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Darius exited the truck feeling much better than he did when he entered it. With fresh blood coursing through his body he was beginning to feel much better than he had in a long time.His body was still in rough repair, his body still ached somewhat from the cold. He walked to the entrance of the Manor. after maybe 10 or so steps he turned back to see if his rescuer was following behind.

Dawn Ratana 17 years ago
Removing her bike from the truck and placing it in its normal area of the garage was a quick procedure, but one she always performed herself. She had never become accustomed to others waiting on her needs, and enjoyed the feeling of being self sufficient. If the staff in charge of gardening and housecleaning had heard her thoughts on this matter, they would have died laughing. The mechanics would have agreed.

Arranging everything just so, she skipped from the garage to catch up with the long strides of the biggie in coveralls. He'd consumed a prodigious amount of the stored blood...but then, he was a big guy.

"So y'gave a military rank - that mean yer'a Huntsman now? I'as gonna app there, but now I dunno."

Sticking her arms out, she looked up and spun like a top, then continued walking.
Apollyon 17 years ago
Looking back he saw dawn unload her bike from the back of the truck.Apollyon couldn't help but feel ashamed for not offering help, it may have been a useless gesture, but it was still polite.he listened to her speak of him giving a military rank. instantly a feeling of dread immersed him. thoughts multiplied. How much did he tell her in his incoherent state?. Although with a fellow Anantya there shouldn't be much with held, But he felt many times in interacting its best not to tell much more than what needed to be known. Not that he was very secretive about his past, just that he didn't volunteer details.Though this non-volunteering of information regarding Rogziel may serve as a severe stumbling block not only in terms of being vanquished by him but also in terms of Anantya code. He wasn't sure how the elders would react, but whatever it was It surely wasn't going to be good. Surfacing from his thoughts he returned to the dialogue with his pink haired rescuer.

"I gave a rank?" briefly he paused.She was indeed a vampire, sighing, he continued.

"Before I was turned I was an officer in the Roman Military, I am Fifteen hundred sixty seven years old.As per my role in the clan, Until recently my participation has been rather low. I've lived in solitude for much of my life. I moved here to start anew and to get more acquainted with my fellow clansmen I guess." He paused for a moment in an effort to change the subject."Tell me something interesting, How did you wind up here?"
Dawn Ratana 17 years ago
Dawn blinked. 1500 years old.

"Guess'at wasn't y'rank'n 'Nam, then."

He'd asked the one question Dawn had never been able to get a straight answer on. She'd guessed a lot of things, but one theory stood out above the others.

"Ko wasn't too clear on th'why. I show'd'im some promise, I guess, durin' th'riots an'e decided t'take me'way from all that. Now'e's shuffled me onta others since I was more'n he could cope'ith. Mostly, I kinda guess it'as cuz I'mma fresh sip - a breath'a modern living inta th'old school. Keep all ya fogies on yer toesies. An'give'a diff'rint perspective."

She'd been dead almost as long as she'd been alive and Dawn still had never been given a straight answer on that most basic question. And Ko wondered why she wasn't fucking patient with him. Irritation at her creator renewed, she sought to deflect the subject as well.

"So, y'jus do pushups fer all those years'r didja do anythin particular?"

Scampering up the steps, she turned and looked down on the tall man as he approached.
Apollyon 17 years ago
Noting the abrupt change in subject he smirked and replied

"Push ups and some other excersizes. I'm still kinda in the stone age regarding that. I've never really been much of a proponent of the machines. Ever see that movie Rocky?" Apollyon paused and nodded.
he negotiated the stairs and continued walking toward the entrance.
Amberelle DeEspionne 17 years ago
Amby had thrown on her favorite navy leather pants and matching combat boots with her black "BITE ME" tee tucked tightly into the waistband and had her overcoat over her arm still as she opened the manor doors. Just a quick trip to the convenience store for some cat treats and then her life would be wonderful again. Well, at least back to normal, since then Louis would stop whining and bothering her for the little morsels.

Coming to an abrupt stop to keep from barreling into Dawn she grinned at her clanmate and was about to greet her when a large figure on the steps below them caught her attention.

Cousin Darius! You're back. The blonde gave him a huge grin. It had been some time since she'd seen the tall Anantya around and had simply guessed he'd moved back to New York after finding Nachton not to his tastes.
Dawn Ratana 17 years ago
Giving Amberelle a huge grin, she spun in a quick circle and took her left arm. Putting her head on the blonde's shoulders, she asked in a child's voice

"Aaaaammmmmby? He followed me home, can I keep him? I already got him fed and I think he's housebroken! He won't mess on the carpets, I promise! I'll even take him to the bar to get him his shots!"

