*puzzled look*

I just noticed my little title off to the side.. did some one change it on me or what?

Ambrose 17 years ago
feel free to smack me if i'm wrong but i think... THINK... that if you don't put in a custom title it changes with the number of posts you have. I've watched my toons go from food to courious and i'm not sure what comes next. but that would be my best guess.
Amberelle DeEspionne 17 years ago
but i *did* have a custom one I'd put in a while back. I just didn;t know if someone was messing with me or it reset itself or what..
Ellis Duban 17 years ago
The boards were recently updated, that could've reset the titles. Dunno. Just change it back?
Amberelle DeEspionne 17 years ago
can and will do now that I know it ain't broken =D
Lotus 17 years ago
you sure you didnt set it on another account?