Historical Museum
What is it?: a History Museum
This would be more of a historical society/ museum. When new sections or displays go up Chryseis will be there to over see its deliberation. The muesum will be ran by one of her familars and also a known safe house for other fellow clansmen of Anantya to seek shelter in if need be. A safe haven. Her dogs patrol the muesum often, inside and out. She does make frequent visits to the museum, as she enjoys reliving the experiences of how she got each piece. A museum without windows and lots of underground alcloves for viewing pleasures, the history museum is one rich in roman artifacts & greek history.
if no forum is needed that would be fine with me, its a place of interest i use in some of her storytelling, it basically gives her a place to store her valubles and a place to hide people in safety. She knows every in and out of the museum and there are places in it which no one but her have been.
(OOC: how does this sound? if you have more question i will answer them!)