Drinks at the HoP ((Open))
It had been several months since Cyrus had come to the HoP. On one hand he was completely content with his current domesticated state but on the other he felt a tiny bit of loss of the free time he had before. Suki no longer even filled in occasionally since they hired a girl she had chosen. As he made his way in, after the bouncer at the door welcomed him warmly, he spied his familiar's pick. Nancy was a horribly dull name, but the bubbly brunette was anything but. Rather than walk she seemed to bounce, even with a tray full of drinks from which nothing spilled. When she noticed him, she smiled and bounced over, uncaring that her table was probably waiting on the drinks she carried.
'Good evening, Mr. Arslantai. If you would like a booth or table I can get one freed up for you. Just head on to it and I will make sure its cleaned up promptly.' She had a sultry voice that was slightly at odds with the bouncy exterior but somehow it worked for her. Nodding his head in a slight bow of thanks he looked for his usual booth in the corner. Finding it empty he simply went to it. Nancy deposited her tray of drinks at their destination and was back and cleaning up his table before he had taken his coat off.
The surface sparkling and smelling slightly of bleach seemed to pass her standards but she went farther and wiped it dry with a clean cloth. Her smile was firmly in place and her voice offered more than drinks with her next comment. 'What can I get you this evening, sir?'
"Kirin please, Nancy."
Shaking his head slightly as she bounded off, he wondered if she was part rabbit. Tossing his leather coat along the back of the booth he straightened the sleeves of his cashmere sweater. Knowing it was out of place did not stop him from coming this evening. He had been out shopping for Fallon's traditional nine gifts to be given upon the wedding. The charcoal of the finely knit sweater looked bright here, where as at the jeweler it had looked quite dark and imposing topping off Italian designed black wool slacks. He probably looked more approachable to some and quite a bit less to the usual people who dared infringe upon his territory. Cyrus was quite interested to see who would bother him this evening.

Reign was out with Will tonight, and though he told himself he wasn't going to interfere, or be a bad ass about it, that was all he wanted to do at the moment. In fact, to save himself from doing some serious damage at home, he had thrown on some decent clothes, and jumped into the Hummer, with destination unknown.
He could have easily gone into wolf mode, and had a nice, long, exhausting run, but he'd already changed more times in this month than he had in the past three or four combined. The control he had over his changing was still in tact, but there was still a small enough bit of fear inside him, to make him not want to press his luck.
The next best thing was to go get drunk...or at least nicely buzzed. Again he stopped himself from drinking too much at home, afraid he'd lack the necessary distractions afterwards, to really help himself tonight. Since he hadn't been out to any of the clubs in Nachton, he left that decision up to chance. The first night spot he came to, that looked a little less than safe, was the one he'd patronize.
The House of Pain became his destination though not really because it fit the criteria he'd set up for himself. Unless you were familiar with the establishment, Bastian guessed you would spend your life driving by and not knowing it even existed. He had been given directions on how to get in the place several weeks ago, when one of his clients had accidentally dropped the information during a conversation at the kennel. Not even considering he'd have the desire to follow up on the information, Bastian was surprised to remember the details now. But he found the manhole relatively easy, after parking on a side street, and once passed the bouncer, found himself in the atmosphere he'd been hoping for.
A beer in one hand, and a shot of Jack in the other, he wandered aimlessly for a few minutes, before coming to stand alongside the dance floor. Too entranced by the vision of a rather scantily clad young woman dancing before him, Bastian didn't realize he was now standing directly in front of the man sitting in the booth behind him.
If nothing else, he hadn't thought about Reign in nearly five minutes!

The waitress was smiling at him and almost did not see the large gentleman in time. It ended with her bouncing back slightly and loosing her grip on the slippery ice cold beer mug but not the bottle. The crash made her face fall as well. Hopefully the guy did not mind a large pile of broken glass beside him. Nancy started apologizing immediately first to the standing guy and then she almost prostrated herself to Cyrus. Finally his sharp tone got her attention.
"Nancy! Thank you, I prefer just the bottle."
It took her a moment to hand him said bottle of lovely beer which miraculously had not spilled at all and start her way back to the bar. One of the bouncers came over to make sure everything was ok. Jim was somewhat intimidating except for the dustpan and whisk brush in his hand. Cyrus took a moment to reassure him as well.
"No harm here. Nancy does a great job and it was a simple accident." Looking up at the dark haired door he arched a brow in question. "No problem with you, right?"

