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All Over Again

Thaddeus took a sip of coffee while he contemplated what exactly he should say to his guests, in lieu of nervously raking his fingers through his hair. Palmer had come over in the early evening as expected, not long after he and Alfarinn (after a largely sleepless day) arrived. There had been time to look around, briefly (though one did not need much time for a tour through the tiny flat), and to start coffee after meeting Skodde. The wolf. Their pet.

Mai had arrived before he could explain much to Palmer, and her presence was a welcome surprise. Thaddeus wondered if Mai thought him incredibly odd now - he had been a bit more demonstrative than usual - but she had a way of understanding him as few could.

They had all settled around the dining room table, which was apparently the place for important talks, and he had begun his explanation much as he had with Alfarinn, taking them through last night, at the museum, and Jan, and then coming to the towers, all the while piecing together a bit more of the puzzle. Alfarinn filled in the gaps so naturally that he was almost unaware of how seamlessly they told the story together, and when his companion wasn't helping, he was a supportive presence that Thaddeus appreciated, even if he felt a little awkward as well.

Breathing deeply, he continued his explanation after that slight hesitation, wanting to get everything 'on the table' if for no other reason than because the idea of having to answer a lot of questions right now felt so overwhelming.

"Alfarinn has explained quite a bit of...the past year, but I imagine I have more catching up to do. I know about the ring, and Lykaios. Who Lykaios was. That he had an accomplice..."Â?

He trailed off, realizing that they certainly knew about everything he was discussing and more. His cheek twitched a little when he realized he'd only mentioned the more trying elements of his now forgotten past, but to mention that Alfarinn had explained their relationship now seemed redundant and he thought it would look like an afterthought.

"...and he mentioned that I've made some new friends,"Â? he said instead, smiling in a strained, but sincere, sort of way before turning to Alfarinn and giving him a grateful nod.

Palmer 18 years ago
Palmer had known from the moment he walked in that Thaddeus was acting funny, but he couldn’t place what it was until they were all seated around the dining room table. Truth be told, it might have had something to do with the fact that the Elder of the Hunt had arrived and, yeah, he was a little nervous. He had of course seen her before, at Fallon’s turning ceremony and the recent party, but they had never really interacted. At any rate, he was kind of distracted and that made a fair excuse for missing the source of Thaddeus’s strangeness.

He and Alfarinn weren’t touching. The two blondes weren’t usually decadent about it, but they tended to act like any close couple – holding hands, sitting close together, Thaddeus leaning on Alfarinn or vice versa. The absence of that was surprisingly obvious. Were they fighting? Palmer thought that might be better than the alternative; that something had gone wrong with their case. They would make up, whatever it was, and every couple had moments of conflict. Maybe Thaddeus had shared his thoughts on a possible new Elder of the Night and Alfarinn hadn’t taken it well.

Well with any luck, whatever the problem was had nothing to do with him and he could safely mind his own business. And so he listened with only mild concern, trying to just be natural and politely pretend nothing was off.

Until Thaddeus laid it on them. If Mai hadn’t been there he probably would have reacted very badly, and as it was he didn’t take it well.

“For…” he sputtered, struggling for the next word while his internal censors rejected one after another. Eventually he gave up and moved on. “…sake! Can one thing go right?” His fist fell hard on the table. “One thing. That’s all I’m…Christ, -one- thing, is that too much to ask?” He ran his hand over his head, realizing that no one else was flipping their lid over this. Why wasn’t Thaddeus flipping out, come to think of it? How could he sit there so calmly and announce that he’d clean forgotten everything that had happened in the past year and a half?

Trying to cool off, he looked up at the ceiling, his hand passing over his face. Then he laughed, weakly.

“Yeah, Thaddeus. You’ve got some more catching up to do.”

Alfarinn couldn’t have told him about Sorin? The Elder of the Night was undoubtedly the one responsible for what had happened to Thaddeus. Well, who would want to, really – breaking that news was going to be unpleasant – but even so he would have thought the Evenhet would –want- to be the one to tell his…

…oh no.

