Rain Reign
Almost home, almost home, almost home; she just kept chanting to herself while the downpour continued. At least it wasn't snow. That was Reign's only consolation, as snow most defiantly would have held her up.
She'd been gone the better part of a month, the tournament in Virginia, and she'd forgotten the life style by half. Working noon to three in the morning, living out of her suit case, promotions, pro ams, endorsements, autographs and oh yes the actual pool games. Just to make things even better her agent, Jane, had done some minor hyping making this something of a come back and she'd even had to step things up a notch. One needed to make an impression after nearly a year off the tour, which explained why she again had her trademark blue streaks in her hair. She hoped Bas wouldn't mind, she'd had them done after leaving Nachton.
The fans had been glad to see her, there was no question about that. And She'd managed to shake things up once again, knocking out first ranked woman (who was a bit of a rival and an upstart in Reign's opinion) as well as the third ranked early in competition. Teach them to think she'd gone off her game. Unfortunately, Reign had lost the final to an interesting character who was holding the fifth spot. Truthfully, she didn't mind. She'd made her 'come back', second was a damned fine place to finish after such along hiatus. Well that and she'd win come Chicago. God Chicago, that was only two weeks away. Yuck. She'd think about that later. Home was the only thing that interested her now.
The question was did she go out to Bastian's and crash there, as well as retrieving the mutt, Bas had been good enough to take Sirius in while she was gone, or did she just go to her place. He shouldn't have be expecting her until tomorrow and it was late and on top of that she couldn't remember if it was full moon or not. Home was probably the best option.
About the time she'd settled on that a few odd ass lights came on the dashboard. Reign, in her best Fonzey imitation thunked the consol but nothing happened. The engine started to make odd sounds and that couldn't be good. She pulled off the freeway. She was fine the car was fine she just would take surface streets the rest of the way as a precaution.
Precaution hell, about five blocks later the car died and no amount of pleading or swearing could get it going again. If there hadn't been a torrential down pour outside she might have tried to fix it, instead she'd just call roadside assistance. Well she would have if her cell hadn't died. After chucking that worthless bit of technology to the rear of the car, she resolutely started walking. In the rain. With out an umbrella.
The fist thing she found open was a pub of sorts. Trudging in drenched and disgruntled, she managed to sweet talk the bar tender into giving her a towel and ordered a Guinness. Flopping into a booth, her drink close after, she started ringing out and blotting her hair and cloths while debating whom to call Bastian or a cab.

But even in her attempt to get a life, she had been batting things around with a French client and exchanging emails with a few of her programmers. If pressed, however, she would point out she was also playing solitaire and thus not totally work oriented.
The rain didn’t bother her, lightening yes, but this was just a steady storm lots of water no random electrical discharges. In fact the storm some how made the George and Dragon more inviting. It was nearly empty except for a few regulars so the noise and cigarette smoke was limited. Not that she mined the smoke, Pak was working on her second clove this evening.
She’d seen the poor drenched creature come in but hadn’t thought much of it. It wasn’t until she started wrapping up her little IM meeting and the woman’s hair had started drying that she’d really looked. One did not see blue hair on just any one. Stubbing out the clove she raised her voice just enough that it carried past the empty booth between them and to the blond.
“Look at what the cat dragged in.”
Reign was about half way through her drink and had just made up her mind not to call Bastian (she really did need to start keeping better track of the moon’s phases, that and it was just super late) when she heard a distressingly familiar voice. She’d had the beer to her lips when she heard it and all action came to a screeching halt. In fact she stopped breathing for a second. Let it me a mistake. It’s just some one who sounds like her. Setting her drink down and looking towards the voice confirmed it though. Pakpao was the only blue eyed Asian that she had ever met.
It wasn’t that Reign didn’t like Pakpao, she did. The woman, vampire, was a good sort and had demonstrated on several occasions she could be a good friend. What Reign valued most about her sponsor though was she kept her distance (well there was that one time but that she wasn’t going to think about right now). Not once had Pakpao meddled in her career, she hadn’t even sent a sharp note when Reign dropped off the circuit with out warning. Now granted by the time she dropped out Pakpao had very little left invested in Reign, it was just a token amount but Reign was fully aware she’d committed a professional faux pas by not at least mentioning it. And now Reign had managed to run smack into the petite Asian woman.
“Of all the gin joints in all the world?”
God only knows how that would be received. Some times it was impossible to read Pakpao. The woman was damned wasted in technology she should be playing poker for a living.

