It's too quiet!

OK new year... new threads. It's too quiet!! Come play =)

Alexandra 17 years ago
In all honesty, i'm fed up with the whole zombie thing, might just be me, but I say move on to something better, many people seem to be missing here, I want something new and exciting to play with, Alexandra is bored *Alexa sighs and looks at her nails* to quote evil Willow "bored now!"

So anyone up for something fun with dancing, lots of sex and loud music? (i'll throw in leather and whips for free)
Nicholae 17 years ago
Wow...I'm enjoying the zombies a lot, and find it unfortunate that so many people are absent. I'm sure a lot just have other things on their plates atm.

To be honest, I've lost a lot of interest in role playing period. I think my feelings were initiated by the inconsistent participation by most everyone else, but I eventually seemed to have joined that group.

I belong to another rp forum, and have to force myself to visit it these days. Fortunately, it's slow there too. I miss playing here a lot more, but have found in the last six-eight months that I'm not quite as driven to rp as I once was.

For me though, it has nothing to do with the board, or the story's just my personal lack of interest. But I have every intention of remaining, and will hope to see more participation again in the future, and hope I follow suit, and find the joy I once had in role playing, again.
Ellis Duban 17 years ago
Well the nice thing about the zombies is that its a separate event altogether, so no one is being held hostage, I guess you could say. It doesn't apply to the open thread limit but I admit, it's not progressing as quickly as it should and I take responsibility for that totally.

So if you want to do something else - then do something else outside the event section. In that respect, nothing has changed and you're not relying on staff to create story lines. Make them yourself =)
Amberelle DeEspionne 17 years ago
*hugs Roz* With all your bean-baking duties and the lil one being so close to "done" I am quite sure we all understand and no one minds.

I'm enjoying it all really myself, it's really not often to have the chance for unbridled carnage and action. Poor Alexandria just isn't the type to enjoy smashing and slicing up smelly undead though.
Aislinn Ross 17 years ago
I didn't enter the zombie thing cos I couldn't seem to come up with a way to slip in. Was probably having a writers block at the time. I also just can't seem to get my character off the ground. I've never RP'd outside EQ really, maybe its something I'm not doing right.
Amberelle DeEspionne 17 years ago
From everything I've read you're not doing any thing wrong at all! And don't feel bad about not joining the zombie madness.. it certainly was not a requirement! I'm still itching for Amby and Aislinn to meet.. so sometime, as soon as she's free from her thread, we can get those two hanging out =D
Alexandra 17 years ago
Don't get me wrong the whole zombie thing was laid out perfectly, i guess it's just not my thing *shrugs* i'm strange like that.
Steven 17 years ago
Well, comrades, I have a feeling that you will be seeing a LOT of Lt. Col. Steve Rowland around here. I doubt any board will die... unless I get my hands on it.