If it's not one thing it's another
Thaddeus rested his elbows on the railing and looked down at the grass below, resisting the urge to bury his head in his arms, or turn to a dove and bury his head under his wing. Alfarinn was taking a shower, and between the mental images that provoked and the general chaos of the evening, he thought he could use some air. The fire escape was ironically difficult to get out onto, but once there it made for a comfortable platform, away from the cameras inside. Those cameras troubled him; his mind couldn't seem to get over the fact that they were there, watching him. No amount of logic could sway this instinctual, visceral reaction to the eyes spying out his every move.
Palmer had left for the greener pastures of the night life - Thaddeus had no idea where he might be now, but he'd gone with many assurances that he would be careful, promising with only a little sarcasm that he would not talk to strangers and if anyone tried to offer him candy he would run away screaming 'fire.'
Really, Palmer was a little odd sometimes.
In any case, being left to his own devices allowed him to do what he did best (or at least one of the things he did well), which was to brood. He certainly had plenty to brood over. All these feelings, exhibiting a range he hadn't known he had. Worry, caring, affection, longing.
That last bothered him. What right did he have to want any of this, given his chosen lifestyle? He had too many secrets, too many hang-ups, too many...
He sighed and at last gave in to the urge to bury his head in his arms. How had he become so adept at self sabotage? Was this the natural result of over thinking? He'd once been brave enough to try, brave enough to -do- a good many things he hadn't thought himself capable of. Even if he could no longer remember the acts themselves, could he not still remember his own courage?
It was easy to think of bucking up and getting some guts over a cup of coffee with Palmer, or even out here, alone, but when Alfarinn was around for some reason he went all to pieces. He snorted at that thought - 'for some reason' indeed. He thought he could venture a guess as to why, when he was near Alfarinn, he seemed to forget all his private resolutions and ended up making decisions on the fly. Why couldn't he approach this with logic and reason as his guide, handing everything with some measure of dignity and reverence rather than feeling positively inept every step of the way? He couldn't even seem to form a coherent sentence most of the time and remained awkwardly quiet. It simply wouldn't do if he had any hope of getting his life put back together the right way.

His thoughts turned to his companion and his heart ached for the troubled emotions of the normally confident Anantya. This final atrocity of Sorin's had taken a worse toll on Thaddeus than any of the betrayals in the past. It robbed his lover of who he was, a thing most precious to both of them.
Stepping out of the shower, he dried himself off before pulling on a pair of comfortable jeans and the grey shirt that Simon had given him for Christmas. At least he had the presence of mind not to wander out into the apartment in just a towel. Alfarinn ran a large comb through his damp hair and then exited the steam filled bathroom.
He made his way towards the fire escape wondering if Thaddeus had noticed the crow sitting on the nearby roof. Natt cawed his concern for Alfarinn's mate before flying off to join his own. Having to slide his tall frame through the small window opening was almost enough to make him curse but he eventually managed to squeeze through with his arms and legs unscathed and most of his hair still on his head.
Crouching in front of Thaddeus, he put his hands on his companion's knees and smiled up at him.
"Everything will be alright."
Alfarinn tried very hard to believe that for the both of them and their clans.