Thaddeus didn’t remember his boyfriend. How would he? Suddenly the idea of wiping the nightman’s memories went from a strategic action they would have to overcome to a needlessly cruel and spirit crushing act of malice. He felt a nearly sickening wave of sympathy for the two of them.

That was shortly followed by a slow rising anger entirely unlike his usual short fused emotions. He ground his teeth together and lowered his head, making eye contact with Alfarinn.

“Let’s kill the son of a bitch.”
Mai 18 years ago
Mai had come this evening as she had said she would. It was clearly obvious to her very quickly that something was bothering her Ba-di. He was tense and though she was no empath, in fact, she was generally not socially perceptive at all compared to many others with such abilities, Thaddeus was the one person with who's moods and body language she was acutely attuned.

She listened quietly,staring unblinking at one of the windows while Alfarinn and Thaddeus completed their tale. Palmer's outburst echoed the rage that filled her heart at this news of treachery against the person she loved most in the world. The anger became a black blade of hatred, cool and deadly. It was the kind of emotion that appeared calculating but drove people to merciless acts of cruelty. It was the darkness that would be griping her soul when she ripped out the betrayer's heart even as he watched.

Mai blinked once and lightly placed her hand on Palmer's.

"Be still, Child of the Hunt. Our time will come."Â?

Her attention moved to Alfarinn and the darkness receded backwards as compassion for his and Thaddeus' plight came to the fore.

"How much have you learned? And how much does he now know?"Â?
Alfarinn 18 years ago
Alfarinn did his best to help Thaddeus in the only way he felt would be accepted and that was to help him explain the situation to the others. The relief and joy that his lover had felt when Mai walked through the door filled him the sharp pain of jealousy but he was still glad that she had come. How did she know? He had not even bothered to ask. The ways of the ancient were unknowable to all but herself.

Palmer's reaction was expected, more subdued even than the outburst he had been prepared for. It was Mai's that bothered him. Such intense hatred, especially when it echoed his own barely controlled emotions, was overwhelming. He gripped the table hard,his knuckles white, until her attention turned towards him and some of the feelings abated.

To Palmer, he replied.

"We must have the Council's approval or else we jeopardize the very life we are trying to restore."Â?

He glanced at his partner. It was not that he expected the Council to deal harshly with Thaddeus, after all he had been attacked first, but what would they do to him and Palmer who knowingly went against the rules of both clans in order to exact revenge? This could break him and Thaddeus apart forever and he would not risk that for anything, not even to see Sorin pay for his sins. It could very well leave his clan without one of their elders if he was punished with death or banishment and he couldn't afford to do that either. In truth, he felt that Mai and Morrigan might deal lightly with them, all things considered, but it was still a big chance to be taking if they could have the Council condemn him justly. It was, he reflected, very good that he had a chance to adjust to the news before others were told or else he might have joined Palmer on a witch hunt immediately.

Mai's answer to the other Huntsman was quiet and alarming in its confidence. Not because she was so certain of her ability to kill a fellow elder, not even for her willingness to do so...but for his eagerness to see it done. It was a very good thing that his subterfuge was keeping his thoughts and feelings from drifting unheeded over to Thaddeus right now. It would not be the kind of emotions that he would want his companion to associate with him ever but certainly not at this moment.

To answer Mai, he said.

"We have some evidence that may be enough to convict him. It would require psychometrists most likely. I hope it will be enough."Â? Looking at Thaddeus and then back at Mai, Alfarinn said. "No, so much has happened. I..."Â?

Just didn't have the guts to tell him that. He fought with the best way to break the news and felt that this was not it.
Thaddeus Grey 18 years ago
Thaddeus studied his coffee mug, hoping to ride out the storm emanating from the other side of the table. That Palmer was upset on his behalf didn’t help much – he still felt as though his friend were mad –at- him instead of with him, though he knew that wasn’t reasonable at all. Fortunately Palmer’s fuse burned out shortly, to be replaced by his own unique brand of humor. Suddenly, though, it seemed the huntsman wasn’t just ranting or wisecracking.

