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Streets of Nachton - Infected Area

‘Waiting on you.’


‘Waiting on you.’

‘I always hated when you did that.’

‘Still waiting on you.’

Simon Huntington and Ellis Duban stood precariously on the edge of Nachton’s industrial district and watched the flurry of large men move crates of something heavy from the warehouse one hundred yards away from them to a waiting moving truck. The gun runners in Nachton were easy to find, at least the human ones were, it was the infiltration of werewolves that made this otherwise quiet outing unbearably difficult.

‘Still waiting.’

Simon rolled his eyes and looked over at his ex lover and recalled that he had killed her once and almost let her die again. Stupid choices and poorly executed ones put him here now, listening to her odd sense of tainted humor as they watched the humans load the guns into the truck.

‘We’re here to watch.’

Ellis sniffed with disdain.

‘It’s called reconn.’

With a dramatic sigh, Ellis pulled out a cigarette and lit it, not caring that she was undoubtedly giving away their presence. ‘I don’t recall ever teaching you this pussified way of doing reconn.’

Simon turned away and rolled his eyes again, no her way was just going down and killing them all but the driver, who undoubtedly knew where he was going, if he didn’t know what for or for who – the rest they always winged. Her way was painful, reckless and … well her way.

‘My way. I said we’d do this my way.’ Simon said with a firm voice as he knelt down to peer over the side of the building roof top.

Ellis recognized the tone and immediately wanted to shoot his fucking brains out of his head. Flicking her cigarette off the side of the building, which landed next to one of the large men who was keeping a look out, Ellis held her hands up and signaled surrender.

‘Fine, your way.’

Ellis would have gladly continued with her scathing advice for Simon if it had not been for a series of car accidents in the surrounding area. Both vampires jumped at the consecutive car crashes all around them, evening garnering the attention of the humans below.

Slowly Simon stood.
'What the hell was that?' Looking over at Ellis he saw that she had already crossed the roof top behind them and was looking down at an accident. 'Ellis?'

'What the...' Ellis' eyes widened and she began to wave Simon over, her hand finally realizing that anything less than a frantic wave would not be appropriate. 'Simon. Simon come over here. Simon...SimonSimonSimonSimonSimon.'

In a blink he was beside her on her right, looking over the edge. That could not be right, he thought to himself as the sound of soft whispered wailing filtered up into the night air to them.

'That is SO not my fault,' Ellis said quietly.

Amberelle DeEspionne 16 years ago
[INDENT]But why, Grandmere? I don't understand. Large amber eyes looked up at her sensei and showed only confusion. We are to be the shadows that slip through the night... Oui? Why train for something like this? Elise graced the young girl with a slight smile. Of course one so young, so innocent.. not even more than a score of years.. could not comprehend. She reached out a delicate hand and gently laid it on the shoulder of her much beloved youngest "grandchild". Because my dearest Amberelle, sometimes even the stealthiest of us will find themselves caught, cornered and outnumbered. You must learn to focus, to tune out all distraction and to see beyond the now to the goal. The ancient vampiress looked to the side at the gathered troops waiting with glee, clubs and staves in hand. Your goal lies beyond these men. They will stop at nothing to keep you from reaching it. Ignore the pain and fear, see only your goal and how you must accomplish it. Stepping to the side, she swept her hand out gracefully, motioning for the child to begin. Swallowing hard, young Amberelle nodded once and both hands gripped her wooden kendo blade tightly. She would not fail.[/INDENT]Time was blurred, seconds stretching then rushing past. As if locked in some kind of unholy dance they moved, vampire and zombie. One supernaturally graceful, obviously skilled, eternally golden and the other a mass of seething darkness, wildly flailing limbs and raw hunger. The glow from the street below lit the occupants of the sporting goods store's storage loft in tones of orange and yellow as the many undead moving within cast deep shadows across the walls. Her leather bodysuit and overcoat were splattered in blood from the limbs that littered the ground, her golden tresses matted with it and it was smeared on her sun kissed skin. The smell of the tainted blood hung in the air and reeked of death yet under it all the succulent aroma of an untained one waifed outwards to them, sending them into a frenzy.

