Hi folks!
I'm so very sorry to have been absent from the boards so much lately, and I think you all deserve an explanation. Having read it, I hope very much to be able to share my joy with my friends here.
The past year has been massively depressing for me, and it took a while for me to realize that I was depressed and needed to change. I seemed to be failing in all aspects of life; work, personal, social, stuck in a rut that I couldn't get out of. I didn't have the means, even though I had the desire and the drive, and it was driving me crazy.
A few months ago I made a change in jobs; I took a job as a manager at my bookstore, which I hate. However, it pays the bills and was a start to getting myself out of my situation. In addition, I have still been working on my contract for the Smithsonian, which provides me extra cash flow and much-needed experience on my resume.
As a bigger change, I severed my long-time relationship with my live-in boyfriend, which had become unfruitful and unpleasant to us both as we failed to grow and change with each other like a healthy couple should. Our long-term goals had become very different; I eventually want children, he doesn't. I want another dog or two, he doesn't. I want to be married, that's not really on his radar. This list went on and on and eventually I realized it was time to stop beating my head against a wall.
So, to make a long story short I've been working like a dog at two jobs, trying to save up enough to move to another area with a lesser cost of living, getting up at 3 am in the morning, working till 2pm, coming home and working my second job from there until 5 or 6 at night. Time to write has been scarce and I have missed being here at SA greatly, but as you see, there were things I needed to do.
They say love walks in when you least expect it to, and that turned out to be true. A longtime friend of mine finally admitted to having a 'crush' on me for some time, and I don't feel any shame in admitting I returned the feelings. We've been seeing each other now for a bit, and he's asked me to marry him.
I accepted.
I hope you will all bear with me as, in the next month or two, I run around like a chicken with its head cut off, preparing to move, finding a new home, packing my belongings, tying up loose ends here in Maryland (I've agreed to move to Austin, TX where his family is -- I was looking down there anyhow as I have friends in the area), and trying to plan a wedding (Fallon, helllllp!).
I do not plan to leave SA, but my time will be limited until things settle. I know the pace of my threads has been slow and I apologize and ask that if it presents a problem, you let me know so I can withdraw gracefully. No hard feelings at all!
It's hard for me to believe life can turn around so quickly, but I'm not at all afraid and am looking forward to the future eagerly. You have all been friends to me for nearly two years now, and I hope you can continue to bide with me while I uproot myself and get situated once more.
It will be a little while before I can promise regular posting again, but I will still be around even if it's a bit limited, and I hope to be settled in Austin and planning the details of our wedding by mid-June.
:) As always, please feel free to message me with any and all questions! I will be happy to hand out my cell number as well, as that is a more relaiable means of contacting me for the next few weeks.
If you're able we should do lunch...dinner...linner...before you go .
Congrats!!!! How totally awesome!!! Maybe we can have a double wedding!!!!!
Turly though, I'm thrilled to death for you hon, and hope things between now and then go great...as well as after
Much love and happiness for you!
Take good care of yourself sweetie, we'll be here when you do have time to return, till then just hang in there, drop us a note when you feel like it and we'll be thinking of you big time /hug!
I know all too well how such realizations can take a lot out of you, and can only sit in awe of your strength of will and character to take up such responsibility for your future and happiness.
Many hugs and well wishes to you and your Intended!
I am so happy for you!
*Bouncy Hugs & Squees*
Yay! I'm so happy for you!
For the record I know the betrothed and he is a total sweetheart and they are bloody perfect for each other... its kind of scary actually.
Awesome blossom - grats on the pending everythingbomb! You've done your time on the unpleasant side of things, now SOAK UP SOME GOOD TIMES! Woot!
I fully expect your homestead to be full of little bunnies one day, so you best get to work, sucka!
And another Texan, weeee! You come join us just in time to melt this summer. haha!