Downing his shot, Bastian handed the glass to the waitress as she made her way back to the bar. He then gave his attention to the seated man.
"No, no, of course not...accidents happen."
And as he spoke, he also realized that he had been standing directly in front of the man, only seconds earlier.
"I do apologize, I didn't realize I was blocking your view. Excuse me."
Bastian didn't smile, it wasn't like him to, but his face softened perceptibly, as he moved around the nearly cleaned up mess on the floor, so he was no longer standing directly in front of the man, but to his side. The booths to each side of the one where he stood were already occupied, and Bastian really didn't feel like sitting at the bar, where he would be pretty fair game for whoever might take an interest in him. So he remained standing, and did smile then, when the pretty dancing woman almost flashed what she'd had for breakfast, as she spun on the dance floor.

"You are welcome to sit down, though the view is about to change." Looking at the bouncer playing housekeeper with a dustpan full of glass, he tried to clue him in. "Jim, you may want to get that young lady a cup of coffee or a quiet room to rest off the high or else she will end up causing an eternity of trouble."
Subtle was not quite what he would call that, but at the bouncers quick 'Yes, Sir." and nod, he figured it was for the best. The girl would either become food or in the hospital if she kept it up, to him it was clear she was high on eternity and it made him wonder where she got it. Of course she could be someones familiar or something but she seemed too fresh here for that. Possibly a passing princess getting herself in more trouble than she knew how to deal with.

He did accept the seat, and at the same time he was shaking away any implied interest in the dancer, thrust his hand in greeting to the man across the table.
"Thank you, I will take you up on your offer, as long as you're sure I'm not interrupting anything. I'm sure I can take a seat at the bar if things get too crowded...Bastian Romallo."
Bastian regarded the man with slightly more of a smile as he would afford any stranger. Being the man had been gracious enough to offer the hospitality of his booth, it was like him to respond in kind.
It also occurred to Bastian, that the man seemed to have a rather benevolent attitude towards the woman on the dance floor. Maybe he was the proprietor of the establishment, and was looking out for his patrons. His addressing of the bouncer seemed familiar, as had his reference to the waitress...Nancy. Getting to know someone who owned and operated such a business could be beneficial to Bastian as well, though probably not directly relating to his personal venture. He'd learned long ago that such ties usually had a way of becoming valuable at some point though.
"Is this your place?"

Taking a sip of his beer while watching Jim help the high girl from the dance floor out of the corner of his eye had him distracted. Luckily the fellow's question caught him only slightly off guard. With a wry smirk he wondered if he did act like he owned it and shrugged one shoulder negligently.
"Not my business though since I did hire my assistant away from here, she clues me in on who is who. Up until a few months ago I was a regular and known on sight. Plus, I tend to tip well."
Wiping his moist fingers on the small napkin under the slick beer bottle proved ineffective so he wiped his hands together. The nose twitching scent was back but Cyrus quickly withheld the sneeze and lowered his hands to the table. Bastian must have a dog or pet one recently.
"Until recently I was in the antiquities acquisition, authentication and auction business. Retired early. And yourself?"

Not one to turn coward and run, even when she’d done something less than bright, Pak found herself a spot at the bar just long enough to have a clove and a drink. OK, this wasn’t that bad. It wasn’t. Compared to her first career this was a cakewalk, you just had to get used to it again. Of course, once she got used to it again Pak found herself on the dance floor, swept up by a nearly manic energy.
Writhing with the best of them she’d picked out a couple of marks and was doing her best to entice them. Given her history, using sex wasn’t Pak’s preferred method of attracting dinner but she could do it when push came to shove. And since she hadn’t feed in a while, she was pushing.
Satisfied she’d gotten their attention she wanted them to come to her and went to excuse herself, but her spot at the bar was taken. Bastards. Spying a booth with only two guys in it, she opted to gamble. With her best ‘I swear I’m harmless’ smile in place she stopped by them.
“You fellas mind if I join you for a minute?”

Not that he had changed that much over the years. Bastian had always been pretty much a loner, except when necessity called for putting forth more effort to be otherwise. Yet if he continued on in that vein, it wouldn't be a result of anything besides his own peculiarities.
"I notice you have made two comments about a recent change in your life...'up until a few months ago' and 'until recently'...retiring, and not frequenting a familiar haunt any longer...?"
It wasn't at all like Bastian to get involved in the lives of others, or to even care much. Appreciating his own privacy, and protecting it so, he assumed everyone else felt the same. Usually as a result, he wouldn't even ask a stranger general questions. So far tonight he was acting completely out of character.
"Nevermind...I don't know what possessed me to pry." Chuckling a little under his breath, he was saved an immediate response from Cyrus by the arrival of a friendly woman. Because he had joined Cyrus' table, Bastian didn't automatically offer the spot on the booth next to him, but he did stand, and wait for Cyrus to greet her.
"I wouldn't mind, but since I crashed the table myself..."
The remark though unintentionally presumptuous, turned out to be somewhat anyway. But there it was, and it would now be up to Cyrus to make the decision.