Laughing, she spiraled away from the blonde and into the foyer.
Apollyon 17 years ago
Darius did his best at the normally unconscious act of walking.The time he spent shackled did take a toll. He knew he lost much of his strength rotting away in there, but he didn't foresee his balance would diminish as well, at least as much as it had. He moved on his feet about as well as a stroke victim, or at least that's how he viewed he progressed to the foyer he saw a familiar face, the fair complexion of one of the clansmen he had the privilege of meeting. Searching his head he tried desperately to remember her name, then he breathed a sigh of relief as dawn helped him out. He remembered now, Amberelle. He gave a half hearted chuckle as Dawn compared him to a lost dog. Listening to Amberelle gave him the impression that she thought he had moved away abruptly. Which wouldn't be too hard to make the inference,he supposed.

"I never really left." he paused a moment and continued, wincing somewhat at a pain in his side that popped up out of nowhere. " I ran into an old friend," he used the term about as sarcastically as one could, "to make a long story short he ambushed me after I was hangin' with Cyrus, his girl and a guy who was new in town." He paused again trying to think of his name "Am--"trying to think of it again, he failed. He remembered it sounded like that Greek dessert.he just couldn't bring himself to remember. shrugging he continued, "anyhow, this deranged bastard jumped me after we left the bar. I thought I had fought him off, but was I wrong. Somehow, I cant really recall exactly, I got knocked out. The next thing I remember is being chained to a wall, in my birthday suit and being stuck in a pitch black room. Been there ever since, well except tonight, I was finally able to break free. Our little friend, found me lying somewhere, damn near ran me over. I owe that little girl my life," He paused again. thinking about what he'd said. Its been a long damn time since the last time he said that last sentence. Desperately trying to deviate from the topic at hand, he changed his posture. Heightening the pitch of his voice slightly, he asked. "So hows things been?"
Amberelle DeEspionne 17 years ago
The blonde simply shook her head at Dawn's wild and crazy antics. It made her smile, and laugh quietly. Her smile faded slowly as Darius spoke. Her golden eyes darkened and her jaw clenched. Such torture was something she herself had been subjected to before, admittedly not for more than a few weeks at a time but it was a grim reminder of what could happen to their kind in the wrong hands. 'Or even in our own Sire's...' Suddenly realizing the rather precarious state her clanmate must be in, she hastened down the steps to his side and turned, silently offering her assistance in helping him.

Her voice was thick with a near growl as she spoke, My deepest sympathies.. I know the type of captivity you speak of, all too well. Looking into his eyes she tried to convey that to him.

Please, let me help you... Her arm hovered hear his waist as she waited. If he chose not to accept her aid she would allow him that act of pride. But he must be weakened greatly, she knew, so she would help if he allowed.

Glancing into the foyer, after Dawn, Amby snapped loudly, Damnit Dawn get out here and help. Her attention back to the man at her side, she inquired softly, Have you fed? Do you need more? It mattered not how little or well she knew him. He was family, and she would see he got anything he needed. And yeah... Dawn is a good friend, I can see how she would help you.

And things have been much better around here than for you, it would seem.
Dawn Ratana 17 years ago
Shaking her head sadly, she hopped back outside to flank the big man. Expecting to be brushed off, she stood ready just in case. He was a touchy feely sort from earlier. Maybe he'd surprise her.

"He's'ad gallons'a blood'n jus likes th'ttention! Bu'kinya blame'im? I mean, we ARE de'sessy. But'e didn'eeda crutch a'fore. Maybe'e'll now th'ante's upt."

She was kind of antsy about something - she was really blendng her words. Well, bringing home a wounded clannie was big news. Maybe since she was involved she'd get to sit in with the bigwigs and hear the whole story! Sweet! Containing that kind of energy was hard enough, but there was something else too - but the big news was more than enough.

Managing not to drag them all up the stairs, Dawn grinned with excitement. It might not be appropriate, but it was how she felt.
Apollyon 17 years ago
He noted the change in Amber's facial expression as he told the abridged version of his tale. he wasn't a mind reader but he could tell by her body language that He had stuck something inside her.The kind of thing most people try to suppress from their memory.Then she hit him with a dead gaze. He didn't have much faith in telepathy or such nonsense, but in that moment he could almost see her memories reflect at him through her eyes. He could feel the empathy surging from his clanmate. He was rendered nearly speechless. She barely knew him, they may have met once or twice. Such compassion was often something most found admirable. Something Darius was pretty new to in his long life.Spending a lifetime alone had made him self reliant, but had also made him an emotional shell.For over a millennium he didn't know a soul that would have really cared if he wound up dead the next day. In most cases, his acquaintances would be relieved.Moments like these he often lacked the ability to cope. Racked with fatigue, he gave in. he didn't have the energy to fight the emotions surging though his brain. He felt something warm drip down his cheek, he felt his sinuses congest. It was too late to protest it now. Trying to save some dignity, he touched his fingertips to Amberelle's cheek and met her eyes with his

