Tequila! (open)
Her mother would've been mortified - little Dawn heading out to a location with flamenco dancing in a white dress! For shame! Her mother had been of the opinion that only red and black were appropriate colors for the dance. Of course, she also felt that hair was supposed to stay its natural color, so obviously she was fucking clueless. Grinning as she ran her fingers through her currently crimson hair, she shook it happily. Maybe dear old ma would have accepted the compromise of red hair for the dance.
Laughing aloud at her thought, she headed into the festive environment. She'd been a good dancer once upon a time, but no practice for so long...she was probably rubbish now. Can't win 'em all. Heading straight to the bar, she was pleased to see an habanero infused tequila - maybe this place knew what they were doing. That would be a serious find - she missed real Mexican food, and everyplace else had been rubbish to what you could get in LA. Ordering a couple of shots, she leaned on the counter and surveyed the crowd - a wide mix of folks, to be sure, but no one she knew.
Well, someone would likely turn up - fun like this brought out all sorts of interesting people. If not, well, then she'd meet someone new. Lovely worst case scenario. Winking at a stranger who'd heard her order, she slammed back one of her fiery hot shots and started looking for fun.

He looked too young to drink, but the glasses could indicate otherwise. Hell, they could indicate anything from a heroin junkie to an emo kid who had been crying earlier and was feeling shy, really. Or maybe he had a nasty scar and lost the eye and was self conscious about it. Or maybe they were just boring old brown like his hair and he figured the sunglasses would make him more interesting. Well, they'd worked if that was the case. But the lemon thing...that was the clincher. Knowing that she'd already made up her mind, she downed her second shot of fire and asked for a glass of plain water with no lemon. Grabbing it, she walked purposely toward him.
Timing so his glass was not in hand when she arrived, she placed the lemon-free one in front of him, and took his. Leaning lightly on one arm to bring out her triceps, she sported a lopsided grin and blurted
"Oai! Sumthin' wrong wi' lemons?"
Examining the glass of water she had in hand, she saw little bits of the lemon floating around in it. That might be gross for someone with an anti-lemon kick. Looking back at the kid, she cocked her head again. Yeah, he would be pretty fucking tall if he were fully upright. Good reach on him, also in pretty good shape. Maybe he'd be more interesting than his hair indicated.

Pausing to adjust the delicate, fringed shawl she had laid loosely about tanned her shoulders, the vampire caught her reflection and smiled. Her long red dress swished around her softly as she moved slowly through, winding her way around tables towards the bar. Tonight she had opted not for the expensive and stylish shoes she adored but something more practical for the dancing competition she hoped to enter, sturdy and professional in a soft red suede with a slight heel. A vibrant red flower was pinned above her ear and her long hair hung in silky golden curls down to almost her waist. It suddenly reminded her of the night she had met her beloved at her cousin Cyrus' housewarming party. The memory had her golden eyes sparkling and a happy glow colored her cheeks.
Reaching the bar, Amby took an empty seat not too far from a young man sitting alone and gave him a polite but slightly reserved smile. The last thing she wanted was to have someone hitting on her when Alex arrived. Well, if he arrived she amended silently. Once again he'd been wrapped up in work and she'd never gotten a firm confirmation that he would be able to make it tonight. 'Even if he can't, I am going to dance and I am going to have fun tonight,' the Creole told herself firmly.
Flashing a wide pearly white smile to the bartender, a rather frazzled looking man, her softy voice was just loud enough to be heard over the festive mariachi band as she ordered a shot of Patron. One or two shots wouldn't hurt, and then she would be good and switch to something more sedate like a Margarita or a Pina Colada.
While he dissapeared down the bar to prepare her drink, the Anantya glanced around the room. It wasn't so crowded yet that people couldn't be seen, but so far no one the young vampire recognized was here. It wasn't until she'd turned back to the bar and taken her drink that she caught sight of someone who seemed familiar out of the corner of her eye.
Dawn... is that you? Amberelle'e eyebrows shot up at the sight of her friend in a rather pretty white dress. It was one of the last things she'd expected to see on the young Californian.

"Huh. I guess Nachton's water's a bit cleaner'n a lotta cities, but I still prefer lemon t'metals an' fluoride. Maybe y'got a cute dentist when y'ere a kid an' like th'fluoro flava cuz a it."
Taking a big draught from Peter's old glass, she set it aside as he stood up and introduced himself. Yup - looked like he was about halfway through the six foot range. Extending her hand, bruised knuckles and all, she watched as it vanished under the grip of the tall man's hands. It was almost like being a kid again. Her pops had been about the same build, just...4 sizes shorter. And of remarkably darker skin. But thinking of him would lead to melancholy, and that wouldn't do - she was out to have fun, even if she had to force the matter.
That didn't seem to be on the menu, though, as fun sounded like it was finding her. Turning toward the familiar Southern voice behind her, Dawn broke into the first full smile of the night. Disengaging her hand, she turned to embrace her friend.
"Oai! Glad ya decided t'come - but...where's yer boytoy? Oh, hey, this's Peter. I'm Dawn, this's Cousin Amby...er...Amberelle. She's taken, so don't get any ideas, mister."
Releasing her hold on her clanmate, she squared herself in front of Peter, and cocked her head again.
"So...what's with them sunglasses, anyway?"

