Hey Dad...I'm in trouble...
Waking up tonight, Shay smiled. She had an agenda, and was pretty excited about it. Stretching briefly, she didn't languish in bed like she normally did, but instead she jumped out, and into the shower. Within a matter of fifteen minutes or so she was ready to leave her apartment, and go find her 'dad'.
Dressed a lot more femininely than usual, Shay wore a 'flowy' little navy blue dress with tiny white polka dots, and navy heels, and felt a lot more frilly than she normally did. But then she was going to see her dad, and not Ginnie, or Dayle. It seemed more properly fitting that she would look more 'girlish'.
Not that she would dress 'mannish' when going out with Dayle, or Ginnie for that matter. But with Ginnie Shay was content to wear jeans and a top of some kind, and with Dayle...with Dayle Shay's dress was predicated on her agenda. Sexy...playful...demure...seductive...Dayle's role in Shay's life was a lot more varied than those of Ginnie or Alec. To make matters worse...or better...Shay wasn't completely sure, but the whole issue of a relationship with Dayle was one reason why Shay wanted to see Alec tonight. There were so many things Shay was confused about, and whether or not there really was a 'relationship' there was a major one of those things.
Plus Shay just missed Alec. Pure, and simple. There was a hole inside her that only he could fill, and it had been gnawing at her more and more insistently lately, until she put everything else aside and made him number one on her plan for tonight.
She had contemplated her relationships beyond Dayle over the past couple days, though having only a total of three made that a pretty simple exercise. Her relationship with Ginnie was the easiest for Shay to participate in. Ginnie gave Shay comfort, and a reinforced sense of self, along with her survival trainings. Shay enjoyed her time with her mother, even if on occasion she found reason to want to rebel. There was security in those feelings too though, as they seemed to follow relationships of mothers and daughters.
Then, of course, there was the crazy relationship with Dayle, that Shay sometimes wondered if it truly was a relationship, and if so, was it going anywhere.
But what she felt for Alec was completely different from what she felt for the two women in her life. With Alec Shay felt something akin more to an objectivity, unclouded by emotion. With Alec Shay felt like she could ask him anything, and get back a truly honest answer. And in addition, Shay sort of liked the way she imagined herself to be in his presence. It didn't occur to her to wonder if he felt fatherly towards her. She had put him into that role at first because it coincided with the role in her life that Ginnie had. Shay had grown to feel that he fit the role of father, and looked up to him that way automatically. Tonight she guessed she might see just how accurate her feelings had been.
Walking towards his apartment, Shay bounced lightly down the hall. She liked wearing heels, but rarely had occasion to, so that when she did, she reveled in them. Reaching his door, she tapped lightly.
"Dad? You there? I need your help..."
"Shay? Come on in - just close the door behind you."
Watching her enter alone, Alec was puzzled for a moment. Apparently the help wasn't of the immediately pressing sort. That was good. He didn't like the idea of having to do something unpleasant to another Tacharan for harassing Shay. The possibility had crossed his mind before, but luckily the issue hadn't come up just yet.
Holding his perch, he watched as she walked into his front room and stood by his desk, looking out onto the assortment of safes, optical sensors, assorted electronics and tools. Dropping to the floor in the entry, he felt somewhat strange for a moment. Until now, what he did professionally had been an abstract or less clear idea for Shay. Now it was pretty much spelled out. It would be interesting to see how it came up against the aspects of her personality that had lead her to becoming an officer of the law in her former life. Was it hard wired or environmentally trained?
From the entry, he spoke.
"Well, I'm glad the help that you needed wasn't immediately pressing. You're looking well. How are things going?"
Tonight, however, she had a specific purpose, and was focused on that, and seeing Alec. But guessing he had his own purpose, she didn't acknowledge him until she heard him behind her, and then she turned, and walked over to give him a daughterly hug.
"Hiya Pops!" She giggled, then turned with a sweeping gesture of her arm towards the items she'd just been looking over. "Up to something sinister, I see? Any chance you might show me some of this stuff?"
It wasn't the reason for her visit, but could be interesting, and definitely another skill she could add to her repertoire. Before he answered, Shay's brows furrowed.
"And, I'll have you know...what I came for is pressing." Was there something about her that gave him the impression she wasn't concerned about her reason for stopping by? Not that she was terribly morose, or anxious, but she wanted Alec to consider her concerns as legitimate, and worthy of his attention.