"Feel free." Apparently he was either very approachable looking tonight, without the piercings visible and in a rather conservative outfit, or looked like a target. He wondered what Suki would say about it. "Would you care for a drink?"
Since his beer was half empty he glanced up at the bar and made eye contact with Jim. Raising his bottle, he indicated that Nancy should come check their table before seeing how the two situated themselves. Bowing his head again to the young woman he introduced them.
"Cyrus Arslantai. And that is Bastian Romallo. Pleasure to meet you."
He waited politely for introductions to be finished around the table before responding to Bastian's earlier inquiry, even if he had retracted it. "Got engaged a few months ago. She is wonderful and I hope to spend eternity with her. Since then it has changed my typical activities slightly but I was feeling restless tonight."

"Thanks. Pakpao Metharom."Â?
She quickly smoothed back her hair, trying to catch most of it behind her ears. Pak didn't often wear her hair down, it got in the way, but when one was trying to lure dinner over one made sacrifices. Although she hadn't given up her typical business casual look, light wool gray pants with a black pin stripe and a nice crisp white shirt with wide collar and cuffs. It was her first visit here after all how was she supposed to know what the dress code was?
Drinks? Now how could she turn that down?
"Yes please."Â?
Well it seemed neither Bastian nor Cyrus knew each other, at least not terribly well. So she couldn't feel bad for interrupting, not that she would have any way, but it was good to know.
"Eternity is a damned long time, but congratulations to you both. I wish you the best."Â?
For no apparent reason, in a vaguely manic phase or not, Pak felt old. Both of these guys were apparently in the prime of their lives and some times it was easy to forget how long even ten years was, let alone eternity.
"What about you then? Restless too?"Â?

"Yes, congratulations."
Bastian repeated just after Ms. Metharom had, and held his hand to the man at his side again.
"I envy your finding someone you feel so strongly about...its not an easy task in today's world."
He only wished he could have said the same about his lady love, but too many things were happening in their lives now for Bastian to believe completely that he might still have that option anymore.
Thinking he really didn't need to go to that place right now, Bastian held up his beer.
"To eternal love, and much happiness."
Draining his glass, Bastian himself turned towards the bar to try and catch the waitress' eye. All of a sudden it seemed a good idea to get a little fuzzy around the edges. Perhaps that would distract his thoughts away from those concerning 'his' woman, and the fact she was still dating another man.
"Restless...that's a good word for it."
He wasn't trying to be obtuse, but he answered as he had because he didn't really think the young woman would be interested in his tale of woe. She was much to young, and pretty to be concerned about his love life.
"My options were to run until I exhausted myself, or find liquid distractions."
His subsequent chuckle now was just slightly tinged with bitterness. But the distraction was working well enough that he wasn't aware of it at all.

"Thank you. Considering how long it took to find her, I have my doubts on ever having enough time with her."
Luckily Nancy interrupted them before he could get all sappy to perfect strangers. She had a fresh ice cold Japanese beer for him and dutifully took the orders for the other two before rushing off to fill them. Sipping from his new bottle while Bastian described his own reasons for being here. From the sounds of it he had problems that were preying on his mind.
"Liquid distractions will arrive shortly but hopefully any problems will resolve themselves soon for you."
Gods, he was turning into a modern touchy feely male. Was that from being so blissfully happy or simply what happened in this day and age. Not having a hoop to spin or worry found him peeling the label from his beer bottle to his disgust. To distract himself from this he lifted it and drank half in the process of pushing those thoughts aside. Maybe he needed violence tonight, not music.