Or wallow in angst, if one was feeling less than generous with one’s terms.
He wondered if he came out here often, to think or brood or just be still. He’d always needed a quiet place like that in every other place he’d lived and this seemed suitable, though he quickly noticed the drawback; it was more difficult for Alfarinn to join him, what with his considerably longer legs. Wincing a little, he held his breath until his companion made it through, thankfully unscathed.
A crow chose that moment to make his (or her – he had no way of knowing) exit, and Thaddeus wondered if they really needed another bad omen on their plate. Then he inwardly rolled his eyes – what, was he going to start jumping at the sight of black cats? Stop walking under ladders?
Well, of course he wouldn’t walk under a ladder – that was just stupid, why would someone do that? – but his point stood.
Turning fully around, he rested his elbows on the railing once more and regarded his companion, giving a soft greeting but wanting to otherwise preserve the quiet. The shower seemed to have treated him well; the blood was gone now and that was an improvement in and of itself. Thaddeus had changed his clothes as well. He had found a blue shirt that looked vaguely tropical without being garish, and decided he liked it. The smaller size told him that it was indeed his – his past self must have liked it too.
He sternly forbade his heart from jumping into his throat when Alfarinn put his hands on his knees. When had he become so high strung? …Alright, that was a stupid question. Which begged another – what if Sorin hadn’t actually wiped his memories, but had instead had simply commanded him to become a complete and total idiot? Did stupid people –know- they were stupid?
Deciding that was too upsetting to contemplate, he smiled faintly in return, brushing his odd random thoughts out of the way.
“Will it?” A pause, and then he exhaled sharply and shook an errant strand of hair out of his eyes. Alfarinn shouldn’t be assuring him – really, it should be the other way around. He was struck by the urge to touch his companion’s cheek, stroke his hair. This was strange to him – he wasn’t used to the idea of being physically demonstrative. His mind helpfully encouraged him to –get- used to it. At that prompting, he reached out and gently rested his hand on Alfarinn’s shoulder, balancing himself so that he could slide down and join his companion a bit lower to the ground. He realized too late that, in such tight quarters, this would for a moment bring him quite close indeed, but he managed to settle down with no more consequence than a slight heat to his cheeks, and gently took one of the hands that had rested on his knees, turning it over and looking down to trace the lines with one finger.
“I’m glad we found you,” he said, quietly and without looking up. He wasn’t certain of what else to say for a long moment, but after a while he added: “I was concerned.” At last he looked up, stilling his hand. “You’re all right now?”

"I have to hope that it will."Â?
It was what kept him going; to think otherwise for even a moment might cause a breakdown into depression that would be useless for everyone. Thaddeus was stronger than him in that way it seemed; his lover appeared to be capable of contemplating the potential losses that they could face with a more objective outlook. Perhaps it was because Thaddeus was not fully aware of what they were missing but somehow Alfarinn doubted this was so. He found it difficult to believe that the ache of something misplaced but nearby was not there for his partner as well. He hoped that it was not simply his own feelings that resonated so strongly through the bond between them and that brought up another uncomfortable thought. He should close the himself off from Thaddeus once more but he would ask before he did so.
Alfarinn waited with a bemused expression as Thaddeus moved closer, not daring to enjoy the vicinity of his companion overly much. He watched with a faint smile as his palm was taken and toyed with in an almost absent fashion. Since when had Thaddeus ever truly done something without first thinking of the consequences? A thrill of hope made his heart beat faster, and though he thought it might be difficult to contain within his chest, he paid it no mind in order to focus his attention on his partner's words.
They were hardly the declaration of love that he might have wished for but concern was at least better than nothing and they were standing out on a precarious old metal contraption speaking quietly while kneeling very close together. That had to count for something.
Reaching out to slide his freehand along Thaddeus' jaw and around behind his neck, Alfarinn leaned forward and placed a kiss softly against his lover's forehead. He lingered for the briefest of moments, pausing to enjoy that warm inviting skin and to feel the sense of rightness that came from being so close to his Beloved. Reluctantly pulling away, Alfarinn gave his companion a gentle smile tinged with slight regret and spoke quietly.
"I am... now."Â?

