May 2007 - TAC Presents Exalted Crayon ---> Mai!!!
Everyone rush over right now and tell her how much ya luvs hers!!!!!!!! :vampgrin

Alec Devereaux
17 years ago
We can do it here, too! Maibomb 4tw! :P

Thaddeus Grey
17 years ago
*spanks Alec* You vill post in zee proper FORUM!
(yay <3 Mai!!)
(yay <3 Mai!!)

Thaddeus Grey
17 years ago
Okay it's just wrong to see Thaddeus doing that :. I really need a master account :X. Or a mistress account.
A Spank Mistress Account!
A Spank Mistress Account!

17 years ago
Heh - guess it just depends on your personal perspective
I quite enjoy seeing Thaddeus spank Alec!
(oops - That was SO NOT Bastian saying that :P)

(oops - That was SO NOT Bastian saying that :P)

17 years ago
Thank you guys! ^_^ *hugs*
I'm not sure how Alfarinn feels about Thaddeus spanking Alec. O_O
I'm not sure how Alfarinn feels about Thaddeus spanking Alec. O_O

Alec Devereaux
17 years ago
Hey, I totally posted in the proper forum first, Mr. Grey! So you keep them hands to YO'self! :P

17 years ago
Congratulations Mai!!!!