"Milady you already have." Pausing a moment, he felt the surge pass. Averting further awkwardness he looked toward the foyer.His muscles were racked with fatigue and atrophy, but he still felt worthy of the task. The feeding was giving him strength.His balance was nearly abysmal, teetering like a town drunk. Accepting Amber's help for the moment, he pressed forward.His attention shifted a moment to dawn, who was talking a mile a minute. Seemingly consumed in the moment, she reminded him of a young child visiting the circus for the first time.Dismissing it,he accepted dawn's assistance also.

turning back to Amberelle, he responded with a slight chuckle,
"Yea I relieved them of quite a large amount. I honestly don't ever recall consuming that much in one sitting." He did feel an inkling of hunger, but it was insignificant at this point. Mostly he just wanted to get into some of his clothes, take an unnecessarily long bath and relax. He could nearly feel the jets of warm water soaking every crevice of his body with pure comfort.Trying to make light of the situation, he feebly attempted a joke.

"Stairs suck."

(Ooc: In case of confusion, Empathy not to be construed as the gift but as compassion.)
Amberelle DeEspionne 17 years ago
Her words seemed to make the tall man quite emotional and Amby let her gaze shift to Dawn as she walked around, giving him a moment to compose himself so as not to cause Darius embarassment. It puzzled her how her friend seemed more wired up than normal, but maybe it was her imagination.

It's a good thing you ate, I can't imagine how hard it would have been for a petite thing like Dawn to carry you around. Her amber eyes scanned him, observing his lack of coordination and stability. If something had come after him there was no way he could have fought it off. The fates had smiled on him when they had Dawn cross his path.

Chuckling softly at his jest, the blonde nodded slightly. Oui, stairs do indeed suck when you're worn out. She focused on getting the three of them inside the foyer without incident, then paused as she realized she had absolutely no idea where he had been quartered, or if he even had stayed here before. Shifting her arm around him some she raised her gaze and looked at him quizically.

Where to? Did you have a suite here, or should we have Rupert ready one?

Looking across him to Dawn, she tried to catch her friend's eye. One of them really needed to find the Elders Mai and Morrigan and inform them what had happened before the monster who had done this had time to start covering his tracks. Dawn was the logical choice, having detailed knowledge of the where, when and his original condition. If the Californian was thinking the same thing they needed to find a reason to send her about her task while Darius was made comfortable. If she didn't realize that, well.. Amberelle would find a discreete way to tell her.
Dawn Ratana 17 years ago
She knew the question to that answer! Or ... something like that!

"Yea'e's gotta room it'll be'n Rupe's ledgerdealie that'e keeps't th'podium thingie!"

She had no idea what the piece of furniture was called, but it wasn't locked. She opened the stand and pulled out the room plan. While reading, she kicked the front door shut with her foot. Nodding she said

"Oh, okay, the room's over there."

Reading Amby's looks correctly, Dawn turned to leave. She was going to find an Elder that would know what to do.

"I'mma go let Sorin know'sup. E'll knowhatta do."

((ooc: Dawn out pending the big WTFbomb from Amby or App))
Apollyon 17 years ago
" I-I had one, I can't exactly remember where it was." Darius stammered. Not even 2 seconds later dawn loosed her grasp and searched the podium.After some page turning she found the information he forgot.

Looking for a cane, he scanned the foyer. He spotted one resting against a nearby wall, as if it had been placed there for his arrival.

"Thanks for helping me inside ladies," Darius said quietly,
"But with that walking stick over there I believe I'll be able to manage."

In an effort to be polite, he gently freed himself from Amber's grasp and took the cane in his hand. With the assistance of the piece of wood, he found much of the clumsiness was alleviated. Turning his attention back to dawn, he breathed in and spoke solemnly.

"I wish to inform the elders of this myself."
Amberelle DeEspionne 17 years ago
Dawn was a sharp cookie, Amby realized as her friend picked up on her unspoken thoughts. It took a couple of seconds for what her friend said to actually sink in and then the blonde went pale. Elder Sorin.. that was the last person the Creole wanted to be anywhere near. She'd done a decent job of avoiding the man for almost two years now, she wasn't about to ruin that. Her mouth was dry when she opened it to speak but her clanmate beat her to a response.

Looking at him, her golden eyes studied the tall man a moment. He did seem a little steadier on his feet with the cane's assistance. Still, he needed rest and the Elders should be informed while the trail was warm. The longer they waited the more of a chance they could lose their opportunity to capture him for punishment. But, most likely she surmised, Darius here wanted to extract his revenge personally. Who wouldn't, Amby had to agree with the sentiment. However by the time he was at full strength it would be much more difficult to hunt down the person responsible for his internment. She would have to make him see that then. Her voice was steady and calm, her tone soft but firm as she decided to take charge of the situation.