Then he crashed back into normal speed, done viewing the world in slow motion, and remembered to breathe. So much for keeping it together. He almost laughed at the thought, now.
“Good, that’s good…” Not the most eloquent comment but at this point Thaddeus was simply happy his voice hadn’t cracked or shook. He took a steadying breath and did his best not to be so nervous. This all, when he thought about it, seemed incredibly normal; almost familiar. Had they spent time on this balcony before? Was this what they were like together? Living their lives full of danger and general insanity, then coming together and supporting each other when the night was done?
He thought he could certainly live with that.
Looking down, he saw rather than felt that in spite of all these assurances and positives, he had a much tighter grip on Alfarinn’s hand than he had a moment ago. What was he doing? He leaned back against the bars, mostly to avoid curling up into a tiny ball, caught off guard by his own anxiety. God, why was he falling apart –now-, when Alfarinn had just assured him that he was all right, that everything would be fine? He supposed he knew the answer to that; the fragility of it all was just beginning to really hit him. He’d been too anxious at first, and too relieved later, to properly process what had happened, but now it was all hitting home.
He pulled the hand wrapped in his to his chest, wanting at least some part of his companion close, and spoke just above a whisper, words tumbling out in a rush.
“Don’t go anywhere?” Damn, that wasn’t supposed to be a question. So much for being more assertive, for taking charge and owning his decisions. “I…really am trying. To fix all of this. I’d hate to lose you before I ever got the chance to…” he met Alfarinn’s eyes “…make things right.”
/ooc yeah, we gagged him before he could really get talking :X

He waited silently for Thaddeus to continue, not wanting to say the thing that he should say and break the tenuous closeness that they had for the moment. It was perhaps selfish of him to use his companion's concern for him in order to remain nearby but he couldn't yet bring himself to stand up,shut himself off and move away.
Alfarinn looked down, or more accurately stopped gazing at his lover and focused on his hand that was being gathered to Thaddeus' chest. The gesture, so like the one that told him so much about his lover's affection for him long ago, made him smile. It seemed to mean the same thing again; a great weight lifted off his shoulders as relief, like a second wind, flooded through him.
His smile widened as Thaddeus told him, or asked him, he wasn't sure, not to go anywhere. The rest of the words made the situation more solemn but they still were a balm to his soul. Alfarinn leaned forward once more and gently touched his lips to the ones he had been longing to kiss for what seemed like eternity. It was probably answer enough on its own, but Alfarinn added.
[ I'm yours. I could never leave you, nor would I ever wish to. We willl take all the time you need.]

Well that wouldn’t do.
Alfarinn had told him before that he would wait for him. Even so, he needed to hear that Alfarinn didn’t –want- to go, whatever else might happen. He pulled his recently kissed lower lip between his teeth and wondered, even as his heart swelled with his companion’s assurances, if they really had the luxury of taking all the time he needed. He liked that Alfarinn had said ‘we,’ that they were in this together…but it seemed the universe conspired against them.
Torn between being ecstatic with Alfarinn’s patience and understanding, and being overwhelmingly concerned that this could be taken away from them all too easily, he released his bottom lip and moved closer, letting his hand slide easily up to his companion’s shoulder as he returned the kiss, quickly but softly. Then he rested his forehead against Alfarinn’s, keeping his eyes closed.
[I’m trying to work out just when you became so…essential.]
His heart was racing faster than ever; he could hardly believe what he had just done. He gave Alfarinn a dizzy smile and pulled back before he did something truly reckless. He did not, however, release the hand he’d been holding for the last several moments, deciding he wasn’t quite ready to let go just yet.
“So. Just how am I going to go about keeping you out of harm’s way? It doesn’t appear I’ve done a spectacular job of it so far…”
He was smiling, albeit ironically, as he spoke – this wasn’t a ‘just what am I going to do with you’ lecture, just voicing honest concerns. It didn’t occur to him until after he’d spoken that his comment could be taken as innuendo. Of course, now all –kinds- of ideas on just how he could keep Alfarinn out of trouble were occurring to him. Predictably, he blushed.
Not wanting his point lost in the midst of shocking thoughts, he clarified hurriedly.
“Sincerely, it seems we’re both encountering more than our share of life threatening situations – I’m just wondering if we should rethink our precautions.”