"I need your opinion...your objective opinion...on...me." With that Shay moved away from her dad's side, and posed before him.
"Is there something wrong with me that no one is admitting?"
As he began to respond to her question on his gear, she insisted that it was pressing. Sliding his hands along his arms and shifting his weight slightly allowed him to check that yes, his knives were in place, but he didn't hear anyone in the hall...perhaps it was just a miscommunication.
"Ah...I see. By 'pressing', I meant that there was no present danger. That's good."
At her next question, he was thoroughly confused. There were numerous ways to interpret the question.
"I am not exactly sure what you are looking for. If you were more specific, I may be of more use."
Walking over to his old bed, he sat down on the corner, leaving her a choice of bed corner or desk chair should she choose to sit.
"No silly...no one's chasing after me or anything of the sort, though I would be curious to see who might make there way into this fortress for such a reason. I'd be afraid anyone who could accomplish that might be a tad more than you could take on all alone...but no, I'm speaking a bit more in the abstract."
She watched as Alec sat down, and mentally debated joining him on the bed. In the end she decided to remain standing.
"Specifically? Well...it's just that..." And now that she had the floor, and Alec's attention, Shay felt a little foolish, and somewhat nervous.
"When you and Ginnie first met...was it love at first sight...or lust...or mutual admiration...or did you not hit it off at all?"
Her question was personal, but under the circumstances Shay hoped Alec didn't mind. It was obvious none of the television shows she watched could address this subject to her satisfaction, so if Alec didn't she had no where else to turn.]
"What I mean is...I look okay, right, for a woman? If you weren't my dad, and totally ga-ga over Ginnie...would you look at me twice? Would you consider 'me' hot? Or is there something about me that turns you off...er...men...people...?"
"Well...that was a lot. I suppose going through them in order would be the most sensible."
Thinking for a moment, Alec blushed slightly, then began.
"Your mother and I got involved fairly suddenly, yes. Simon had assigned me to work with her, and we met at the Halloween Ball. We danced, I managed to knock us over and nearly strip someone in the process, but things seemed to turn out well. Our next meeting was a business one, and we wound up..."
Blushing a bit more deeply, Alec cleared his throat.
"Well, we didn't end up just talking business, anyway. I suppose I'd say it was pretty immediate, yes."
Looking at his daughter objectively, he considered.
"Well, you've lovely hair and skin, nice eyes and a body most humans would consider quite pleasant. Our kind can latch onto things in different ways, but generally appreciate those characteristics as well. I'd say that you're doing fine for yourself. Your raw materials are certainly more pleasing than my own."
Pausing a moment, Alec considered. No, he couldn't anticipate the source of the worry on his own, and didn't feel especially interested in monitoring her interactions so early in her development.
"What brings up these concerns?"
Throwing her arms up in minor exasperation, Shay turned back to look at the safes, crossing her arms over her chest, and tapping her pointed toe slowly on the floor. When she again turned to face Alec, she had a look of determination on her face, and was chewing the lower right inside corner of her mouth.
"I know those things are good...'lovely hair, and skin...nice eyes...body quite pleasant, but honestly...do those attributes make you want to tear off my clothes and have made sex with me? I think not."
She couldn't help but giggle when she repeated the rest of the words in her head. '...doing fine for herself...raw materials...' Shay shook her head in earnest affection for her father. He was trying. She couldn't ask for more, and was ashamed for expecting it.
Taking the space on the bed next to him, Shay put a friendly arm around her dad's shoulders, and rested it there, patting one shoulder in an understanding manner.
"It's okay dad...I don't imagine many people ask you to answer such things. It's just that I'm kind of at my wits end, and don't know who else to ask."
Resting her head on his shoulder, Shay smiled. Even if he couldn't give her the answers she wanted, Shay liked being with Alec, and felt better anyway. A heavy sigh later, she went on with her explanation.
"I'm not sure you are aware or not, but I'm rather fond of Dayle Yolgrave...you know her, right? Anyway...when we first met I thought we hit it off pretty well, but ever since then things just sort of stopped. I just thought when you met someone you really liked, things happened naturally, and you got closer...but since they really haven't, I wondered if maybe I was doing something wrong, or maybe there was something about me that I needed to change."
