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Escape (attn: Dawn, Rogziel)

The hot rays of the summer sun shone upon a clearing in Midwestern Europe. Roman Soldiers led by Commander Darius Sarimir took the field of battle and were actually overwhelming their barbaric foes for a change. His once grand force had been reduced to a meager group of hardened veterans over the past seven months. Although casualties in his troop were the lowest in his legion, he hadn't received any reinforcements - the toll of the past few battles had been high. His troops could care less though; all they wanted were more enemies to add to their funeral pyre. Looting the dead and ransacking forsaken enemy camps had become their source of income. Rome had also become increasingly stringent with their payment of troops. Darius saw his empire was falling all around him, but he would be damned if he was going to lie down and let these creatures burn down all he stood for.

Darius smiled as he looked down onto the battlefield. All was going as he had foreseen. The commander of this horde of barbarians was less than competent. Through the use of some elementary tactics he divided the much larger force and had just broken through the last line of infantry they had. He noted the support troop retreating from the field; it was time to deliver the Coup de Gras. He gently tapped his horse with his foot, his beast thrust itself forward, like a mighty gust.

"We Got 'Em On the run now, Leave none of these wretches alive!"Â? Darius screamed as his horse carried him to the middle of the battlefield. He Unsheathed a massive sword from the scabbard on his back, revealing the nearly 5' long blade that was almost as wide as a man's forearm. He pointed toward the enemy commander as he continued to pursue him

"Come face your doom you coward"Â? Darius called out. An Arrow whizzed by his head. His Composure was slightly marred, but then came the second. It entered his shoulder and struck with the force of what felt like a blast of c4, knocking him off of his horse.

He opened his eyes. He saw nothing but darkness.

"Damn, another dream"Â? he remarked to himself.

He rose to his feet. The August vampire heard the echo of his movements in the hollow chamber. He had been in this prison of sorts for god only knows how long. He knew only 2 things; he was somewhere in the industrial sector of Nachton, and he was at the disposal of Rogziel. Since the night he fought with his captor outside the bar, his body has served as a pincushion for his sadistic host. He heard the chattering of the steel chains shackled to his arms and legs. The only time he saw light was when he was the recipient of more punishment, or as Rogziel called it, "God's Vengeance"Â?. It seemed that the beatings only ceased when his thirst for Apollyon's pain was sated. He was fed only enough to survive, mostly the same young children Rogziel fed on. The Sadistic bastard only fed on children; he felt only their blood was pure enough to enter the Vessel that carried out God's Revenge. Apollyon had done many things in his life he was less than proud of, however this was a new low. He had always felt that younglings had a right to be ignorant to the ugliness of reality, as long as possible.

The cold air stung his bare flesh. The winter gust bashed itself against the stone walls of his prison, the harsh wind continued its assault on the structure, and the walls began to shake. Then, a Sliver of moonlight crept through. Peering through the hole he saw a courtyard outside of his prison. Backing up, he studied the wall he was chained to,a small brick fortification about five feet wide and seven feet high. It filled him with a slight hope. He clinched his fist, marshalling all of his greatly diminished strength. He brought his arm around and thrust his fist into the brick wall, striking with the force of a powerful man wielding a sledgehammer. The pain centers of his brain screamed at the impact, He ignored it and mustered a second strike. His fist throbbed furiously as he struck the wall again. By the time he landed his eighth blow, he estimated his fist looked little better than a bloody lump of roast beef. He heard the mortar cracking; now it was time. He crouched onto the ground and ejected himself into the air. Rotating in midair, he Pushed his feet upon the wall and thrust himself into the center of the room, hoping to dislodge the rings of steel that held the chains in place. The impact from his exertion took what solidity the wall had left. It crumbled, well enough for him to fit through. The rings ejected from themselves from their nesting place and freed their prisoner.

Stepping out he ran free from his cell aimlessly. The chilling wind froze every synapse in his brain. Falling snow made long range vision impossible. He had no idea where he was. After some wandering he found what appeared to be a road, looking around he saw only abandoned buildings. A considerable amount of time had passed and he had finally found his way out of the industrial sector of the city and into Metropolitan Nachton. Most of his mind was gone, but he still knew better than to wander the city naked .From his tattered memory, he thought he had reached the manor. but who knew. His brain was sapped from malnourishment, blood loss, and hypothermia. He saw lights in the distance, he walked in their direction. His iron resolve was on its last leg, he just felt so tired. his eyelids felt like curtains of thick steel, he couldn't stave it off anymore. He fell down to one knee, and onto his face shortly after. The storm continued, showing no concern to the nearly dead vampire that lay unconscious.

