Welcome to the Jungle
[FONT=Verdana]The map was propped up where he could easily see it, a list of directions paper clipped over it. It was doubtful he'd actually need the map, but one never knew when you were dealing with MapQuest. Damn thing had a tendency to overlook important details - like roads that were closed for weeks for major construction. Cole ran his hand through his hair and resettled his glasses on his nose. He was between radio stations again, so had popped in some Guns N' Roses. It made for pretty decent driving music and was surprisingly soothing while on the road for hours on end. A glance at the trip computer and he started keeping an eye out for an exit with gas station. [/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana]Thirty miles later he found a mom-and-pop place and filled up while chatting with the "pop"Â? of the run down establishment. Cole liked little towns like this - the people tended to be friendly and would pause in their day to reminisce about whatever came to mind. He had no doubt it would be in stark contrast to what he would find the next day in Nachton. Waving goodbye, he climbed back up in the truck and went to start the engine, only to realize his keys were sitting edge of the bed over the gas tank. Growling a few choice expletives to himself, he got back out and retrieved him. Of all the things becoming a werewolf had changed in his life, he hated becoming a forgetful ninny the most. That he hadn't burned his house down yet was a miracle of luck.[/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana]The hotel that night was a national chain - nothing fancy and he opted to not think to carefully about the supposed cleanliness of the place. There were some things it was just better to remain ignorant about. His wakeup call was on time, though, and the coffee in the lobby area was actually pretty decent. The day was looking to start off right. He tripled checked his things, knowing he'd forgotten something (his electric razor, which he had to go back for - twice). Finally on the road again, he made good time into Nachton, arriving just after noon. [/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana]Traffic was decent, though he imagined that rush hour would be a pain. The first order of business, though, was to locate the museum where he would be working. Carefully noting landmarks as he went, Cole had the beginnings of his own personal map laid out in his mind by the time he found the large building. Employee parking was around back, but he would need a sticker for that. His appointment was for the next morning, so he headed to the hotel that the Kumpania had arranged for him tonight. It had been decided to give him a few days to settle in and then he would head out to meet them when he had his feet more firmly under him.[/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana]So with his thoughts alternating between the job that he would have and the pack he would meet, he made his way to the Grand Piazza, hoping that it was not as fancy as the moniker suggested. He could see Mark having set him up in some 5 star palace, knowing full well he preferred things quite a bit simpler. Either way, the kumpania had paid for a week. After that, he would either find a suitable house or be living in [/FONT][FONT=Verdana]the [FONT=Verdana]Vyusher R'asa[/FONT] [COLOR=black]compound. And the next phase of his strange life would begin.[/COLOR][/FONT]