He is best known for his campaign through Palestine, as recorded in the bible. Shishaq had provided refuge to Jeroboam during the later years of Solomon's reign, and upon Solomon's death, Jeroboam became king of the breakaway tribes in the north, which became the kingdom of Israel. In the fifth year of Rehoboam's reign (commonly dated between 926 and 917 BC), Shishaq swept through the kingdom of Judah with a powerful army, in support of his ally. According to 2 Chronicles, he was supported by "the Lubin, the Sukkiim, and the Ethiopians." Shishaq captured a number of cities of that kingdom, including Jerusalem, where he pillaged the temple and the royal palace, and carried away the shields of gold which Solomon had made. Although Judah was humbled, hostilities still continued between the two kingdoms; yet this was the only recorded intervention of a third party into the affairs of these two kingdoms during Rehoboam's reign.
Ellis had followed him into the ARCH, blending quietly behind him but staying just out of his range - or what she thought was his range, she never could tell anymore. On occasion he would stop short as if he noticed something so she would hang further back till he continued on. He seemed to be less focused as he entered the ARCH so she casually followed him up the staircase to the very top floor and stood close enough to smell his cologne.
Coming out of her blending Ellis reached up and put her hand on Simon's back, slowly inching her way up to the middle of his expansive back. She felt him stiffen and it made her smile; it had been a while since she was able to surprise him - other than coming back from the dead and all.
((quote shamelessly or rather shamefully stolen from Wikipedia))