Ok I don't know how many of you go to DAZ on a daily basis to check out the new goodies, but I do and let me tell you I was down right SHOCKED when i saw this new V4 character... omg.. that's Alexandra...
Just look at her.. it's almost scary.. (maybe i'm just funny like that?) :vampgrin
Ellis Duban
17 years ago
Aww, I saw her and thought she was Ellis =( /goes back to the drawing board
17 years ago
Hehe she could be Ellis too, they look a bit alike, both dark eyes and hair
17 years ago
EEEEEEEE! Vamp fangs morphs and stunning amber eyes!!!! *throws in cart*
17 years ago
shoulda posted that under Amby huh? god.. I "eee'd"... *hangs head in shame*
17 years ago
Hehehe already made something tasty with her, she rocks
Simon Huntington
17 years ago
Vex did a nice combined morph mixture for me that I absolutely squee'd to death. It's my avatar on TAC now, but I is lazy to fix here /snort.
17 years ago
I''ll make the new pic into my new av and sig on here once i feel like it lol, gonna post it up on DA later on, right now little one is asleep, time for coffee!!!
Ellis Duban
17 years ago
17 years ago
Oooooo it's soooo lovely look at mine
Amberelle DeEspionne
17 years ago
both are soooo pretty!! *claps happily*
17 years ago
And new sig *claps* I'm totally in love with her face and looks
Nara Baker
17 years ago
lovely work really like those, I can't do those but love to look at them.
17 years ago
If you want one just ask there are so many amazing 3D Poser artists around this board with great talent
Nara Baker
17 years ago
It would be neat to have one to put on Nara's page or use for an av or sig for awhile. If anyone has the time and wish to try one, I would love to see what you come up with. I think they are pretty, but hate to ask others to trouble themselves for me. I enjoy looking.
Nastalia Nujun
17 years ago
Sweeeeeet! They are awesome! Damn, I wish I knew how to do stuff like that.