Right now everyone not staff has standardized post count titles. We can change them if you like. Either to your clan or something specific. Post here to let us know.
19 years ago
so what ever happened to MY title? hmmmmm?
Morrigan Kinsey
19 years ago
I dunno, what happened to it?
Ellis Duban
19 years ago
MORRI IS DIRTY...call me? /purr
Amberelle DeEspionne
19 years ago
hehehe! Hopefully Talon lives up to the hype.. Drev is admittedly deserving the title so we'll have to see hmm?
19 years ago
Better than Big Dick. Good Job, Talon! I still see no putting out though. I think my eyes were supposed to be bleeding. Hop to it, man! I think Jan might steal her away.. *snorts*
Morrigan Kinsey
19 years ago
You could still go with the double meaning...