalia Nujun 18 years ago
The elevator arrived and she stepped out and headed toward the front desk. She smiled at the secretary, a rather a attractive brunett.

"Hello, I understand I have message for me? Nastalia Nujun, I just arrived a few hours ago."
Clerk 18 years ago
Marjorie looked at the beautiful Asian woman and smiled.

"Uhm, just give me a moment to check."

Fumbling around in the little cubby holes for organizing everything at the receptionist's desk, Marjorie found the one where notes, packages, keys and other things were left for the residents.

"Ah ha, here you go. The Countess left this for you."

Working in such an cutting edge and luxurious place like the Towers had left Marjorie somewhat jaded to the wealth of important and unique individuals that frequently passed through the revolving doors. Still, a real live Countess had been here to give this woman, who was probably equally special in some way, a message. How cool was that? There were days that she really loved her job.

Putting on her best professional face, Marjorie smiled slightly and asked.

"Is there anything else I can help you with?"
Nastalia Nujun 18 years ago
She accepted the envelop. Smiling

"No, that is all for the moment. Thank you."

She turned and headed back to the elevator.
Aishe 18 years ago
Aishe was waiting at the elevator when she was joined by a pretty asian woman who looked about the same age as her. She'd knew well enough by now, though, that looks, especially at Liefde, were deceiving.

She couldn't do anything but smile, since she was carrying two large boxes. She was very nearly done moving out of her old suite and into Kem's (well... their) house, and even though she hadn't unpacked much, she had needed to eat. So she had a few things left over to take with her; utensils, cookware, plates. It should only take her a trip or two, and nothing was heavy. Kem, whose car had brought her and her boxes to the Towers, had offered to help, but with such reluctance in his tone that she'd had to laugh. She could tell he was torn; helping her out was top prority, but it meant more elevator riding, and even Aishe had to admit he'd been awfully good lately about biting the bullet and suffering through 31 floors of torture. She'd sent him off to Meridian while she gathered her few remaining belongings.

With her smile and a friendly nod, she greeted the woman standing next to her now. "Hi there!"

Peeking up at the display, she waited as the elevator made its way down to the ground floor to pick up its next few passengers.
Nastalia Nujun 18 years ago
Nastalia joined the Egyptian looking woman with the boxes at the elevator.

Returning the nod and smile
"Hello, are you new here as well?"
Aishe 18 years ago
Aishe looked down at her boxes and shrugged. "Still a little new, I guess. I've been here for about a year."

So this woman was new here as well? She wondered if she was a vamipre, or a human. Liefde had all kinds, obviously. It wasn't any of her business though.

"What brings you to Nachton?"
Nastalia Nujun 18 years ago
Shrugging "People started noticing that I wasn't aging, so I decide I needed to move out of the area completely. What about you?"

She eyed the boxes "Need help with those boxes?"
Aishe 18 years ago
Taken aback slightly, Aishe blinked. Well, this one wasn't bashful. Was it her place to give advice though? She was young yet. But being new here, perhaps the woman didn't realize there were plenty of folks in and out of Liefde who didn't know what Evenhet was.

She answered the questions first while she thought. "I came here to track someone down," she said with a slightly impish grin. "I liked it so much, I decided to stay."

The offer to help was declined with a friendly shake of her head. She lifted the boxes easily. "They're still empty, for the moment. I just need to move some stuff."

The elevator arrived, and Aishe waited until they were both inside before saying, somewhat awkwardly, "You know, you should be careful around here... who you're so frank with. I know Evenhet works closely with humans, but that doesn't mean they all know who... and what... we are."

It was said in a kindly tone; Aishe was certainly no one to condescend, but she didn't know this woman's past. Maybe she was newly-created, or maybe she had been sheltered and no one had taught her that. Who knew?

"My name is Aishe, by the way."
Nastalia Nujun 18 years ago
She entered the elevator after Aishe and waited till she had punched up her floor before punching up the 87th floor.