A hand darted out towards her from one side and the silvery katana blade spun to meet it in a spray of foul blood. Even as Amby dodged a different lunging part of the hoarde, two hands grasped at her from behind and a gleefuly triumphant zombie bit down hard on her bicep before groaning in rage at being unable to pierce the thickly lined armor to reach the sweet meat he craved. His reward for reaching his goal was a clean death as she spun and chopped downward, removing his head from his shoulders amidst a river of blood. Several of his companions crashed to the ground, slipping on the slick linoleum floor. Light as a feather the Anantya spun like a ballerina across the wet surface, her blade slicing through the air true to its mark. The sturdy sword continued cleaving flesh from bone in a flash, yet the zombies paid it no mind.

'Damnit, if I have to die at least there's music. Too bad it couldn't be something decent.. maybe some Britney Spears. That's the right stuff to move to.." Amby's thought was cut off by a sudden deafening roaring noise and then near silence overwhelmed her after the blast. Her senses were going crazy as the building shook and boxes rained down around them. The blonde had managed to manuver herself across from the window leading to the fire escape and just before the second blast rocked the store she saw it. Her path was suddenly clear, her goal within sight.

Swirling the sword nimbly she grasped the hilt with both hands then shoved it through the neck of one next to her, with it pinning him to the crates behind him. With her hands free now, she snatched up another as it lept towards her and spun a full circle before tossing the zombie with all of her vampiric strength through the large window access to the fire escape. Shattered glass rained down on the sidewalk as the wailing infected sailed over the rails to plummet to the ground below even as the vampire planted her foot in the one next to her's stomach for leverage to remove her blade. Another slice and it too fell down headless.

Her head swung back to the opening. Her gold eyes filled with a feral rage as she surveyed the ones closing in on her, pinning her. Her lip curled and she roared at them. Running at the remaining few with a sneer as they rushed towards her quickly, Amby raised her sword to strike when the second blast rocked the building. This time it was erupting beneath her feet. The floor twisted, buckling and ripping and the force sent her up and forwards even as it knocked her foes back. Twisting in mid air she arced out the window and almost overshot the fire escape. Her free hand darted out and grasped the railing tightly, jerking her to a stop with a scream as her shoulder popped out of joint. Gritting her teeth against the pain she clumsily pulled herself up onto the steel landing. Below her flames were already licking at the building, smoke swirling up around her. Fire. That sent a jolt of fear through Amby since nothing burned as quick as a vampire.

The Creole turned and ran up the steps to the roof. Dubine wasn't far away and she needed to keep moving if she hoped to make it there alive.
Kem`Raaisu 16 years ago
This building was crawling with zombies. If they were any smaller, Kem could easily see himself getting a bad case of the heebie-jeebies, but that term just seemed a bit of an understatement when in connection with a horde of 300-pound flesh-eating zombies.

That observation aside, Kem managed to send a quick warning to Aishe and dart out of the car and around it, the short distance to the jammed door. He pounded on it once but it didn't give. Putting more force into it, he managed to bend it some. Vampire strength came in handy as he took a step back, and bent his shoulder into the door.


Whoever had jammed this door back in place had done a damn good job, but he needed in! The critters who'd been climbing up the sides of the building were taking notice, and one or two of them had already turned.

The door finally gave way a bit, and he could feel someone pulling from the other side. Aishe's face peered out and Kem said one word.


Her brows furrowed through the crack in the door. Kem waved his hand frantically. "Gun, damnit!"

Finally the weapon was offered through the crack in the door. Kem spun it once to settle it in his hand, and then fired. His brain was babbling incoherently at the act of violence, but while he found it repugnant he was willing to do what was necessary for survival at the moment. He'd done worse in the past, he thought, grimly aiming and pulling the trigger once more.

