The Dojo
Having changed into a sports bra and hakama pants, Amberelle slipped out of her room with a small bundle under her arms. She made her way outside and scanned the area, looking for the dojo Chryseis had mentioned.
It was a simple building, very classic in design. It's shoji screened doors gleemed white in the darkness of the night, making it easy to find. Amberelle slid the doors open softly, slipping out of her shoes and leaving them beside the door as she stepped in and turned on the lights. It was a quiet and peaceful night, and she went around opening the windows to allow the night's breezes to move through.
Stepping into the center of the mats, she knelt and placed her bundle before her. She quickly pulled her hair back into a braid, tying it off with a rubber band from around her wrist. That done she begain to roll her head slowly, and go into her stretching with deep and measured breaths.
((OOC : Hakama pants are those billowy skirt looking pants that samuri used to wear, and you see people wear in kendo))
"All that is very important, of course, and we could really use your help in that area. Like I said many of our people have an aversion for technology but..."
He paused and schooled his face into expressionless seriousness.
"More importantly we need someone to film the Order of the Night's plays and musical events"
Sorin grinned at her then unable to keep the serious expression any longer.
Well, I may be more familiar with spy cameras and such but.. I do know camcorders as well. She glave him a mock serious expression If you would entrust such an important task to me, I will do my very best. It would be my honor to aid you with the recording of our sacred plays and performances.
She bowed slightly to him looking serious and focused, then looking up to meet his eyes again couldn't help but bust out giggling once more.
"Excellent! The Order of the Night would be honored by your participation. It is important cultural information well worth preserving I assure you. Except for the time our Macbeth was drunk and fell off the stage."
"Amateurs" He sighed and rolled his eyes to the heavens.
"Speaking of my fellow thespians. I should be getting back to the manor and checking in with a few of the Night that are out on assignment. We shall look at those movies some time later, perhaps?"
Perhaps some time I can help with the plays as well.. I am a decent pianist and have a few years of dance training. It would be fun, I think. Quickly slicing the katana blade down her finger with a faint wince, she wiped and sheathed it, then stood.
Sorin was beginning to think that the man might not get what he wanted after all. He smiled inwardly, unfortunate but not to be helped. After all was not Sorin only one of three on the Triad? Certainly he couldn't sway the others in everything.
He smiled inwardly, not that he would have even brought it to the council if he had thought there was more to be gained by sending her back. He'd have simply trussed her up and put her on a plane. Who knows how she went missing?
"We would be honored to have you join us. "
He smiled and bowed to her before turning on his heel and heading towards the manor.
((OOC: Sorin out...))
((OOC : Amby out!))
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