Sharpening one's wits... (open)
Trin stepped out of the beauty shop, pleased with the way Becky had handled her hair. Not knowing yet what would be required of her in the near future by the Order, she had opted to go sedate on the highlights this time. Out with the blue (which would have driven certain members of the Clan insane) and in with the honey blond. Neutral. It worked and the temporary crazy ones could always come back if she needed them.
The black leather duster she wore was old and battered, but easily hid the daggers she wore on each hip. Black leather pants, vest and boots finished off her ensemble – comfortably broken in, they offered some protection and were easy to move in. The boots were low heeled – meant for running and fighting, not for being stylish – and were probably due to be re-soled. Again.
Climbing back into her black Jeep Cherokee, she headed for the other end of the Strip. She needed to drop some things off at Toby's - he specialized in antique weapons and had access to an incredible blacksmith who did wonders with her various blades. A few were in need of repair - life did not always allow her to be gentle on them. She kept them clean, sharpened, oiled and polished - but there wasn't much she could do about some of the nicks and dents that happened on occasion. Toby's guy could. And Toby knew better than to ask questions.
Pulling up in front of the shop, she waited a moment, scanning the area in a casual manner. Satisfied that there was no threat, she slipped out of the vehicle and walked around to the back, popping the hatch as she went. Pulling it open, she retrieved the two locked cases lying on the floor. Jeep locked up tight, she headed in to see what could be done.
Toby sat in his usual spot behind the counter, looking through magazines. Inside the case were dozens of antique weapons, most dating back 200 years. The true treasures he kept locked in the back viewing room. Entry was carefully controlled. On the opposite wall were more display cases. There was nothing in the store less then 50 years old and many things that Trin swore were over a 1000. Guns, knives, spears, bayonets, rifles... it was a veritable heaven for anyone interested in this particular brand of fun.
And it was definetly Trin's kind of fun!

Grinning, Trinity (aka Leigh) set the two cases on the counter. "Oh, just the usual. I have 2 in need of serious fixing."
Toby frowned, shaking his head mournfully. "The things you do to these fine pieces of craftsmanship. It is a shame, young lady, a true shame."
Trin actually had the grace to look embarrassed. She never told him how these blades ended up damaged - he'd be honor-bound to report her to the police if he knew. And she imagined at one point or another he'd had them tested to make sure that there was no forensic evidence of foul play. She kept her blades much too clean for that. Helped when you could smell even minute traces of blood. And it helped that he didn't ask any questions that might cause awkwardness on either of their parts. He was well paid to take care of them for her, gaining a healthy commision from his blacksmith friend. It worked for them both.
Shrugging, she unlocked the first case. Inside was a Assamese Khukri, laying on black eggshell padding. Just as the blade curved back in, a gouge showed, creating a catch that did not belong and she could not even begin to hone out without ruining the lines and intent of the blade. She had caught this one on a steel girder and had not been pleased when she saw the damage that had been when her opponent had dodged her.
Toby studied the damage and sighed. "This one might take a bit."
Trin had figured as much and wasn't concerened. She didn't think the integrity of the steel had been compromised, but they'd know soon enough.

When the would-be customer left, Trin opened the other case, displaying a matched set of black stillitos. One was in perfect condition, the other's tip had been bent at an odd angle. They were simple, yet elegeant in style, the metal a dull black, designed to not reflect light. Toby raised an eyebrow upon seeing them - they were the weapons of an assassin - which Trin was not, though she found their tools to be handy.
"I assume you've provided both so the weight can be matched?"
"And the balance."
Toby nodded absently, taking out an order form to make notes. He rapidly filled it out, then flipped it around so that Trin could list her contact information. It had taken her awhile to warm up to the idea of cell phones, but she couldn't imagine life without the little technological wonders. She had two - one for Clan business and one for her alter ego, Leigh.
"The usual terms?" She gave him a look that said he better agree to the usual terms.
"Of course! Give me a few days, and I'll let you know the... damage." He grinned, accepting the spare key she had brought for the cases. "It'll depend on his workload. If you need them sooner..."
Trin pretended to consider that. "No, there's no real rush, but I would like to have them back soon. Hate having that blank spot on the wall any longer than necessary!"
She headed out the door, reciept tucked into one of the inner pockets of her coat, waving at Toby over her shoulder. A quick scan of the street showed that the earlier customer had left and she climbed into the front seat of the Jeep. Deciding that it was much too early to head back the Manor, she headed out to find a bite to eat...