Archae's Little Dominon.
House (Archae Lives here. Kinda.):
Archae’s apartment is not in a pleasant neighborhood. He hears sirens more often than dogs, and the cat that used to sing outside his window was shot recently. The apartment complex is dubbed a rather dubious ‘Twilight Towers’ and exists as a solitary tower. The lobby is a bullet-holed, beat-up, grimy little place with evidence of violence coating it like a fine oily film.
The Viking himself lives on the third floor, directly below an apparent prostitute whose business succeeds in keeping Archae mostly out of the house during the night hours. The first thing a stranger notices about the interior is the state of the windows. Each of them is covered in thick black drapes that drown out any and all light from entering the room. The darkness so created serves to poignantly accent the squalor of the immortal bachelor’s pad.
The furniture is all second hand, most of it rather slumped and tired looking—though all of it, from the couch to the armchairs, is overstuffed and very comfortable. None of it matches. At all.
The apartment is composed of two rooms. The main room houses the living room and a small tiled kitchen. There is a table here, usually strewn with papers, magazines and notebooks. The kitchen is kept stocked with a small supply of non-perishable foods, and the fridge contains a few pints of animal blood for emergencies. A television may or may not be in the living room at any given point, as it gets continuously stolen at least once every few months. A pair of tall bookshelves are propped up against a far wall, overstuffed with books ranging from fiction novels to the catholic scriptural cannon (in original Greek).
His bedroom is quite a different matter. His bed is basic, Spartan and yet quite comfortable. The desk on one wall seats a beat up old laptop computer, and a pair of swords—one a short English number, the other a curved scimitar of Arabian origin—are hung on the wall behind it. His closet contains a gun safe packed with weapons varying from rifles to shotguns. Archae’s favorite weapon—a heavily customized Berretta Ten Millimeter—is hidden in a secret compartment at the bottom of said safe, locked in an ornate oak box with a pair of clips, kept fully loaded at all times, with a single bullet sitting by itself for being pre-loaded into the chamber for a one-shot advantage. A second pair of bookshelves are here, these more organized and holding several centuries worth of notes, journal entries and manuscripts Archae has written during his lengthy existence—in addition to his favorite books by other people.
The bathroom contains a shower, toilet and sink. The medicine cabinet is stocked with a professional first aid kit and several different kinds of painkillers—most of which double as poisons in high enough doses (and all of which are quite illegal).
He also has a trio of 9mm police issue handguns hidden in strategic areas of the apartment—one under the table, one under his desk and one in the bathroom. Life has taught Archae a somewhat different interpretation of ‘always be prepared.’
Archae's home is no safter to those of the vampire community than it is to those of the human community. If you enter univited, you face his wrath just like anyone else. This also means he does not discriminate against those of a particular clan (though he doesn't much care for Anantya) and they all get treated pritty much equaly in terms of wrathfullness.
Office (Placed in here so I don't have to describe the place every time I use it in RP):
Archae’s office is rented out of a small, older building on the edge of Natchaton’s industrial district. It’s inexpensive, small, quaint while still managing to be close enough to the center of the city to get business. Archae’s room is on floor four, number 433. The door has his name and the word ‘detective’ written on its surface in nice, bold black lettering. A slot labeled ‘appointment requests’ is set into the bottom of the door, and a stack of papers awaits applicants on a folding table next to it.
Upon Pushing open the door the onlooker is greeted by a small, cozy, wood-paneled room with several large armchairs tucked against the north wall. A desk is situated directly in front of the door, framed by a large window that shows nothing approaching a view.
The desk has two chairs in front of it, and one behind. A pile of new paperbacks is usually stacked on it, as Archae needs something to do for the hours that he sits there. Waiting. A phone sits on his right, on a special line connected to his phone-book entry (he had it painted bright red). An answering machine is available for anyone who wants to make appointments that way.
The top right drawer of the desk houses a colt peacemaker for those rare instances when Archae is not packing his berretta.
The office, in contradistinction to Arhcae's home, is nutral ground as far as Archae is concerned. You leave vampire politicing at the door, and when you step over the threshhold you have no more power than a human ignorant of the night world.