“I think under the circumstances that should be my line.”
She indicated Reign should join her and waited while the blond resituated herself. Reign was absolutely saturated, Pak doubted it was possible for a person to get any wetter short of being thrown in a lake. She’d save the obvious comments for later though.
Despite her promise to keep her distance after their last meeting Pak had kept a fairly close eye on Reign. It was very likely that she was more aware of Reign’s adventures than Reign suspected although some how the younger woman had managed to drift into town unnoticed.
“Shall we try pleasant small talk or shall we cut to the chase and I ask you why one of one of my more interesting investments suddenly went underground and why you’re here in Nachton?”
Pak had neatly shut down and stored her laptop, clearly indicating she intended to have an honest to god conversation rather than just random chatter.
“I’m not an investment. You were told that the first night we discussed you sponsoring me so you can drop that idea right now.”
Reign wasn’t a smoker but that didn’t mean she didn’t smoke. Once in a while she did light up and with Pakpao over there accusing her of not holding up her end of their barging, now seemed like a good time. She helped herself to the cigarette case, fished out a smoke and borrowed the lighter. She had known her sponsor long enough to know that the cigarette would be a clove and to be prepared for a serious glower. It was a blatant lack of manners to take with out asking, Reign knew she was pushing her luck there.
Lighting up and taking a good drag Reign made a face. She was apparently losing her taste for these things, even as an occasional smoker.
“And if you must know I was at the tournament in Virginia. Just got back.”

Not at all intimidated by Reign’s aggressive body language she just nodded. Reign was right they had agreed she wasn’t an investment. From the get go the blond had been brutally honest about not being sure she could cut and possibly not making any money.
Scowling as Reign helped herself to one of her precious cloves Pak waited until the case and lighter were placed back on the table to continue. Once they were put back she had to resist a very juvenile urge to either put them away or move them out of reach.
“Those things will kill you.”
She observed.
Yes, she’d known about the tournament. She always watched the entry list as well as who was available for what special events. She also knew the televised broad cast would be two weeks from today.
“And you dropped Giacalone from your last name. Granted you ever used it much, only on the press releases if I remember right; and I don’t blame you a hyphenated last name of that length has no flash. What happened to Vince?”
It was a brilliant tennis match wasn’t it? The advantage kept shifting between them. Although Pak was certain with her last statement she now had control of the conversation. Certainly Reign hadn’t expected her to know or notice something like that.
Again relaxing and leaning back in the booth, Reign half pointed to the ash tray which was quite the cigarette gravy yard.
What ever she had been expecting that was –not- it. Smoke went down badly and Reign started on a sudden and violent coughing fit. Between hacks she stubbed out the clove she’d nicked. Apparently she really had lost her taste and tolerance for those things. It certainly wasn’t that Pakpao had asked a sensitive question.
Slowly downing the rest of her drinking and signaling for another gave Reign enough time to get herself together and shake off the worst of the coughing.
“Divorced. It wasn’t pretty if that’s what you wanted to know.”
She irritably shoved her empty glass away. Reign pushed it harder than she’d meant to and was amazed it didn’t fall off the edge of the table.
“So I took some time off, bought a house here and I’m now 90% finished with my dissertation so I’m back on the road.”
That had better satisfy her nosey sponsor, it was more detail than most of the people who knew her got.

“I suppose not. But my circumstances are a bit different aren’t they?”
Some times she got the distinct impression that Reign forgot what she was; forgot that she was a vampire. Whether that was deliberate or not Pak didn’t know and found she didn’t care. Perhaps it was the passing for human that kept them all in touch with their own humanity. If they were always treated as heartless killers and predators undoubtedly that’s what they would become.
Taking a long drag from her own clove she waited patiently for Reign to get herself under control. Apparently she had asked the money question and Reign confirmed it. Pak frowned. It wasn’t what she had wanted to hear, but not terribly unexpected. Not that the blond had ever talked much about her home life but from what little she had Pak had pieced together that it wasn’t exactly roses.
Reign chose to take her temper out on her empty glass and Pak effortlessly used her mind to stop it from toppling onto the floor. No point in breaking things no matter how cross she was.
“Well I’m sorry to hear about the divorce. But the dissertation news sounds promising. Are you 90% done with the writing or the rewriting? How close to ready to submit it are you?”
She was pleased with that. Reign had a good head on her shoulders and playing pool wouldn’t keep the wolf from the door forever. Although Pak wasn’t overly thrilled to hear Reign had moved to Nachton. That was a bit disturbing.
Knowing that she was probably over reacting and that Reign certainly wasn’t going to be mobbed by every vampire in a 20 mile radius Pak kept that slight doubt to herself. After all humans lived, worked, moved in and out, and visited the city all the time without any ill effects.