
OK for those of you I remembered to tell I was out of town this weekend. I'm part of the SCA and this weekend I went to Estrella War XXIII. If you're really interested you can check out www.sca.org and www.estrellawar.com This year we had over 6000 people from all over the country together to fight and learn and party.

I had an absolute blast (as always and I've been doing this for *gasp* ten years) and I've even linked some pictures for you :)

Me just after arriving

The battle field

Part of the period accurate encampment

Some of our equestrians warming up

Amberelle DeEspionne 18 years ago
*squee* How freaking cool!!! I always wanted to go to one of the big wars.. back when I was involved the SCA, when I was a teenager. Makes me all nostalgic for those days. I bet you had a BLAST.
Ellis Duban 18 years ago
So this was one big...larp? I'd actually love to see something like this. Dress up? Not so much, but watch with my popcorn? Hell yeah!
Reign 18 years ago
LOL! i wouldn't recommend popcorn as it was windy and dusty this year but by all means come on out and have a look! You'll have Pennisc out your way in August and some day I'll get out to that war.

It was a great time I spent too much money in merchants row, flirted with some hot fighters, went to some good parties and froze to death when I finally did go to bed. Its so much fun.
Amberelle DeEspionne 18 years ago
*gasp* You don't know what the SCA is???? I guess a LARP (live action role play) is a decent way to describe it.. but it's just so much more, and FUN.

Watching the tournament fights or socializing.. And there's usually vendors and crafts and feasts and bards and drunken wandering from camp fire to camp fire (ok i never got drunk drunk I was 17.. but heh yeah..)

i'm sad now, I miss events. but i'm too squeemish about bugs and snakes and stuff nowdays to go camping like that anymore =/
Ellis Duban 18 years ago
It sounds like the Highland games or a ren fair, right?
Reign 18 years ago
Come back to the dark side Amberelle! You know you want to! I'm tottally an indoor kind of girl, I sacrifice once a year for Estrella but other than that I just do day trips and single day events. Go on go look up your kingdom and jump back in! We'd love to have you again!

(Drunken wandering rocks! We had the war at a farm this year and there were these huge dirt humps... berms they called them... even if you didn't leave camp it was fun watching the other drunks wandering around trying to negotiate them.)

We had a revel for our household's tenth anniversary and had a fiddler, belly dancers, drummers, story tellers (including me) and singers come through camp before we headed off to other parties. I really wish i could convince ya'll how much fun this really is.

Its not quite like a highland games or a ren fair... its close but not quite. It really is geared more for participation and jumping in and doing. Take a class, help out on the field, learn a skill, fight and have a good time. Most people who come to watch either wind up going away confused or getting sucked in and sticking around.
Amberelle DeEspionne 18 years ago
Yep yep yep! Ren faire exactly. Just for a whole weekend, camping and being in costume / character. I was always a saucy pirate wench. Mainly cuz I loved wearing those shirts lol. And carrying a saber. And I hate dresses so that let me wear pants And sexy boots.

Yes, I'd love to come back... but I'm not with that guy anymore and that's something X relates to HIM so we don't do it. We talked about it at ren faire this year and he even looked stuff up when we got home... so maybe just maybe 15 years is a long enough gap =) Day events would probably be what we did, I dunno.. I can't see hiking through the woods in the middle of the night with just a candle to use an outhouse anymore.

I'm in the kingdom of Ansteorra, in the Barony of Stargate when I was younger but now live more in the Barony of Loch Soillier (sp?)
Kem`Raaisu 18 years ago
*giggles at Pak* Nice hat. :P
Aishe 18 years ago
Roxbury Shire myself. I'm an SCA target archer in my teeny bit of spare time. Horseback archery as well. It's loads of fun!
Shay 18 years ago
Glad you had a good time, and didn't have to wade through the mud this year!
Alec Devereaux 18 years ago
Pennsic! Woot! I did fencing when I was last out this way - if time and finances permit, I'd love to jump back into it. I never had any of the gear for the heavy lists, but it was fun to watch. Good times!
Amberelle DeEspionne 18 years ago
oh how cool!!! You do light fighting?? I love to watch that..!! I was dating a guy who competed. Heavy is fun too but not as challenging it seemed. I can hide behind a shield nicely =D

He tried to show me once.. Yeah.. we decided I should leave the swords sheathed. Wooden blades and I managed to hurt myself.. go figure.
Alec Devereaux 18 years ago
Did - but couldn't find anyplace fun while I was in CA. Much more common on the East Coast. Now I've been out of it for 5 years, so it'd be PAINFUL to start again. But fun...and I might have opportunity again!

Both are different types of challenges, but I fell for the stabbity over the smashity.
Livia 18 years ago
If Pensic wasnt right after the start up of NYRF I would so be pushing to go. Never been to any SCA events but damn that sounds like fun. Maybe someday!
Alfarinn 18 years ago
Big surprise that you liked the stabbity, Alex.

I've been to one or two SCA events but as a guest with friends who were involved. It looks like an interesting past time but I know that it is very consuming. Once you're sucked into it there is so much to do, see, and learn. That's fun but I know that I don't have time for a hobby of that magnitude since gaming does that all on its lonesome for me.