She didn't even have to blend to come up to the Nachton Times Offices. Really, such shoddy security in this day and age. Ellis Duban whistled happily as she exited the elevator and made her way over to one Kyle Evans office. Twisting the door knob, she paused her happy tune to unlock the office door by twisting the doorknob until she heard a satisfactory chewed noise of metal grinding. Closing it behind her, Ellis walked to the large steel desk and circled around to the chair. With great flourish, she lifted her knee length light blue jacket and settled into the chair.
It wasn't very much longer that her perception picked up the faint heartbeat of another person exiting the elevator bank and heading down towards Evan's office. Undoubtedly the owner of said office was stopping by for a visit. Ellis continued using Evan's computer access, noting the progress of a little thing she called 'Minion' and crossed her jean clad legs.
Going for casual that evening, after having been a busy bee visiting Simon at the Domicile. That night she was wearing a tight V neck white top Ellis waited for the inevitable indignant reaction and, as predicted, Kyle Evans did not disappoint her.
'You're so cute when you're ungrateful.' Ellis cooed as she gave Kyle Evans and wink and a smile.
My chair! - Kyle's Nachton Times Office
The Nachton Times offices occupied the top 15 floors of one of the city's highest sky scrapers that littered the skyline. Kyle emerged from one of the large 8 elevator banks and headed down the long hallway to his completely undeserving but rather large corner office. During the wee hours of the morning, Kyle Evans found the offices quiet and not a mouse scurried, so imagine his surprise when he pushed open his office door and found one Ellis Duban seated at his desk, using his computer.
'AHHHHHH,' he yelled as he eyed up the intruder. 'You. No. MY CHAIR! Shoo! Bad vampire. BAD!' He yelled as he made a bee line for the front of his desk and pointed a finger at the interloper.

Ellis Duban
17 years ago

Kyle Evans
17 years ago
Kyle snorted with great disdain...or tried to. 'What am I ungrateful for?' Ellis looked at him and gave him an admonishing look. 'Oh right, for saving my life at that fiasco a year and a half ago or the alley - both of which you managed to spray a crap load of blood on me during. Or was it when you left me to save old golden boy and be addicted to your vampire blood crap Eternity or when I was left holding the bag for the double murder the other night? Which was it?'
Kyle's hands flew into the air during his diatribe of disbelief. Who was this woman? Why was she in his office? Why was she in his life? From the moment he vaguely remembers meeting her in that bar so long ago, to this very moment she has managed to entwine her existence with his, thus forcing him into this weird alternative...vampiric Blade like life. It was ridiculous. The whole situation, this woman, his life! Why? Why him?
Kyle's hands flew into the air during his diatribe of disbelief. Who was this woman? Why was she in his office? Why was she in his life? From the moment he vaguely remembers meeting her in that bar so long ago, to this very moment she has managed to entwine her existence with his, thus forcing him into this weird alternative...vampiric Blade like life. It was ridiculous. The whole situation, this woman, his life! Why? Why him?

Ellis Duban
17 years ago
Ellis leaned back in Kyle's chair and watched him rant. He seemed to like to talk and the more she interacted with him, the more she began to like him. Straightening her legs she leaned forward and got out of his chair. Definitely not something she would have done, much less cared about, in the past but lately she was finding that the isolation she was living in was boring.
Sliding onto his desk, she waved her hand, inviting him into his own chair which he did reluctantly. Ellis made herself comfortable on his desk and again recrossed her legs. Looking up at the ceiling she decided to make their encounter at least a productive one.
'I'm curious,' she started, 'what happened to you after the Hillman raid?' Ellis held a finger up then opened one of his desk drawers. 'Specifically, what is this?' From inside the desk drawer she pulled out a small prescription bottle with a 'Duibne Industries' pharmacy label. The bottle had 2 lone yellow pills left in it. She didn't recognize it right off, but she was curious about it. He had to have gotten them after the raid, since they had no reports before hand of Evans being treated at DI.
Ellis looked back into Evan's sparkling blue eyes. He was giving her a side long glance full of suspicion. She shrugged a little, 'I just want to know what happened...afterwards. Your point of view. How it affected you and ... others.'
Sliding onto his desk, she waved her hand, inviting him into his own chair which he did reluctantly. Ellis made herself comfortable on his desk and again recrossed her legs. Looking up at the ceiling she decided to make their encounter at least a productive one.