Shocked didn’t begin to describe Thaddeus’s reaction to his friend’s sudden shift in attitude. Palmer, the most ethically bound person he knew, was advocating someone’s death? He raised one hand slightly off the table in a ‘slow down’ gesture, ready to tell the huntsman to take it easy, no one was killing anyone just yet, when Mai stepped in. Thaddeus blinked, disquieted, and rested his hand flat on the table, feeling tremendously out of his depth as Alfarinn explained that they needed to follow the proper process. It would have amused Thaddeus under other circumstances; the Evenhet reminding the Anantya of tradition and established law. At the moment, though, he was simply relieved that someone was talking sense; for a moment he had worried that everyone else had gone mad. It would have been unsettling to think that he, with his fractured memory, was the only sane one in the room.

All three had implied that there was more he had to learn, but no one had, as of yet, elected to fill him in on much of anything beyond the fact that they had some evidence against the perpetrator. So there was something no one particularly wanted to tell him. What, did he have –another- brother he didn’t know about trying to kill him? God, how much worse could this possibly get?

Suspecting that he was about to find out, he took a calming breath and rested his elbows on the coffee table, leaning forward a little and looking, with an expression of cool patience, from one person to the other. He didn’t want to have to –say- that he was almost entirely clueless as to what on earth had just happened with that exchange, but he was hoping someone might take the not so subtle hint.
Palmer 18 years ago
Properly chastened by Mai, Palmer sat back in his seat and was still as ordered, though internally he was still churning with anger and frustration. Be still. Shit, he’d –been- still and look where they were now! All these weeks and months of investigations, fact finding, defensive measures…and now, when they were so close to being able to –act-, this had to go and happen. He gave Thaddeus a blank look at his friend’s expression, a little annoyed that he looked so surprised. Palmer was a hunter, through and through, not the nightsman his creator wanted him to be. Just because he happened to be very invested in who he killed and why didn’t mean he wouldn’t do it decisively if and when it was needed. That they had to let the Council decide grated even as he admitted to himself that due process was just. Of course, the fact that Sorin had somehow managed to get on said Council brought the entire organization into question in his mind. Palmer had never been good at trusting authority.

Alfarinn’s response to Mai’s questions made him feel guilty about his brief flash of annoyance with the Evenhet for not telling Thaddeus everything he possibly could, though, and brought the attitude he was copping down a notch. What right did he have to feel pissy when Thaddeus had been robbed of his memories and Alfarinn had been robbed of his boyfriend? He couldn’t even imagine what they must be going through right now. Compensating for his earlier thoughts, he decided he should say -something- to Alfarinn in spite of having no words for this awful situation.

“Listen – you’re doing –fine- by him. This is a hell of a thing to have happen and we’re all doing our best.” He looked at Mai as he said the last bit of his remark, trying to excuse himself in a way for his earlier brash statements. Then he leaned forward, his forearms on the table, and looked to Thaddeus. The nightsman had recovered from his initial shock at the direction of their conversation (which, he realized, must be horribly confusing to him) but he was about to get bowled over yet again.

“Before we get into rehashing history, can I just say one thing?” He looked around briefly before plowing ahead. “I’m going to say one thing.” One hand went up to run over his head, and he looked down at his lap for a moment, collecting his thoughts, before going on as promised. “We’ve been attacked. I don’t think there’s any way to deny that’s what this is. And while we’re limited in the ways we can attack back, because we still have some sort of regard for the law,” he gave Mai and Alfarinn a slight nod at this, to show he really did get it in spite of his protests “there’s absolutely nothing stopping us from doing everything in our power to recover Thaddeus’s memories.” He looked to Thaddeus again. “Somehow, we’re going to fix this.” Rubbing his chin, he looked down at the table, a little uncomfortable and feeling like he’d ‘gone all flowery’ on his friend. Not to mention the fact that he’d given quite a little speech there after claiming he only wanted to say one thing. “That’s all I wanted to say.”
Mai 18 years ago
Mai nodded her head slightly in acknowledgment of their being more details for her to learn. She was not surprised that Alfarinn had not chose to tell Thaddeus everything that had happened to over the past year they've been together. Likely in the Evenhet's mind there was a great amount of caring for her Ba-di's feelings; though there was also the problem of getting Thaddeus to believe someone he considered a stranger.