"That's one way to look at it and about the same reason I've left my hole tonight."Â?
Hmmmm... she'd started hunting those other two but maybe Bastian would be a better target. Pak debated that while she ordered a drink. Finally she decided against it, she didn't like getting to know her food, much better to have it remain an anonymous encounter and as little memory of herself as possible. Watching Cyrus be distracted she considered and rejected him for the same reasons. God it was a wonder she ate at all when you thought about it, but it usually worked out.
"Either of you mind if I smoke?"Â?
She was keeping half an eye on her mark and pleased that neither of them had completely given up on her. One was drifting, but that was OK. It wasn't as if she wanted more than one of them.
"I'm guessing the problem is a 'she'."Â?
Pak tossed out as she idly play with her lighter. She'd never claim to be a relationship guru, and generally she didn't like to get involved with other peoples' problems but you didn't spend eighty odd years in the world's oldest profession without learning a thing or two. That and she had a drink coming and dinner on the line and needed to kill some time.

Yet tonight, mainly because of said same blue-eyed blond, he had fallen back into his old ways. It wasn't until Pakpao mentioned 'smoking' that he realized the slight feline scent, and wondered where it was emanating from.
"I don't mind, per se; however, if you do smoke, I'll need to leave the table until you are finished. Though I often find having an extra sensitive nose to be more of a blessing, there are times when it can be a pain in the ass. Cigarette smoke takes just seconds to filter into my nasal passages, and then my eyes tear up, and I start coughing. It's really not a pretty sight, trust me."
Bastian tried to be as kind, and tactful in his explanation, but the truth was he really just couldn't tolerate heavy, unnatural smells any more.
He lifted his beer, and waited to see if the woman would make room for him to leave.
"And yes...the problem involves a 'she'." He couldn't truthfully say the problem WAS a she...it was more he who had the problem, but it did involve a woman.
"I envy you Cyrus. You're a lucky man to find THE one so early in life."
There was no point in bringing up that he had found his Ms. Right fairly early in life as well, since that really didn't mean much at the moment.
He looked at Ms. Metharom again, and debated bringing her up to speed on his specific problem, but in the end chose not to. How often had he been bored to tears by such men, wallowing in their personal problems when out with clients? There was no reason at all to air his problems now.
No...it was better to just drink.

Nancy distracted him from that line of thought and the urge to sneeze with the drinks. She was a smart girl and brought him another beer as well. Tossing a bill onto her tray for her tip along with his prior empty bottle, he thanked her politely.
Contemplating the remaining beer in his bottle he thought briefly about Bastian's comments. "I am lucky to have found Fallon. But after what felt like eleven hundred years of loneliness, I treasure it wholeheartedly."
Taking that last swallow of beer before pushing the bottle to the end of the table he almost smiled sadly at his table companions. "If one is lucky enough to find that special person, they should be cherished."
Stopping himself from the rising rant about humans selfish wasteful attitudes with a drink from his newest beer. A brief dry sneeze had him turning his head towards the wall until it passed.
"So, what do you two do, when not feeling restless?"

"Eleven hundred years? Yes, I can understand that feeling, and sympathize, though it sounds like sympathy is no longer your companion. Again, much happiness to you and your Fallon."
Bastian tipped his beer towards Cyrus, and it occurred to him then that the scent of cat seemed to be emanating from that specific gentleman. Perhaps he had a friendly house cat, and had just come into close contact with it prior to arriving at the bar.
"Appears I'm not the only one with a sensitive nose, eh?" Not sure if the question Cyrus posed was to him or Pakpao, Bastian answered quickly, and succinctly, before turning to Pakpao for her response.
"I'm a vet, and currently have a small practice on the outskirts of town. In case either of you have animals that need tending..."
Maybe Cyrus would mention his cat now...or just maybe Bastian was having an off night, and it was Pakpao who had a house cat.

Feeling a bit cynical about love and romance, she let the two men ramble without interrupting. Hell she didn't even make a snide comment; some one should take note of that and be impressed. It wasn't until Cyrus said something about eleven hundred years that she took any kind of interest at all. She looked at him more closely and tried to find a visible sign to confirm her suspicion. Of course there wasn't one, but unless she missed her guess she and Cyrus had something in common. Probably not family ties, as he didn't look at all familiar, but maybe bloodlines... so to speak. Laughing slightly, trying to pass the comment off as exaggeration she grinned.
"That's a long time to wait for any one. I'd say it's about time you found her."Â?
Well it seemed like she was the nonsentimental, nonsensitive one here tonight as Cyrus sneezed.
"God bless you."Â?
They were an odd couple, but then places like this tended to create strange bed fellows, or tablemates as the case may be. Pak wasn't sure what to make of either of them. The only thing she was moderately certain of was that Cyrus was defiantly going to be off the menu.
"Nope, just fish and I've yet to meet a small animal specialist that could handle a Beta. Very difficult to diagnose and such, but that's probably why they only cost three or four dollars."Â?