'I'm curious,' she started, 'what happened to you after the Hillman raid?' Ellis held a finger up then opened one of his desk drawers. 'Specifically, what is this?' From inside the desk drawer she pulled out a small prescription bottle with a 'Duibne Industries' pharmacy label. The bottle had 2 lone yellow pills left in it. She didn't recognize it right off, but she was curious about it. He had to have gotten them after the raid, since they had no reports before hand of Evans being treated at DI.
Ellis looked back into Evan's sparkling blue eyes. He was giving her a side long glance full of suspicion. She shrugged a little, 'I just want to know what happened...afterwards. Your point of view. How it affected you and ... others.'

Kyle Evans
17 years ago
When she stood up and offered his chair back to him, Kyle's eyebrows rose and then knitted in confusion. He didn't know Ellis Duban - not in the least - only what he had heard and ultimately learned the reason why Simon did what he did through the events that followed the raid. She was being polite, which he again had heard she was a gracious, charming host, so he viewed the offer as something laced with ulterior motives. He had made it this far in life trusting no one, he wasn't going to pick this moment (or this woman) as something to trust now.
With cautious eyes Kyle watched her sit back on his desk and then start to ask questions. When she pulled out his bottle of Starburst, he licked his lips and clenched his jaw. Ellis held it in her hand and looked at him with her pale green eyes and it confused him greatly that he could not read her. Kyle took a deep breath and shrugged.
'They were for the side effects of Eternity.'
Kyle leaned forward and reached out slowly for the bottle in her hand. He hesitated a moment just before he plucked the bottle out of her possession. Placing his hands and the prescription bottle in his lap, he continued. 'A scientist at the compound gave me a huge dose of it and then gave me some to keep for later.'
Ellis asked quietly why they had given him the first dose.
Kyle grew even more sullen as he recalled the events of that day. One year, two years, one hundred years - it didn't matter when it happened, it was the fact that it did that still made Kyle bitter. He muttered angrily, 'You weren't the only person who died that day.'
With cautious eyes Kyle watched her sit back on his desk and then start to ask questions. When she pulled out his bottle of Starburst, he licked his lips and clenched his jaw. Ellis held it in her hand and looked at him with her pale green eyes and it confused him greatly that he could not read her. Kyle took a deep breath and shrugged.
'They were for the side effects of Eternity.'
Kyle leaned forward and reached out slowly for the bottle in her hand. He hesitated a moment just before he plucked the bottle out of her possession. Placing his hands and the prescription bottle in his lap, he continued. 'A scientist at the compound gave me a huge dose of it and then gave me some to keep for later.'
Ellis asked quietly why they had given him the first dose.
Kyle grew even more sullen as he recalled the events of that day. One year, two years, one hundred years - it didn't matter when it happened, it was the fact that it did that still made Kyle bitter. He muttered angrily, 'You weren't the only person who died that day.'

Ellis Duban
17 years ago
Ellis let go of the bottle when Kyle reached for it, watching him closely as he recalled the events that precipitated his need in taking what he described as Nova's little fun drug, Starburst. She wondered why they had given the drug to Evans, but not to Marthinus.
Her questions were upsetting him, she noticed. She had hoped to hear more information about Simon, but this foray into Evans' psyche was interesting. His fingers were slowly twirling the little bottle in his hands. Quietly Ellis asked, 'Why did they give you the first dose?'
His answer was as sad as it was surprising, but her reaction was stranger still. It was exactly what she would have done; test the Eternity on a helpless human, just for shits and giggles. She felt her face flush a little at the realization that her cruelty seemed to function on autopilot more often than she'd care to admit.
'Dying was a lot more painful than I thought it would be,' Ellis said as she turned away and looked out the window. So, something in common with the reporter. 'So what happened to make you take the second dose?'
Her questions were upsetting him, she noticed. She had hoped to hear more information about Simon, but this foray into Evans' psyche was interesting. His fingers were slowly twirling the little bottle in his hands. Quietly Ellis asked, 'Why did they give you the first dose?'
His answer was as sad as it was surprising, but her reaction was stranger still. It was exactly what she would have done; test the Eternity on a helpless human, just for shits and giggles. She felt her face flush a little at the realization that her cruelty seemed to function on autopilot more often than she'd care to admit.
'Dying was a lot more painful than I thought it would be,' Ellis said as she turned away and looked out the window. So, something in common with the reporter. 'So what happened to make you take the second dose?'