Palmer's statement was true enough but she felt that the subject could be dealt with after Thaddeus fully knew the truth. He needed to have full knowledge of plans as soon as possible precisely because this was an attack.

"There are others with the ability to restore that which was taken. With time, we will find someone who can help him."Â?

She unfurled herself from the cross legged position she had used while sitting in the chair. Coming to stand next to Thaddeus, Mai held out her hand.

"Come with me. I will explain."Â?

This news was going to be hard enough on Thaddeus without an audience to his reactions. She thought Thaddeus capable of handling yet another earth shattering revelation but that did not mean that she did not wish upon him whatever kindness she could afford him. Alfarinn might be a calming presence, and certainly would have been normally, but for now that was something that Thaddeus would have to choose once more on his own.
Alfarinn 18 years ago
Alfarinn looked up at Palmer and smiled grimly.

"I agree that it was an attack and we probably need to discuss the full meaning of it."Â?

In the mean time though Thaddeus was in the dark and he did not want his lover to feel like a child in a room full of adults; one who knew that the grown ups were discussing his fate but was powerless to fully understand what it was they were saying. He sighed deeply and wondered if he should tell him through the bond. No, that would be rude to the others in the room and his lover's reaction still would be seen by everyone only without the benefit of knowing exactly how Alfarinn chose to word this particular dissemination of information.

Mai got down from her chair and came to stand next to Thaddeus. It seemed the decision was now out of his hands. He had to admit that there was a certain wisdom in allowing Mai to reveal this particular treachery: In his current state Thaddeus was more likely to believe Mai, She was an Anantya and it was indeed their matter, She had the authority to accuse another Elder of her own clan, She did not have a known enmity with the man. It still made him fell like he was being a coward. He reached over and gave Thaddeus' hand a reassuring squeeze. Tempting as it was to say he'd be there if Thaddeus needed him, Alfarinn remained quiet. He was of no particular comfort this time and all he could do was wait.
Thaddeus Grey 18 years ago
The trouble with Palmer, Thaddeus reflected, was that he believed he could make anything happen simply by force of personality. It was only because he understood this that he wasn’t more insulted by the huntsman’s little speech – his friend was simply trying to get some control over the situation in the only way he could and probably sincerely believed what he was saying. Thaddeus just had his doubts as to whether that would have any bearing on reality.

Mai seemed to have some hope as well, though, and that he took a little more seriously. It would be harder to admit some of the reasons for his hesitation with this line of thought to her – oddly, it was Alfarinn and Jan, who had in their own ways been there and seen or experienced the pain and disorientation associated with being mentally forced to do something against one’s will, that he would be most comfortable mentioning his worries to – but he thought Mai was more likely to take that sort of thing into consideration, unlike Palmer who would just plow into things head on and damn the details like, oh, keeping his mind intact and not causing permanent brain damage.

Alfarinn seemed to be trying to bring the discussion back to filling him in on what he had missed, and Mai was apparently thinking along the same lines. He was torn between wondering why he was being led away and relief that he wouldn’t have such an audience all in the know while he was in the dark, having things revealed in inches. Squeezing Alfarinn’s hand in return, he hoped his companion didn’t mind this arrangement. Surely the Evenhet knew how close he and Mai were but perhaps that was not the most comforting of thoughts right now. He nodded to Palmer as he stood, even managing a little ‘it’ll be okay’ smile in spite of the fact that he was far from certain that it would be. Then, with not a little nervous anticipation, he allowed Mai to lead him by the hand away from the table.

/ooc Mai and Thaddeus out
Palmer 18 years ago
Palmer ran his hand over his head and watched Mai lead a quiet and seemingly subdued Thaddeus away. That was probably for the best, to deal with bringing him up to speed one on one. And it would give he and Alfarinn a chance to pull it together. Okay, a chance for –him- to pull it together; the Evenhet seemed to be doing just fine.