He watched Thaddeus worry his lower lip but kept the urge to kiss it again in check. He did not want to push himself on his companion and so he waited patiently while his lover decided how he felt about his latest gesture of affection.
Alfarinn smiled as the hand ran up his chest and slid onto his shoulder; his heart raced with anticipation as Thaddeus leaned forward and gently kissed him in return. Afterwards, he marveled at his reaction to such a small thing that a couple of weeks ago might have been given in passing. In some ways it was like falling in love with Thaddeus all over again but this time knowing why he loved him so much in the first place.
The words touched him and he blinked back the stinging in his eyes, not wanting to upset his partner. After denying the worry he had felt for these past days about their future, hearing those words were sheer bliss.
[ That you're my life is something that I've simply come to accept, Beloved. I don't mean to frighten you with that and I'll be as patient as you need me to be. ]
Alfarinn chuckled at Thaddeus' spoken comments and coughed slightly embarrassed about the past memories that he had knowledge of that his companion did not.
"Well, Love, You -are- the good influence and you've always managed to keep me sufficiently occupied."Â?
He gave his lover a half grin and an arched eyebrow but relented from further teasing when he noticed the blush. Reaching up, he ran a cool hand along one cheek and leaned down to kiss the other.
"Honestly, I will behave. I promise."Â?
They did need to rethink their situation and he was not sure if or how he should voice his concern of his own well being but it would be irresponsible of him not to give it at least -some- consideration. Perhaps he would simply have Christian post extra security on them both.
"We'll let people know where we are. I also think we should probably stay together as much as possible...if that is alright with you. I will need to speak with Christian some time tonight but not right now."Â?

“I am?” He might have said more if not for the fact that the full weight of the rest of his companion’s sentence had just registered. Well, he was already blushing; what was another shade deeper in the scheme of things? Even so, it was as though Alfarinn had read his mind, and here he had been thinking things that were less than proper. That flustered him even though it didn’t seem as though his companion minded the direction of their discussion at all. He looked down, feeling awkward and wishing he didn’t, wondering why sometimes everything felt so natural and other times he seemed so out of place. Then he felt a cool hand on his cheek, and that ‘right’ feeling came back as strong as ever.
He really did have excellent taste, if he did say so himself; Alfarinn was a good man. His eyes stayed lowered at the kiss to his cheek, but he looked up and smiled a little when he pulled back.
“I’ll hold you to that…”
Good Lord, was –everything- he said an innuendo? This time it was so blatant that he gave it up and chuckled, shaking his head before the conversation turned serious once more.
“Of course, staying together is a good idea – neither of us should be alone right now.” He smiled wryly. “We’re just too popular.” Hesitating, he laced his fingers together before asking his next question. “How many people know about this apartment? I know we have an extensive amount of security, but even so I’m wondering if we’re safe here.”
It occurred to him, then, that they really could be having this conversation anywhere. He cut himself off before he could get into any other paranoid ramblings.
“This can’t be comfortable for you – shall we go inside? Or…I’m an idiot – we should go out, you need to eat. So do I for that matter.”
He might have slapped his palm against his forehead but quarters were a little tight for such theatrical gestures. Here he was, babbling on about feelings and worries, and Alfarinn had only recently recovered from a terrible ordeal. Some job he was doing, taking care of his partner. He wrapped one hand around his companion’s upper arm and looked into his eyes, speaking gently.
“If you’re up for that?”

He couldn't help but chuckle softly at being held to his promise of good behavior. Alfarinn could think of plenty of ways that Thaddeus could keep him occupied and, Bless the Fates, all of them seemed like a possibility once more, perhaps not now but sometime in the future. He did his best to give Thaddeus a shocked innocent look that said "What?! Is that really so hard to believe?"Â? Though they both seemed to know it was all an act.
A part of him wanted to protest that he was perfectly comfortable crouching here so long as he was this close to his companion but his legs told him that, lovely as that sentiment was, it was untrue. Standing up, Alfarinn stretched backwards before reaching down a hand to Thaddeus. His partner didn't need his help getting up; it was a courtesy given to shamelessly pull him closer.
"Our friends know of this place but we've done reasonably well in keeping it from the public."Â?
Not as easy a task as it sounded when you had a face that was so quickly recognized on the streets. He smiled at his lover's thoughtfulness and wondered what it would be like to hunt with Thaddeus nearby. Would he be jealous? Overprotective? Nervous? Or would he find it as fascinating as everything else that Thaddeus put effort into? In the centuries they very realistically probably had ahead of them it was bound to be something they would get used to doing. Now was a perfectly good time to start..
"With you, I'm up for anything. Where would you like to go?"Â?
Alfarinn inwardly rolled his eyes at the hallmark sentiment but mollified himself with maintaining that it was very sincere and completely the truth.