Turning her face towards his, Shay opened her mouth, and 'ha'd' her breath towards him. She was really good about brushing her teeth twice a day, and including her gums, cheeks, and tongue in the process...always wanting a minty fresh breath. But maybe it wasn't working.
"Do I have bad breath? Or...maybe I smell funky?"
He was quite shocked with the implication that she felt he should want to tear off her clothes and have mad sex with her, but he'd recently researched Oedipal complexes and understood that it might be a common phenomenon. When she sat down on the bed and put her arm around him, he got a bit panicky. She was amnesiac, and might not quite understand how it was all supposed to develop. Trying to explain to Ginnie that Shay was upset because he didn't want to have mad sex with his daughter figure was not a conversation he wanted to ever have to go through.
When the gears changed, he was quite relieved. Fond of Dayle was much better than fond of Daddy. Maybe Ginnie was right and there was a God.
Wait a minute. Dayle was doing his daughter? And stopped? He wasn't sure how to feel about either development. Alec wondered a bit if it hadn't had to do anything with their conversation about possible contagion and pending research. He should really get back to her on that to see if there were any more thoughts on that.
"Well, I'll start by saying that changing just for another person is not necessarily the best prospect. Compromise and sacrifice are acceptable, but defining yourself in relation to another's needs is not healthy. That is something that folks like us have to watch for more than others, since our worlds are more mutable than many people.
The other thing is that it may have nothing to do with you at all, but with projects that she is working on. Or research she is doing. She is a pretty busy person. I wouldn't count yourself out until she's said something one way or another in pretty certain terms. Even then, people sometimes change their mind later. Also, she's...well, quite old, really. Maybe she needs more time to wrap her head around things."
Inhaling, he smiled.
"And no. You neither have bad breath, nor smell funky."
"Thanks, but just for clarification, I wasn't contemplating doing anything drastic, like having an operation, or even altering my personality. I was just thinking maybe I could learn to be a little more...unobtrusive...or maybe more worldly? I know I can be awfully naive about some things, and I do tend to be a little boisterous on occasion...I didn't know if perhaps those kinds of things were too difficult to deal with...you know, a real turn off?"
Shay considered Alec's reference to 'folks like us', but didn't ask him to elaborate further. There was nothing about being a vampire that Shay found difficult to deal with, probably because it was all she had ever known...in this life anyway. Maybe if she had grown up one way, and then had her vampirism thrust upon her, she would have had a more difficult time adjusting. That wasn't her case though.
Work could easily have been responsible, and she wondered how she managed to overlook that. It did seem like Dayle spent an inordinate amount of time in her office.
The fact that Dayle was 'quite old', sent Shay into a bit of giggles. She knew this to be true, but that was something she also had a rough time coming to terms with. When people looked to be her age, it was next to impossible to think that they had already lived hundreds of years. It was another valid point though, and Shay was appreciative to Alec for bringing it up.
"What do you recommend I do then? Nothing...just play it by ear, and see what happens? Is that what you would do? If Ginnie hadn't taken to you so quickly...would you have had the patience to wait?"
"Well, being more unobtrusive or becoming more worldly would be like altering your personality. Just be true to who you are and it'll work itself out. Some people wait centuries to find a mate, others are more lucky. Either way, the best way to find the right person for you is to be yourself and find someone who loves THAT, and that you love back. If those things are too difficult to deal with, then perhaps they are the wrong person. After all, we DO have forever to find Mr. or Mrs. Right. If, later on, you find that you're willing to make sacrifices or don't like the aspect of the personality that you wish to alter, then feel free. Until then...most people don't feel too bad about having a Mr. or Mrs. Right Now. Just make sure to be clear about expectations and everything is fine."
Grinning, he pondered the evolution of his and Ginnie's relationship. Blushing again, he shrugged.
"If Ginnie hadn't taken to me so quickly, then I might have been totally clueless to the building affection and eventually exploded and made a terrible bloody mess all over the Domicile. Or the same sudden spark could have flared later, working in close proximity to her like we were. There would have been a lot of opportunity for something like that to spark after any number of our missions. Or maybe things would never have developed, as unlikely as that seems. There's no way to know."
He didn't like thinking about that last possibility. It seemed so unlikely, but what if it literally was just timing?