He tilted his head back once Mai and Thaddeus were out of sight, addressing the ceiling.

“We were so careful. How did he get to us? How did he know?” He shook his head, then slumped forward, his elbows on the table, regarding Alfarinn with a grave expression. “Well, it doesn’t matter. How are –you- holding up?”
Alfarinn 18 years ago
Alfarinn watched Thaddeus and Mai leave the table and head down the hall. Watching after his companion for a moment, he finally turned his gaze towards Palmer. He shook his head.

“We weren't careful enough. Perhaps we should have made Thaddeus stay well away from Sorin until this was over. I believe enough of us -might- have been able to influence him to remain here for our sake if not his own.”

It was too late to say the many things they could and should have done. He was grateful that Sorin did not kill Thaddeus when he so obviously had the chance. This maneuver was just as showy and he couldn't help but wonder why the man left his lover alive knowing that given enough time they could find someone who could relinquish the command's hold. That would leave this tampering as one more piece of evidence condemning the man. They were missing something.

“I suppose it is pointless to conjecture on it now. I am very grateful that he was left unharmed.”

At Palmer's last question Alfarinn exhaled deeply and closed his eyes. Taking in a refreshing breath, he looked at his new friend and smiled weakly.

“It has been...” Like living with a stranger who looks like a loved one? No, not quite so devastating. Thaddeus was Thaddeus and there was comfort in that. “difficult. I can't -help- him.”

He looked at the Anantya and wondered if the Huntsman understood what he meant. He could not protect Thaddeus before and now he could not even offer him the simple comfort of companionship and support. Worse, he quickly had to be the bearer of devastating news to be heaped upon someone who suddenly found the normal fabric of their life torn asunder and the world toppled over. Finding out that he was bonded to a stranger from another clan was more than Alfarinn cared to put Thaddeus through and yet there was so much more pain that he dealt his lover in the space of one night.
Palmer 18 years ago
Difficult. Wasn’t –that- an understatement. When Alfarinn went on to mention his specific frustrations, though, he thought he understood a little better where the Evenhet was coming from. Story of his life, really – Thaddeus wasn’t an easy guy to help under the best of circumstances and right now he was likely well hidden inside that little shell of his. Should have been a turtle, though he had to admit the dove made sense too.

In any case, Alfarinn’s worries were just further proof that he was a catch and Thaddeus better hold on to him. It wasn’t all ‘me, me, me, oh my aching soul, piss piss moan moan – no, Alfarinn was upset because he couldn’t be the partner he wanted to be for Thaddeus.

Kind of made a body believe this ‘love’ business wasn’t all a bunch of crap.

“Yeah…this sucks. You’re helping him as much as he can be helped.” Not the most comforting sentiment, but it was –something- at least. “And I have to say…it’s very cool that you’re sticking by him. He needs you.” Oh, please be sticking by him. Palmer wasn’t above laying on a guilt trip but he sincerely hoped he was right about Alfarinn’s intentions. So far the Evenhet’s actions would indicate that he wasn’t going to bail, claiming ‘he just couldn’t handle this’ and disappearing until this mess was solved, but they’d all been under a lot of strain lately and who knew when someone would break under the pressure?

“Seriously, though - if there’s –anything- I can do to help the –both- of you, just let me know. ” He dropped his voice before continuing. “I’m –itching- to do –something-…” He made a throttling gesture to show just what he’d like to do, and to whom. “…but it looks like we’ve got more waiting ahead.”
Alfarinn 18 years ago
Alfarinn nodded in agreement; he had also come to the conclusion that there was not much more he could do for Thaddeus at this point. They had to be careful because if they moved too soon they could run into whatever traps Sorin might have set. Moreover, one did not just off an Elder of Anantya no matter how much he deserved it.

He blinked as Palmer continued and frowned a little in confusion. Of course he was sticking by Thaddeus, at least as much as he could. He loved him.

