My apologies all!
Sorry all, with the kid here last week for spring break I fell woefully behind. Please accept my apologies for my sporadic postings or long wait times. I think I am caught up now but if I have skipped something please let me know.
This weekend we are going to Vegas so I will again be off the board from Friday to Tuesday. I wont be jumping into any posts that I had contemplated just because I would hate to hold things up.
All this goings ons almost makes us seem like we have a social life. hahah!

17 years ago
Yay Vegas!! Yay social life!! You go girl!

17 years ago
My apologies to those I am in threads with I just dont have time to post! Please feel free to move me about (Gently!) or lock temporarily if you want to do something else. Should be back and posting on Tuesday.

17 years ago
Back home, have tons of work to catch up on though.
Hopefully I can get to reading and posting this afternoon. If I don't laps into a post vacation coma.

Hopefully I can get to reading and posting this afternoon. If I don't laps into a post vacation coma.

17 years ago
YAY!! Welcome back! Did you win???
I too, having finally moved into my new office, should be back to normal posting wise
I too, having finally moved into my new office, should be back to normal posting wise

17 years ago
No winnings. And I realized that gambling just isnt that much fun.
Woohoo! for new office. Hopefully its nice!
Woohoo! for new office. Hopefully its nice!

17 years ago
It is nice - the commute sucks = 15 minutes has now become 45-50 minutes, and an increase of about $80 a month in gas! :P I took some pics today, but I forgot the Kodak software to transfer them :P Will post when I can.
Gambling is only fun when you win
Gambling is only fun when you win

Amberelle DeEspionne
17 years ago
Heh we finally got into our new offices today.. Had two days off with pay since the place wasn't cleared for occupancy yet! heh heh!
I'm like you, my old job's 15 minute commute has turned into over an hour (damn traffic, should be about half that *sigh* ) I'm hoping to be settled in and start catching up with posting during the day sometime next week. I should take pics of the place but there's still construction and I haven't even gotten my desk stuff yet =/
I'm like you, my old job's 15 minute commute has turned into over an hour (damn traffic, should be about half that *sigh* ) I'm hoping to be settled in and start catching up with posting during the day sometime next week. I should take pics of the place but there's still construction and I haven't even gotten my desk stuff yet =/