Dawn.. Sorin is certainly not the person to contact about this. We need action, not observation or investigation. Elder Asahi is the obvious choice. Her gaze swung to the other Anantya. And Darius, while I know you want to handle this matter personally for your own satisfaction I am sure you know that swift action is needed to make sure this monster doesn't slip through our fingers.. and remain free do this to another of our own.

Amberelle gave them both a level look, her expression firm.
Apollyon 17 years ago
He let his clan mate finish speaking, allowing a few seconds of silence to pass. Speaking firmly he responded.

"Amber, you speak most reasonably. However, with the nature of this storm, most likely my footprints or any clue to where I escaped from would be lost. After escaping, I walked aimlessly for about as long as my body allowed. Aside from that Benjamin, or as he calls himself, Rogziel isn't easily caught. He may be psychotic but he isn't sloppy." Pausing for a moment he looked toward the ground

"I know my own creation." Pausing again, "I turned him, one of my many indiscretions. I unleashed this beast, It is my responsibility to put him down."He stressed the two words as best he could.

"Even if it means my death." He took another short pause. "And I promise you he wont live long enough to do this to another of ours. No other member of this house will share my experience."
Dawn Ratana 17 years ago
Raising both of her eyebrows, Dawn looked with slight disbelief at Amberelle. Incredulous, she spoke slowly and clearly

"Okaaaaaaaaaaay, so the single man that the Anantya've entrusted for so long to lead its investigative and intelligence isn't the man for coordinating research into finding a hunter? Cousin, that'll be a very, very tough sell."

Wondering what wild hair was up Amberelle's hooch was put on hold when the big guy dropped the bomb on downtown Conversation.

"Waitaminute...yer KID's tryin' t'off ya? Fuckinay."

Looking to Amberelle, she shook her head.

"Uh, maybe we ougghtta just keep this'ne on th'lowdown? I dun think Morgie'd be too happy t'hear about this. Fer now. Give'm a chance t'clean't all up."

Looking at the shaky big guy, she wondered what had caused teh rift.

"Ummm, so like, didja get'im a computer instead'a'a car?"
Amberelle DeEspionne 17 years ago
She'd remained silent, ready to press again when Darius was through speaking but Amberelle found her eyebrows rising and her eyes growing large at his confession. A tiny voice in the back of her mind snorted that at least she wasn't the only one who wanted their own Sire dead, but she ignored it. Such thoughts were not productive. Her topaz eyes appraised him slowly as she wondered just what he had done to warrant such hatred.

Finally she nodded slightly, and looked at Dawn. I think.. oui, we should keep this to ourselves for now. Amby looked slightly troubled at the idea but was willing to do as she was asked. For now. But if there really was a vampire out there capturing and torturing kindred she doubted that could be keep secret for long. Biting the corner of her lip for a moment she looked at her clanmate out of the corner of her eye, wondering if he was going to be able to resolve this himself.

Sighing, the Creole gave her friend a weak smile. So, where is his room at again? We'd better get you there before anyone sees you and asks questions.
Apollyon 17 years ago
Noting the general consensus, the main objective now was to get behind closed doors. Dawn took her queue from Amberelle and guided the three toward his long abandoned quarters. They traveled down the main corridor and arrived at his suite. Stopping, dawn presented the appropriate door. Apollyon opened the door, suggesting subtly with his body language that they should enter.

"I thank you both. We can continue this conversation in here."

(OOC: Permission to be guided by dawn granted. Apollyon out pending amber and Dawn's reaction)
Amberelle DeEspionne 17 years ago
It wasn't a long walk and Amberelle followed the others in silence, reflecting on the evenings' unexpected turn. If Darius would allow them to, she would help him and she had a feeling Dawn would offer as well. Such mistreatment and torture, for anyone, wasn't something she was willing to stomach now that she had a choice. Her jaw clenched briefly as she tried to block out her own similar experiences. No matter what, no one deserved to be abused like that. This child of his needed to be taught a lesson, and the Creole would enjoy getting her hands dirty for once. It would be kind of like being able to get back at Gustav for his treatment. A ghost of a smile flitted across her face at that thought.

Lost in her thoughts, she was caught slightly by suprise when they stopped and she was jarred back to the present. The blonde glanced at Dawn for a split second with a questioning look before following her clanmate into his suite.

((OOC Amby out pending the others))
Dawn Ratana 17 years ago
Glancing around, she was relieved to see that no one else had been around the foyer. Herding folks into the Commander's room, she pulled the door shut behind them. No sense in letting the lid get blown off this before the big guy wanted it to, she supposed.

((last one out))