He was no crack shot, but he could fire at near point-blank range as well as the next person. Zombies out of the way for the moment he grabbed Pak from behind the wheel of the car and virtually carried her the few feet into the doorway. Their combined weight collasped it and they tumbled into the shop, scrambling to their feet as fast as they could.

Kem gave Aishe a relieved smile, handed her gun carefully back, and began jamming his other shoulder into the door to re-set it as well as he could.
Aishe 16 years ago
Aishe looked back at Nic.

"I know we've got to go... just give it a second."

A thump at the door made her jump, until the coinciding sending from her dear vampire boyfriend reached her.

"See? I meant a second!"

Un-barricading the door was an event in and of its own, but Aishe was up to the task, and hopefully once he saw who was there, Nic would help. Kem's face appeared in the crack of the door and he said something she couldn't make out. Peering curiously at him he repeated it. It echoed soundly through her mind and she complied hastily, handing the loaded gun out to him.

There were a couple of shots fired, and then the doorway exploded inward as Kem crashed through with a disgruntled-looking Pakpao in tow.

"Oh, hi Pak."

Aishe held her hand out to their friend as Kem handed the gun back and then began furiously jamming the door back in place.

When everyone was on their feet once more, Aishe began to assist Kem with a hastily constructed barricade.

"You missed all the excitement," she said, "but I imagine we could still manage something."

With a glance at Kem, she winced. "There's just one problem. Aside from the zombie throng."

Touching Kem lightly on the shoulder she nodded to the stairs.

"There's only one way out."
Ellis Duban 16 years ago
Ellis hit the floor with a loud grunt as the force from the cannister radiated out. Quickly rebounding, she kneeled and threw another cannister, shooting it with her shot gun. It severely weakened the stairwell wall and bought them a few more seconds. Simon grabbed one of the large tanks from her and heaved it in the direction of the zombies, scattering them like bowling pins and he handed her his gun.

She pointed the gun behind her and dropped the rest of the tanks at her feet. She followed behind Simon who put his full weight on the damaged wall, knocking the last of it into the alley. Ellis squeezed off a single shot; the bullet whistled in between the standing zombies and hit its target, starting a chain reaction so massive that the explosion could be seen and heard for at least a dozen city blocks. The propane tanks in the storage room blew outward and across the hall, sending zombies through the office doors and back out the windows. The force of the blast also added to the initial explosion and it ripped down the hallway, buckling the walls and sending Ellis past Simon who was just dropping down into the alley.

Ellis' body flew across the alley way, through the neighboring building's wall into its second floor. The immediately surrounding buildings shook down to the foundation and the gun shop's second floor fell down into the first. A plume of black smoke reached up into the sky with flames licking the base of it.

She lay there, crumpled in the rubble of both the ammo shop and the neighboring building. Ellis' head was spinning and quietly she coughed, face down into the dirt and managed a small but very painful smile.
Zombie Horde 16 years ago
The infected in the street were pushed down from the force of the blast. The second floor of the Ammo shop was so spectacular that the heat from the fire could be felt halfway down the street. Those caught in the blast inside the building were either incinerated immediately or thrown back out the windows into the street. Still, the message was clear - there were uninfected nearby and as the zombies from the outer area of downtown saw the plume of black smoke, they hungrily converged on the site.
Pakpao 16 years ago
Flat tire, zombie hordes, smashing up a perfectly nice BMW and now being treated like a rag doll. Yes, this was her idea of a great evening out, now if some one would just drive splinters under her fingernails and mace her she’d call it complete. She’d also broken the heel off one shoe and missing a three-inch heel will effect anyone’s gate, but still that didn’t mean she’d have to be forgiving of Kem’s man handling.

Oh great, now they were up to gunfire.