Kyle Evans
17 years ago
Kyle looked up at Ellis as she finally looked away from him. Her stare was enough to unnerve a rock but it still confused him to see her pensive about her betrayal and almost death. Dying had been a lot more fucking painful than he'd care to remember and he simply nodded in agreement. She kept asking more questions about that day, so he straightened himself up in his chair and set the bottle on his desk next to her.
'The second dose was for your Simon.' She looked back at him again, those green eyes cutting through him. 'He handed me his ear com thing and told me to leave. So I left. He didn't follow me. Que the gunfire, explosions and flying pieces of metal debris and the next thing I know is him laying there, cooking like a fish.'
This was the part where he saved the Golden Boy, a fact he loved to remind Nova of often. Simon had been laying there, baking in the sun and Carol had begun to scream to pull him underground. Fine fine, he recalled thinking. The rest was an unpleasant blur.
'I had hoped to keep that vial of Eternity for another life or death moment, preferably my life but I ended up using it to stop someone else's death. So, I helped him. The end.'
The end was very far from the truth. As far as he could see, there was no end in sight. He had been punished for his one act of kindness and was still till this day. Kyle wondered how much more Ellis would want to hear before she either killed him or left.
'The second dose was for your Simon.' She looked back at him again, those green eyes cutting through him. 'He handed me his ear com thing and told me to leave. So I left. He didn't follow me. Que the gunfire, explosions and flying pieces of metal debris and the next thing I know is him laying there, cooking like a fish.'
This was the part where he saved the Golden Boy, a fact he loved to remind Nova of often. Simon had been laying there, baking in the sun and Carol had begun to scream to pull him underground. Fine fine, he recalled thinking. The rest was an unpleasant blur.
'I had hoped to keep that vial of Eternity for another life or death moment, preferably my life but I ended up using it to stop someone else's death. So, I helped him. The end.'
The end was very far from the truth. As far as he could see, there was no end in sight. He had been punished for his one act of kindness and was still till this day. Kyle wondered how much more Ellis would want to hear before she either killed him or left.

Ellis Duban
17 years ago
Recalling that early morning was something she had thought about every day since. The fall had just about killed her, after the startling effects of the electrically induced blood lust. She suppose she should count her lucky stars for that discovery, but it would always be remembered bitterly and without fondness. Ellis chewed on her bottom lip as she looked down at her swaying feet.
'I managed to find a pocket where the metal beams had not completely sunken in or melted. The fall itself had left me with quite a broken body so pulling myself into the pocket, surrounded by white hot flames was...not a good memory. I don't know how much time actually passed to be honest, I made it into the pocket but honestly,' Ellis laughed, 'I thought I died. Turns out though, the effects of the torture from Hillman slipped me into a coma.' She saw the confused look on Kyle's face and explained further.
'They electrocuted me not knowing that it would cause a massive blood lust in me. Blood lust is a trait that some of us carry; I have it and passed it on to Simon and he passed it onto the rest of the clan. Simon's the only person I have ever turned - up until recently that is. Anyway - blood lust causes an insatiable blood rage and makes the vampire more resilient so in my case, I was fucking invulnerable but the downside to a really really good blood lust is that it drains you. Now, I'm a damn good blood lust would still force me to nap for a day or so. This blood lust? Well I figure I was in that dirt hole for at least three months but I think I woke up about halfway through it.' Ellis nodded with a grin, 'Yeah that was a long nap.'
Shrugging she continued, 'I came out of the wreckage around the first day of Spring - a time of rebirth. It was fitting, almost.'
'I managed to find a pocket where the metal beams had not completely sunken in or melted. The fall itself had left me with quite a broken body so pulling myself into the pocket, surrounded by white hot flames was...not a good memory. I don't know how much time actually passed to be honest, I made it into the pocket but honestly,' Ellis laughed, 'I thought I died. Turns out though, the effects of the torture from Hillman slipped me into a coma.' She saw the confused look on Kyle's face and explained further.
'They electrocuted me not knowing that it would cause a massive blood lust in me. Blood lust is a trait that some of us carry; I have it and passed it on to Simon and he passed it onto the rest of the clan. Simon's the only person I have ever turned - up until recently that is. Anyway - blood lust causes an insatiable blood rage and makes the vampire more resilient so in my case, I was fucking invulnerable but the downside to a really really good blood lust is that it drains you. Now, I'm a damn good blood lust would still force me to nap for a day or so. This blood lust? Well I figure I was in that dirt hole for at least three months but I think I woke up about halfway through it.' Ellis nodded with a grin, 'Yeah that was a long nap.'
