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A deal with the Devil (private)

Vincent had been less reluctant that Sorin would have imagined, all things considering. The Evenhet had given him the information he was looking for without so much as a grumble. It made the Elder of the Night wonder just what piece of the puzzle he was missing. His human loving clan informant was an ambitious man but surely he did not think that he stood a chance of any real power even with the death of Alfarinn. Perhaps Vincent simply hoped for something different with the bleeding heart empath no longer running the show or maybe he planned on staging a coup for power while the ruthless Megan Björn was away. Maybe...but Sorin didn't really care. This time he couldn't afford to have Vincent remember his little visit and with the clever use of command and a young willing distraction his Evenhet snitch remembered nothing.

Sorin swirled his brandy around in its vaguely clean glass while he waited for his target to appear. He remembered back to finding Vincent. It was a stroke of good fortune really; originally they had been after the same target. A more territorial vampire might have caused a clash over the whole scene but Sorin knew an opportunity when he saw one. He followed the other vampire as the man led the young girl out onto the docks and there he learned a very important secret. Vincent Duprey of Evenhet liked humans... he liked -killing- humans. The trouble was that his tastes ran towards the sweet innocence of youth and there just never seemed to be enough of that delicious blood in those lithe little bodies. Vincent had trouble making himself stop and his guilt over it compounded the issue. The vampire would starve himself until he simply -had- to have what he craved and then he was doomed to repeat his crimes. If he had been an Anantya it would not have been a problem but alas, he was not.

All the better for him, Sorin smirked and sat up straighter as the man he had been waiting for finally appeared. Vincent had told him of a clanless vampire, an ex- Evenhet, that was known only as Cross. Rumors abounded as to the reasoning for such a name and the one that he personally preferred was that Megan herself had branded the man with the distinctive x shaped scar that marred his left cheek. Whatever the truth was the only thing that mattered to him was that this man had a reason to hate his former elders.

He raised his glass and gestured towards the booth.

Stranger 17 years ago
Cross saw the man sitting back in the dark booth that was normally reserved for him in this dingy hell hole of pub. It took some gall to sit there looking so smug in his presence but it was easy to see that this man had confidence in his ability to back up that nerve. A flicker of his eyes took in the stranger's expensive suit, spotless leather shoes and well manicured hands. Sitting down, Cross looked into those flat steel grey eyes that revealed nothing but bland amusement.

He didn't like the man and he didn't like this situation but he wasn't one to run before knowing why. Waving to the bartender, Cross waited until the one past her prime waitress brought over his drink. As soon as she was out of ear shot, he leaned forward and demanded.

Sorin 17 years ago
Not at all daunted by the man's demands, Sorin gave him a cool grin and straight up straighter in order to get down to business.

"I have a proposition for you. It involves potentially high risk but also great reward."Â?

This opening bit of the discussion was crucial. He had to make the plan seem both appealing as well as doable. The gain would need to be astronomical for what he was asking and yet be believable. Sorin also felt that it was necessary to make certain he could pay it. Oh, it wasn't his intention to give over anything but Cross might be smarter than he looked and if that were the case then he should be prepared to deal.

Running his finger around the rim of the glass, the Elder of the Night glanced up and caught his target in his steely gaze.

"It involves your former family. A tall blonde to be exact. Are you interested enough to hear me out?"Â?

((OOC: Command in red. Permission granted by me, mwaaahaahaaa! ))
Stranger 17 years ago
Cross snorted at the opening line from the stranger. Every scheme involved “high risk” and “great reward”. That was what made people try stupid things. He had managed to survive this long because he was able to choose what risks he was willing to take.

The mention of his former family could only mean one thing. Evenhet. This guy knew of them and had a grudge. Interesting. That knowledge coupled with the man's confidence probably made him a vampire and not a mortal that felt somehow wronged by the humanitarian league of undead.

Dealing with Alfarinn was risky business. As much has he hated both elders with a passion, he knew better than to tangle with either of them directly. They had people and what's more a strange and annoying survivability. It wasn't like he hadn't tried to do away with them in the past; he had. Lucky for him he also had a talent for cheating death. Those attempts taught him to be wiser and to wait for the right opportunity. He doubted this was it but he would listen anyway.

Perhaps you should go on..."

((OOC: Suggestion in blue. ))
Sorin 17 years ago
It was hard to tell if the command had worked or if the man was genuinely interested. Sorin knew that it was practically inconceivable that this man was old enough to thwart his command but then again it never paid to be too confident. Cross was rumored to have pissed off the Elders of his clan and yet he somehow managed to still live. That being the case, he probably wasn't any spring chicken.

He'd plunge right in and see where it got him.

"I want him killed."Â?