She was opening her mouth to make some sort of smart assed yet extremely cross remark to both Kem and Aishe when there was a rather smashing, no pun intended, explosion that knocked her off her feet.

Was it possible for vampires to develop agoraphobia or post traumatic stress disorder, both at this rate. Pak made absolutely no effort to stand back up.

“Hi Aishe.”

Yes let’s cling to the perfectly normal and mundane and exchange greetings with one’s pals. Any shred of normality in a storm!
Simon Huntington 16 years ago
Simon reached up and grabbed the metal ledge in front of him as he shook the low ringing bells from his cluttered head. Instead of flying across the alley into the next building with Ellis, he found himself inside what appeared to be, at least what certainly smelled like, a garbage dumpster. The blast flipped him upside down and ironically protected him from the surge of heat that followed Ellis. He pulled himself out, cursing the pain that seared across his body and bent over trying to regain his balance and hearing. The eerie screams were silenced from explosion but he still made haste rounding to the back of the building and breaking inside. Climbing up to the second floor from the dumpster just wasn't in the cards.

Simon walked over the rubble that had blown into the building and discovered that the building was some sort of retail store. Racks of clothes were turned over and either on fire or covered in ash and soot. A wooden staircase rose uncertainly up to the second floor, so Simon climbed the steps in search of Ellis.
Kem`Raaisu 16 years ago
Kem looked around at the interior of the shop, finally noticing Nic. He offered the younger vampire a solemn nod, a ghost of a smile playing across his lips. He was glad to see Nic.

"In trouble again, eh?"

While he might tease, Kem was glad Aishe had linked up with Nic. Mischief might walk hand-in-hand with him, but Kem was certain Nic would have done everything in his power to make sure no harm came to Aishe, regardles of how self-sufficient she was. A thought struck him just then and he gave Nic a funny little glance, then shook his head once, at himself, and turned to Aishe as the weight of her words sank in.

He felt warm, then hot. Aishe's hand was cool on his shoulder as he realized the truth of her words. He and Pak had barely made it inside. Judging by the thumping at the door the undead horde wasn't far behind. They might be able to get away if they went up and out. The prospect was about as appealing to Kem as gouging his eyeballs out with a swizzle-stick, but he didn't see much of an option.


He crossed the room and peered up the staircase. Already, his mind was babbling incoherently at the idea of what they were supposed to do once they actually got onto the roof. One step at a time though... they'd cross that bridge when they came to it.

Or everyone else could cross it while he sat there like a lump and refused to move.
Pakpao 16 years ago
Oh, thank god Aishe had a plan. Any plan that didn’t involve her strapping twenty seven guns to her body and shooting her way out in the fashion of B grade action flicks was welcome. As relieved as she was, Kem seemed less than happy about it. Pak, however, was not willing to deal with anything less than decisive action.

Finding her feet, which with her missing heel was a bit of a challenge, hell even after she found her feet she was a bit wobbly. Of all the days to wear three inch heels! But pulling herself up to her full five foot and change intimidating as hell stature she put on her best T-Rex face; the face that had launched a thousand programmers in to untold hours of over time.

“Good. Then those of you that can shoot get something to shoot with and lets get moving. Standing around here is getting us nothing but closer to slobbering uncouth undead and I’d rather not be one of them thank you very much.”

When it came to Kem she could be extremely patient and understanding. He was her brother, she’d adopted him even above and beyond the clan. Tonight, now, however, was not the time for Pak the super patient and anything she had to do to help Aishe get him up the stairs she’d do.

Nic… well she’d seen him but Pak had never warmed up to the other man and he’d only gotten the barest of nods.
Nicholae 16 years ago
If he had stopped to give the past several hours any thought at all, Nic quite probably would have had a minor melt down. Good at maintaining a quiet calm, even he had his limits, and if anything were to threaten to push them over the edge, tonight would have come damn close.

It was good he had Aishe to give thought to though, as it left little time for any breakdowns. The whir of activity around him also acted as a nice buffer, and didn't allow him time to even consider just how dire their straits were.

