Time change problems?

Am I the only one who is having problems getting the board's time to be right? I have the proper area set and detect DST but it's still showing an hour too fast. Did someone forget to reset the server's clock maybe? *giggle*

Alexandra 17 years ago
It's off an hour for me, it says it's on GMT +1 (which is my time) but it's an hour behind... or it could be me since i'm all loopy and slept almost the entire day
Nicholae 17 years ago
no matter what I do...if I set it as Alaska, Hawaii, or Pacific time...I can't get it right either.
Ellis Duban 17 years ago
I haven't had it right ever. /shrug
Amberelle DeEspionne 17 years ago
It drives me crazy not to see the right times when people have posted =(
Alexandra 17 years ago
*Pets T on the head* we still love you darling /hug *giggle*
Amberelle DeEspionne 17 years ago
Danke hun =)
Lotus 17 years ago
disable DST detection.