Shrugging she continued, 'I came out of the wreckage around the first day of Spring - a time of rebirth. It was fitting, almost.'

Kyle Evans
17 years ago
Nodding, Kyle listened to Ellis regale him about her misadventures with the aftermath of the raid. He recalled reading about the rats and men found at the recovery site, or rather the corpses. She fed on rats until they finally breached her tomb and then she fed on them. He shuddered slightly.
'So, you're here now to kill Simon, aren't you?'
'So, you're here now to kill Simon, aren't you?'

Ellis Duban
17 years ago
Ellis made a face. That certainly was the plan, to kill Simon and regain what was hers but lately she had been confused about what it was, exactly, what she wanted. Not really speaking directly to Evans, Ellis started her thought process out loud.
'That was the thing - I could have killed him but I didn't.' She snorted a laugh. 'I didn't kill him and oh my god I so could have. It was perfect retribution, dropping him into the jaws of death and what did I do instead? I saved him.'
Pausing she shook her head. 'I'm not quite sure when it was he decided to kill me, I think that's what bugs me the most - that I couldn't read him.' Ellis shrugged, staring off into space. 'You're with someone for years...I'm talking thirteen hundred years and suddenly one day they're shooting you in the gut and dropping you into a fiery pit. No 'It's over'. No 'I'm breaking up with you'. No 'I'm fucking your familiar, taking your clan and dropping you to your death'. I got nothing. I found that very discourteous.'
She crossed her arms and began to sulk. 'I started a life that had no expectations, other than to be beautiful and marry well. I was the youngest of my sisters so by the time it came around to marrying me off, the choices were ridiculous.' Ellis paused and looked down at the ground in front of her. 'Not all of us are given choices or advice on what path to take - you have to...sometimes you have to make your own path and it turns out to be something so far from where you began. You make the decision to cheat, survive and to do this you have to do terrible things. Only after a while - these terrible things are expected of you.'
Ellis looked back up at Kyle. 'Sometimes these terrible things make you forget the person you were and it's so hard to go back. You just do...what's expected of you.' She felt a fat tear spill out of her right eye and roll down her cheek. It startled her and she reached up and wiped it away. Suddenly she felt her stomach clench and a panic rose up into her chest. 'God...' she murmured as she looked at the tears on her hand.
Ellis slid off the desk quickly and walked to the opposite side of the office, trying to regain her composure but the frantic feeling was overwhelming. It wasn't suppose to be like that, she wailed in her head. What the fuck was she doing, crying in front of this...human. Ellis turned to look at Kyle but he was standing behind her now. His expression was odd, maybe a little confused and much to her dismay, his hands came up and touched her shoulders and his face softened as she felt him pull her into...a hug? Ellis didn't know whether to push him away or kill him but her ultimately decision surprised even her. She pressed her face against his chest and let out such a pathetic sob that it turned into a half hearted giggle. Her hands came up and covered her face as Evans wrapped his arms awkwardly around her. With a deep breath the giggles dissolved back into soft sobs.
'That was the thing - I could have killed him but I didn't.' She snorted a laugh. 'I didn't kill him and oh my god I so could have. It was perfect retribution, dropping him into the jaws of death and what did I do instead? I saved him.'
Pausing she shook her head. 'I'm not quite sure when it was he decided to kill me, I think that's what bugs me the most - that I couldn't read him.' Ellis shrugged, staring off into space. 'You're with someone for years...I'm talking thirteen hundred years and suddenly one day they're shooting you in the gut and dropping you into a fiery pit. No 'It's over'. No 'I'm breaking up with you'. No 'I'm fucking your familiar, taking your clan and dropping you to your death'. I got nothing. I found that very discourteous.'
She crossed her arms and began to sulk. 'I started a life that had no expectations, other than to be beautiful and marry well. I was the youngest of my sisters so by the time it came around to marrying me off, the choices were ridiculous.' Ellis paused and looked down at the ground in front of her. 'Not all of us are given choices or advice on what path to take - you have to...sometimes you have to make your own path and it turns out to be something so far from where you began. You make the decision to cheat, survive and to do this you have to do terrible things. Only after a while - these terrible things are expected of you.'