He still had an uncanny ability to gather good luck more often than not, so when Kem chose that time to finally appear, Nic was pretty non-plussed. The older man's entrance was such a relief that Nic was immediately aware at how so much of his stress seemed to just seep right out of him. Now that Kem was there, Nic no longer had to worry about Aishe, and now that Kem was there, Nic could shift a lot of his concerns onto his friend. In Nic's eyes, Kem could solve just about anything.

He wasn't totally thrilled to see Pakpao join them, but he didn't let on. There was something about that woman that seemed to make Nic's hackles rise. To him it seemed as if she were thinking of some joke, every time he caught her looking his way. And to make matters worse, he imagined himself to BE that joke. It served to make him edgy, to say the least.

Once the two newcomers had joined the group, Nic started edging slowly toward the stairs. Knowing that was the only way to go, he figured everyone else would follow, as soon as they all got their bearings. He didn't see any reason to elaborate on the situation there, since Kem and Pakpao would find out about Ellis, Simon, and ... what was that other woman's name again...? No matter, there could be time for introductions later, once they found a safer place to hang out in.

The explosion rocked Nic back a few feet, but he kept his balance. As Kem passed him on the way to the stairs, Nic regained his purpose, and sidled past his friend.

"Gotta go now! The fire is spreading, and I doubt any of us wants to be baked alive down here."

Making eye contact with Kem, Nic saw the man was 'with it', and without further ado ran up the stairs, toward the roof. Once he found the opening, he looked back briefly, to make sure the others were there, before climbing out into the cooler air outside.
Aishe 16 years ago
Aishe made quick work of grabbing several more easily accessible weapons, mostly automatics. Shoving one into Pak's hand she said, "Here you go. Use it if you need it."

She was pretty sure Pak's statement hadn't been meant to include herself, but she also saw that Pak had two working hands. She'd said 'those of you who can shoot,' not 'those of you who are willing to shoot.' Of course, that statement included Kem as well, but as Aishe turned to offer him another weapon, she saw he was already stocking up.

Tucking the offered handgun into the back of her jeans, Aishe inspected Kem's work as he held out the guns to her. It didn't take a genius to load a clip into an automatic, and Kem was equal to the task. She flipped the safeties quickly, tapping them to show him where they were and then gave him a quick kiss on the lips and a reassuring smile.

She should have known Kem would do what had to be done. She knew him as he was now; quite opposed to violence and happy to live peacefully. But she also knew he had done far worse in the past than shoot a few zombies, and when it came down to them or him, his innate sense of survival would kick in.

Making her way to the stairs, Aishe beckoned to Kem and Pak. "He's right... I'm not sure how well any of us will recover from being burned to cinders."

With that she headed up to the roof right behind Nic.
Kem`Raaisu 16 years ago
Kem was loading up on weaponry even as Aishe spoke. He didn't expect to enjoy it, but with any luck they could count on speed and evasion to get them to safety. Where were they supposed to go, anyhow? Liefde, he assumed, but if that wasn't safe?

Shaking his head at himself with annoyance he repeated again, we'll cross that bridge when we come to it. Aishe hopped onto her toes to give him a quick kiss before darting off up the stairs, and Kem followed, turning to make sure Pak was also coming. Watching her run he furrowed his brow and peered at her feet more closely.

As she got to the stairs Kem put a hand on her shoulder. "Hold on, and don't kill me."

He bent down, lifted her foot almost as if she were a horse, grabbed her one good heel and quickly broke it off. Now at least she had a semi-decent pair of flats. And he wouldn't get seasick watching her run.

Holding the heel up for her to see, he gave her his quick grin. "They might have been expensive shoes," he said, forestalling any complaint, "but my car was more expensive!"

