Ok, fine, I'll chatter!
Well, I guess this is the place to jack your jaws about me. Insult me, abuse me, do whatever, just do it here and keep it somewhat clean. Want me dead? Let me hear about it. I know the staff hates me. Should be interesting to hear what you all have to say. Bring it on.

Ellis Duban
17 years ago
We hate you? How'd you find us, anyway? Do you have friends here already? Looking forward to seeing more of your rp'ing =)

17 years ago
Staff hates everyone...sheesh...took me forever to get this bio through them, and my werewolf!!! OMG!!!

Hey! Welcome newbie!! So nice to have fresh, new blood around. Any questions, feel free to ask...me...anyone else on the welcoming committee, or anyone else period. Everyone is really pretty great here.
Well...cept Ellis maybe...you just never can tell with her.

Hey! Welcome newbie!! So nice to have fresh, new blood around. Any questions, feel free to ask...me...anyone else on the welcoming committee, or anyone else period. Everyone is really pretty great here.
Well...cept Ellis maybe...you just never can tell with her.

Ellis Duban
17 years ago
17 years ago
Yeah, I can see the blood flowing now.
I found this joint on the web, when I am bored, I run free on the web. Hit vamp3d.com and found a link. Sweeness, eh?
Oh, staff: I was only joking. I wasn't insinuating anything.
*chuckles again*
Man, the first time I tried to run one of these things, (forums, I mean) I just about got my @$$ kicked by some dude in a Starbucks. It was quite funny, actually. I started cussing 'cause I couldn't figure out the BBC coding, then next thing I know, I've got this 300lbs Mexican dude about to beat me into a pulsating mess. Had to show him the stock of my Glock in the holster. I used to carry a Glock 19, now I run with a H&K VP-70 or a Glock 17 10mm. Yeah, I know, I'm weird. But I am also a redneck, so give me a flippin' break here!
So, still have no insults for me? I'm kinda an abuse junky. Quite strange, actually. I get a kick out of people trashing me.
Yeah, I can see the blood flowing now.
I found this joint on the web, when I am bored, I run free on the web. Hit vamp3d.com and found a link. Sweeness, eh?
Oh, staff: I was only joking. I wasn't insinuating anything.
*chuckles again*
Man, the first time I tried to run one of these things, (forums, I mean) I just about got my @$$ kicked by some dude in a Starbucks. It was quite funny, actually. I started cussing 'cause I couldn't figure out the BBC coding, then next thing I know, I've got this 300lbs Mexican dude about to beat me into a pulsating mess. Had to show him the stock of my Glock in the holster. I used to carry a Glock 19, now I run with a H&K VP-70 or a Glock 17 10mm. Yeah, I know, I'm weird. But I am also a redneck, so give me a flippin' break here!

17 years ago
(Probably should have posted this under Fallon or Shay's av, but hell, I think they're all more macho than poor Nic here :P)
Anyway...am looking forward to reading your writing. It should fit in well here... ... ...
(Probably should have posted this under Fallon or Shay's av, but hell, I think they're all more macho than poor Nic here :P)
Anyway...am looking forward to reading your writing. It should fit in well here... ... ...
17 years ago
*yet again, I laugh*
Yeah, looks like you freaks got your hands full!
Yeah, looks like you freaks got your hands full!

Amberelle DeEspionne
17 years ago
*quirks an eyebrow* I'd say welcome to the asylum but I see you've been a resident of one for a long, long time....
Ok maybe I should have posted that under Celeste and not Amby *giggle* Seriously though welcome and looking forward to seeing you around.
Ok maybe I should have posted that under Celeste and not Amby *giggle* Seriously though welcome and looking forward to seeing you around.
17 years ago
Oh, I see.
*hits head on desk*
*hits head on desk*

17 years ago
I think Amby may have hit the nail on the head.... can we say "loose cannon"?
17 years ago
Trin, I love you! Finally some poor sap gets me!!!
Just kidding about the "love" thing, I am incapable of love...
Just kidding about the "love" thing, I am incapable of love...

17 years ago
Poor sap? hmphf. and here i though you were going to grovel at my feet in adoration. oh well. such is life... (oh great - i can see it now - Trin is going to turn out to have a sarcastic streak. lovely.)
wanna come play with the vamps, little boy? *grin*
wanna come play with the vamps, little boy? *grin*
17 years ago
Strap on your boots, grab your gun, and lets rock, cause god don't care about this town anymore!
*cocks shotty*
Get over here and show me what you've got!
*cocks shotty*
Get over here and show me what you've got!

17 years ago
find me if you can!!
(guns?? too noisy and totally lacking in elegance.... *grin*)
(guns?? too noisy and totally lacking in elegance.... *grin*)
17 years ago
silenced FN P-90 assault rifle: quiet, yet powerful.
AA-12 automatic shotgun: never fails to get the job done.
AK-47: whats not elegant about an antique rifle? Even with the modern upgrades?
Desert Eagle .50 Auto Express: my blood and bone...
And, I happen to be an excellent tracker. You better hope I don't find you...
AA-12 automatic shotgun: never fails to get the job done.
AK-47: whats not elegant about an antique rifle? Even with the modern upgrades?
Desert Eagle .50 Auto Express: my blood and bone...
And, I happen to be an excellent tracker. You better hope I don't find you...

17 years ago
I'll give you the AK-47 (barely) as far as elegence in concerned. And I have to admit, the Desert Eagle has it's draws... but for true elegance, there is no comparing to the dance of sabres.
Good luck tracking when the mist comes upon you!
Good luck tracking when the mist comes upon you!

17 years ago
Hi... well interesting to say the least, should I even say welcome? *raises a shapely eyebrow*
Nice gun.
Nice gun.

17 years ago
Thanks for the welcome, and watch your back, 'cause, as the lady said, I'm a "loose cannon." Do ya love it as much as I do?