“I'm not going anywhere so long as Thaddeus doesn't want me to leave.”

And perhaps not even then but that matter had yet to arise and he hoped that it never would. There was a feeling of shock and sadness from his companion and Alfarinn hunched his shoulders and put his head in his hands. He should have told Thaddeus, he should have been with him when Mai told him....this shouldn't be happening in the first place.

“I love him.”

That he didn't think he could live without Thaddeus was a sentiment that he kept to himself. It did no one any good and they needed to focus on what they could control at this moment.

“Thank you”

He couldn't find it within to add the smile that the offer of help deserved, not when his partner was numb with pained disbelief. Instead Alfarinn voiced another concern.

“The thing that is a bit confusing is why command Thaddeus and not me? I know that he would have difficulties doing so but there is something missing in this plan. Sorin knows Thaddeus and I are working together and so he knows that I would be able to deduce who was why just take care of Thaddeus' memory?”

He tilted his head up and rested his chin in his hand and looked over at Palmer.

“Perhaps if we could figure this out there would be more for us to do.”

((OOC: I thought it was interesting that they both were unknowingly in the same position. ))
Palmer 18 years ago
Palmer was naturally skeptical of the ‘love conquers all’ mentality but it seemed to be working in his friend’s favor, which was always a good thing. “Well Thaddeus doesn’t want you to leave,” he said, almost belligerently. What he didn’t add, out loud any way, was that even if his friend –said- he wanted Alfarinn to leave, he didn’t mean it and was clearly temporarily insane. He refused to recognize that, altered memories or no, Thaddeus was far from helpless to make his own choices. What were friends for save to keep them from doing stupid things?

His first reaction to Alfarinn’s question was reluctance – how was –he- supposed to know what was going on in Sorin’s twisted little mind? At the incentive of having something to do, though, he rethought his stance.

“You know, I’m not even sure if this was a success for him. I mean, are we certain he –planned- to erase Thaddeus’s memory and leave the rest of us untouched? He’s supposedly really good at this sort of thing, but he might have made a mistake.” He shrugged. “Either something went really wrong or everything is going to plan and it’s just way more devious than we can wrap our heads around.”

Hmm…had he just talked himself full circle only to come to the exact same conclusion Alfarinn had arrived at –without- all the blabber?

“Right. Well. Assuming this is all going according to his plan…” He held out one hand to tick off fingers, absently thinking that this could get embarrassing if he didn’t have enough ideas to justify the gesture. “…he could be trying to discredit Thaddeus and make this a matter of your word against his. Or maybe he’s wanting to destroy your relationship, distracting us all enough to make his getaway. I think the most likely ‘maybe’, though, is that Act Two, whatever it is, is still to come. He’s not done messing with us and the longer he’s allowed to roam free, the stronger he’s going to be, even behind bars. Or dead. If he knows what we’re up to and hasn’t run yet, he’s planning to stick around and take us head on.”

“Of course, I could be talking out of my ass,” he concluded with a wry smile. “It’s not like I know how his mind works…you know who we need,” he said, pointing his finger and making eye contact “is Claire. She knows Sorin better than anyone.” All he could do was to make educated guesses based on the kind of man he thought Sorin was. Alfarinn was a little better off, having dealt with him much longer, but Claire was his daughter and closer to him besides.

“Think I should give her a call?”

Alfarinn 18 years ago
Alfarinn did his best to pay attention to Palmer. It was difficult not to focus on the feelings of his companion or worry and wonder what was taking place in the room down the hall. He had to agree that they realistically had no idea what could be going on in Sorin's mind.

"Yes, but we need to come up with the most likely possibilities and see what measures we can take to counter them."Â?