Tossing the heel away he gestured to the stairs, offering to let her go first before joining Aishe and Nic on the detestably high rooftop.
Pakpao 16 years ago
She might not like him much but at least Nic was action oriented and willing to run into the fire/zombie hordes first. Ten points for that.

Now was not a good time to argue with Aishe, but the truth of the matter was Pak had never even held a gun before. It would probably be worse if she tried to shoot than if she just threw it. Undoubtedly there would be enough rubble on the roof tops for her to just throw things rather than try to... pop a cap in their ass. God what a horrible expression.

"Do I look like I'm arguing?"Â?

And she started toward the stairs and door stubbornly clinging to her broken shoes and making surprisingly good time.

As Kem stopped her she let lose potent string of Siamese profanity . He broke her -other- shoe! What the hell was the man thinking?

Standing there, mouth agape she finally shouted at him.

"The car will be easier to replace!"Â?

Stupid thing to be worried about, shoes, but she did like this pair and they had been expensive. She'd yell more later.

Darting up the stairs she found Nic and Aishe. It was also easy enough to see where the explosion had come from and a simple enough decision for her to go the other way. Besides the other way was the most direct route to the towers and she had a distinct urge to hide under her bed.

"I'm voting that way."Â?

She pointed. Actually having made that decision she suddenly felt a great deal of empathy for Kem. If only she hadn't watched Vertigo the other day...
Ellis Duban 16 years ago
Ellis blinked slowly into the debris that littered the partially dismantled floor. The explosion had torn her body asunder and she could feel the open wounds along her back like a dull knife being ripped down her. With great pains she rocked her head forward and rolled onto her forehead, trying to settle the grey matter in her head that felt like scrambled eggs. Her entire body was slowly trying to regenerate and she could even feel it in her ear drums as her hearing ebbed in and out with a dull vacuum tone. She managed to bring her knees and arms underneath her and rocked back against what was left of a wall. Her head bounced off it, again reminding her of her stupidity.

Ellis lifted her hands and looked at them confused.
'One...two,' she paused to count her fingers and was disappointed to find that three were missing. ' a half?' She dropped her hands and nodded. 'Ok...I'm gonna get some sleep and in the morning I'll feel better.'

Her voice was muffled but started to regain some sense of normalcy towards the end of her declaration. Still, she did not hear what was coming up the stairs besides her but was too out of it to resist when a hand reached down and pulled her up and over someone's shoulder. She could not even recognize his distinct scent as Simon swiftly moved her out plain sight of the gaping hole she created and further into the building. The jostling only worsened the disorientation and she thankfully slipped back into unconsciousness.
Nicholae 16 years ago
Once they were all safely on the roof, if being on a roof, and being chased by zombies, and fire could at all be deemed safe, Nic waited and watched Kem.

From the first day he'd met Kem, he'd been aware of his friend's fear of heights, and now he was concerned that Kem may have distinct issues with their travel route. He doubted Kem would make a federal case of any of it, preferring to suffer in silence. But Nic wasn't sure that would really be helpful either. For now Nic was depending on Aishe to be what Kem needed as a support system, and would have to hope she had it in her to get Kem through the immediate perils they might face.

Giving a cursory glance to Pakpao, Nic wondered why she was walking so strangely, but didn't give the thought more than a seconds consideration. The fact was she was moving, and under her own power, so that was good enough for now.

"If in 'that way' you mean the Towers, I'm all for it."

Trying to catch Kem's eyes, Nic sprinted toward the edge of the building and looked across to the one on the other side of the alley.

"Everybody ready?"

In his various acting roles Nic had been instructed in numerous activities, from horse back riding, to martial arts, and gymnastics. It had been a while since he'd jumped tall buildings with a single bound, but didn't think this first one would be difficult. He was in peak physical shape, after all.
Aishe 16 years ago
A jump across the width of an alleyway presented itself to them, and it seemed like they were heading in the direction of Liefde, which seemed like a reliable gamble. There were no undead hordes on their rooftop, but Aishe could make out several shapes on surrounding ones. They had gone unnoticed thus far but she didn't see that lasting. The sooner they moved, the better.