Ellis looked back up at Kyle. 'Sometimes these terrible things make you forget the person you were and it's so hard to go back. You just do...what's expected of you.' She felt a fat tear spill out of her right eye and roll down her cheek. It startled her and she reached up and wiped it away. Suddenly she felt her stomach clench and a panic rose up into her chest. 'God...' she murmured as she looked at the tears on her hand.
Ellis slid off the desk quickly and walked to the opposite side of the office, trying to regain her composure but the frantic feeling was overwhelming. It wasn't suppose to be like that, she wailed in her head. What the fuck was she doing, crying in front of this...human. Ellis turned to look at Kyle but he was standing behind her now. His expression was odd, maybe a little confused and much to her dismay, his hands came up and touched her shoulders and his face softened as she felt him pull her into...a hug? Ellis didn't know whether to push him away or kill him but her ultimately decision surprised even her. She pressed her face against his chest and let out such a pathetic sob that it turned into a half hearted giggle. Her hands came up and covered her face as Evans wrapped his arms awkwardly around her. With a deep breath the giggles dissolved back into soft sobs.

Kyle Evans
17 years ago
Was she kidding?
Kyle was more than ready to take everything she said with a coke and a smile because nothing he had heard about her was quite like what he was looking at now. Was that...remorse she was talking about? Do vampires have remorse? He wasn't even sure if they had therapists but from the looks of it, it probably wouldn't hurt. His own lack of personal remorse kept his eyes on her, watching her body language and trying to gauge the honesty of her thoughts. At one point he wasn't even sure she was talking to him, but...lamenting maybe? Remorse mixed in with regret with a touch of sadness. Kyle narrowed his eyes - but Nova had told him about Ellis. What she did to their clan, how she treated the Golden boy and pretty much asked for a bullet in the brain, so to speak. Damned if he wasn't starting to feel sorry for her - but she didn't seem like the type that expected or wanted that but...maybe she realized she did now.
Kyle remained still as she finished her soliloquy. He almost jumped when she became frantic over her sudden crying and he could hear her started to panic. Her breath started to hitch and he could see her shake as she crossed the room and stood with her back to him. He couldn't watch a woman cry, even if she was a vampire and a crazy one at that.
Wordlessly, and much to his surprise, he stood and walked over to her, standing behind her before she (or he) realized it. She turned towards him and the expression on her face startled him. He was genuinely confused - Ellis, this woman...this vampire was completely lost. He opened his mouth to say something but found himself putting his hands on her shoulders and, for god's sakes, embracing her. Kyle's eyes grew wide as she let him and just began to sob.
What the fuck, over? He nodded to himself; he fucking started it, he better do this and if he was lucky, she wouldn't kill him for even trying. Instead she curled up against his chest and just...cried. Not knowing what else to do, he lowered his chin onto the top of her head and relaxed into the hug. Only one thing kept crossing his mind as he did this, as he comforted a vampire.
No one is going to believe this shit.
Kyle was more than ready to take everything she said with a coke and a smile because nothing he had heard about her was quite like what he was looking at now. Was that...remorse she was talking about? Do vampires have remorse? He wasn't even sure if they had therapists but from the looks of it, it probably wouldn't hurt. His own lack of personal remorse kept his eyes on her, watching her body language and trying to gauge the honesty of her thoughts. At one point he wasn't even sure she was talking to him, but...lamenting maybe? Remorse mixed in with regret with a touch of sadness. Kyle narrowed his eyes - but Nova had told him about Ellis. What she did to their clan, how she treated the Golden boy and pretty much asked for a bullet in the brain, so to speak. Damned if he wasn't starting to feel sorry for her - but she didn't seem like the type that expected or wanted that but...maybe she realized she did now.
Kyle remained still as she finished her soliloquy. He almost jumped when she became frantic over her sudden crying and he could hear her started to panic. Her breath started to hitch and he could see her shake as she crossed the room and stood with her back to him. He couldn't watch a woman cry, even if she was a vampire and a crazy one at that.
Wordlessly, and much to his surprise, he stood and walked over to her, standing behind her before she (or he) realized it. She turned towards him and the expression on her face startled him. He was genuinely confused - Ellis, this woman...this vampire was completely lost. He opened his mouth to say something but found himself putting his hands on her shoulders and, for god's sakes, embracing her. Kyle's eyes grew wide as she let him and just began to sob.