Frowning as the Anantya gave his likely theories, Alfarinn considered them. Discrediting Thaddeus had been something he had pondered as well. Sorin might believe they have no evidence to support their claims and with Thaddeus out of the way that it would be two famously opposed Elders against one another. But that was shaky at best for several reasons: command could be countered by someone with equal or greater skill and surely they would make certain that was done even if they only suspected that command was used, once the command was broken then there would be more to implicate a very skilled person with the ability, and lastly the man could not be absolutely certain that they didn't have some evidence on hand. Sorin should know that while Alfarinn could be seen as impulsive that he would never go to the Council without proof. He'd have been shouting for Sorin's head centuries before if it were otherwise. The destruction of their relationship made more sense, as silly as it sounded. Thaddeus would be unaware of the search and potentially very unwilling to deal with a strange Evenhet who claimed they were a part of a relationship. There were plenty of people able to back up his claims though and he believed that once the story was told that Thaddeus would be eager enough to help him find the person responsible. Was Sorin banking on the high regard that Thaddeus held him in to ward off any accusations or was he assuming that in a fit of frustrated rage Alfarinn would angrily tell Thaddeus everything before he was ready to hear it thus ensuring they would never be reconciled? It all seemed like a long shot.

"I believe he thinks we are working alone, that we would trust no one else with this. Normally he would be right. Claire became a part of the search through spectacular timing and well events just...anyway, he is Elder of the Night and, as you can probably guess, he doesn't trust anyone; he would assume Thaddeus wouldn't either. So that's something to factor into all this."Â?

But does he believe they've found anything or not? Was he hoping to get away or stay? Was this just the first thing he had in mind for Thaddeus or was he through? Too many questions and not even one answer. He nodded to Palmer.

"Yeah, that's a really good idea."Â?
Palmer 18 years ago
Palmer frowned thoughtfully when Alfarinn explained the reasons behind Sorin not suspecting a larger conspiracy – the troubling thing was that the Elder was damn near right. Thaddeus normally wouldn’t breathe a word of this to anyone but people had sort of snowballed into this as things progressed. Really, what were the odds of him coming up to Nachton –now-? Funny how large a role timing and coincidence could play in these things.

“So he thinks it’s just the two of you then.” He gave a dry snort. “And I assume no pianos have fallen inches from your head lately? Because that kind of thing would be a clue…” Realizing that was kind of an inappropriate thing to joke about, he got serious in a hurry. “..but yeah, if he tried something on you and it failed, he sure was sneaky about it. I’m guessing he hasn’t made his next move yet. What could he be waiting for…”

Thinking for a minute, he made a frustrated face and looked to Alfarinn. “This is the kind of thing Thaddeus would know…the larger picture, who’s involved with who, what’s being decided when. Maybe something seemingly unrelated kept him from moving against you at the same time as Thaddeus.” He frowned. “Or…maybe he’s waiting for –you- to do something. Harming Thaddeus to draw you into a trap.”

Wondering if he was just talking in circles again, he sat back and ran his hand over his head. Alfarinn seemed to like the idea of bringing Claire in on things, even going as far as to declare it ‘a really good idea’. He figured calling her up was probably the best contribution he could make to this discussion but of course he didn’t voice that thought.

“Alright – I’m a give things a minute to settle down first though,” he said, nodding in the direction Thaddeus and Mai had gone. He didn’t think his friend needed more surprises the moment he came back out, especially in the form of an unfamiliar face.
Mai 18 years ago
Mai walked quietly down the hall and came to stand behind Alfarinn. He was sitting,much like Thaddeus had been, with his head in his hands. She could see that he could feel Thaddeus' pain; it would have made it that much more difficult for him to deliver such tragic news. Mai knew he would have done it if he had to and so she felt sympathy for the Norseman.

Placing a hand lightly on his shoulder, Mai leaned down and spoke in a whisper.

"It will be made right."

She went back to her original seat and climbed into the chair, pulling her knees up and wrapping her arms around them.

"We have a plan, yes?"
Alfarinn 18 years ago
Alfarinn shrugged slightly but gave his reasons for his assumption.

"I would guess as much. If he thought more people knew then I think he would not be trying this tactic but trying to find a place to hide."

It was not impossible to go unseen as an elder but it would be difficult. Anantya was the worst clan to try to hide from with their ability to track people down.

