Little bit of this... (attn Nic - Private)
The clink of her metal lighter opened and ignited as Ellis ran its flame over the tip of her cigarette. Closing the lighter with a finger, she tucked it back into her black jacket as she stood in the elevator up to the House of Pain. The plan was to come in quietly and unnoticed, but as Ellis stood in the center of the metal box surrounded by stunned patrons who recognized her, she realized there was only one way to go and that was in the spotlight, in the open, with fucking horns blaring.
She tucked her opposite hand under the arm holding her cancer stick and she gently picked a piece of tobacco off her tongue. She blew out the grey smoke and watched it billow towards the top of the elevator just as it reached its destination. Her companions scurried out of the elevator car like cockroaches as she took a step forward and walked into the entrance of the House of Pain.
Ellis walked through the thick crowd, inhaling deeply on her cigarette. At first there were a few annoyed looks until, again, she was recognized. The crowd parted for her as she made her way to one of the unoccupied tables, avoiding the sectioned off Tacharan area. If there were Tacharans there that night, she did not see them. Instead she enjoyed the silent attention and made herself comfortable. Tonight was one of purpose, not leisure although she always tried her hardest to have the twain meet. Tonight was about finally reentering society. About...tying up a loose end.
Patiently Ellis waited for a waiter to come for her drink order and when one finally did, it was with a hesitant and frightened look. Oh right, she thought, they think I'm dead. With a slow smile, Ellis leaned toward to the fetish wearing, pierced waiter.

Appreciating the class of Eternity, or even Babylon more, Nic should have pressed on and stopped there for his adult beverage. Instead his impatience, and frustrations pushed him into the House of Pain…it wasn't far from where the resort spa site, and proximity was a premium on his agenda at the moment.
Oblivious to anyone around, he ordered a double shot of Bombay, not his usual drink, but the strongest shit he had ever had, and right now he looked forward to the burn the gin would give him. Sure enough, once the bartender handed him the glass, Nic threw back the entire thing, and gasped.
“Another…in fact, just give me two more, for now.” His money slapped down on the counter, along with his first empty glass.
Pulling his cell phone from his pocket, he noted the time, then flipped it open. As it turned out, he got Livia’s voice mail, and hoped she was just momentarily detained elsewhere…maybe she was washing her hair. In any event he left a short message, letting her know he’d be a while longer, but he’d call her as soon as he was on his way.
“Thanks”, he mumbled, when the bartender set the two full glasses before him. Nic ignored the smirk the guy gave him, and turned to lean his back against the bar, resting his elbow at the same time. Though it might have appeared to those passing by, that he was checking out the women on the dance floor, his eyes were focused inward, as he went over the details of the earlier meeting.
The following few sips of gin felt a lot smoother than the first.

So to speak.
Leaning to the side Ellis watched young Nicholae of the great Evenhet enter the house of pain. Little did he know...a curious phrase, Ellis thought to herself, one that seemed to precede the young vampire in all his decisions...little did young Nicholae know that he was in for more than a relaxing evening of drink and bondage.
Little...did he know.
Ellis looked up at the waiter who's jaw was still agape and blended. Although she did want to stay and watch the waiter's continued reaction to her disappearing, she left him to fumbling for his pad and pencil that had slipped out of his fingers. There were loose ends to be tied, bodies to be buried and gags to be bound.
Although being blended was a wonderful thing, Ellis decided as she maneuvered through the crowd again; definitely something she had gotten used to in the past almost year and a half. Granted there was nothing like the element of surprise.
Ellis nestled next to Nic at the bar and leaned in close enough to smell his musky scent mixing in with his liquor. She whispered softly into his ear as she reappeared.
'Why hello, lover.'

His head still whipped around pretty fast, and his eyes didn’t want to believe what they saw.
“Ellis? No! What…it was all a lie? How is that possible?”
Obviously the woman wasn’t dead, as had been reported…many months ago. He immediately wondered if Addison was aware…
“Is Addison alright? You haven’t done anything to him have you?”
Fortunately his mind was clearing faster than his brain was working. Had he had time to think about it, he probably wouldn’t have brought Addison into the situation now. If the little man WAS okay, he might not remain so for long. But what was done, was done.
A man of circumstances, mostly, Nic slumped against the bar, almost appearing relaxed. There was no reason for him to try and escape. Ellis had hundreds of years on him, which in turn gave her the experience to pretty much do with him as she saw fit. And Nic would not hold any of the staff responsible for not interceding. Everyone had to watch their own backs when able.
This time when he turned to look at her, there was a slight grin on his face, though his eyes were anything but happy.
“If at all possible…could you maybe not get too much blood on the clothes? These were just sent in from Italy, and I would like to wear them again.”
There was something to be said for alcoholic fortitude.

'I suppose it didn't take.'
She listened to the Evenhet blubber, his gin radiating from his mouth and his sweat adding to the musky overtones of such a remarkable body. My goodness, Ellis thought, who's the pretty boy here?
'I've not heard from Addison in quite some time, actually. Funny you should bring him up though.' He was exactly right, his fears for her sudden appearance. 'This is purely a social call, sweetness. A...head to head, such as it were.' No doubt his pretty little head was full of garish nothingness and the taste of sweet flesh. She supposed they had at least the latter in common.
Sighing though, she knew if she broke the poor Evenhet in half, she'd have his clan come clamoring down upon her. Was he worth the trouble though? For her or his clan? Probably not, but it was principle that both would be dealing their wrath in the name of.
'But yes, to say that I've risen from the ashes of my fiery grave like a phoenix would be a bit dramatic, it wasn't all that hokey anyway. Sometimes people get lucky.' Again she shrugged, considering her rebirth. 'Things are different now in the shit, baby. Nachton has changed without me.' Ellis pushed out her dark red lips in a sexy pout.
'Still, there were issues that needed to be attended to, wrongs to make right...or maybe vice versa in my case.' Ellis smiled a large, profoundly happy smile. Nicholae blubbered on about his Italian clothes, blood being a beast to clean.
'Don't worry darlin', I know a good dry cleaner.'
((Ellis and Nic out))