Dawn Ratana 17 years ago
She really had to learn to check weather reports before riding in winter. Bloody weather had come up out of nowhere on an otherwise lovely evening - still air and everything. Regretting the choice to follow her whimsy this evening, Dawn cut back through the Industrial are of the city on her way back from her ride outside the city. She'd wanted something a bit more open - and had paid for it. If she'd just stuck to Nachton's bright lights, she'd have been home before this shitstorm started to kick up.

Going perhaps a bit too fast for the conditions, Dawn saw something huge in the road. Swearing to herself, she dropped gear and began a slide. The road was slick, so standard braking was a little iffy. As she approached the form, it resolved into a very, very large man missing at least some of his clothes. Releasing the brake and pushing the throttle, she gave it enough juice to avoid hitting the hulking form.

Coming to a complete stop, she looked around - no one in the area. Everyone else seemed to have better sense about staying indoors. Pulling off her helmet, she dismounted and moved quickly to the...holy shit...mountain of a man. Totally naked mountain of a man. What the fuck was going on here?

"Oi! Guy! You dead? HEY!"

Looking around again, she confirmed that she was the only person outside. Dammit. Leaning into his ear, she shouted


That left pretty much one test. Glancing one more time, she grinned. Pushing lightly on his back with one hand she held her hand in front of his face. His exhalation was warm enough to feel the difference. Standing up, she kicked him in the sternum. She'd seen on a TV show that that was supposed to get people awake even if they were faking. This was one big fucker, so she figured a steel capped boot'd probably be better. It also gave her more distance if he woke up angry, though he didn't smell drunk.


((ooc: mistreatment done in controlled settings and agreed upon by participants, do not kick large, unconscious men without a controlled environment and with the proper training))
Apollyon 17 years ago
he was drifting further into the subconscious as his exposure continued. there were brief flashes were he returned to consciousness but they were just that, brief. Lasting no more than twenty seconds.

Time passed. Then some more passed. Someone stirred around him. His vision was pretty blurry. It appeared to be a woman, she may have been the size of one of his legs. She was saying something but he couldn't make it out. He felt a very faint prod to his chest, which was nearly numb from hypothermia. he tried to stir but found his body lacking.his thoughts were fixated on one thing. The one thing that all vampires search for, the source of their strength.he knew if he didn't feed soon he would slip into the subconscious again and wouldn't resurface

"Bloo-" He uttered, "Blood"
Dawn Ratana 17 years ago
"Oh, hey, he can talk! I didn't kick ya hard enough t'break the skin, so quitcherbitchin. So why're ya naked inna road? Some hooker drug ya? Either way y'should git some pants'n 'fore yer winky freezes off."

Oh. Or that could have been a need.

"Um...who're ya anyways? Someplace y'need t'go? Prolly not t'wherever left ya out in th'cold."
Apollyon 17 years ago
His hearing was somewhat restored,even still it was quite the task to understand what this woman was saying, considering that his mind was functioning about as well as a palsy victim performing brain surgery. He tried to think, it was impossible, he needed blood. his vision cleared up somewhat. Her hair looked as if she had escaped from Love Canal.he had no way of knowing who she was or whether she was human or vampire. He couldn't think.

"Com-n-der Darius Sarimir." his speech was severely slurred, he struggled to continue.

"Cccaptured by enemy."
Dawn Ratana 17 years ago
Commander? Well, sure. Big guy like this SHOULD be in the military, or like a pro wrestler or something. But he had long hair. What's that all about?

"Well, chief, let's start by gettin' ya outta th'cold and inta some pants, huh? Y'can tellme alla boutit while we wait fer yer cab - my bike can't hold your big ass, sorry. This warehouse might've a coverall or a tarp'r somethin' we can put on ya and it'll be outta th'snow."

Offering a hand down to the big guy, she waited.

"Sarimir's notta common name. Where's yer family from? I'm Dawn."
Apollyon 17 years ago
He barely knew what he was saying,but hearing her pronounce his real surname was enough to shock him into a semblance of coherence. his eyes widened he saw her offering her hand down to help him up. Mustering his willpower he lifted his right hand, but remembered it was a bloody mess. He was able to meet her hand with his left. He was amazed at the strength in her as she had little trouble helping him to his feet.

"Thanks."He still struggled with speech a bit." I'm from New York City. I moved down here some time ago." He paused briefly, he had no idea how much time he spent incarcerated by Rogziel. He couldn't even guess what the date was .

He was having a hard time staying on his feet, he used a road sign to stabilize himself. He looked down and remembered he was stark naked. he shrugged, there wasn't really anything he could do about that now.

"Just curious, what's today's date?"
Dawn Ratana 17 years ago
Ok, this guy was HELLA fucked up. Didn't know what day it was? Dawn hadn't been that wasted, a night. But she didn't come to with fucked up knuckles like that AND no memory. It was always one or the other. And she always had clothes on. And didn't wake up in the road.