That faint hint of canine had finally caused his sneeze. He muttered a quick thank you and tried not to notice it further. As Bastian explained his line of work, it all came together. Chuckling slightly at the description of a Beta fish specialist, he hoped not to need one for the koi.
"We have a multitude of koi that I can only hope will not need a specialist as well as six kittens. Though my assistant handles all their veterinary requirements."
Cyrus supposed it was asking a lot to have Suki take care of things like that, but she was the one up and about during the day, when vets were actually open for the most part. If he recalled correctly the girls had a trip scheduled soon to be fixed. Since they had no discipline issues with them, getting the boys done was not a big rush. Plus there was something horrifying to him about fixing the toms, so he did not even contemplate it.
Thinking about the 'outskirts of town' comment made him wonder if he was close to the estate. But since they had been there about a year and the road was not highly traveled, he doubted it.
"How long have you been operating there? If you don't mind me asking. We have a lovely estate on the outskirts of town as well, adjacent to the preserve. The Federal one, not that silly mayoral memorial. Luckily our neighbors will never sell so while the city will someday swallow most of the farthest homes, we should escape unscathed."

"I'm afraid I never did take well to most of the aquatic species, though I did mend the paw of a river otter once, that was as far as I'd go. Instead I specialize in canines, and equines."
He was still staring at the white cylinder as he spoke, but was only slightly distracted. All things considered he was doing pretty well for an evening. It had now been an hour or so since he'd thought of Reign.
"Kittens! I knew I smelled cat!" Bastian smirked, and shook his head at Cyrus.
"Six? Are you going into the breeding business?" Why a new couple would take on six cats seemed a little strange to Bastian, but it really was none of his business. Under normal circumstances he wouldn't have mentioned it further, but tonight he was opting to hear other people talk, so he let his minor curiosity push him into questioning.
"And aren't koi, and cats together, kind of asking for trouble?" He let his eyes wander to Pakpao then, to see if she might also find that an odd arrangement. Dogs, and fish, or dogs, and birds, but stick cats into any of those mixes, and he figured you were asking for problems.
"I only moved to Nachton a few months ago, and no, my place is no where near the preserve, though I'm not sure where the mayoral one you refer to is. Our place is on the complete opposite side of town from the preserve..." And why had he said 'our' place...wishful thinking? Bastian only paused a few seconds to consider that possible Freudian slip, before he plunged ahead.
"The house, clinic, barn...well, I've got ten acres, which is very small, but I think will buffer me from the encroaching population well enough...not to mention the hills, and trees. I was very surprised to find such prime land available when I got here, but bought it quick since it was just what I'd been looking for. It's an old horse ranch, and still has the original house on it as well, though I pretty much gutted and remodeled the entire place."
Where had all that conversation come from? He had never been known for his talkativeness...yet again, as long as he talked, he didn't have to think.
"And you, Ms. Metharom? Do you live in the country as well, or maybe you enjoy the city life?"
Now it was Bastian's turn to fuss with the label on his bottle of beer.

"Six? That is a lot of cats."Â?
And a lot of responsibility. Pak was honest enough to know she could get wrapped up and forget simple things, like watering plants. Come to think of it, had she feed her fish? Probably not, but neither DOS or Linux (it would be a cold day in hell before she named a fish after ANY Microsoft product) seemed any the worse for getting fed every day rather than every other, so she wasn't too worried about it.
Bastian's observation made her snicker a bit.
"It all depends I should imagine; if the koi are out side and the cats inside... or if the koi are fully grown and huge and the kittens still small it might work out."Â?
She watched him shift between 'my place' and 'our place' and had a momentary flash of sympathy. Who ever this woman was she'd gotten under his skin pretty damned good. But if it was that good why was he here sulking? Oh who knew. It was impossible to sort out this sort of thing, even when you were one of the parties involved how an outsider was to make any sense of it was beyond her.
The idea of living the country life nearly made her choke on her drink. As it was she swallowed hard.
"No... no that isn't quite my style. I tried it once years ago and it ended badly."Â?
Several life times ago, and being chased from your home was not a good way to end any thing. No... No ... NO! she was not going down this road tonight. She refused. Pak downed the rest of her drink rather aggressively and forcibly shut off that side of her mind.
"I'm quite happy in the Towers these days. Much more my style."Â?
There, let Cyrus play with that extra bit of information. If he was worth his salt he could put two and two together.