"Maybe but that seems not very prudent. We might not have all the time in the world to prove him guilty but he is certainly working more against the clock than we are so sitting and waiting for something seems like a bad idea unless he could be certain it would happen."

He felt Mai's hand on his shoulder and he turned to give her a small smile.

"Thank you"

For her comforting words but mostly for what she had done for Thaddeus. Alfarinn watched her climb into the chair wondering when his companion might reappear. He did not want to proceed with Thaddeus' input and opinions on things that would greatly effect him.

"Not yet but we'll make one."
Palmer 18 years ago
Palmer was about to throw up his hands and simply claim that Sorin's actions made no sense whatsoever when Mai returned. Thinking that Thaddeus would be right behind her, he kept himself in check, but his friend did not emerge. Ah, damn - should he go back there? Uncertain, he decided to wait and see if Thaddeus came out on his own.

Palmer made a slight face at Mai's question, frustrated with the lack of fruitfulness in his own ideas. Maybe Thaddeus and Alfarinn could go back and forth on theories all day but he became exasperated quickly when thought after thought was shot down. When Alfarinn explained that they would have a plan soon, however, Palmer had to appreciate that none of this was easy for the Evenhet and yet he was managing to careful and patient. Still, it would be good to see what conclusions they could draw so far. Looking to Mai, he leaned forward on his elbows and asked, point blank:

"Is there anything preventing us from having him arrested now? Do we need his cooperation to..."Â? he gave a nod toward the hallway "...reverse what he did, or can someone else fix Thaddeus up? Because other than that, I'm not seeing anything that should stand in the way of getting that man in the deepest cell of the catacombs. In fact,"Â? he added "I might be crazy but it seems as though everything points to getting him locked away as soon as possible."Â?

Was he missing something? He thought he might be but hell, no way to know unless he asked. He reasoned that you were in danger of looking like an idiot every time you opened your mouth anyway, and he had certainly never let that stop him before.
Mai 18 years ago
Mai nodded her head at Alfarinn's reply and waited to be told what their thoughts were so far. Carefully picking up the tea that Thaddeus had kindly made her earlier, she took a sip of the lukewarm liquid and sought out her own inner decisions on the situation. It was quite possible that her future actions would make their carefully laid out plans fruitless. She would never harm the chances of Thaddeus regaining his memories but perhaps waiting was not the best answer.

It would seem that Palmer was of the same mind. She turned and fixed her colourless gaze on him.

"How do you hold a man who can command everyone he meets with few exceptions and how do you take him against his will when he knows you are coming?"

She thought that they had enough evidence now to condemn him but if they were going to adhere to the precepts of their clan then the next step would be to take everything to the Elder of the Rose. With Morrigan's consent that there was justification the Hunt would be allowed to track him down and detain him. Mai looked back at the room down the hall...all of that assumed she was planning on following the rules.
Thaddeus Grey 18 years ago
Thaddeus raked his fingers through his hair and stared into the mirror, trying to find the arrangement that made him look the least stricken and upset. He was convinced he looked awful, though in reality he looked about the same, only more tired and perhaps more wise.

He’d been in the room alone slightly longer than a minute before he got up with renewed determination, ready to go out there and face everything like a Grey. That brief surge of nervous energy was spent before he’d made it past the dresser, though, and so here he stood, being disgustingly vain to avoid having to think about anything more important.

Well, that just wouldn’t do.

Sighing one last time, he pushed down the last of the sorrow threatening to escape and opened the bedroom door.

Back in the dining room, the party was conversing intently, though he caught only the tail end. Sliding back into the chair next to Alfarinn, he raised both eyebrows at Palmer, as though to say ‘well, what’s next?’ When he looked Alfarinn’s way, though, it was only to give a slight nod, lowering his eyes a little before hesitantly reaching over to give the cool slim hand on the table a light squeeze.

Turning to address the group as a whole, his expression hardened – he was all business now, saving his grief for a better time.

“How indeed.” A pause, then he continued. “We’ll need a plan.”

And plan they did.

/ooc everyone out to the world of happy secret planning…