
would a Vampire in animal form still be vulnerable to Sunlight?

Ellis Duban 19 years ago
Well, technically its still an vampire, right? So I dont see any reason why being in animal form would make a difference.
Mai 19 years ago
Yes what she said.. its a weakness in your blood and that doesn't change.
Xandare 19 years ago
Another dumb question - If a character were created by an evenhet or an annantya but felt more at home with the Tach.. would he choose his makers clan powers / flaws or would he just use the tach powers / flaws?
Mai 19 years ago
It would again be the blood.. so if he were made by an Anantya then he'd be an Anantya by blood. The changes which caused the other abilities evolved over time. Still changing loyalties is an interesting possibility but you'd be what you were made ability-wise..if that makes sense.
Ellis Duban 19 years ago
Talon 19 years ago
Lol... Actually, i'm going to be making an Alt and he's going to be a Tacharan.. but his maker and origin doesnt fit with the Tach.. 8)
Ellis Duban 19 years ago
Amberelle DeEspionne 19 years ago
lol that's OK.. Temp's a Tach who doesn't want to be anything with any body.. so I wonder how they'll treat her.
Talon 19 years ago
the only thing Temp wants to be with everyone is Naked..
Amberelle DeEspionne 19 years ago
Well duh! She's a popular gal usually, too =D
Amberelle DeEspionne 19 years ago
/scream Holy crap Winter is here...... *looks for a place to hide* I guess Ellis will have her hands full now alright.