"Um...March first."

Judging from the looks of things, he could be a bit worse off than that.


Guiding him to the warehouse garage door, she glanced at it. The guy was starting to get a little more normal, but he'd need to cover up some or he'd could pass out again. Kicking hard down on the padlock, it broke from its loop. Grabbing the handle, she opened it.

"Lessee if they got any duds for ya."
Apollyon 17 years ago
He couldn't help but give an incredulous look when she said it was march 1st 2007. that'd mean that he'd been out of the loop for well over a year.he walked as well as he could, following his samaritan's lead.The Thirst was becoming uncontrollable. He really didn't to feed on this girl, but he had little in the ways of choice, he'd lost a considerable amount of blood.his body was all but shut down.He was pretty sure this Vivacious woman was one of his kind, she'd nearly lifted him up with little sign of struggle.

His doubts were dispelled when she broke a padlock with a sharp downward kick. as they walked into the warehouse he decided he would take a chance there was still some un-clotted blood on his injured right hand. he brushed the index of his left hand and brushed it against his right.he flinched at the contact. He coudln't afford to wait, he put his finger to his forehead and drew a symbol hopefully she would be familiar with. The Symbol of the oldest clan who bore the curse of vampirism

"Ma'am" he tapped her on the shoulder. He was taking quite the gamble. If she was Other than Anantya this was about to get dicey.
Dawn Ratana 17 years ago
Yup - he was floored. He'd been out of the loop awhile. He'd not had a stunned reaction to the kick on the lock, so he was probably more than mortal. Sketching the Anantya symbol on his head? Ok, NOW it was time to have some fun. Looking around, she headed for the acetalyne torch. Picking it up, she put on a wicked smile and said

"Well, I'll juss be callin' some'a my Tacharan sistahs an' I'll git t'do sumthin' I've wanted t'do since this clan war started."

Too bad she couldn't hold the pose. Laughing, she put the torch down and pulled out her cell phone.

"Or I'll call Rupert'n 'ave'im send us a truck. I'm'n Anantya too. Ballsy move, tho, what with'th'state yer in."

Then she made good on the threat. Truck en route, she asked

" th'fuck happened anyways?"
Apollyon 17 years ago
The Gamble paid off. if she had truly been Tacharan, it would have surely been the last day he would see on this plane. He rummaged about, and managed to find a mechanic's outfit that fit him decently enough. he wrapped his hand in a towel and held it in place with a couple pieces of duct tape.after dressing himself he got to her question.

" I was ambushed by a deranged psychopath. I've been shackled to a wall for the past 18 months and served as his pincushion. I managed to bash a wall down and break out. I thought I was heading to the manor, but I didn't really have much of a idea where I was heading. I can only hope he doesn't try to track me, this guy is a fuckin' maniac. Even at my full strength he's an even match."

He fell silent for a moment,walking toward her he looked her in the eyes for a moment then turned his gaze toward the ceiling

"I cannot express the depth of my gratitude. I thought I had escaped a year and a half of torture to die as roadkill. if there's ever anything you need, I'll be the first one to lend a hand." As he finished he lowered his eyes to meet hers again. He did his best to kneel down, and proceeded to kiss her hand.
Dawn Ratana 17 years ago
Frowning, she listened to the first portion of the tale.

"'S'gottabe ahelluva psycho, then. When we're back't Heolfor, y'gotta let th'Elders know 'bout this. A powerful rogue's a danger t'everyone - they'll totally find th'sucka an' realign his ass t'th'tranquility'a th'cosmos an shit."

Pacing, a bit agitated, she wondered if it might not be something else. He said he had just moved to the city. Maybe Tacharan was snatching new arrivals before they got settled? She'd heard spook stories from her creator - be careful who you party with or you might end up beatdown by Orphans, shit like that, but no one took those stories SERIOUSLY in Cali. I mean, that's shit that baby Evenhet carebears had'ta deal with, but Anantya? Seemed far fetched. Maybe there was a grain a truth to'm out here. Creepy. Maybe it was time to get some background on the different groups from Sorin.

Shit. She was kinda starting t'think like a Nightie, wasn't she?

When the big guy started the second part of his speech, she was kinda caught off guard. As he made his comment about roadkill, she almost chimed in immediately with a joke, but then suddenly he was kneeling, lookin' at her all weird and kissing her hand. This was so far outside of her realm of expectatiotn and experience that she just kinda froze up. Well, except that tiny, involuntary gasp she made. Oh, and the weird migration her left hand did, kinda drifting up over the center of her chest. What the fuck?

Jerking her hand away a bit suddenly, she wondered when the heater had kicked on in the warehouse. Since she couldn't be blushing and shit. Taking a little step back, she cocked her head a little.