Deciding that for the moment he should drop his worries about the apartment, he kept his inner hope that he and Alfarinn had the same definition of ‘friends’ to himself. His own list of friends was comfortably short and that was the way he liked it, but his companion might be the type to consider everyone from the paper delivery boy to the hairdresser his friend.
Well, he supposed the paper boy would have to know where they lived in any case. All the more reason not to subscribe to a paper at all. His point was…
…that he was still worrying. He gave Alfarinn a slight smile and nodded his head in affirmation.
“Fair enough; hopefully we won’t –need- to stay hidden much longer.”
Of course, he would most likely prefer his privacy anyway, but he would rather have the choice.
He considered for a moment before answering Alfarinn’s next question.
“How are the Gardens downtown? Still quiet or have the crowds increased in the past year? Alternatively I suppose we could try a club…I was never very fond of that scene but I remember hearing that Eternity was…favorable…to our kind.”
He thought he was doing a remarkably good job of keeping his nerves to a minimum, though he suspected that his mind might be in shock at what his mouth was suggesting. He hunted alone, or with Mai, and that had always been that. It wasn’t just a matter of privacy; it was highly impractical for him to hunt with others, simply because he tended to take a considerable amount of time choosing his meals. He could not, however, leave Alfarinn to hunt alone right after they had just discussed the importance of staying together. He was just going to have to get over his hang ups and adapt to the changes in his life. That was completely reasonable and realistic, and Thaddeus might have applauded his own good sense if he didn't also know that it was completely not going to happen.
"Any preference?," he managed, still keeping his voice even and unconcerned.

"Eternity would probably be best."Â?
He might be recognized at Eternity, in fact it was likely, but it was a place where young Arin Björn was supposed to be. Therefore being seen was not a large issue. It had actually been convenient once or twice. Alfarinn had never hunted with a vampire lover before and he wondered if they should discuss anything before hand. He hated to think of making a strategy; it made the whole experience sound impersonal and manipulative. Perhaps though, Thaddeus viewed things differently. His partner had been concerned about hurting him the first time they shared their blood. Such concern and attention to detail was nothing less than expected from Thaddeus but he wondered how that coloured his companion's methods. Alfarinn guessed they'd soon find out.
"We can more easily stick closer together there and yet still have a wider group of people to observe."Â?
He had long since become accustomed to his nature as a hunter, the most extreme of carnivores, but he still found that expressing the necessities of hunting in respectful terms was difficult. Thaddeus knew what he meant and that was all that mattered. Giving the hand in his a light squeeze, he smiled at Thaddeus before ducking down and crawling back into the apartment. Moving out of the way, Alfarinn leaned against the wall and watched his companion.
"Unless, of course, you have a preference for the Gardens."Â?

“I think the club will be fine…let me just get some shoes.”
Shifting his weight, he started for the bedroom but then turned back.
“Have I…we…” Oh, brilliant. Thaddeus closed his eyes and pulled himself together. “That is to say. I don’t know if we’ve ever hunted together before but…” …please don’t think I’m odd? Where was he going with this? He shook his head and gave a slight smile. “…I’m sure we’ll be fine.”
He optimistically thought that at least he couldn’t feel like any –more- of an ass; the only direction to go in was up. With a final nervous smile, he went to retrieve his shoes and prepare for the night ahead of them.
/ooc Alfarinn and Thaddeus out!