Not everyone in Liefde knew? That was differant. Back in the LA offices and the residintial wing, everyone was in the know. Made life simpler not having to worry about who to keep your mouth shut around.

"Nastalia. Never whought about that. Back in LA, we only had those who knew about us working in the clan residential areas. Made life easier."
Nastalia Nujun 18 years ago
She considered the other woman, Aishe. She probably could bring her up to speed on the local N.T.K. (Need To Know). Then again, Aishe mention she was moving out, so it would be unlikely she would have much time right now. Then again, Nastalia still needed to read the message. She wouldn't know whether or not she had an assignment already or what until she opened it. Then, again it could be just another "Wish you well." That would be nice.

She realized she was staring. Shaking her head alittle, she asked
"So, where are you from?"
Aishe 18 years ago
Aishe chuckled. "I'm from a teeny little town about three hours from here. Maybe two and half if you like to drive fast. I've been here in Nachton for a little over a year though."

Thinking back on it, she boggled at her own audacity... naiivity, perhaps, was more appropriate. "I've met a lot of pretty incredible people since I got here."

It wouldn't do not to give credit where it was deserved. If it hadn't been for aforementioned 'incredible people,' Aishe would never have made her way safely to the situation she had now.

"How about you? Did you travel here with someone, or just all on your own?"
Nastalia Nujun 18 years ago
"I'm originaly from Edo, that's Tokyo now. I moved to LA in back in 1920. I came alone, but a friend will be joining me later. She's helping care of her ill parents back in Russia right now."
Aishe 18 years ago
Aishe nodded at Nastalia. "Quite the traveler," she said with a smile.

The elevator slowed and came to a stop on her floor, 31, and she waited until the doors opened. Turning to Nastalia she said, "It was nice to meet you Nastalia. I hope you like it here in Nachton. If you have any questions or need help with anything, just let me know. I work here at Meridian. MARI can always tell you where I am."

With a little wave (slightly difficult to manage with a box in her hand, but she got the point across), Aishe let the elevator doors slide closed behind her and continued on down the hallway to her old suite.

((ooc: Aishe out))
Nastalia Nujun 18 years ago
As the elevator dinged, she looked up, Floor 31. That's the Aishe's level, err, level until now. Nuts, the first fellow pointy toothed lass she meets has to be moving out. Oh well.

With a smile and a nod
"Thanks, its been nice meeting you as well."

"Well at least she works next door" she though as the doors began to close once again.
Nastalia Nujun 17 years ago
Ding. Floor 87.
She left the elevator and headed to her room. Once there, she locked the door and headed over to her bags. After a minute or so of fishing around, she found what she was looking for. Nastalia activated the device and slowly swept the room. No bugs, good, not that she really expected any. Turning off the device and returning it to its place, she sat down and opened the envelope.
Nastalia Nujun 17 years ago
Nastalia instantly recognized that familiar elegent flowing script. Sigh... Thats one problem with modern technology, fewer and fewer people take pride in their handwriting. Heck, within ten years they probably won't even teach it anymore. Type or print, "type it or print it otherwise I can't read it." Maybe if people would put effort into their handwritting it wouldn't end up meaningless scribbles.

"Dearest Nastalia,

It is with a heavy heart that I write these words of parting. I hope that you find everything necessary for your comfort and well being in Nachton. I have taken the liberty of letting the Evenhet in Nachton know that you are coming to stay for a while. I wish you the best of luck and should you ever need a home to return to then know that it is waiting for you here in the City of Angels.

La Comtesse d'Auvergne"

With a disgusted snort at herself
"Damn it, homesick already." glancing at her watch 3:09am "Its only been 29 hours, and I'm already homesick."

Returning the letter to its envelope, she walked over to her bags, located her memiors, and inserted the envelope into one of them. Straightening up "Now I'd best get working on more ideas for this place before the decorator arrives." she thought as she surveyed the suite.

((ooc: Nastalia out. Lock up please.))