Ellis is a mom again!!! err...
Ok...that sounds too weird.
However, for those of you who don't visit The Angry Crayon, I just wanted to pass along some awesome news!! ROz delivered her adorable baby boy, Saturday, January 26, 2008, via C-Section. Mom, Dad, big sister, and baby boy are all doing great!!
7 lbs 9oz 21" long - born at 2:49pm AST
Amberelle DeEspionne
16 years ago
Yes Ellis as a Mom is sooo creepy!! But Roz as one again.. *cheer*
16 years ago
Woot! that's awesome, and earlier then expected congrats to all of them, awesome news
Peter Haines
16 years ago
The idea of Ellis Duban bringing up little psychotic versions of herself and then unleashing them on the general populace is a pretty funny thought (in a "Hello? Natchton airport? Yes, I'd like a one-way ticket to Antartica, Thank you... Yes, And do you know what the rates on bomb shelters are there?" way).
Congratulations Roz on the newest addition to the family!
Congratulations Roz on the newest addition to the family!
Ellis Duban
16 years ago
Hey! Thanks everyone. We're doing good here, although still recovering from the surgery. OUCH!
16 years ago
Congrats and best wishes!