Nic was standing at the edge of the roof, looking encouraging. Aishe glanced back to make sure Kem and Pak were close behind. For a moment she thought it would be better to stay behind with Kem until she realized he'd probably be more likely to make the leap if she were already on the other side waiting.

With that she nodded at Nic and said, "Geronimo." With a decent-sized running start to compensate for her height, she planted her feet securely on the edge of the roof and pushed off.

For a moment she was flying, as the wind hit her face and her hair blew back behind her. Her stomach did a pleasant little flip-flop, and then she was folding in on herself, letting her muscles relax, landing in a crouch on the next rooftop. Rolling once, she came up gun in hand, pressing her back to the chimney on this roof and looking for zombies.

She flashed a thumbs-up to her waiting friends to let her know she was fine and this next rooftop was clear.
Kem`Raaisu 16 years ago
Kem did have a moment to spare Pak his best wounded-puppy look before they hit the stairs and emerged onto the rooftop. Kem watched as Aishe jumped, feeling nothing but panic as she soared gracefully through the air, landing on the roof next to them with room to spare. She was up in a heartbeat, cool as always, and waving at them to join her.

Easier said (or gestured) than done. He eyed the gap between buildings with abhorrence. The zombie horde was almost a better option than this, he decided. But there wasn't much choice; the way down was a bust. Any minute the door on the bottom floor would be broken, or the hordes would simply reach the rooftop, climbing up the outside of the building. He took a deep breath and was reassured just slightly by Aishe's calm, resonating across the bond they shared.

Hell, it couldn't be much worse than sliding down a pyramid on your ass blindfolded, on your first date with your girlfriend. Right?

Still he hesitated, staring at the next rooftop, unable to make his body do what his brain wanted him to do. He could hear them coming, up the sides of the building. Time to go. Really... time to go. After what seemed like far too long a pause, he looked to Nic, who was obviously staying behind until the rest of them made it across. He shrugged and then held his breath, ran, and leaped.

Out over the air, wishing he could scream but completely unable to, Kem hit the ground with a crackle of something that probably shouldn't have crackled at all, skidded to a stop, and decided the zombies were a much better way to go.

Aishe's face appeared over him, and that was good enough. He let the edges of his vision fade to black for a moment and then shook himself awake and rolled onto his hands and knees.

"One down." He gave Aishe a shaky smile. "Lots more to go."
Simon Huntington 16 years ago
She was sitting up against a wall muttering to herself when he found her. Ellis' clothes torn, singed and bloodied and the scent of the latter flared his nostrils but only added to his annoyance with her. Simon grabbed her not-so-gently and heaved her easily over his shoulder. He made his way deeper into the building, and after finding a satisfactory place void of zombies, he let her drop to the floor.

He knelt down and looked at her; Ellis had passed out and looking completely vulnerable. Killing her now, or just leaving her to die, would be so easy but...there was no point in thinking about that at the moment. Her clothes were ruined and soaked with her blood. Simon flicked his fingers and stood quickly, surveying the area. The clothes racks in this part of the building were mostly undamaged, except for the smoke which still lingered from smoldering fires. He could still hear ammunition firing off from the heat of the fire next door. Simon looked out as best he could with his perception, but the damage from the explosion had taxed his abilities enough that he could not feel or sense anything beyond this floor which was, thankfully, clear. He poked through the clothes, looking for something dark to replace Ellis' mangled bits and managed to find something appropriate and almost her size.

He walked back to her unconscious body and ripped the rest of her clothes off her. Simon then realized the extent of the damage on her body. She wasn't regenerating quick enough, either to make it to Duibne or in all actuality, survive without feeding. His annoyance grew even more - it was always up to him to fix her messes. Angrily he took off his jacket and rolled up his sleeve, then again without much care, pulled her roughly up off the ground and cradled her. With her back to him, he reached up with his bare arm and he bit down on his flesh hard enough to let the blood flow. He then slipped his arm around her and brushed the open wound against her mouth. It didn't take long.