"Um....yeah. Okay. up."

Her brain kicked in again and demanded to know why things were all fucking awkward all of a sudden and chastised her for not being all cool. Making an irritated face, she blurted

"Man, s'too fucking wrong that yer taller'n me when yer KNEELING. Dayum! How tall'reya anyways?"
Apollyon 17 years ago
Apollyon gingerly brought his other leg up and returned to standing upright. He was feeling better, but knew he should probably refrain from anything strenuous. his neurons were flaring messages from all parts of his body as he began to warm. He couldn't help but take some humor to her reaction to his statement of gratitude, Making her blush and all. He hadn't had that effect on a woman in some time. Turning back to the conversation, his demeanor changed somewhat

" He is indeed a dangerous psychopath. One who will feel vengeance wrought from my hands." He felt that all familiar feeling, wrath began to churn in his heart. He felt his heart go to a higher gear, his muscles bulged slightly, his eyes narrowed. His body screamed for blood. He couldn't let his emotions dictate his state right now. as he calmed down he lost balance slightly.

"He is my responsibility, I will inform the elders of his existence. But his blood will solely be on my hands." Changing demeanor once again, he cracked a slight smile and continued,

"and as to your question I am 78 inches in height"
Rogziel 17 years ago
The powerful winds of the winter storm pressed freezing air against his face. He was returning to the abandoned factory he called home, also where he detained the vampire which changed him so long ago. For the past year and some months he's kept the beast chained to a wall, a meager penance for the indiscretions the reckless demon had committed in the past. In an attempt to purify the one known as "apollyon"Â?; he had given him the blood of those innocent to sin, but it did not seem to make much progress. Perhaps his cursed soul was tainted beyond redemption, in which case the only alternative would be to eradicate the host of the disease. Rogziel then saw something that caused him to deviate from his train of thought. He saw some blood in the shallow snow as he neared the compound. Looking closer, he also made out footprints. The impressions were that of a human footprint.

"There's no chance he could-"Rogziel thought to himself. However, his concern wasn't dispelled. "But then again with these ferocious winds and those dilapidated walls"Â?.... Rogziel changed pace and began to run, he winds pressed themselves on him again, but he was focused, he reached the factory in short time. He looked at the door that held 1500 year old vampire in thrall, not one sign of damage to it. It was a thick, reinforced steel door. Rogziel surmised that whoever built this building used this as a holding cell also. Rogziel opened the door to find the wall on the other side beaten down. He clinched his fists in frustration.

"Damn it"Â? he growled as he grit his upper teeth against his lower set. It was no real use going after him, he was most likely dead anyhow. No clothes in the dead of winter. The man was quite resourceful, he'd give Darius that. But resourceful or not, Vampire or not, one can only evade the sting of Hypothermic shock for so long.

"Either way, God's will shall prevail"Â? Rogziel thought to himself as he closed the door and walked away.

(OOC: Rogziel Out)
Alec Devereaux 17 years ago
"Well, as long's all th'bases're covered, s'all good. Let's git some red inya. That's th'truck."

Waving down the driver was unnecessary - bubblegum pink stood out somewhat in the Industrial District. Explaining the situation to the driver, she wheeled her bike into the back and gestured for Apollyon to head over.

"Y'already got digs at th'manor'r areya gonna needa new room? Rupe'll wanna know ahead'a time."
Dawn Ratana 17 years ago
"Well, as long's all th'bases're covered, s'all good. Let's git some red inya. That's th'truck."

Waving down the driver was unnecessary - bubblegum pink stood out somewhat in the Industrial District. Explaining the situation to the driver, she wheeled her bike into the back and gestured for Apollyon to head over.

"Y'already got digs at th'manor'r areya gonna needa new room? Rupe'll wanna know ahead'a time."
Apollyon 17 years ago
Following Dawn's lead, Darius hobbled as well as he could to the truck.He heard her mention red stuff , which hopefully meant blood.He was beginning to lose his control over the thirst. Sooner than later he would just lung at the nearest red blooded mammal that came to his vicinity. He rested himself against the truck briefly and responded to her question

"Ah Rupert, I had the privilege of meeting him. I did have a room there but that was some time ago."

Thinking for a moment he couldn't help but think about Mai, Cyrus and the other Anantya. His thoughts led him to thinking about a small egyptian woman he had met in his brief social interaction here, perhaps chance would have it that he would run into her again.Breaking from his train of thought,his attention turned back to Dawn as she got in the truck. Following her lead again, he entered the truck. he sighed in delight at the warm air coming from the heater. As he closed the door the driver put the truck into gear and began to drive back to the Manor.

(ooc: Dawn and Apollyon out. Permission to move dawn given. Lock thread pls =) )