Into the noise
A long black Rolls Royce Phantom pulled up in front of the House of Pain and stopped. Front doors opened and a small asian man stepped out and opened the back door. Two large bull mastiff dogs trotted out followed by Chryseis Angelique of clan Anantya. Behind her, two more men, this time larger and olive skinned. All were dressed to their finest, the olive skinned men both had slicked back hair and wore black linen pants complete with black linen tunics embroidered in gold threading. Chryseis herself wore an Piroja silk choli in black embroidered with golden threads.
She stepped to the club with her dogs in the lead and the men in tow. Through the sewers was always a dreadful to enter this place but it was the only way. Lifting her skirt she carefully manuevered the distance. Comming upon the elevator entrance a bouncer held up his hand and stopped her glancing down at the two dogs who now were stairing at him with malicious intent.
They go where I go, Do not try and stop them if you enjoy your life. See yourself to your manager if you have questions if or if not my beloveds are allowed inside, but do so after i enter.
With a confused look the bouncer dropped his hand and stepped back. Chryseis could tell he was new, she hadn't seem him here before, but she still didn't like him. Impeeeding her entry to the House of Pain was irritating and almost worth wrinkling her skirt this early in the evening for.
Walking past the bouncer, Chryseis's troup moved in side and headed to their clan section. Slipping into the booth, Chryseis nodded to the dogs and they layed under the table and out of the way or passerbyers. The bodyguards stood like statues at the ends of the booth. Chryseis relaxed and ordered herself a drink, a jack and lemonade, and let the music fill her thoughts.

This evening there was a particular group of appetizers that held her interest. Nodding to her guards, one of them set off to bring the pretty little red head that was leaning haphazardly on the bar, to her. She watched as Lykaios approached the young woman and grinned at her. They spoke for a few moments and he pointed over to the round booth that Chryseis sat in. The girl giggled and Lykaios present his arm, she took it in hers and they made their way across the room.
Lady Chryseis, this is Pheobe. He turned to hte girl. Please, have a seat.
He motioned for her to sit and she slid in the booth. Chryseis judged her distance to be 2 people away from her.
Pheobe is a beautiful name. It is Greek did you know? It means bright one. You must be very intelligent.Chryseis mused.
The girl blushed and waved her hand dismissing the meaning
Its just a name. Names don't really mean anything.
Apartently. Come sit closer to me. Chryseis patted the spot next to her. The girl looked around and with a approving nod from Lykaios she tentivly scooted closer until Chryseis could feel the warmth emmenating from her skin.
That's better. Now, did you know that Lykaios means wolf-like in greek? And that other man is his brother Leander, his name means lion man. Wouldn't that be silly if it was really true?
Both Lykaios and Leander began to chuckle. The lights were dancing around the club in a whirlwind of color, they gleamed and beamed off the two brothers making their eyes glitter and dazzle. Pheobe tensed up.
Now now, you came to the house of pain to meet vampires right? Why so suddenly scared when animal men are brought up? It's just meanings of names and that's just silly nonsense right? she stretched her arm around Pheobe's shoulders.
So let me guess, you wanna be a vampire, vampires are cool. They can live for ever and no one can kill them. Crosses, and garlic and all that jazz right?
Well...well i'm not so sure now about being a vampire...
Oh come now! Surely you haven't changed your mind already! Here let me help you decide.
Before Pheobe could utter another word Chryseis was on her. Lykaios and Leander turned their backs to the table scanning and watching the crowd. Chryseis sunk her teeth deep into the pale girls flesh. The warm blood began to pour into her mouth and extascy wracked her body. The girl cried out and squirmed unsuccessfully. Pheobe's hand swatted limply at Chryseis's head and she grinned. She loved when they tried to fight.
Lady Chryseis, she is put an appetizer remember. Leander's head was turned slightly over his shoulder so that she could hear.
He was right, pulling her head back she watched as Pheobe went limp in her arms. Lykaios reached in and grabbed Pheobe's arms and dragged her out of the booth. Propping her up over his shoulder he half supported and half dragged her to her friends. As chryseis cleaned up she watched as he explained to them that Pheobe had too much to drink and needed to be taken home. He disposed the young body on her friends and made his way back.
As Lykaios made his way through the dancing crowd he bumped into a young male vampire. The vampire spun around fangs bared and hissed. Chryseis froze, the pit of her stomach dropped a million miles out from under her. She didn't know who he was or what the feeling she was having was, but she was stunned. She felt as if she knew him yet she didn't know how. She couldnt get a good look at him as Lykaios pushed him away and continued to walk. The young man dissapeared back into the crowd and was gone.
Punks in this place Chrys, Punks. I don't understand why we come here.
Ahhh Lykaios, you and your brother serve the Order of the Hunt why shouldn't this place make you feel more comfortable than the stuffy Club Eternity? Things go much more unnoticed here, plus i know how you love to have your blood riled up so. You'll be able to feed soon yourself. Let yourself and Leander go now even. I'm perfectly capable to stay here alone.
But Chryseis, we can't just leave you here unattended. This place is a mad house just waiting for loners.
She waved them off and took another sip from her drink.
I am not alone, i shouldn't of used that phrase. I have Achilles and Birseis here with me, plus i'm no silly school girl gentlemen. I am just about ancient Do not worry about little old me. Besides i'd like to sit and think a bit.
The men sighed and nodded. They walked out of her vision and into the mass crowd shortly their after. She leaned back and closed her eyes. Who was that man out in the crowd. She fiddled with the little gold rose that was clasped onto her top. ' Think hard Chryseis, you know something'. She sighed and shook her head. What was it?

'Of course he woulda have picked to come here, in Eternity the man would stick out like a sore thumb.'
Chryseis kept one eye on him and another scanning the crowd for her strangly familar face.
'This may be a good time with that man here.'
(OOC: Chryseis OUT & watching Talon from across the club )