New Office Pics!!
Sorry if I seem goofy about this, but with all the private offices I've ever had, I've never had one so new, and nice before. Of course this one is only temporary :sad2 since we're supposed to move yet again after the first of the year...AND...I do have to have a bunch of other people's crap in it until then, cause we're limited on space (two offices now consolidated into one, which was already existing) but it's still the one bright thing in the move, and I'm gonna enjoy it, damn it! ;-)

Amberelle DeEspionne
17 years ago
how cute! And so much personal stuff...!!! I may actually do that here. My last job after 7 years I had zero personal things up. But your office seems so cheery! I love the pics on the wall behind you =)

17 years ago
Ooo nice office
I like how you added all the personal touches to it, makes it feel all homey

17 years ago
When you spend so much time in a place, it pays to make it as comfy as you can, imo.
When you spend so much time in a place, it pays to make it as comfy as you can, imo.

17 years ago
How nice! I love the decorations, cute and festive for easter, and the pictures are lovely and feminine but still professional.
Congrats on the space!
Congrats on the space!

Nara Baker
17 years ago
lovely and you have a ladybug on your monitor.. hehe love it. Congrats on the new space.

Alec Devereaux
17 years ago
Wait a second...where are the skulls of your victims and the trappings of your dark arts? Oh, must not be in Human Resources!
Very nice office - enjoy!
Very nice office - enjoy!

17 years ago
LOL, Alec!

17 years ago
Well...there is a BIG closet just around the corner from my office...
(sorry bout the 'edit' of your post :P clicked the wrong button the first time
Alec Devereaux;40165
Wait a second...where are the skulls of your victims and the trappings of your dark arts? Oh, must not be in Human Resources!
Very nice office - enjoy!
Well...there is a BIG closet just around the corner from my office...

(sorry bout the 'edit' of your post :P clicked the wrong button the first time