"I think the best way to handle it is to play it by ear for now. After all, you've not met many people. Maybe your perfect person is right around the corner. Or perhaps Dayle feels that you've not met enough people to be sure. And time, my dear, is the commodity we have in greatest abundance."
"Yea, sure...all the time in the world doesn't do much when you're hornier than all get out, and wanting to be laid. Now you tell me different, go ahead, tell me that you could have gone on indefinitely, had Ginnie not been the one for you."
Shay was amazed she had managed to say all that with a straight face, but that she had gave her the confidence to maintain it while she watched Alec for his reaction. She was frustrated, but things hadn't gotten to the point of madness quite yet.
Of course what she said also wasn't totally accurate...besides being strongly attracted to Dayle, Shay had other really strong feelings for her as well. She would never consider Dayle ONLY for such a base reason. Or she didn't believe she could.
Sometimes she wondered if it was love she felt, and then other times she knew that was probably a bit unrealistic. How could she love someone she'd only met recently, and not even spent much time with? The situation with Ginnie and Alec was different...unconditional love was what parents and children felt for each other, and nothing like what Shay expected to feel for Dayle. At least that's what Shay had convinced herself of. She didn't like to think about that too much, because it left her feeling oddly alone.
"I really do need to get out more though...and I need a job...if for no other reason than a distraction...and money...I need money too."
Bouncing up off the bed, Shay walked back over to the safes. Without turning towards Alec, she questioned him as she surveyed what lay before her.
"Don't suppose there is anything here I could help you with?"
It was a good idea to let him off the hook now, she surmised. He had given her the answers he had, and to press him further, Shay feared might give him chest pains.
"It isn't like you can't take the edge off on your own. And I could have, easily, as could you. Perception can dull or heighten just about anything you're feeling or perceiving, with practice. Until I met Ginnie, I was aware that looking at the female of the species was more pleasant, and caused me to want to touch them and study their lines, but with her there was no real way to remain detached. When I let myself fall into it, the effects were that more incredible. But self-repression isn't for everyone. If all you're needing is the physical release, I am sure we could find numerous volunteers for you in less than an hour."
Smiling mischievously, he nodded.
"Yes. You do need a job, preferably an active one. You'll have less free time on your hands to think about all of the deliciously naughty things that you'd like to be doing to Miss Yolgrave. At the same time you'll feel that your personal productivity is increased and your finances will grow as well. Really, it is a win-win."
Standing, he followed her into the safe room. Ignoring her question for the time being, he added
"That actually means that you should complete your training. Focus on that, get all of the certifications and display the aptitudes that will let us know that you'll be safe. After that, the world is your oyster. Getting a job and meeting people will follow rapidly."
Moving back over to where he'd been working earlier, he glanced around.
"No...I don't require assistance with anything. But if you'd like to go for some training or have any further questions, I am happy to provide. I'm just tinkering today - I already solved the problems I was working on."
Having never been confronted with censure, Shay had no qualms really, in talking about any subject she'd yet been faced with. Masturbation was just a way of life, like peeing, or feeding. She didn't see any reason to be ashamed of the act, certainly not when it was as pleasurable as it was.
She did have to admit, while the little romp she'd had with Dayle had been immensely satisfying, she still had a curiosity about being with a man, and seeing how they 'worked'. Because the cable service she had in her apartment got all the digital channels imaginable, Shay had watched sufficient 'adult' entertainment to have seen a man's body, and how it changed in the throes of sex, but her curiosity extended to how that equation would play out if she was one of the players.
Shaking her head as if to clear the junk from her thoughts, Shay decided now wasn't the time to be thinking about sex with men. Even if her relationship with Alec wasn't a true 'father-daughter' one, it was still too creepy to think about him in that way.
"Well I think Ginnie is about done with what she can instruct me on. She's pretty much left it up to me now to go out and practice what I've learned, and I have been. I am kind of disappointed that I won't be learning any safe cracking..." She gave Alec puppy dog eyes, and giggled. "But unless someone asks me to break into a bank, or some rich people's house, and get valuable documents from their safe, I probably won't need to know that anyway."
Rubbing her chin, as she thought about her options, Shay shrugged.
