Food for thought.

Rowland here, with some ideas for some OOC hell-raising. Now the FCC would kill me for most of my brianwaves, but I think these three are worth mentioning, and safe to bring up:
1. Anyone ever notice how things can get so quiet 'round here? I mean, there's no real big problems, unless a vamp and a human get into a fight, then all hell breaks loose. But most of the time, there's no cause for alarm. I say we change that. Maybe have an OOC event, where all-out war breaks out between vampires and humans, or something like that. And we can't forget our furry friends! The werewolves might have a hand in causeing absolute anarchy in this quiet little town.
2. Who doesn't like a good werewolf scare? Say they got themselves noticed. How would humanity react? Would there be an extermination? or would we be able to co-exsist in peace? That might be something to ponder...
3. Anyone notice how some people are just plain stupid, and always get themselves into trouble? What if you could take those 'tards down once and for all? We should do something along the lines of a revenge bash: locate some poor sucker who irritated you at some point, and get back at them. Payback's a bitch, ain't it? Or, heck, just mess with someone at random, maybe go for my hobby: walkin' down the street, shootin' people that I meet... Anyhow, my point is, a place to totally trash people while still RPing would be seriously awesome.

Maybe these rambleings of an insane redneck are not worth consideration, but I was wondering what Admin would think of some of this junk.

Sorry to waste your time people.

Shay 16 years ago
I'm always up for mischief, and mayhem, unfortunately so many of the other players are all embroiled in rl stuff atm...weddings, moving to other states, being in love , etc...and things just happen to be sorta slow.

I think one thing we need to do - just mho - is resolve our last crisis with the zombie plague, before we could really entertain another big forum wide event.

But I totally get wanting to have things moving...I'm ready too.
Ellis Duban 16 years ago
I'm about to put up the end thread for the zombie event so be prepared for that. As for starting a ruckus - everyone's welcomed to start their own storyline - whether it's romantic, a fight or whatever - just post an idea or talk to a couple people and ask if they're up for something like that. Any violence on the board, especially towards other players needs to be discussed and approved by all players involved. Any destruction to property just needs to be run by staff - just as long as entire buildings are totally demolished, minor damage is welcomed.

As for species revealing themselves to the public, the board wasn't set up with everyone have preexisting knowledge, but again if you had something specific in mind, feel free to post your idea for a storyline. After the zombie event, there are no other events planned but new story lines don't have to take place in the special event category.

Just let us know.
Steven 16 years ago
Entire buildings demolished? my kind of party! *loads weapon*

Anyway, you gave me a lot to think about Ellis. (And to think that I started this train wreak of a thread to make you think!) I thought the "species revealed" thing would do good in the OOC, cause that would really mess people up in the main flow of things, and, despite what you'd expect, that's the last thing I want.

Oh, by the way, Ellis, if you need a hand with finishing off the zombies, let me know. I am waiting with my trusty shotgun clenched in a deathgrip in my living yet cold hands.
Ellis Duban 16 years ago
Technically the zombie thread is still open even though it's drawing to a close. Feel free to make your way to Duibne and join in on the fun =)