What the fuck, over? He nodded to himself; he fucking started it, he better do this and if he was lucky, she wouldn't kill him for even trying. Instead she curled up against his chest and just...cried. Not knowing what else to do, he lowered his chin onto the top of her head and relaxed into the hug. Only one thing kept crossing his mind as he did this, as he comforted a vampire.
No one is going to believe this shit.

Ellis Duban
17 years ago
The aching shame of desperation tasted like salty tears and it was reasonable to assume that it was as abundant as rain. Crying wasn't her thing, Ellis thought to herself as she sobbed uncontrollably into Evans' button up blue rayon and polyester shirt. It mildly annoyed her that a man with such a nice office would wear something from Mervyn's and this is what she had to cry on - but she supposed beggars couldn't be choosers.
He was doing his best though, consoling her. It was an odd thing to her but she felt herself try to warm up to him. He was a nice guy; funny, amiable and good looking in a lanky type of way. He even had a neat name...Kyle. It reminded her of something, a warm face, a friendly smile...she needed these things right now, especially since she couldn't have what she really seem to want. Ellis dug her nails into her face, reminding her of the painful need, that elusive want. Caring hazel eyes that grinned down at her from the grimy faced constable that had wandered by, watching her throw stones into the lake. The sandy brown hair, highlighted from the English summer sun and the small wrinkles that touched the corners of his eyes, squinting from more sun exposure.
Did she want that? Did she want him? It had gotten too hard to distinguish the feeling in her heart, the resounding pang of regret maybe? Of a need and a want that was long gone? No, Ellis thought to herself as the sobbing in her chest subsided, replaced again by that familiar stand by. No that smile brought nothing but resentment and those eyes gave her nothing but lies. Oh and that throbbing pang...those were her fangs guiding her back to a path that she could never stray.
The speed in which Ellis reached up and behind Evans with blinded even her. She grabbed the back of his shoulder with her right hand and spun him around so quickly that she could hear him gasp for breath. Inwardly she shrugged as she estimated it could very well be his last. She pushed him forward and he landed face forward onto the carpet of his high rise office. Ellis planted her knees onto his back and she heard a satisfactory snap of ribs being displaced. Evans grunted, notifying her that he was still, in fact, conscious which would do quite well.
Ellis wrapped her hand around and grabbed his jaw, forcing his head to the right, against causing a gasping yet squelched scream from his lips. She brought her lips to his ear and grazed it with her fangs; his pathetic half hearted cries only made things worse. She poised perfectly over his left shoulder now and she pulled back the collar of his shirt, popping a the top two buttons off his shirt and hovered, but just for a moment.
'You can't stop what's expected of you, Kyle. Thank you for reminding me of that.'
And with that, Ellis bared her fangs and bit down on Evans shoulder, piercing his now sweaty white skin and did what was expected of her.
He was doing his best though, consoling her. It was an odd thing to her but she felt herself try to warm up to him. He was a nice guy; funny, amiable and good looking in a lanky type of way. He even had a neat name...Kyle. It reminded her of something, a warm face, a friendly smile...she needed these things right now, especially since she couldn't have what she really seem to want. Ellis dug her nails into her face, reminding her of the painful need, that elusive want. Caring hazel eyes that grinned down at her from the grimy faced constable that had wandered by, watching her throw stones into the lake. The sandy brown hair, highlighted from the English summer sun and the small wrinkles that touched the corners of his eyes, squinting from more sun exposure.
Did she want that? Did she want him? It had gotten too hard to distinguish the feeling in her heart, the resounding pang of regret maybe? Of a need and a want that was long gone? No, Ellis thought to herself as the sobbing in her chest subsided, replaced again by that familiar stand by. No that smile brought nothing but resentment and those eyes gave her nothing but lies. Oh and that throbbing pang...those were her fangs guiding her back to a path that she could never stray.
The speed in which Ellis reached up and behind Evans with blinded even her. She grabbed the back of his shoulder with her right hand and spun him around so quickly that she could hear him gasp for breath. Inwardly she shrugged as she estimated it could very well be his last. She pushed him forward and he landed face forward onto the carpet of his high rise office. Ellis planted her knees onto his back and she heard a satisfactory snap of ribs being displaced. Evans grunted, notifying her that he was still, in fact, conscious which would do quite well.
Ellis wrapped her hand around and grabbed his jaw, forcing his head to the right, against causing a gasping yet squelched scream from his lips. She brought her lips to his ear and grazed it with her fangs; his pathetic half hearted cries only made things worse. She poised perfectly over his left shoulder now and she pulled back the collar of his shirt, popping a the top two buttons off his shirt and hovered, but just for a moment.