Instinct had a way of pushing up to the surface and demanding survival. Ellis clamped down almost immediately on his arm and began to feed. Simon clenched his jaw as he felt the rush of blood leave him and enter her. The tell tale pounding in his ears told him that she was taking a lot more than he could feasibly give and he began to pull away but her grip on him was solid. He let his anger well up in him and he grabbed her jaw like an animal, pinching at the hinges through her cheeks and separating him from her. Ellis fell forward with a hiss and was breathing heavily. Simon checked his wound and watched it close.

He leaned over and checked her wounds which were starting to close as well. It wouldn't be enough to have her at one hundred percent but it would do. They needed each other to get through the night and to Duibne. Right now she would still be groggy from the pain and feeding so he grabbed the clothes he retrieved for her and dressed her quickly. Her head rocked back and her hair parted revealing her face as he pulled a black turtleneck over her head. She gave him a piercing look with her watery green eyes which he returned with an equally sour expression but gave her a sardonic smile.

She owed him.
Pakpao 16 years ago
Pak had the good grace to cringe a bit as Kem gave her the big eyes. She’d apologize later, well maybe not apologize but … well she’d do something once they weren’t in a life or death situation.

Oh, fine let the two super heroes make this look easy. She really didn’t want to do this, but damned it she didn’t want to get caught by the zombies either. Pak adjusted her laptop bag (she had managed to pull it out of the remains of the BMW as Kem had removed her from the wreck of a car and it hadn’t occurred to her to get rid of it). Then, following Aishe’s lead, the shiny new vampire was closest to her size, made a mad charge across the roof and hurled herself across it. Unlike Aishe, however, she didn’t have the good sense to roll, nor would she have known how, hit the next roof rather hard stumbled both fast and clumsily for several steps and hit Kem with a convincing ‘oof’. She was –so- not cut out for this.

“OK not that I’m trying to be a downer but what do we do when we have to cross the street? Does any one know this neighborhood? Is there maybe a shop we could break into or a car we could hotwire?”

Not that she could hot wire cars… no. She never would have learned that while doing repairs and maintenance on the Lil Bird. Of course not, she was sweet and innocent.

The other thing to consider was, yes she’d managed this leap but Pak wasn’t sure she could make a much wider leap and she wasn’t sure how much longer Kem could handle this. That and she’d eventually knock him over.
Nicholae 16 years ago
He wasn't sure why he felt any pride in Aishe's jump, other than he did. Perhaps it was more the fact that she was a young vampire, yet handled herself so much better than even some of the older ones he'd known. Not that he had a lick to do with it.

More concerned that Kem might not be able to follow his lover, Nic found himself feeling even more emotional when Kem made it to the other side safely. The sound of something cracking wasn't reassuring, but it also wasn't anything to be overly worried about either. Maybe Kem was finally getting over this fear of heights that he had, Nic pondered.

Pakpao was the last to go before he went, and she also made it over safely, albeit slightly more awkwardly. Nic bit back a chuckle when he saw her collide with Kem, and Kem become her cushion. He didn't spend any time laughing though, and soon followed the other three over, landing firmly on his feet.

Running to the four corners of the building, and peering down the sides, it looked to him that the zombies had dispersed some, and were no longer 'everywhere'. In fact there seemed to be a curious absence of the creatures on the street behind the building next to them.

"Down there...if we make it over to the next building we may be able to get down to the ground from there, and hoof it to Liefde from there?"

But whatever they were to do, they couldn't waste a lot of time thinking about it...they had to keep was the only thing keeping a decent distance between them and the creatures around them.

Walking back to Kem's side, Nic clasped the man's shoulder affectionately, and gave him a slight shake.

"Think you can manage one more jump?"