FYI - AFK BBS! hehe
For those of you that don't frequent - I'm hurt. =( Also I'm moving, so after today I'm offline till probably wednesday unless I can sneak onto a public computer. I apologize to those that are waiting for the completion of the zombie thread, it will be finished next week after I reach my destination on Wednesday afternoon. I'll try to finish what I can today before we leave the house, but the movers are packing as I type this - and with the god damn door open. IM COLD!
16 years ago
I'm sorry you're injured, and I hope the move goes well.
16 years ago
Good luck with the final stages! And look at the bright side - you're moving to a warmer clime... where it snowed last week... oy.
Ellis Duban
16 years ago
Still without internet and only a business center located a half mile away to check email and PM's with. Direct any questions to Thaddeus or Aishe for a faster than 1 week response =x
16 years ago
well, at least you're still kicking. Good to hear form you, comrade.
Amberelle DeEspionne
16 years ago
*hugs* We miss ya! Here's hoping you 5 get into that house soon!
16 years ago
we misses yous!!! can't wait til you guys are settled in!
Ellis Duban
16 years ago
I'm back with internet now so I'll finally be completing the zombie event =x Stay tuned!
16 years ago
Welcome back hon!!
Welcome back hon!!
16 years ago
Amberelle DeEspionne
16 years ago
*dances and cheers*