'You can't stop what's expected of you, Kyle. Thank you for reminding me of that.'
And with that, Ellis bared her fangs and bit down on Evans shoulder, piercing his now sweaty white skin and did what was expected of her.

Kyle Evans
17 years ago
Terror can be blinding, but then so could misplaced trust. Why he thought...he wasn't even sure what he thought, but having his ribs broken (and quite possibly piercing vital organs because that's sure as shit how it felt like) and being drained of blood was just a tad unexpected.
He should have known better Kyle thought as he struggled to remain conscious. His life had been nothing but a direct path to dying a horribly violent death. Ok, we could not add being attacked by a vampire to the list of things that vexed him. Kidnapped, shot, killed then revived, sex with a vampire, almost blown up, attacked by a serial killer, arrested for double murder and now attacked and fed upon. Excellent, his memoirs would be complete. Kyle began to laugh, but every breath he took felt like a knife being shoved into his back and he briefly considered just dying to escape the pain, but it didn't seem like that's what Ellis had in mind.
There was a glass cabinet along the side of the wall he was facing so he could thank his lucky stars that he got to watch as Ellis attacked and fed on him. Boy he'll take this fond memory to the grave and thanks to the perfect reflection in the glass, he'll have plenty of nightmares for years to come replaying that back in his head. Curiously though, before finishing, she had disappeared...but not. He still felt her knees in his back and something invisible was still sucking the blood out of his body. Kyle didn't know vampires could do that, but it made sense.
Suddenly his face fell forward and bounced off the carpet. He tried to speak but all he managed to do was throw up a bit of blood. Oh grand, he was bleeding internally. Alrighty, the trick now was to try and get up to call security in hopes of an ambulance before he could drown on his own blood. She didn't have to break his ribs and she certainly did not need to bite him but he figured it could be worse.
Taking a deep breath Kyle could hear his ragged breathing become more fluid. He tried pushing up on his arms but the flood of stars came back again and the last thing he wanted to do was to pass out. His ears began to ring, a long stream of tinkles it sounded like. wait. That was the fire alarm. Wow, well that was nice of her, Kyle thought. She wouldn't leave him there, bleeding out and borderline unconscious to die. He briefly considered trying to roll over but that probably wasn't a good idea either - be pointless to drown himself just when help was coming. No, he figured he'd just lay face down on the floor and wait. Shouldn't be long now.
((kyle and ellis out))
He should have known better Kyle thought as he struggled to remain conscious. His life had been nothing but a direct path to dying a horribly violent death. Ok, we could not add being attacked by a vampire to the list of things that vexed him. Kidnapped, shot, killed then revived, sex with a vampire, almost blown up, attacked by a serial killer, arrested for double murder and now attacked and fed upon. Excellent, his memoirs would be complete. Kyle began to laugh, but every breath he took felt like a knife being shoved into his back and he briefly considered just dying to escape the pain, but it didn't seem like that's what Ellis had in mind.
There was a glass cabinet along the side of the wall he was facing so he could thank his lucky stars that he got to watch as Ellis attacked and fed on him. Boy he'll take this fond memory to the grave and thanks to the perfect reflection in the glass, he'll have plenty of nightmares for years to come replaying that back in his head. Curiously though, before finishing, she had disappeared...but not. He still felt her knees in his back and something invisible was still sucking the blood out of his body. Kyle didn't know vampires could do that, but it made sense.
Suddenly his face fell forward and bounced off the carpet. He tried to speak but all he managed to do was throw up a bit of blood. Oh grand, he was bleeding internally. Alrighty, the trick now was to try and get up to call security in hopes of an ambulance before he could drown on his own blood. She didn't have to break his ribs and she certainly did not need to bite him but he figured it could be worse.
Taking a deep breath Kyle could hear his ragged breathing become more fluid. He tried pushing up on his arms but the flood of stars came back again and the last thing he wanted to do was to pass out. His ears began to ring, a long stream of tinkles it sounded like. wait. That was the fire alarm. Wow, well that was nice of her, Kyle thought. She wouldn't leave him there, bleeding out and borderline unconscious to die. He briefly considered trying to roll over but that probably wasn't a good idea either - be pointless to drown himself just when help was coming. No, he figured he'd just lay face down on the floor and wait. Shouldn't be long now.
((kyle and ellis out))