Kaylein Sarco
Basic Information
Birth Name: Kaylein Sarco
Aliases: U-boat, Kay
Place of Birth: New York City, New York
Age: Born July 23, 1955 Real age 51, appears to be 24
Male/Female: Female
Current Occupation: Defense Attorney
Past Occupation: Prosecutor
Hair Color: Dark brown with black lowlights
Length and Style: Brushed straight back and cropped at the base of her skull hairline. A few dominant bangs seem reach just below her eyebrows
Eye Color: Green with a very thin ring of grey just around the pupil
Skin Color: Ivory
Height: 5'11" but normally in heels
Weight: 130
Nationality: Father was mostly French, Mother was Swedish
Race: Vampire
Body Type: Slim build but has a little muscle on the frame, not a very endowed chest but still retains an impressive figure. Her favorite attribute is her butt.
Description (if an NPC) or name of your creator/gifter(if a PC): Chryseis Angelique
Personal Questions
1. Describe your character's personality: Kaylein is very driven and this intensity shows in her work as well as her over all demeanor and is a little bit of a control freak. She's very confident and always has a smirk when speaking at others as if saying "I know something you dont", is also in control of most conversations in which she contributes but tries to make a conscious effort to let other people talk. Unfortunately though she's pretty well known for making things up on the spot, and in the few instances where she's been called out she's had no reservations about insulting the person just so they shut up. She keeps herself too busy to be tied down by any one thing while still trying to accommodate others with whom she can relate or sometimes pities.
2. Describe how your character would appear to a stranger (I.E. typical dress, way they carry themselves etc.): She appears as an intimidating business woman typically wearing some business attire made by Diesel(her favorite brand). Has a very assertive walk that demands authority and of course perfect posture.
3.What does your character like? She loves winning, especially when someone else is losing, however also enjoys a challenge and will assume an underdog role and regularly winning giving her the nickname U-boat from other lawyers(of which she's not a fan of). In her spare time she's a total couch potato and loves to sit in front of the tube. Likes menthol cigarettes and white wine and smokes constantly.
4. Dislike? Arrogant big whigs, animals in general, kids, gas prices, sales tax, cliques, lazy people
5. N/A
6. What are your fears? Owls, she's not sure why, it carried over since she was a child, she just hates owls. She's really worried about the environment and the condition of the ozone layer as well as global warming and toxic dumping, yet irrationally justifies her smoking. She's afraid that she wont be able to assist a loved one in the courtroom when they come to her in need.
7. What is your character's strengths and weaknesses? Kaylein always keeps everything she does professional and never loses focus of her goal, whatever the case may be. She sticks up for the little guy and gives everyone a fighting chance. Has always had a good sense of others around her and will react accordingly in the best interest of everyone. Whereas her professionalism is a great asset it's also a fault as she finds herself separating herself becoming a humorless, emotionless machine insensitive to everything. She gets hung up on image and gets heavily irritated when an outfit is messed up or damaged and hates it when someone's outfit doesnt match. Still a very young vampire she's still coming into her own so she's pretty green behind the ears.
Vampire -
Abilities (Listed here): Empathy and Subterfuge
Flaws (Listed here): Habitual Liar
Personal History: Kaylein's father was a diplomat for France and was frequently away on trips but had occasional periods of leave with which he would stay home with the family, huddling around the radio to catch their favorite shows. Her mother was a stay at home wife and took care of Kaylein and maintained the house always telling fantastic stories of how Kayleih's father prevented wars and saved lives when he was away. Though all of her tales were amazing, most of them were rooted in truth and even though over-embellished when told to Kaylein were fairly accurate, enough so when her father came home and spoke of his adventures he just authenticated the fables preached by her mother.
Growing up holding her father in such high esteem she strove to be just like him and when old enough immersed herself in politics and the study of law. With her extensive knowledge of local and global law and her father's knack for diplomacy she tried getting a job with the Government in Foreign Affairs but was refused mostly because she was a woman and was offered a position as a file clerk instead. Sensing that her future with the government was not to be Kaylein returned to her roots in law and became a lawyer. She was met with heavy criticism not only for being a woman but also for being so young, it was an uphill battle. She loves a challenge. After merely 3 years of being a prosecutor she made a name for herself as an underdog, winning a couple big cases and having a 5:1.5 win/loss ratio. After one case where she sent who she knew was an innocent person to jail her priorities shifted and would only take cases where she knew she was on the victim's side, be it defense or prosecutor, while still keeping her namesake making her a local celebrity praised and feared by everyone she came into contact with.
One evening a very wealthy family thew a party in her honor after one particularly fulfilling win in the courtroom in which she absolutely smothered the prosecution to keep their oldest son Anthony off of death row. It was a lavish party that garnered the attention of aristocrats and the press and one particular vampire on retreat in New York. Paprazzi crowded around Kaylein on her way home to get ready for the party at the Hilton and outside the hotel, whenever possible trying to get the inside scoop on her 'blood-thirsty' approach in the courtroom while politicians and business men assaulted her with good praise while on the streets.
She reached the top floor and exited the elevator meeting roughly 150 waiting faces, including Anthony who ran up to her delivering a hug and an envelope. He made her promise not to open it until she got home but wouldnt tell her what it contained. After thanking him and greeting several people she made her way to the bar and ordered some wine. Out of the corner of her eye she suddenly noticed someone who didnt seem like they belong. The room was full of men in tuxedos and women in the latest design by all the leading designers, but there stood a woman who's dress was exotic enough to set her apart from the rest, watching her over her shoulder though not looking at her..smirking.
"What's so funny?" inquired Kaylein trying to decipher the stranger's attendance but was met with silence. Stareing at the stranger she couldnt quite place the ethnic flare of her clothes and was intregued with her arrogant poise and demeanor. The pop of the cork from a bottle of champagne broke her from her hypnotic gaze at the woman. Anthony and his father came running up fumbleing three glasses while clumsily pouring a drink foor a toast to the guest of honor. She sipped the frothy libation once as she doesnt like carbonated beverages prefering the company of a red wine. Turning to re-address her rude party-crasher she's met with the glass of wine and an older man who had started drinking early, the smell of barley and sweat wafting from him.
It didnt take long before she was sick of the party and it was just from the several failed pick-up attempts from a beligerant 'Uncle Joe'. In an attempt to not be rude she mingled with the attendees for about thirty minutes before heading home for a nice cup of hot tea and reruns of CSI.
The taxi pulled up to her building and she steps out with a loud click of her black stilettos on the shadowed cement curb. On the steps leading up to the building's door waits a sinewy figure leaning against the iron arm-rail watching Kaylein as she exits her cab. She recognizes her as the exotic woman from the party at the bar and approaches her confidently but curious of her intentions as the taxi takes off in a hurry to it's next fare.
She sees a smirk glace across the womans face when suddenly she's being lifted over the hedges lining the staircase and into an alley where she feels the warm pressure and prick on her neck of the vampire's kiss just before she fades into oblivion.
She opens her eyes but all she sees is gray, they poreous gray of cinder block walls with a single window covered by a black plastic garbage bag duct taped in place across the room from a metal door resting halfway open. The only light available came from a dangleing bulb in the hallway just ouside the room gently swinging making the shadows in the room come alive.
Turning still WIP
OOC Checklist
Player name (online is fine) - Lee
Other Characters you play - none...yet
How you came to SA (Other board, friend, etc) - My friend told me about it
Have you read all the Rules? aye aye
Do you understand that this is an adult board with adult content (sometimes graphic and violent in nature)? Sure do
This board is adult only. Are you over the age of 18? Yep