These Boots Were Made for Walking... (open)
Aishe put her feet up on the chair opposite her, which happened to be occupied at the moment. However, as it was occupied by Kem, she didn't think it'd be an imposition. The little cafe was on the way home from Meridian, and as the weather wasn't terrible, they'd been walking to and from work. In the past few months, the unfortunate incidents of Hallowwen had had the direct impact (pardon the pun) of demolishing their one and only vehicle.
The walk was quite long, but neither Aishe or Kem minded it, an on occasions, like tonight, they would stop for a drink and get in out of the chill. Aishe had her hands wrapped around a mug of hot chocolate (the barista had given her an incredulous look when she'd declined even the teeniest bit of espresso in it), and Kem was occasionally paying attention to a dry cappucino as he intently stared at his laptop.
Aishe had grabbed a magazine when they walked in, but the life and times of the rich, famous, and annoying were boring to her. It wasn't long before she put it down, engaged in some healthy people-watching, which for her included an analysis of the colors their mouths spewed forth, and then finally asked Kem what website he was on.

"I can completely relate to that fact, and yet probably mind as much as you do."
Sitting back in his chair, though he imagined it would be a short lived position, Bastian expected to receive his comeuppance for his earlier teasing, and was surprised when it didn't come forward. A slight sigh of relaxation escaped him and he reached for Reign's hand, bring it up and pressing it to his lips.
"Very nice. I never realize how much I appreciate little gatherings like this until I experience them again, but I do."
He also appreciated the way Reign seemed to come alive when around people. She loved him, he had no fear otherwise, and her face took on the best expressions when they made love, but this was a difference he wasn't at all jealous about. Seeing her happy, much like when she was in her pool playing mode, or rough housing with Sirius, or around her family...they were all facets he adored in her. Looking at her now he drunk in her radiant, but tired glow, and understood if anything were to come between them again, he probably wouldn't survive.
Certainly he wouldn't want to.
"And I hope we can get together with them again soon, I was sincere about the bar-b-que."
Resisting the urge to pull her over onto his lap, Bastian did the next best thing that adhered to the required decorum. He leaned down and kissed her, quickly, chastely, and sweetly.
"Ready to go?"
Standing first, and walking a step behind her until they cleared the tables, and were walking out the door, Bastian's hand remained at her back, then rising to rest softly on the back of her neck.
It then occurred to him that between the two of them, life itself had become nearly a constant change of pace. Even their 'ruts', which were pretty few and far between, held an air of difference about them. How could they not, if for no other reason than his biological monthly changes. Yet he was happy, and hoped Reign was too.
"Urràper i cambiamenti di passo."
'Hooray for the changes of pace'
(Bastian and Reign out)

"I can completely relate to that fact, and yet probably mind as much as you do."
Sitting back in his chair, though he imagined it would be a short lived position, Bastian expected to receive his comeuppance for his earlier teasing, and was surprised when it didn't come forward. A slight sigh of relaxation escaped him and he reached for Reign's hand, bring it up and pressing it to his lips.
"Very nice. I never realize how much I appreciate little gatherings like this until I experience them again, but I do."
He also appreciated the way Reign seemed to come alive when around people. She loved him, he had no fear otherwise, and her face took on the best expressions when they made love, but this was a difference he wasn't at all jealous about. Seeing her happy, much like when she was in her pool playing mode, or rough housing with Sirius, or around her family...they were all facets he adored in her. Looking at her now he drunk in her radiant, but tired glow, and understood if anything were to come between them again, he probably wouldn't survive.
Certainly he wouldn't want to.
"And I hope we can get together with them again soon, I was sincere about the bar-b-que."
Resisting the urge to pull her over onto his lap, Bastian did the next best thing that adhered to the required decorum. He leaned down and kissed her, quickly, chastely, and sweetly.
"Ready to go?"
Standing first, and walking a step behind her until they cleared the tables, and were walking out the door, Bastian's hand remained at her back, then rising to rest softly on the back of her neck.
It then occurred to him that between the two of them, life itself had become nearly a constant change of pace. Even their 'ruts', which were pretty few and far between, held an air of difference about them. How could they not, if for no other reason than his biological monthly changes. Yet he was happy, and hoped Reign was too.
"Urràper i cambiamenti di passo."
'Hooray for the changes of pace'
(Bastian and Reign out)