"Though...it might be helpful to know how to break into people's houses...you know...in case I find I need to feed, and there aren't any likely candidates on the streets of Nachton?"
Her thirst for knowledge really knew no bounds, and had she been around a might longer, she may have had other ideas lined up to learn about. As it was now, she just took things as they came to her.
"Keeping a separate group of people from the regular feeding population is a good idea, and one that I practice as well. If you'd like, we can pay a visit to one of my families and we can go over research, selection, surveillance and how to establish such groups on your own. I don't like relying on the communal volunteers...I find it like drinking from someone else's glass, except dozens of people have taken a sip instead of just one."
Putting his arm around his daughter, he smiled and continued..
"It can also provide a realistic insight into human family dynamics that we would not otherwise be privy to. Very useful for studies in human psychology."
Something else he said piqued her interest even more so, and that was his offer to visit someone he was familiar with...and to study them.
Shay was woefully behind socially, due to her recent 'birth', and lack of exposure to so many different people, and situations. Relying on television sitcoms had pretty much become her sole avenue of information when it came to the outside world, but it's shallow, and two dimensional values had given her a distorted view on real life. Unfortunately, since it was pretty much all she knew, she had no reason to think it false, nor any reason to pursue alternate information.
But to see people, other than her own mom, and dad, and Dayle, as they lived, was too big a temptation to pass up.
"I'd love that! Really...I can't think of anything else I'd rather do now. I dare say you probably expected that reaction from me though, since you've been here, where I am. I can't think of any better way to get a handle on real life among the populace...can you?"
She didn't miss the way his arm felt around her shoulders. Comfort, similar to that which she got from Ginnie, was the initial feeling his action evoked in her. Hungry for affection, and just simple touches, Shay wrapped both her arms around Alec's waist, and rested her head on his chest.
"As long as you let me know ahead of time, what is expected of me, I think I should be able to accompany you and not mess things up."
The minor fiasco with Ginnie hadn't turned out too bad, but Shay guessed that was due mainly to damage control by her mom. However, she truly believed if she had been given a little bit more information into the processes they were going to attempt, she would have done somewhat better. Not that Ginnie could have foreseen the slightly shocking revelation that Shay experienced. Shay, herself, was still coming to terms with her newest ability.
She wanted to tell Alec about that too, but right now it was more important to prepare for their departure.
"Shall I go home and change into jeans...or will I be able to do whatever is necessary in this dress?"
Now he was just getting selfish, but there was nothing wrong with that. It would all be outings, and she would enjoy them for the variety. She'd been mostly cooped up recently, so a trip to the hardware store or the library would likely be a significant adventure for her.
Perhaps they were sheltering her a bit. Still, best she was weapon certified before solo flights. That just made sense.
Glancing down, he confirmed that he was wearing street appropriate clothing.
"I will need a moment to get some things from our suite, but then we can leave as soon as you are ready."
"Okay then, I think I will run back, and change quick." Then too she could arm herself with her small gun, and a couple knives...just in case. In the dress she now wore there would be no way to camouflage any weapons, outside of a knife strapped to her thigh.
"Shall I meet you at your place, or in the garage?"
Her bounce was back, as she inched towards the door, nearly ready to sprint down the hall. She'd yet to have any real one on one time with Alec, and was looking forward to seeing how he operated, and picking up pointers. Plus, the side of humanity she'd seen with Ginnie wasn't what Shay hoped was your average, everyday 'Joe'. With Alec that was exactly what she hoped she could observe. People like the characters on 'Everybody Loves Raymond', or 'Friends'...'Seinfeld' even. Surely not everyone on the street belonged to the scum she might see on crime shows.
Sealing and resecuring his workspace, Alec made the trip back to the living area. Drafting a brief note to Ginnie, he explained that he and Shay would be out peoplewatching and perhaps stopping at elekTRONicka afterward and that she should call if she needed anything while they were out. Grabbing his gloves, he slipped them on and added his traditional surprises under his belt. As he was about to leave, he realized he was going to be out with Shay, not with Ginnie. Returning to the closet, he got a bulkier jacket and one of the Browning Hi-Powers. Normally, he'd leave the shooting, if necessary, to Ginnie. If things went pear shaped, it'd be his department tonight.
Generally there weren't firefights at the arcade - he just wanted to set a good example.
((ooc: Alec and Shay out))