
Just wanted to let Mai and y'all know Talon has been scarce around here the last few days because my baby's been sick. =( Hopefully he'll feel better soon and be back to annoy and bother us all :wink:

Mai 19 years ago
Awww,see that's what sleeping on the floor in musty old rooms will get you...sick.

Hope, he gets better soon!
Ellis Duban 19 years ago
Geez, at the Domicile we have state of the art beds with naked vampire chicks throwing cheeries at you. You anantya need to treat y'alls peeps better!
Amberelle DeEspionne 19 years ago
Naked vampie chicks.. cherries... hmm.. You make a good argument for defection, we'll have to put Talon on a leash =p
Sorin 19 years ago
He had a perfectly suitable bed.. it is hardly our fault that he chose to sleep in the floor.

She's not telling you that those are cherry bombs that they are throwing at you... Tacharan does frequent the House of Pain. Odd bunch. *shakes his head*
Amberelle DeEspionne 19 years ago
hehehehe.. to quote the Marquis DeSade, "It is always by way of pain one arrives at pleasure." Oh.. did I say that out loud?
Alfarinn 19 years ago
I am afraid you did..and now we all know your kinky nature.

Not that it surprises anyone...
Amberelle DeEspionne 19 years ago
heh Indeed, it shouldn't suprise anyone if any of us gals from TAC said something like that =p
Ellis Duban 19 years ago
Yes lets not break the cycle of kinkyness. =x
Talon 19 years ago
I now have Dope!
which means if it actually works i'll be posting again!

though reading all the warnings on this stuff, it has me a little nervous.. avoid direct sunlight, avoid dairy, don't lay down after taking this medication..sheesh! they gave me Vampire med's I think..

the kinkyness must continue!
Alfarinn 19 years ago
So.... feel the need to drink blood yet? *worries for Temprah*
Amberelle DeEspionne 19 years ago
mmmm sounds kinky, let me go put my hair up to show off my pale, smooth neck......
Chryseis Angelique 19 years ago

/gets video camera