Sorin took a sip of his drink and watched the other man over the edge of his glass. Calmly setting aside the alcohol, he once more leaned forward.

"I'm prepared to offer you safe passage to where ever you want to go, enough money to keep you comfortable for the next century, and....entrance into Anantya if you so desire. No questions asked so long as there is proof that the deed has been done."Â?

Sorin waited for the answer in silence. If this didn't work then he would have to use more forceful methods to garner Cross' aid.
Stranger 17 years ago
Cross fought hard to keep his mixed reactions in check when the stranger stated what he wanted; a part of him wanted to laugh loudly at the outrageousness of the request and another part was angry that this idiot was wasting his time. Outwardly only his cheek twitched ever so slightly; he'd wait to hear the offer that went with this suicide mission.

He blinked once at the reward; this appeared to be thought out at the very least. Not many people could offer that kind of money, even less could guarantee him a place in Anantya. Only an Elder and there was only one male elder in Nachton. Cross studied the features of the man in front of him. The hair style was changed, the clothing different but the face had the same profile he had seen stamped on Roman coins. This was Lucius Domitius Ahenobarbus who became Nero. Nero who died and was reborn as Sorin Lazarovici. When one had only himself to depend on, it paid to know who the big fish were.

That made the ludicrous nature of the proposal less unappealing. Cross never doubted he could kill either of the Elders; the difficulty lay in succeeding and then not getting caught. That last portion made it not worth trying these days. This offer would give him the secret protection of an Anantya elder and eventually a clan to call home as a future safe haven from those that felt the clanless were sport.

"Time frame?"Â?

Surely there was a catch here or the powerful man in front of him could easily have plotted a long term strategy to get what he wanted without implicating himself. Cross also knew that he would have to be careful with this one. Sorin would not want leave behind any evidence that would be able to tie him to Alfarinn's murder and that meant he was a liability once the deal was done.
Sorin 17 years ago
Sorin sighed slightly. It was something of a relief that Cross still seemed interested. He wouldn't have to put so much effort into making this least not yet. He'd have more leeway to take his time with eliminating the next problem when Alfarinn was out of the way. It was even more easy because no one would care if this clanless lived or died.

"As soon as possible. Within the month."Â?

That was going to make him appear desperate but there was no help for it. Truth be told, if only to himself, he was. Cross was pretty much his last chance of getting out of this mess with a clean slate. He paused and watched the man for a minute before appearing to reconsider.

"But perhaps you aren't interested. I could take my offer elsewhere..."Â?

He couldn't afford to use too much or too forceful a command on Cross. Not only because it might not be successful but more so because it would be dangerous to have the man appear to have been tampered with. If Cross were caught too much mental mucking about would shine like a beacon to those with the right abilities. He had to leave the man's mind alone enough to potentially erase his tracks later if Plan A didn't work.
Stranger 17 years ago
Of course it had to be done right away. That would be far more complicated. There were not many people who were going to have abilities that worked on Alfarinn just as they wouldn't work on the man in front of him. Someone with subterfuge might be able to get close enough to do the deed but that person would need help once they got there. If they were at all suspicious then Alfarinn would be able to see right through them; they had to appear trustworthy until it was too late.

Cross narrowed his eyes at Sorin's purported change of heart. He could stand up and walk out right now and be just as well off as he was before. And how well off was that? Hiding like a bug for years on end? It grated on his sensibilities to be forced into the shadows.

"Don't play with me."Â?

It was a surprisingly easy decision to make; the difficult part would be the planning. Once he succeeded then he would have to worry about how to keep Sorin from killing him and force the Elder to make the payment he promised. That would be considerably more challenging.

Cross stood and looked down at the once Emperor of the known world.

"I will meet you here in a month if I have been successful."Â?

He turned and left without a backward glance.

((OOC: Cross out ))
Sorin 17 years ago
Did his command not work? Sorin was torn between reservation at the thought of dealing with someone of equal power and elation at the greater possibility for success. He held up his hands palms out and shrugged.

"I just want to make certain I have the right man for the job."Â?

Time was of the essence and he hoped that it wasn't being wasted here. There were other things to prepare for in case Cross failed. He'd have to get the hell out of Nachton at the first moment that was conveniently possible -without- being noticed. Such a thing wasn't difficult but someone of his status had a hard time remaining unseen for very long.

Cross stood up and for a moment Sorin thought the deal was not going to be accepted. It was very good that he was a master of his facial expressions or else he would have gaped in surprise when the man accepted the arrangement. Sorin smiled and raised his glass to the retreating back of Cross. Swallowing the last of his drink, he stood, placed a fifty on the table and left.

((OOC: Sorin out ))