Making a deal (attn: Steve, open)
Trin shoved open the door of the pub. Looking around she decided it was perfect for what they needed. The crowd was fairly small, but making just enough noise that they could hold a private conversation without being easily overheard. Not so large that they had to worry about not seeing someone approach either.
She made her way to one of the darkened booths, her duster twirling around her leather clad legs. It had already been a long night and she was going to have to feed before it was over. If Steve wasn't in such rough shape... but no, what she wanted from him would require a great deal of trust and she had to start thinking of him as her responsibility. And at the moment, that meant explaining things in a way that wouldn't make him seek the nearest mental ward. Though she wasn't sure for which of them he'd be looking into it for...
With a sigh, she slid into the booth, putting her own back to the door, allowing him the better view of the room. When the waitress came around, she thought for a moment. "Bourbon on the rocks. And nothing cheap, either."
When the waitress asked for her ID, she blinked, having forgotten for a moment that she looked like a twenty-something. She offered it, trying not to laugh as the waitress studied it carefully. The picture was fairly sedate - and made her look a bit older, but not much. There were days she hated as young as she did. But she supposed it was better than looking her true age.
After Steve gave his order, she waited for a minute, letting him gather his thoughts. "I suppose we could start with introductions. My name is Trinity Leigh Jordan. You can call me Trin if you like, though I will answer to Leigh."

"To answer your questions in reverse order..." Trin took a sip of her bourbon, relishing the slight burn as it went down. It was actually better than she expected for a place like this. "At a guess, your informant was targeted for the simple reason he was informing. And you, in the event he had actually passed any information to you. Not to mention you actually followed him into the sewers." She cocked her head at him. "Didn't you notice anything odd about the sewer? Like a lack of sewage?"
Dismissing that line of thought for the moment, she continued. "You went into his turf, uninvited. And you're human." She had drank his blood and there was none of that extra zing that came from drinking vamp blood, so she felt fairly safe with that assumption. "All of which leads to the real reasons. You have had the misfortune to come to the attention of a... vampire."
She froze for a moment, stunned she had actually been able to say that. Over 200 years of keeping her mouth shut... this was so not turning out to be a good night.

"Actually I found out over a cup of tea." A small, fleeting smile tugged at the edges of her mought at the thought of Sir John.
She dropped her voice, speaking urgently, meeting his eyes squarely. "Look, before I can answer your questions, you need to understand something. There are laws that govern everything and that includes the vampires. If I let you walk out of here without some sort of agreement between us, I am obligated to report you as a security threat. At which point, you'll be marked for death. If you live to see the sunrise, it'll be a miracle. But you will not last out the week. Everything about your life will be forfeit."
She took a deep breath. "I know this, because I am a vampire." She flashed her fangs briefly, allowing them to retract again. "By rights, if we don't come to an agreement, we're both dead. And personally, I'd like to see another moonrise."

"There is a... ritual, I suppose you could call it. It binds us, one to the other. It protects you within the... group, so long as you follow the rules. In essence, you would be a sort of... honorary member. It would gain you certain rights and privilages." She paused while the waitress brought the drinks, ignoring the subtle flirting she attempted with Steve. When she had left, Trin continued. "For your part, you are oath-bound to secrecy. You may be asked to do certain jobs that fit within your talents that are for the benefit of myself and the... group. Your first duty would be to me, though if the leaders asked for something, it would be in your best interests to comply." Assuming that they deigned to notice him at all. She stared at the ceiling, thinking for a moment, trying to remember if there was anything else that he needed to know at this point. She didn't think so.
"For my part, I gain a set of eyes during the day. There are places that I cannot go due to that restriction, things I cannot learn that I have needed. I am obligated to protect you and to guide you within this world. I am held responsible for you." Shrugging her shoulders, she met his eyes again. "There are costs and benefits to all sides of what I propose. But that is true of much in life."
(He is very close to his sister Nikki.)

"As long as you follow the rules and do not share this aspect of your life with her, I cannot see why it should affect her. But understand something. Secrecy will be the cornerstone of your survival. Of our survival, truth be known." She leaned forward, somewhat inspired. "I can promise my personal protection should I find myself in a position to be of help. I cannot speak for my Clan. And all things considered, I am generally not put in a position to come to anyone's attention. My... job... tends to be behind the scenes, in the shadows. Tonight was..."
Trin shoved her hands through her hair. Tonight was a cluster-fuck, that's what it was. How she had gone from feeding to acquiring a familiar... it did not bear thinking about to much at this point.
"We'll need to meet the next two nights to complete the ritual. Preferably somewhere private."
As a show of trust, she would allow him to pick the location. In the meantime, she needed to arrange to talk to someone in the Clan. Maybe Thaddeus would be a good choice? He was a steady one and would know just how big a mess she was in for.

"That should be fine." She considered him curiosly for a moment. Once the bonding was complete, there would be a bit more freedom for talking, but she didn't like him not knowing what to expect over the next few nights. "Please do not take this wrong, it is not meant to pry, but to prepare. There can be... sexual overtones or reactions sometimes. I hope that your preference in this area is for women." She blushed a bit, not sure how to explain. "It is not that sex is a part of this - but often the body will react..." Her voice trailed off, a bit flustered.
While she had never bonded with someone, she knew how she usually reacted to feeding. And the way many of her "victims" had. Not to mention a few lovers over the years. But this was a man that she barely knew... and she wanted no awkwardness between them if it could be avoided.
(ooc: I'm baaaaaaaaaack!)

"Yes, we should be going."
She needed to get back to the Manor. And make a phone call of her own. Sir John was going to love this mess, she'd gotten into. Steven paid the tab and she followed him out into the night, suddenly very tired. Too much in too short as time for her to really process and the night was barely half over. Wonderful. And she still needed to feed. Almost forgot that, she thought to herself, shaking her head.
She climbed back into the Jeep and started it up, deciding to head back to the area she had found Steven in. While she could find the right kind of mean here on the strip, she might as well kill two birds with one stone and do a little investigating at the same time. Maybe she could figure out what was going on, which would help keep her out of trouble.
(Ooc - out!)
(Over and out. Hey admin: lock please!!)