Addressing the question posed to her first, she leaned in closer to Dawn and spoke quietly. Family business has him tied up, of course. But hopefully he'll be along soon. A mischevious tone entered her voice as she added, Hopefully you can keep me out of trouble until he does, non? Golden topaz eyes sparkled as she contained the chuckle that thought brought. It would most definately be the other way around, the Creole knew.
It's a pleasure to meet you Peter, she said as she extended her free hand to him. And we are indeed blood cousins, however we're a few generations removed. Hopefully her little inside joke wouldn't send Dawn off into a fit of laughter. That could be difficult to recover from.
I know a little bit about unusual eyes, Ambysaid with a wry smile and a chuckle as she motioned to her own unusual golden ones. If you'd like to remove your glasses, I'm quite she we can handle anything you might feel is odd about them. 'And I will stomp Dawn to death if she makes some kind of crass remark about them too,' the young Anantya added silently.

Smirking at Amberelle's response she winked while rubbing her thumbs over her pronounced, bruised knuckles.
"Yup! That's me! Picture of innocence!"
Playing off Amberelle's commentary without any trouble, she put her arm around blondie's shoulder and put her other hand on her own hip. Nodding sagely, she added
"Yup! 'tween yellereyes'ere an' m'supersized mouth'n lack'a internal monologue, we've got'r problems too! Least YOU kin put on glasses t'git normal, I'M stuck like this ALL the time!"
Chuckling at her own joke, she wondered if he'd rise to the bait or not. Amby'd make her stay good, but she WAS curious.

Her hair was down in loose curls reaching the small of her back, a touch of make up completing the look with simmering lipgloss and loads of black mascara, she knew she looked good enough to eat and who know if Panos showed up she would let him nibble away for a bit.
Looking around to see if she saw anyone she knew she smiled sweetly at the waiter who approached her, ordering a glass of dry white wine she began to mingle.

"Oh...my...God...all'at buildup an'is eyes're totally awesome. I was 'spectin' like all red with oozey stuff'n no white to'm at all an' shit! There's people on th'raver scene'd pay good money fer their eyes t'look like that!"
Looking at him severely, she nodded.
"A letdown like that demands penance - bein' all cute instead'a horrorshow. I think Amby'll have to buy us all dinner'n you'll haveta tell us a story to make up for bein' self conscious."
Hooking her elbow through Amberelle's, she offered the other to Peter.
"C'mon - there's a big ol' table o'er there. Lessee if th'tamales here're crap'r not."

Taking her cousin's arm, Amberelle let Dawn lead them to a large empty table. Picking a chair with both a good view of the entrance, since she still held out hope that Alex would join her, as well as a good portion of the restaurant, for prime people watching, the blonde gave her two companions a large grin.
Oui, if Dawn says you owe us a story well... there's no avoiding it. Lifting a menu from the table she opened it and split her attention between it, the door and her tablemates. Besides she's right, your eyes aren't that odd. Trust me I've seen more suprising things. 'Like a full grown man turning into a hawk, or a girl walking through walls,' she added silently and supressed a smirk.

"Oh no, I am at an up-and-coming restaurant with two beautiful and vibrant young women who for some strange reason wish to talk to me! Woe is me!"
The words wouldn't have been things he'd chosen, but the voice came out pretty well for a first attempt - just a bit too high. Chuckling, she nodded at Amberelle.
"Well DUH! Th'first time ya gotta try like total! But I wanna make sure th'tamales're substandard, otherwise I got slapped way back when for nothin'! It smells like they do their beef right here, anyway, so that's sumthin. 'sides, been a tic since I ate myself stupid. Whaddya all like? I'll order for us'n case these guys can talk Spanish."
Making a mental list of the things they should probably test drive, Dawn grinned. This table was going to be full, even if they just got half orders of everything. One of the fringe benefits of finding her way into a rich family, she figured.

Just then the blond turned her head to say something to a young looking dark haired beauty in a white dress, yes it was Amberelle for sure, making her presence known by coughing softly she smiled at her blond friend.
"We really should stop meeting like this, people will start to talk"
Giving her an amused grin she took a small sip of her wine.

Finishing off her tequila in a small sip, Amberelle just grinned when she saw Alexandra. Oui, we do. But then again, if I remember correctly we were trying to make them talk weren't we? Amby giggled, her golden eyes dancing as she teased her friend.
Standing, the Creole gave her friend a one armed hug and looked her up and down. With a nod of approval at the other vampire's dress, she left her arm around Alexa's waist and turned to address the other two occupants of the table. Nodding first towards Dawn, she said with a smirk This is my cousin Dawn. Watch out for her, she is trouble. Dawn, this is my friend Alexandra. And that, her head tilted in the direction of the lone male at the table, is Peter. He's been sucked into our little party here.
Stepping back and sitting once more, she motioned to the chair next to her. Come, sit and join us.

"Damn! Any more hotties show up'n Petee's gonna haveta change'is shorts!"
Laughing, she gave Peter a wink and went back to the menu. She'd selected a wide variety of plates - more than enough for the current group and several additions. If they didn't finish, which was likely, they could bring the rest home for Rupert and Company. The poor guy seemed to live his work. He should really get out more often. Looking around for a waiter, she was glad they'd grabbed a large table. The place looked to be getting busy.

"It's a pleasure to meet you Peter"
Putting her glass down on the table she straightened out her dress before taking the offered seat, years at boarding school in the 16th century left a big signature on her behavior, even if she didn't have any recollection of her life as a human the manners and way of being a lady had stuck to her.
She couldn't hold back a soft laugh at Dawn's words, but she was worth, poor Peter was surrounded by beautiful women, all looking very different but beautiful in their own unique way.
(( ooc. sorry for taking so long to reply, finally found some time to get on here